HomeMy WebLinkAboutARNOLDS S12450 Onsite File Arnolds #512450 Rodney P Kinney Associates,inc. Consulting Enslsssrs t Snssssrs November 6, 2018 18-1861.00 Municipality of Anchorage 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Soil Report and Septic System Area Investigation c • ;? Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Section 19, Lot 26 To whom it may concern: Rodney P. Kinney Associates, Inc. (RPKA) performed a test pit, percolation test, and water level monitoring in the parcel with the legal description of T15N, R1 W, Section 19, Lot 26. The investigation has determined that a conventional system cannot be placed within the parcel,due to the shallow groundwater table(GWT). An advanced wastewater treatment system or a mound type system could be installed to provide adequate wastewater treatment. It is our opinion that these types of systems should likely prevent contamination to the GWT. The proposed re-plat of the subject lot will be roughly 2 acres which satisfies the minimum area requirement of Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Code 15.65.410.B. The investigation has determined that there should be sufficient area for a nonconventional septic system that meets the requirements of MOA Code 15.65.410.0.1. There should also be adequate separation distances from existing and proposed wells. A signed and stamped soils log and percolation test,including the Site Plan that shows the location of the percolation test and reserved area for the proposed subdivision are included with this letter. The Site Plan shows and demonstrates the following. 1. There are no developments on the proposed Lot 26. 2. Locations of existing wells, septic systems, test hole location, and other applicable features within 250 feet of Lot 26 and 27. 3. There are no conflicts with existing surrounding water supply well and septic systems. 4. Sufficient area to be reserved per MOA Code 15.65.410.C.1.to meet separation requirements from existing and proposed property lines, proposed wells, and existing wells. 5. There are no surface waters within 100 feet of any of the proposed septic system areas. The results of our test pit and ground water monitoring efforts is summarized below: • TH-1: Total depth of soil investigation was 7.75 feet. • Ground water was encountered at 6.75 feet at the time of excavation. After a 7-day groundwater stabilization the seasonal high-water level documented on October 22, 2018 was determined to be at 4.93 feet below ground. 16515 Ceutertleld Drive a Sults 101 ■ tall. liver,Alaska ■ 99571 907.694.2332 ■ Fax 901.694.1607 a www.rpks.aet Soil Report and Septic System Area Investigation Township 15 North,Range 1 West,Section 19,Lot 26 Page 2 of 2 • Bedrock and impermeable layers were not encountered, during the investigation. • A percolation test performed from 2.5 to 3.0 feet, below ground surface, determined a percolation rate of less than 1 minutes per inch (mpi). No presoak was performed. The wastewater application rate (gpd/sqft) for filter layers, per MOA Code 16.65.210.D.2. Table 2, falls between percolation rate ranges 1 to 5mpi and 6 to 15mpi. To satisfy MOA Code 15.65.410.C.1. and to be conservative the required reserved area for a non-conventional system with a filter layer should be, at a minimum, 12,000 square feet. See attached Site Plan showing the location and geometry of the reserved area for Lot 26. If you have any questions, please contact me at 694-2332. Sincerely, RODNEY P. KINNEY ASSOCIATES, INC. _________Th /ett. /4% `i iared Kinney, EIT, AK-CESCL Rodney P. Kinney,Jr., P.E., S.E. Principal Attachments: 'iv,� OF AL N\� • Lot 26 Soil Log—Percolation Test /%.S i....4 '`4•• �� • Site Plan /�:• . • . i\ *7 • Surround Lot's Soil Log—Percolation Test , 1,47 0 i1 ..Rodne •. Kinney Jr.: t / �.' . C 95 •tip/ RPK:jbk tI, r�we ,a,.�i '/ =i/ ' : Protes8t�_� �' _ O F A Municipality of Anchorage ,%. rllcluf`���s7��;` D• evelopment Services Department r/* ••,�.1- 1':7 Building Safety Division o..... ......eOn-Site Water and Wastewater Program """ 4700 Elmore Road / 5 ' �- � P.O.Box 196650 Anchorage,AK 99507 w�nw.ci.anchorage.ak us i ;.. RO) y P Kinney Jr. / (907)343-7904 ! c • CE 955 .•.4,� Soils Log - Percolation Test le '‘..*"./,/ o.4 .1 &c,,,�' Performed For. Josef Einboeck Date Performed: 10,'22'21 22'2ncw. Legal Description: T15NR1 W Section.191Lot 26 Township,Range. Section: Slope Site Plan Depth ORAMOI C.,- (Feet) (Feet) r'a.,r'orr 8'a01) Oft t) 1 :` 1 0 v -TAS ,S'/L7Y 612A+,FL 2- 0 cw (CT wt) ?;, 3- GREY CraAVEL L,''/ , 4- %/.n47 (Cr P) 5- 6- 7- s liar C>.E,-A c-4 Tt -1" �' WAS GROUND WATER 9- ENCOUNTERED? Yes s ' 10- IF YES,AT WHAT DEPTH? 6.75' t Depth to Water After o ' v 4.93 11- Monitoring? F 12- Date: 10/29/2018 13- 14- Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 15- 1 1012218 11:14.00 6" 16- - 11:15.62 1.62 min 12" 6" 17- 2 10/22/18 11:22.00 6' 18- 11:23.75 1.75 min 12' 6'. 19- 3 10.22+18 11:30.00 6' 20- 11:31.70 1.70 min 12" 6" PERCOLATION RATE<1 (minuleshnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" TEST RUN BETWEEN 2.5 FT AND 3.0 FT COMMENTS No presoak required,water percs less than 1 mpi.Water seeps away in less an 30 mins,perc rate very fast PERFORMED BY: Rod and Jared Kinney I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE: p-) Q r� - - I 200 - - - - - - 1 �� - - - - - PROPOSED LEGEND � O \ �� \ - SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY / LOT 20 �� OQ / \ I \ I FUTURE PROPERTY LINE Nr LOT 24 ,goo' �� / I R R�1p0' 1 - - EASEMENT / I `r LOT 23 , `l. LOT 22 �"� SEPTIC SYSTEM RESERVED AREA I POSSIBLE WELL LOCATION / ` 0/ 200 \ / \ \ ----' / LOT 21 EXISTING LEGEND II I BUILDING /?-4'100, ' BUILDING OVERHANG `\, ` '19 l 1 220 CONTOUR (10' MAJOR) - / \ /- I - CONTOUR (2' MINOR) - - EASEMENT V FUTURE LOT 26A \ / LOT 25 x\ 0 ry r") • X FENCE / / j ( g---...to / 220 \ `�' % GRAVEL DRIVEWAY /// \ i R,�OO' - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE // , ` 100'x120' 200 ' RESERVED AREA ( LOT 28 �o OHL OVERHEAD LINE Or ci){ ` ` (12000 Sf1I � l _-- fQ POWER POLE WITH GUY WIRE ��f�( I �' 20' y / 721'/;1: I SEPTIC SYSTEM • E::;3 ----..-__ ___--• /�j ��O l `7 / /d -TM1 TEST HOLE LOCATION 0. \ I / PROPOSED 15' FUTURE LOT 27D IPLOT 29 WELL \ f T&E EASEMENT 15' T&E EASEMENT NOTES: T / _ ,_A 1 — — -- -- - -- - - --- - - - 1. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY RODNEY P. KINNEY - - - - -- - - ASSOCIATES, INC. IN OCT.-NOV., 2018 INCLUDES WELL I LOCATE IN LOT 25, TEST HOLE LOCATE IN LOT 26A. AND ,';� SECTION LINE EASEMENT 30' RIGHT-OF-WAY M SECTION LINE EASEMENT SITE FEATURES IN LOT 27D. M KLONDIKE STREET M SECTION LINE EASEMENT 2. FEATURES OUTSIDE SCOPE OF WORK MAY NOT HAVE BEEN PROPO 30 RIGHT—OF—WAY _ _—_— o SURVEYED. TRAVIS ES TA TEs SUBD. I 3. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE BASED ' FROM RECORD DRAWINGS AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. LOT 42A \ �I, 4. CONTOURS BASED ON MOA 2015 LIDAR DATA AND ARE I- I 0 I '� L O T 38 240 APPROXIMATE ONLY. W / ��� ,��O6 I ■ I , 5. BUILDINGS BASED ON ++ate®��\\ j�e —t 230 MOA GIS DATA AND ,� OF A ll v` o ` frj ® AERIAL IMAGERY AND �. L4 1 '^ \ N % \ / -� LOT 41�` LOT 40 / 1[1- 22o IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. //��.."• `��'•.s 11'w �_ � l 1 % , / % �/ SII \ � L _ � - VA \ R=100' I I 9. I- I I R=100' I r LOT 39 f . ''..Rodney . Kinney Jr.. �� (� \r /i (1 �: CE7 55 4/ LOT 42B I ___., `/ 1 �� �� � CO ' \ / fess l° \ / ` \� ++ k. I `- - . // \ , I 1 P771 \ I / ([i \a�� 00...0 to .eK 1 GRAPHIC SCALERFKA JOSEF EINBOECK SOIL REPORT AND ��k ,A.D/SPK °° ° �° 100 FUTURE LOT 26A, SECTION 19, _ �j ON 19027 KLONDIKE STREET T15N R1 W, SEWRD MERIDIAN SEPTIC SYSTEM AREA SITE PLAN RPK FIGURE 1 � � CHUGIAK, AK 99567 INVESTIGATION OECEUBER 20, 2018 NM 1 inch = 100 ff NUMMI��a ,�,, - 100• S. - --..z___—� i { Aio 4QQ P — — — — I . 200 I. I /4 — - PROPOSED LEGEND ♦ i SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY OT / • I LOT 20 �Q LOT 24 /� ® FUTURE PROPERTY LINE / � Neil- l' I - - EASEMENT • / 1 0 -IC> LOT 23 I `' LOT 22. 2 I- - - - - - STING LEGEND /// 7--- y EXISTING / / LOT 21 ���������A BUILDING 20� ,� / - / - BUILDING OVERHANG Iv I l 220 CONTOUR (10' MAJOR) .S..:) , 1;1 ‘ `� I '2`P J CONTOUR (2' MINOR) f — - - - EASEMENT /• X FENCE c / Po ---- ot'.. - GRAVEL DRIVEWAY (Ni —po,LOT 25 N / , — no S • / — ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE A „,/ OHL OVERHEAD LINE FUTURE LOT 1 20i / LOT 28 Io Fp POWER POLE WITH GUY WIRE j e 1/ k , • _ I F—o— SEPTIC SYSTEM .• 1 / 0,94I / � WELL I • / c • p , t FUTURE L LOT 27D I - - r- P- •POSED 1 - • 7c,-,,sc LOT 29 , S12 4 5 0 - - J��,N l a • �, —- T& EASEMENT i-15' T&E EASEMEN - �— _ 1 ''``� SECTION LINE EASEMENT ' 30' r``�7 RIGH -OF-WAY CTION LINE EASEMENT � T.__ KLONDIKE STREET - - e -- �; 30RIGHT-OF—WAY i”' "' SECTION LINE EASEMENT �,� • - r- TRAVIS ES TA TES UBD. NOTES; I LOT42A 4I I 1. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY RODNEY I c=== LOT 38 P. KINNEY ASSOCIATES, INC. IN OCT.-NOV., W ❑ ---\''-----------------230--___________. 240 2018 INCLUDES WELL LOCATE IN LOT 25, TEST HOLE LOCATE IN LOT 26A, AND SITE 11.1 CC � 23p�� FEATURES IN LOT 27D. N \ o it LOT 41 o LOT 4O ® 220 2. FEATURES OUTSIDE SCOPE OF WORK MAY NOT ti1 ® HAVE BEEN SURVEYED. W � I • 3. EXISTING UTILITIES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING CC -0- --- I— / , ARE BASED ARE BASEOXIM:..i) OM TE RECORD DRAWINGS AND = �' / LOT 39Y. 4. CONTOURSBASED 0 I N CO 0 ON MOA 2015 LIDAR DATA CC 0 LOT 42B AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ._ m / 5. BUILDINGS BASED ON MOA GIS DATA AND -/// . I I V/A1 I P�!2jj AERIAL IMAGERY AND IS APPROXIMATE ONLY. I GRAPHIC SCALE !LD/SPK 100 0 50 100 JOSEF EINBOECK ARNOLDS SUBDIVISION M �+ Rpm19027 KLONDIKE STREET SECTION 19. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP - RPK FIGURE 1 on Ns — PCHUGIAK. AK 99567 T15N R1 W. SEWARD MERIDIAN at NOVEMBER 14, 2018 biq . OVAL 1•.100' ` 1 inch100ft. oratr eta MINTON I