HomeMy WebLinkAboutR MILLER LT 1#051-333-55 DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER and WASTEWATER PROGRAM 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 http://www.state.ak.us/dec/home/htm TONY KNOWLES, GOVERNOR Telephone: (907) 269-7696 Fax: (907) 269-7650 August 1, 2002 Jeffery A. Garness, P.E., M.S. Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject; Tract F, Lot 4, Fire Lake Subdivision, Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System Approval, ADEC Project Number 2307; Review Dear Mr. Garness: This is in response to,your submittal received in this office on:July 12 and 18, 2002 regarding the installation of a wastewater treatment and disposal system to serve a four bedroom duplex located on the above-referenced lot. I have completed my rev;~ew of the submitted information and have ~e following comments: The proposed wastewater treaunent and disposal system appears to be designed to meet the State Wastewater Disposal Regulations and Guidance. Therefore, in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations [18 AAC 72.200], construction approval, for the proposed system is granted. A Construction and Operation Certificate, with the construction section of the certificate signed, constituting this approval is enclosed. Prior to obtaining operation approval, the following items will need to be submitted for review and approval: 1. Verification that the installation of the wastewater treatment and disposal system was installed under the supervision of a Professional Engineer. 2. A completed copy of the Department's document entitled: "Certification of Construction for Domestic Wastewater Systems". Verification that the sand filter material meets the specifications of the sand liner material found in the State Wastewater Disposal Regulations. This will require that a minimum of two sieve analysis be submitted. One sand sample should be taken from each shallow wide soil absorption system. Jeffery A. Garness Page 2 08/01/02 4. Record drawings of the installed wastewater treatment and disposal system will need to be provided under the stamp of a Professional Engineer. The record drawings will need to verify soil classifications and vertical separation distances between the lowest part of the soil absorption system and the water table (as measured during the season of the year with the maximum water table elevation) along with underlying bedrock, clay, or other impermeable strata. This approval does not imply the granting of any additional authorizations, nor obligate any local, state, or federal regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Thank you for your coordination with this Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . Keven K Kleweno, P.E. Environmental Engineer Enclosures: As Stated Cc: Jim Cross, P.E., MOA, w/o Enc. ~" STATE OF ALASKA ! �.d Va DEPART ENTOF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSFRVAIIQN CONSTRUMON AND [3PFRA'!:ION CERTIFICATE FDI, DOMESTIC WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS A P TLCT At 307 A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or mod 1T1cation of dornestic wastewater disposal system located in , Alaska, �ubiniatl in awcordartce with I S AAC 72.210 by have been reviewed and are ElapPrnvetf. ctanditioz,ally ag o d (see attached conditions j. ,.� �h � f TFrLF. bhTF. If construction has not started witWn two years of the approval date, this certificate i5 void and new p1mis and specifications must be s Ebmitted for review and approval before construction, H. APPROVED C"ANGE ORDERS Change (contract order number or descriptive Wcrance) Approved by Datc C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPE FLA TE" sectian must bF completed and signed by the Department before this system is made avai[able for use. The oonsmiction of thewastewater dispasal sysccrn was completed per or pv`. 5-D3date). The system is hereby granters interim approval to operate forgo days following the romplaticn daic. rrrt As-auilerecord drtw0gs, submitted to the Department, or an inspection by the Depatmxent, has confirmed that the domestic wastewater disposal system was constructed in substantial confomtaur:e with the approved ptatts_ The system is hereby grunttd fns! approval to operate.. rfY 'UrtLE ti CE Distribu4rnt l R+~taja nTiginat fir prejec't Nle ?. Make vopie5 for dlstribuLio+n DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FRANK H. MURKOWSKI, GOVERNOR 555 CORDOVA ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Phone: (907)269-7519 Fax: (907) 269-7650 littp:Hwm,w.state.ak.us/dec/ DRINKING WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM December 30, 2003 Jeffrey A. Garness, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re: Tract F & G, Lot 4, Fire Lake Subdivision, On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal ADEC Project # 2307 Dear Mr. Garness: This is in response to the record drawings received in this office on November 25, 2003. The on- site wastewater system is serves a 5 bedroom duplex and a 3 bedroom separate home both located on lot 4. If Lot 4 is subdivided, you will need to provide an operational agreement to allow the wastewater system to continue to operate. A copy of the agreement must be provided to this office, showing how the owners of the subdivided parts of lot 4 will continue to properly operate the advantex wastewater system serving both the duplex and the single family home. I have reviewed the engineering drawings which detail the use of a 3,500 gallon Septic Tank Effluent Pumping (S.T.E.P.) tank, with a two AX -20 Advantex pods, and a soil absorption consisting of two 30 feet long 5 feet wide sand lined trenched which are noted on the record drawing to be over 4 feet above the localized groundwater and over 6 feet above bedrock or impermeable soil. From the information submitted it appears that the wastewater disposal system has been designed and constructed in accordance with State Wastewater Disposal Regulations. Therefore, in accordance with the State Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18 AAC 72.225), final operational approval for the system is issued. This approval does not imply the granting of additional authorizations nor obligate any state, federal or local regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in accordance with 18 AAC 15.195- 18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division Director in accordance with 18 AAC 15.185. Informal review requests must be delivered to the Division Director, 555 Cordova St., Anchorage, Alaska 99501, within 15 days of the permit decision. Adjudicatory hearings requests must be delivered to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, 410 Wiloughby Avenue, Suite 303, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 30 days of the permit decision. If a hearing is not requested within 30 days , the right to appeal is waived. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me at 269-7519. Respectfully, William R. Rieth, P.E. Environmental Engineer W RR Enclosure: As stated cc: David Johnson, DW/WW, w/o enc. STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFICATE FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AJ)LC t fz0sLc A. APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT 2 Plans for the construction or modification of located in by domestic wastewater disposal system , Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 72.210 have been reviewed and are approved. conditionally ap o d (see attached conditions): set TITLE DATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. B. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contract order number or descriptive reference) Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed and signed by the Department before this system is made available for use. le The construction of the ,3$ZE'q,� �• ,�, M-20'4 ,' /omestic wastewater disposal system was completed on /��r7/� 2(p�date). The system is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY I TLE DATE As-built/record drawings, submitted to the Department, or an inspection by the Department, has confirmed that the domestic wastewater disposal system was constructed in substantial conformance with the approved plans, The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. TITLE DATE Distribution: L Retain original for project file 2. Make copies for distribution ALASKA WATER 6� WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS. INC. November 19, 2003 State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Health Drinking Water & Wastewater Program 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 g k1L t,1iq/63 Subject: Approval to Operate for Tract G & F, Lot 4; Fire Lake Subdivision (ADEC Project Number 2307) To whom it may concern: The septic system upgrade for the referenced property was installed between August and October of 2002. We have been trying to have the owner's statement signed by the new owner. During construction, the property was an estate property that was being purchased by the current owner Everett Jay. Several attempts were made to have the new owner sign the owner's statement, but he has not returned a signed statement. Please contact Mr. Jay directly to have him sign the owner's statement. The last phone numbers we had for him was 332-1690 or 242-1690. During construction, verbal approval was obtained from Keven Meweno to connect both the duplex located on Tract F, Lot 4 and the single family residence located on Tract G, Lot 4. Also, per our phone conversation with Mr. Kleweno, it was verbally approved for the septic system to be sized for a total of S bedrooms. We request that an "Approval to Operate" be issued for the septic system on the referenced property. If you h+e any further questions, please call us at 337-6179. P.E.. M.S. 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 *Anchorage, AK 99507 Ph: (907) 337-6179 * Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: akwwc.com �tinle. f 77dis aeirrrHr uhe�erdhEdigr�a�lh�: u CcrfrficXilnnru+Jar, 1'rylsrarrae►xf �'rgguaecr, L+EL'sk�ff +� fh�grar:Flui�r ? .4fl IMAIW W010 ?Vk&M MW Ir—OP,-1M-'fdWrfiVg9,wdprvu R+civarrrw0krn piet6A [''!U&wwaVdl'arkafk•uiiMRPrmrr ft—fw 4wt& rrqutre+m,ue. I.ratr itunved STATE OF ALAS LA DEPAItrI'MENT Off' EN V1RONM&N T'A1, CON SEftVA•FIciN DOC UMENTATI ON OF MNSTRUTwnON 1. �2LENERAL INFORMATION I Lt;_al Dcwrrptitm tat the l.tx�aiivn Snhm fitted by- LAKE SUBDIVISION; LOT 4. TRACT F ❑ CL tiiis^d lMlailer ❑ Approwd Ilomeowner .FIRE - Rcgiswrcd I=ilvTLoorY InSMl ler 'w;nae: Onsite "cwu<erSystem 5en•es: ALASKA WATER _ dr_ WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS * SinFle l amily• NumNrofBrdrooms :,3 Mal Ing Ac rrss W Duplex. Num6k.T vl-8,:d>;oc}ms _ 5 3701 E TODOR ROAD, SUITE 101 Lj Smell Commercial Vxiliv With 1•;43timatod ANCHORAGE, AK 59507 _ Design RLI-A k;l-IcsS LhOt 5130 GPD. 11. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (SECTION 11 IS OPTIONAL) e of woer ww Corir intro l (('beDk all ihm Apply) 7pe of 14atcr Supply System I rcabneru of 3A' niur IL honk all the APPYY) ❑ 11ra 1lhdT•rLhrj%wV ❑ RwEicaokno) Q RuorC&ICYII M RF•'raipi— ❑ Krine ❑ l'hlsmrminm ❑ Fdtmann ❑ r4{R,rT81 PC ❑ llaldm@ JmJr ❑ fAhcr(fi6rnrd) ❑ Puhtu Q ahcr Is the hrl la Stf lm wall 2Lwrim khan 12" ON5%, Iter ivi irnl° NO Tx s sv,i seal pr well 1q�ksralltd+ well Yea Q `lo k drii 1l,t14;`t 74wav ra" nd ahownd !hC In ltln i1 77{tiWi OI 1 Icri of l}x WCI I casd r' yo 'iu Ts well wires enclosed iu oprnluill Yed No L}atr Y]ri a llegth of 14'ct f{f6rJ Stadc W eerJ Yictd (.y a%-af1ahfry pm p Rate {ij .—fdhle) Sepa[ awn OULanic I ran the Woll COi_rig to caLh oflfw Follawirip,i kiKcq of CoiqpMgian P1TC; mg rank on Lal !;= of A sarphnn Arca on La I rpt Frdcs vwA SkV6r? u Iktg'i'tink an Adjaceni Lvi St ewor ]fLCS oaA 3 n1 I Fort S[ CC O an 9ngnon mann ASI Fert tdrdieVe StiP Wf0H dkSiwn.•e liUm [OAK MUHC[ l Ihng 1ud rntrkc• pa=H. lubnuw2s aad utlxr On Lal {h7 Adjacmi Lar r+cu uremn bagW rm�ieti lda_ at�cisles- fun ca. ur 1—i-win w wel! et;nng: Fe water S=p1r-5 Tuk n is: I] Fluyer ❑ kngto IJ Bnkct ❑ Grnrr aTteakt Cita Addr Vt�a# mple lta�tllls; h copy ❑ Sw[isfaao - DaLc CI Unsatisfarto - C+aw Camra Lq1[% R ecnmroan datl nn9: *RECEIVED VERBAL APPROVAL FROM KEVEN KLEWENO TO CONNECT BOTH THE DUPLEX AND THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO THE NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM. ALS) VEREIAL APPROVAL WAS OBTAINED TO SIZE THE SEPTIC sYSTcm FOR A TOTAL OF 8 BEDROOMS. thg mpvidw In sectian IV. is enrrecr 3i ,iYlu,r T}pod'Prtnrod N: Tit ItatL` JEFFREY A. GAkRNESS, P.E. jP1`l?0FE5SI0NAL ENGINEER �tinle. f 77dis aeirrrHr uhe�erdhEdigr�a�lh�: u CcrfrficXilnnru+Jar, 1'rylsrarrae►xf �'rgguaecr, L+EL'sk�ff +� fh�grar:Flui�r ? .4fl IMAIW W010 ?Vk&M MW Ir—OP,-1M-'fdWrfiVg9,wdprvu R+civarrrw0krn piet6A [''!U&wwaVdl'arkafk•uiiMRPrmrr ft—fw 4wt& rrqutre+m,ue. 4 1 Lll. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL legal Description: FIRE UAKE SUBDIVISION: LOT 4, TRACT F I'y'pe of R WWWater System: ❑ Septic Tank with Convmtlonal Snit Absorption Synew 0 Package Trea=m Plant [requires mgmccncd dcs9gnl I-3 Holding Tank: MULL-Aal Type: tiire in Gallons; MmtuFacn=.. _ C3 Other- Specify 1'ylse, ❑ Altcrmte0mito (raFtms engineered design) SrwW Ccvnr=rcial 5vstt'm (<500 GPU) Wlth F.stiirnacd 114 y Wo-stewAter Flow of Gmllons PcrDay (UPD) Criteria Eked to Estimate Dally Wastewater (,quantity': _ ■ NEW SYSTEM ❑ IUJ'AlR [LI L? ISTING SY5T-M C'erlit!LJ lnstaJILT rtstallatlon \citiiicatiort [.late: -Nmenf lnsUaller COO CONSTRUCTION ❑i]te lnstall0d: 8/15/02--10/5/2002 System ImAk}Llvd: ❑ 13y a Rt gistcmd Engineu M With Insnoction by a Itegistered L''ngipeeT ❑ By Approved tlomeowned (attach copy CrapmvUl [carr[ ❑ By aCe tified Inarailerrin-stallarNumber Swptic Tank: malmiai: Mf iLl1wtutu. SIM ((fallonr)' Nwnher Irl'{'9trtpar1i1cnt5: STUL S.T.E.P, ANCHORAGE TANK 3500 2 Topa nfSoil Ah.wrptinn System- ❑ Dccp Trrrtch M ShallowTmTa 0 Swpagc Pit ❑ Bcd ❑ Moruid M Mer. Specify ADVANTEX TREATMENT SYSTEM Soil Ciassificatissn: SM ML Soil Rating: 4,0 GPO SQ.FT. J]ImenslonVSize ofAbsarpdonAMR' 2 O 30' LONG x 5' WIDE t_4 radim&5ize of Di.seriba6un R&..L 4" TO 2-1 2" 'Chid-necsfDepth of Di stribation RoL1.- 0.5' Perco[oun Tcsi 1 csults, Attach Ct)py of lieport, Pcrcoladvii Test Perfarmtd by: JEFFEEY A. GARNESS, P.E. <1 & 2 mtnuzeS Qr Tmc: NA SL[. R. PCF lkdetx}m envlatrnn iesl rrsutrr must brsGttrd �i� � e rc�ntcr�d crcetr3crl List ground cmcr in feet over Sepl is Tatilc: 4'+ Absorvaun Arcw *3'+ Sewer Pipes, 4'+ Cleanoui Pipesli'a#4ln5trrlli-tl: Foundation Cleanout YES ' eptle'I ank: YES Muniiar Tuba: YES Indieaw scnamliun distsmces foot scptia tank oral*sorption area, wbichever is alnsest to, to all ncarby: I}uhllc d6rikingwmersources within 200 fret: 200'# 1'3ivpte drCrtkiagwatCrsources within 104 fecr.t 100'+ \aarrsi ;�--zacr Wdies (see 18 AAC 72.02U(h1): 100'+ Lul Lina: 10'+ %eptuation Llislancr from OnU Smur Lira_.*: tW: 10()'+ PriVaTC Snurcas= 25'+ &L -pmt! an Distm= fktm Ilotttrm of Distribution Ruck to; GmtrndwaterTable- 4'+ &drxk. V+ Separaii,+sn 1D0tmov Lrtm Absorption Area to Slope exceeding 25%: 5 p'+ Commcvis+Remmmendatinns: *THE DRAlNFIELDS AND ALL SEWER UNE3 WERE INSULATED. /'—� I I / fl .t<ttilp Ll at th i orm 'nn, and that pmvidr6 in Scct.ian IV, is curmur: 5 n I'yporUE'nnta3 YamrTitle, Rt$.•i rur Nu , 1ml rtio. Qoi .[LFFR£V A. GARNESS, P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER if wuerrdFred uifer,]ru A'.5'Jf1011�fR 11rLT,t7LL'u nF.�pproredYrmeawletfi lex Nreer.Agwv,��r.l�a}umMdxu+r+g. .�„�rrr.w� Fi k Yea FJ c bJi�[JFs rl�'6,jIW1 fie �.N,�,kmi fru i:,r�r nirs.sui e+�lx��fknG F 1 SEAL HaWx�r�! �Arofesa�ufbli LIN- ///UPP R �FIRE LAKE {, LJNE UNDER DRIVEWAY i WAS INSULATED INFFH 4. OF 6LUMARD I I STALL STREAM (APPNQX- L4CAT*N) f } 100 it TM# Y r INSTALLED DOUBLE MH cLExNau�� WTI iRIT1 O. LOT 3; FIRE LAKE SID EN ISTING ti WELL 1 3f'A� i NOPE; SEPTIC SYSTEM WAS SIZED FOR A a BEDROOM SYSTEM. r � •.� y - EXISTINI; WELLS r NEW 3506 GA♦ LON AI)VAME% TREATme T SYSTEM WITH DUAL. j' PODS AND PUMP VAULT, /DRAIII DRAINI`11_05 MATlr11/19/2003 llrmm lay. AJL�SKA WATER & WASTEWATER .I CONSULTANTS, INC. � — -� �1 — 50' F TLI�C�Z R+SAjI SL AHC'7C1'b:Gt, m �45E7 • _ IONL '+?.-'+iS+-Glfir' V -AA t4:;?1,3E-ULbPREPARED POR' ESTATE OF LILLIAN STEVENS PHIIN� HU41BER; PAGE NumSM c/o .BOE PEROZZI w REMAX OF E.R. 694-4240 1 OF 2 urGiL ❑FSCRIPTIpN.TRACT F, LOT 4,; FIRE LAKE SUBDIVISION T'PE OF WORKAS—BUILT OF' SEPTIC UPGRADE (ADVANTE SYSTEM) •,p "J�f r� •J1" Ga es nn iAH2 MTT 1 �$-64 125,5 1£x4.0156,51 1,fT2 118k4B 176-33 MT_3 MT4— 164,22 154,4T 1-90-94 180-76 —1,53` AS -BUILT DRAWING FINAL GRADE TOP OF PODS TOP OF MANHOLE TOP OF WAH44E (Sri) — 99.4'3---\ — 98.78-99-79 _\ (mms) = 98.99 {MK2) = 98-53--\ TOP OF TANl( (INLET) = 92.19 INLET IhIVERT OF BUNG (INLET) = 91.54 3 VaNn-ORING TU13� -- rLTER FABRI 0,3' EFFECTK- 2 FOF SRNs EE F1 L& TOP OF SANG FILTER — 99.64 - W7MM OF SAND FIUTIER r 97.114 - TWO 0 ' ADVANWTEX -�l f 1L17 FLOAT NEW 3500 GALLON STEEL S.T.E-P, TANK FINAL GR WF; rt 1(14.6+ FINAL GRADE INVERT OF DISTRIBUTION = 103,B+ .INE = 101,11 /—INVERT OF D15TR10llTI0H UNE — 100-14 INSU LATJON ORIGINAL GRADE FILTER FABRIC 99-64- (HIGH) t],S' EFFECTK—T TO ORENCO PUMP VAULT IuWT4RINIG TUBE ORIGIN AL GF E 144,61 {HSN) DATE: 11/19/2003 'k DRAWN 13Y: +i. ..SIU NN'SF x R ALSTE'NN ISCALE-.{'i-/.�.L.fwf. CONSULTANTS, INC � N.T.S, '?41 E fJUCR voi%r _:L ANC jCW.0E. AK 49567 •-liDNE'907MY-b1 Y7 ..x ;w' -_5F '•a_?, PR{PAR¢I) FOR: ESTATE OF LILLIAN STEVENS PHONE NUMBER; PAGE NUMBER-, c/o JOE PEROZZI w/ REMAX OF E.R. 694--4200 2 OF 2 LEGAL DESCRIF FPDN: TRACT F, LOT 4; FIRE LAKE SUBDIVISION 1YPE OF WORK: PROFILE AS—BUILT QF SFPTlC UPGRADE - 2 FEET OF * cl 953 e p SAND FILTER r retPs9l�n c� # TDP OF SAND o La r # FILTER = 10161_/v ' #i =:p ROTFDM CF SAND FEFT— " , FILTER = 98.41 + FEESJ fX)TE: TrI€ OISTR13LMON UINES ARE 1.25 INCH SCH 40 AYC ynTH 1/4 INCH HQLES DRILLED EVERY 72 INCH ON G`E" (15 }TOLES PER {,f,TERA 34 HOLES TUTAL , DATE: 11/19/2003 'k DRAWN 13Y: +i. ..SIU NN'SF x R ALSTE'NN ISCALE-.{'i-/.�.L.fwf. CONSULTANTS, INC � N.T.S, '?41 E fJUCR voi%r _:L ANC jCW.0E. AK 49567 •-liDNE'907MY-b1 Y7 ..x ;w' -_5F '•a_?, PR{PAR¢I) FOR: ESTATE OF LILLIAN STEVENS PHONE NUMBER; PAGE NUMBER-, c/o JOE PEROZZI w/ REMAX OF E.R. 694--4200 2 OF 2 LEGAL DESCRIF FPDN: TRACT F, LOT 4; FIRE LAKE SUBDIVISION 1YPE OF WORK: PROFILE AS—BUILT QF SFPTlC UPGRADE * cl 953 e p r retPs9l�n c� Mt.—xipality of Alic. L-orage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L' Slreet Rrck Mystram. RO. Box T96650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Mayor nnp:Y+vww.0 S r►C hgFdgQ, ak_us ENGINEER BULL EUN 20UO-1 July 7, 2000 TO: Eagineers involved with the Design, Inspectiou and construction of On -Slee Water and Wastewater Disposal Systems. SUBJECT: I. Application rates for Advanced Wastewater System Technologies. 11. Requirements for the Resign and Installatiao of HDPE Septic Tanks. 1. Effective ir=ediately, application rates for all approved advanced wastewater system technologies will be calculated according to the fallowing table: All Categories must use a sand filter layer in grovel soils which have a percolation rate of less than 1 minute 9ff_i*K1 Soil Percolation lute Category U System Category III System 1-5 4 gal.ldaylft 6 gal.fdayl- 6-15 3 gal,ldayffli 5 gai.ldaylft 16-30 2 gal.ldaylfi 4 gaUdavlft 31-60 l gal./day/ft' ? gal.fdaylft 64-120 0.5 .zai,ldayffk 0.5 9,al.ldavl bate: The above application rates are valid for systerns using a d1s arge pump only. Systems using gravity feed only shall be allowed 50% of the above application Nates, For clarification, Category 11 Systems currently approved include the Bi Cycle System and the Reactex (Upflow) Filter System- Category III systems currently appro d include the Intermittent Dosing Sand Filter. II. Effective immediately all permit design submittals for the type of septic tank proposed for use (steel, concrete or 1 using HDPE septic tanks shall include seasonal high water location of the septic tank. Mate also that the maximum bu from top of tank to finish grade. If the tank type is chang i DHHS must be notified, and the necessary ground water r sub ' ed prior to installation. ' inc rely, am s Cross, P Program Manager, On -Site Services aste ater disposal systems must state D? ?. All permit design submittals le Information for the proposed ial depth for I4DPE septic ranks is 4 feet to HDPE ager the perntit is issued, the I burial depth information roust be 0