HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAND LAKE #1 LT 2A,Sand Lake Lot 2A #011-111-30 • Municipality of Anchorage fi '• , 1 ' Development Services Department"' *a Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 S. Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page of www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number:_5%V006 PID Number. 011—ill-5a Name: IN �Rt'�'aL Wastewater System: y El New [Upgrade Address 5o t v(i a42 A ABSORPTION FIELD Phone, Number of Bedrooms: La! Osep TrerxT O Shalbw Trench p Bed O Mound p Glner: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sod Rating Total Depth from original grade: P IF t Ft. Block: Lot c Subdivision: ^ SAty K 1'T Depth to pipe bottom from original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe: Ft. Ft Township: Range: SerLort FID added above original grade: Gravel Length: .,-./... ..ZFI. n � b2._11 Fl. Well: New El Upgrade, Gravel widUt 3 Number of Mss: Distance between lines: Ft. I-- Ft ClassifiationPrivate. A. B. CR Total Depot -67 Cased to: Total absorption vac Pipee Material: Ft. 72- FL 0 Ft' ` r 8 16 j Jo 3 Driller. ALP, N1115 Date orabd: -17-03 1 Stade water Level: 78 FL Installer. Pot.vt k��I1D�rD%r7'03 Date totalled: J I Yield. Pump Set at: Casing Height Above Ground: TANK GPM 07 rO Ft. �Z FL SEPARATION DISTANCES [2/Septic ❑ Holding ❑ S.T.E.P. ❑ Other. To Septic Absorption Lift Holding PubliciPrlvat Manulaaurer. Capacity From Tank Field Station Tank Sewer line A yLGLI I CLsrl IC IZ5p Gal. Well10 ,/ Materlat S*� Number ofCompanments- Surface Water 150 t 6b ✓ ✓ LIFT STATION Lot Line 1 1] All Size. Manufacturer. Gal. Foundation 1 r% 9 s9 q L/ e✓ 'Pump on' level aL 'Pump off al High water alarm al. yr / Oma' h . tt In. Curtain Drain ✓ ✓ ✓ .� Pump Make S Model cblal Inspections performed by. Remarks: BENCH MARK 0 1 Li o Location and Desrnpuort _ o -Foom Blot Lan. Assumed Elevation: 'C_ F ICOOLOL /� .( a�Fd' LCA, Enkipp e-Altamp eee OMNeeae• s / Inspections performed by:l . S Dates: 1'I [ 1 p 103: •»• '� "o 2nd 1O'1"j 03 Development Services Department es, ri ..•..«.«w T Approval �,= ja Date: /039' R(Itteviewed and approved by: !ZI ra �� •► pROFfS51a LINE I I -¢- Well I LOT 1 I I LOT 1 LAKEL T2 I Aowm sT TANK Well I I I 2- I I I I I �-eFaQloo�1 s1�e erNCN uARx I ^, a MNM� I I I I I 1250 GIL`SF&-ArMK WN &qw sm7rV I N .5 slffw IES I 2FT [OYVG.�, AC 42 Well BC 24.7 AD 55 i T — BO 32 I 11\YI OfAE 75 54 _ _ Ar n vm I� 80TH. AVE. 40 Z ( �...........49th...................::.. �•�---- ���% TOB N SPURKLAND � 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 �1� No. CE -2225 SCALES 1' = 5 FT. ��� ..•° '�•" eENcN �' Tov rouNVA1wN •��1� SSi ..��• ASMUMm MAWN.• 1010.00 FT T08BEN S URKLAND P.E. 203 W 15TH. AVENUE LOT 1 SAND LAKE SID I SEPTIC SYSTEM AS BUILT DA TE. OCT ANCH. AK. 99501 TIM RITTAL SHEET. 2/3 23, 200�22� 907 279-3916 5031 VEST 80TH. AVE. PERMIT # SVO300208 PID # 011-111-30 SLK002A2.DVG Standard Trenches, 2' Wide 62.5' Long 13' Beep 6' Sewer rock 7' Cover NO SCALE 1 NA 1250 GAL ' 49th Foundation Clean MEN SPIRKLAND No. CE -2225 05. 95.9 SILT BAfi /ER W. '•' 90. .:a.•:•. •a•�•�• TESTHOLE DEPTH 84 NO SCALE 19 FEET 1250 GAL AS BUILT BENCH MARK. TDP FOUNDATION ASSUMED ELEV 10000 T❑BBEN SPURKLAND P.E.203 LOT 1 SAND LAKE #I SEPTIC SYSTEM SCHEMATIC Anchorage Avee Ak 99501 TIM R/TTAL DATE, OCT. 23, 2003 An5031 KST BOIN AVE SHEETi 3/3 GRID, 2224 PERMIT SVO30208 PID 011-111-30 SLK00243.DWG OCi-2!-v; iiJs 10:47 AY o Ar Rick Mystrom Mayor TIM -AND -AX -E TTAL rAX:9072437346 PAGE 2 municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 'LP P.O. Box 19W50 Anchorage, Street 99519.6650 t+ltp JMMw,ei,anq.oape.ak. us Permit Number: #tSR.l 03� Date of issue: k: dentification 3 rle Date Stat!: 9 15 3 �_ Parcel INumbrr; 11-111-30 Legal Dcsctiption: 0 Dtttr Contpletedi 9 Is well Icw:ued at approved pernlit location? 91 yes �J No S,nd_ L_ _#1Lof2A Property Owaer Name & Address: Tim Rittal & Ann Seldl 5031 W 80th Borehole Data: Soil Type, Thickness it, Waler Strata stick-up silt sandy silt Silty sand veet silty sandy gravel 6 gpm silty silt sandy silt with layers of silty water Silly water sand & gravel clay water sand & gravel clay Depth (ft) From To 2 12 80 758 161 204 322 350 355 12 80 158 161 204 322 350 355 Method of Drilling ® air rotary [IcY ab- le tool Casing h -pe: steel Wall1hickncss; 250 inches Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 372 feet Liner type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet Static water level (from ground level): 78 feet Pumping level: -370 feet after 2 hours pumping 25 gpm Recovery Rate: 2.5gptn Method of Testing: ,gam 372 Well Intake Opening Type: 372 ® Open End ❑ Open Hole ❑ Screened Stag feu Stopped feet ❑ Perforations Start feet Stopped fret Grout Type: hen_ lonit_r g tY Volume: I Depth: Stan 0 feet Stopped 20+ feet Pump: Intake Depth feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ® Yes[] No Method of Disinfection: Comments: Well Driller: Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attentiun: The well driller shall provide awell log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the prop", r.. .. P pew, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Upgrade Permit Number: SW030208 Legal Description:CSand Lake11 Lot 2AJ Design Engineer: 0007 Tobben Spurkland, PE Owner Name: Tim Rittal & Ann Seidl Owner Address: 5031 W 80th Anchorage , AK 99502- Date Issued: Jun 23, 2003 Expiration Date: Jun 22, 2004 Parcel ID: 011-111-30 Site Address: unknown Lot Size: 27087 SO. FT. Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: 0✓ Disposal Field Q✓ Septic Tank Holding Tank [j Privy Private Well F-1 Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, seated, and heated to prevent freezing. 1012-//0rO f (a S E w F r? le -G C/tC� S *A4P V&)o Received By: Issued By: s G 2.S iL aa6, w� rf1 Date: 47, 10.7— Date: 2 3 03 Municipality of AnChOrage Development Services Department BUilding Safety DiVision ~ On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage;ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL pERMIT APPLICATION F°R A SINGLE 'FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. Property owner(s) ! ~ ~1 Mailing address (1) . Mailing address (2) Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Permit Number SW O ~ ~ ~- O~ Day phone Zip Code LotSize '-~'[~ ~5'") Acre~ THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only [] Sewer and Well [~ Sewer Upgrade [] THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub [] Swimming Pool r-'! Therapy Pool [] Number of Bedrooms Well Only. [] Water Storage [] Jacuzzi [] Water Softening Unit [] I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. Permit Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: (Rev. 12/00) (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) ~ ~ Waiver Fees: ~'/1 t~/~ ,,-'Date of Payment: ~'7 ~&O~ ~ Receipt Number: 203 W 15th. Avenue, Suite 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 Fax (907)-276-6013 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN LOT 2A SAND LAKE S/D #1 TIM R1TTAL Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Bragaw Street Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 June 19, 2003 We are submitting an application for a well pem~it and a septic system upgrade for this lot. The submittal consists of three O) drawings showing the present improvements on the lot and the adjo'ming properties, (sheet 1/3), the proposed improvements of the lot, of which only the well and the septic system are subject to this permit application, (sheet 2/3), and a schematic of the septic system, (sheet 3/3). Soil logs and percolation tests of applicable testholes are also enclosed. The septic system design is based on the following: No Ground Water or Impervious Layer to 19 ftc. Use Standard Trench Soil Rat'mg. From Test hole 07/12/02 8 rain/in = 0.8 gal per sq. it/day No. of Bedrooms 4 Required Area per Bedroom: 150/0.8 --- 187.5 sq.fL Total area required: 187.5 x 4 = 750 sqft Testhole depth 19 feet Bottom Rock At 13 feet Top Rock At 3 feet Rock Depth 10 feet Minimum Trench Length 750 / 20 = 37.5 fL SYSTEM CONFIGURATION STANDARD TRENCH TOTAL LENGTH 37.5 FT TOTAL WIDTH 2 FT TOTAL DEPTH 13 FT ROCK DEPTH 10 FT COVER 3 FT SEPTIC TANK 1250 GAL The installation of this well and septic system will not prevent wells and septic systems from being installed on the adjacent lots. There are no developed or natural surface / sub surface drainage courses on this or the adjacent lots. The proposed septic system will not change the general slope of the area. Pending and/or concentration of surface runoff will not result from this installation. ! LIlT 50 0 VACANT 100 150 ~ 250 ~ SCALD I' = lO0 FT. TOBBEN SPUNK/AND P.E. 205 J~ 15Tt'/. AVENUE ANON. AK. 99501 (90Z) 2Z9-S9~ SEPTIC SYSTEW DESIGN DATE: JUNE I9, 20O$ SHEET: 1/$ GRID: 2224 PERMIT # Sh/OSOOXXX PIB # 011-111-16 SLKOOOll. DW6 LDT 1 L~KE S~ ~ ~ Rrell L(]T 1 TOBttEN SPURKLAND P.E. 203 W 15[Iq. AVENUE ANCN. AK. 99581 LINE L SEPTIC TANK 4-GED~OOW 1250 GAL'~L~PTIC TANK STANDARD ~ =z.5 FT LO~;.'... Io FT OF $EI~ 'ROCK LOT TIll R/HAL 5031 WEST 80TH. AVE, SEPTIC SYSTEIt DESIGN DATE: FEB. 5, 2003 SHEET: 2/3 GRID: 2224 PERMIT # SWOSOOXKK PID # 011-111-16 SLKOOOI~.BW6 1250 ~AL Founc/at;ion Clean out Non/for Clean Standard Trenches: 2' Vide 37,5' Long 13' Deep 10' Se~er rock 3' Cover NO SCALE TESTI-IOLE DEPTH 19 FEET 7- NO SCALE 1250 6AL BENCH MARK. ASSUMED ELEV. I00.00 I TDBBEN SPURKLAN9 P,E, 203 Vl5~h Ave Anchorage Ak 99501 ~7~-~91§ PER~IT ~ SWOSOXX , LOT 15SAND TII~ RITTAL 5031 FtEST 80rtt. SEPTIC SYSTEM SCHEHATIC DATE, JUNE20, 2003 SHEET, $//3, GRIg, 2224 SLKOOO I ~ DR~ Pro ! ou-111-~6 Performed For: Legal Description: )ep' ~ Fe~ 1- t/t 5- 10- .c 13- ~ '~ 20- COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On. Site Water and Was[ewe[er Program 4700 South Bragaw P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, AX 99519-6650 www.ci.anchoraqe.ak.us (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Slope Date PedDled: ~ - ~ Township, Range, SecUon: Site Plan WAS GROUND WATER E,NCC'U,"~T~. REO? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water AFter Monitoring?Oale: LO PERCO~_ATION RATE ~ tmiaules.'~e.r.:',) FERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT A,ND ~ FT PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE I,"'/~T H ALL STATE AND MUN~,CtPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON T;5fS DATE. DATE: ~:~//"]