HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VILLAGES TIDE VIEW LT 2 Address; 2q8- q3o~ · Municipality of Anchorage Page I of 3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection.Report. Permit Number: 5t~Cl20 IS2. PIDNumber: O2OOCl Wastewater System: [] New ~ Upgrade Lot: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ABSORPTION FIELD Deep Trench ." Shallow Trench_~f-'l Bed [] Mound ~i[Other 1.0 c, nn~q Ft 2. S' ~ ~ TIlE VILL4G~.S 'TIDEVIE~v 2.0 Township:j J N IRange: '5 w' Isec'''~:~ F,I, added above originall grade: WELL:E~ST~GD New ~ Upgrade aravelwidm. ~vr. 131 F~ SEPARATION DISTANCES F, Itt Ft Gravel length: ~ X25! '- IOO' ~=t I Number ct lines: F'-$10 q'P~c ptelr . Well IqO' t35' IHo' -- 12o' Surlace ~.1o~ ~,1013' Water ~'/oo' ~ ~/o0 ' LOt , Foundation =0' ?.~* ~0t -- 0 Cu~ain Drain ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Remarks: TANK n Holding ~S.T.E.P. Cabecily in gallons: ANCHo[~A~c "rANk 1:2 SO Material: Number of Combe~Iments: ST£EL LIFT STATION "Pump olr' level al; High water alarm BENCH MARK ~Eo~b FZooE ~NDo~ Inspections performed by: Fz4TroP '~£OJ ~V¢~__ Dates: lsL_~/s/'~z 2nd '& Department of Health and Human Services approval Reviewed and approved by:~/~-"~" ~:~,~...~c,~.. Date: I Ass"mad ElevatiOn:~ c0 · O rt ENGINEER'S SEAL Permit.No. ~;h/' C~2Ol$2 Page '2 o! ~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343'474~4 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: /.oT 2 T#£ VlZl ~ALE: I = $O CREEK / . CLEtl~o~T ~ .-?lattoP Technical Servlce~ 1~,530 Echo Street Afichorage, Alaska ggSlB ENGINEER'S SEAL Permit No. 5k/ 92OI $'2. Page ~ of S Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-47,~4 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report LegalDescription: /..oT 2, 'TEE VII. I./~GE'5 , TIDE'VI£k/ PIDNo.: 0200qlq6 ENGINEER'S SEAL ~/~top Technical Services 14530 Echo Street ' ""' IMSPECTIO~I ~EPORT HUHICIBALITY O~ ANCHORAGE~ BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 3500 EAST TUDOB ROAI) I~SPEC~IONS (00?)563-3464 IN,OBlAtION (g07)786-8~11 ~A~E: ELECT AND CON~T AND CONSULT PEPHIT ~: 92-792~ , ADD,riSS: 16840 TIDE VIEW DB I't~ONE ~: 344-5130 LO~: ~ BLOCK: SUBD: ~HE VILLAGE ~IDE VIEW COHH~i~: ?" WHI!~?/COBBECTIONS ABE MADE, PLEASE CALL FOB I~ISBECTION ' THIS ~07 IC~. QPTECHNI AL SER JCES CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGLNEERLNG · ENERGY CONSERVA~N & ~ ~O~RE F. MOORE, P.E. 14~30 ECHO ST. PH: ~07) 345-1355 August 17, 1992 ~CHO~GE, ~ 99516 M.O.A. DHHS P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to supplement the information shown on the enclosed as-built inspection for the upgraded wastewater disposal system for Lot 2 of The Villages - Tideview S/D (permit number SW920182). At the onset of the installation process it was discovered that the existing waste line exiting the building was at a significantly greater depth than anticipated in the design, and it was not possible to replumb this waste line to achieve gravity distribution as had been originally planned. This necessitated the substitution of a 1250 gallon STEP tank for the 1000 gallon septic tank which had been planned. We coordinated this substitution with DHHS on 8/3/92. The electrical hookup was done by ECC, with the high level alarm box mounted inside the building; the Municipal electrical inspection report is attached. The discharge line from the STEP tank to the highest drainfield is 1.25" dim Schedule 40 PVC. The soil absorption drainfields went in substantially as designed. As specified on the permit waiver, a horizontal separation distance of 15' was maintained between the northwest ends of the drainfields and the 60% natural slope. Because of concern about possible variability of subsurface soil conditions, we provided continuous on-site inspection during excavation of the first two drainfields. Due to phone · problems DHHS could not be contacted prior to placement of sewer gravel. To compensate for this we took extra care to verify that the receiving soil in each drainfield was in conformance with the design conformance. All 4" diameter horizontal distribution pipes were laid level within 0.01' and a 3" bump was incorporated in the non-perforated line connecting each dminfield to ensure serial distribution. Due to the' constraints imposed by the site which affected the layout of the drainfields, the uphill edge of the northwest end of the highest drainfield is located 7.5 feet from the building foundation. To allow for this we are requesting that you waive the normally required 10 foot separation distance from a building foundation in this instance. Because the topography slopes away from the building in this area there will be no tendency for effluent from the drainfield to percolate towards the foundation, and because of the shallow depth of the drainfield there is no possibility of the excavation affecting the stability of the foundation. Filter fabric and 2" of rigid burial type insulation was i~laced over each drainfield segment prior to 'backfill with 2' of soil cover. Final grading, topsoil placement and seeding is now complete. We feel that the particularly careful construction displayed by the excavator, coupled with close supervision by ourselves, has resulted in an optimal upgrade of the wastewater disposal system serving this residence. Please 'give me a call if you have any questions on the installation. Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. PAGE i OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 #L# STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM (UPGRADE) PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW920182 DESIGN ENGINEER:FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES OWNER NAME:HUDSON HENRY L & OWNER ADDRESS:16840 TIDEVIEW DRIVE ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 DATE ISSUED: 7/13/92 EXPIRATION DATE: 7/13/93 PARCEL ID:02009146 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE VILLAGES TIDE VIEW LT 2 LOT SIZE: 62306 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 THIS PERMIT: 3 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST TWO HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. DHHS MUST BE PRESENT TO INSPECT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SEWER GRAVEL. THIS PERMIT GRANTS A WAIVER TO TO THE 60% SLOPE. THE PERMITTED DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SLOPE AND DRAINFIELD IS 15 FEET. SHOULD ANY EFFLUENT DAYLIGHT ON THIS SLOPE THIS WAIVER WILL BE VOIDED AND INSTALLATION OF A HOLDING TANK WILL BE REQUIR/ED. ISSUED BY: ,~O~ ~IT~ DATE: CIVIL & ENV~ONMENTAL ENGENEERLNG * ENERGY CONSERVATION & .~NALYSB THEODORE F. MOORE, P.E. 14530 ECHO ST. PH: (907) 345-1355 July 1, 1992 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 M.O.A. DHHS P.O. Box 19-6650 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter.is to provide the required design narrative in support of our application for a permit to upgrade the wastewater disposal facilities on Lot 2 of The Villages, Tideview S/D, located at 16840 Tideview Drive. This upgrade is necessary because an adequacy test demonstrated that the present soil absorption trench is operating in a surcharged mede. Soils logs, perc test results, a site plan, design drawings and specifications are enclosed for your review. Because of highly variable soil conditions and numerous consu'aints affecting this site, a total of 7 test holes were dug to.fully explore all options in the development o.f th.!s design. As I discussed with Susan Oswalt at DHHS, m order to construct this replacement system ~t will be necessary to waive beth the normally required 50' setback from a slope in excess of 25% and also the normally required 10' separation between separate soil absorption dralnfields. Per Ms. Oswalt's suggestion, we have configured the dralnfields to maximize the setback from the top of the bluff from which point the the ground slopes down at 50-60%. The 15 foot setback which will be achieved is significantly greater than the setback of the present system. Since the bluff is a heavily vegetated natural slope and there is no sign of effluent having daylighted in the past, we do not feel there will be a daylighting problem wi/h the proposed configuration. With a gravel depth beneath the distribution pipes of only 6 inches, the proposed 5 foot separation between the parallel 5 foot wide drainfield segments should be adequate to avoid interference between the drainfields. This spacing does disu'ibute effluent more widely over the.surface of the ground than would a typical bed configuration. The proposed soil absorption system will be constructed in the vicinity of test holes #4 and 5. As can be seen from the soil log for test hole #5, the native material in the proposed absorption stratum between 3 and 5.5 feet below ground surface is a slightly silty sandy gravel with a measured perc rate of 1.8 minutes per inch. Using a soil application rate of 1.2 glO/sq, ft. specified in the wastewater ordinance for soils with a measured perc rate of between 1 and 5 minutes per inch, this 3 bedroom residence would require a total absorption area of 375 square feet. Because there is no .replacement site to be u.sed once .~.is system fails, we have conservatively sized the drainfields on the bas,s of 1.0 gpd/sq, ft., wh,ch would ,ndicate th.e need for a total area of 450 square feet. The proposed design with four 5' wide x 25' long dralnfields connected in series actually has a total absorption area of 500 square feet. As can be seen on the log for test hole #4, the gravel stratum closer to the edge of the bluff is cleaner with a higher pore rate. We feel it would be counterproductive to install a 2 foot sand filter over this material, as to do so would force the system to be abeveground, thereby increasing the chance of daylighting. The construction plans do require the contxactor to use sand as a leveling course on top of the gravel, and we will require he contractor to be particularly careful to preserve the native receiving soils. Because of the steep topography in this area there is little reason for concern regarding potential groundwater contamination. The topography of the lot in the vicinity of the prOposed drainfields slo~s down towards the southwest at 10-15%. The actual construction area Is the top of a brOad sloping ridge. The land to the northwest slopes steeply down at 50-60% t.o a small creek which roughly follows the property line. Because of the irregular topography, the dramfields will not be exactly parallel as they stairstep down the ridge top. As mentioned above, during construction we will be paying particular attention to ensuring that the placement of the drainfields optimizes the use of the native receiving soils in the limited available area. The proposed project will have no impact on present or future water supply and wastewater disposal systems serving adjacent properties, nor will it have any impact on reserved sl~ace/surface and subsurface, or on drainage. By virtue of the conservative over design and carefully supervised consl~'uction, we are confident that the proposed soil absorption system will be able to function fully as well as any other system designed and built to code. The proposed system is a far superior alternative to the installation of a holding tank, and connection of this residence to public sewer would be cost-prOhibitive. Please give us a call at 345-1355 if you have any questions on this submittal. cc: Henry Hudson Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. / / iooo 6,AL SAC# '~o~ HOUSE LOT 5 % ~atlop Technical Services .... 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 ?LA N VJEV/ ~C^~.r-: I"': JO~ Flattop Techn~al Serv~es 14530 ~ Street, Anchorage, AK99516 Phone (907) 345.1355 Lot 2 The Villages, Tideview S/D 16840 Tideview Drive Waslewater disposal system installation Specifications 1.0 General: 1.1 The scope of the project consists o! abandonment of an existing septic tank and soil absorption trench and installation of a new 1000 gallon septic tank followed by four 5' wide x 25' long soil absorption dralnfields connected in series. .1.2. Construction shall be as depicted on the approved site plan and design drawings. Mi~or deviations from these drawings may be required by the engineer conducting the inspections. All construction procedures and material specifications, shall co?form with Municipal and Sta~ requirem.ents. All separation distances shall be in conformance w~th Mumcipal requirements, unless specifically watved. · 1.3 The contractor shall be responsible to obtain any necessary utility locates, and to work around any buried utilities. 1.4 The contractor shall provide .adequ.ate c.o.ver material and rough grading over all system. components to ensure that proper drainage ~s ach,eved after settlement and that there are no res,dual depressions. Insofar as possible the contractor shall minimize damage to trees and existing lawn areas. 1.5 Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the homeowner shall be responsible for finish grading after the soil is compacted, as well as placement of topsoil and reseeding all areas disturbed by the construction. 2.0 Septic Tank: 2.1 The existing I000 gallon septic tank shall be properly abandoned by thomugMy pumping it, cutting out it's top and backf'flling it with clean soil. The existing trench shall be abandoned in place with the monitor tube removed. 2.2 The new 1000 gallon septic tank shall be Municipally approved, and shall be set level on undisturbed soil..Each compartme.nt shall be equipped with a watertight manhole cover and a 4" cleanout. The tank shall be insulated with 2 roches of approved burial type. rigid insulation plus 2 feet of soil cover. 2.3 Ail pipe connec, tions to the tank shall be equipped with waterproof mechanical couplings. The .w. aste line from the resxdence to the septic tank shall have a minimum slope of 1/4'" per foot, and the waste line between the tank and the s?il absorption sys.tem shall have a minimum slope of 1/8' per foot.. A cleanout shall be installed within 5 feet of the building foundation, and a double cleanout shall be installed within 5 feet downstream of the septic tank. 3.0 Soil absorption system: 3.1 The soil absoq?fion system shall .be constructed by carefully stripping ~e pea.t, loam and fill material from the 5' w~de by 25' long dramfield sites, to expose the top ora sl,ghfly silty sandy gm;tel stratum, which is encountered at a depth of 3 feet in the vicinity of test hole #5. The lowest drainfield should be constructed £~t in uncontaminated soil appr.oximately 5' uphill of the. old soil abso. rpfion trench. Particular care will be necessary to achieve a level Iong,tudinal axis for each drainfield following the top of the gravel stratum. Do not excavate more than 6" into the gravel at any point. Subsequently constructed drainfields shall be no closer than 5' from each other, and need not be exactly straight or parallel; instead each drainfield shall follow the contours of the underlying gravel stratum. 3.2 Level bottoms for the drainfields shall be ac.hieved by placement of a leveling course of co. arse clean sand on top of the exposed gravel surface. Th~s leveling sand shall conform with the Municipal specification for filter sand.. 3.3 A total of 1.0 feet of approved sewer gravel shall be placed on top of the leveling sand with the perforated distribution pipes laid level such that the pipe inverts are no less than 6 inches above the bottom of the sewer gravel. The non-perforated pipe (ASTM D3034) connecting each of the drainfields in series shall incorporate a 6 inch high "bump", causing flow preference to the uppermost dralnfields first. Sewer gravel shall be 0.5"- 2.5" screened gravel, with less than 3% passing the #200 sieve. 3.4 Monitor tubes and cleanout pipes shall be of 4" diameter and installed in the locations shown on the design drawings. The portion of the monitor tube extending through the sewer gravel shall be perforated. ' 3.5 Approved filter fabric shall be placed over the entire top surface of the sewer gravel. Two inches of rigid, burial type insulation plus a minimum of 2 feet of soil cover is to be placed over the filter fabric. 3.6 The top surface of the cover material shall be raised a minimum of 6 inches higher than the surrounding terrain to allow for subsequent settlement, and shall be graded to smooth contours. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than 3: !. 3.7 After construction is complete, the owner shall arrange for all areas disturbed by the construction to be covered with 4 inches of topsoil and seeded to promote rapid revegetafion. 4.0 Inspections: · . .4:1 A. minim.urn of 5 engineering inspections will .be required during the co.u. rse of the project: (1) m~t,a, stcaceout w,th the contractor to establish the locat,on of the system and to discuss the plans, specifications and construction procedures, (2) after the native material has been excavated to expose the infiltrative surfa6e to ensure that it is level and at the right elevation, and conforms with the soil test information, (3) after the sand leveling material has been placed, (4) after the'sewer gravel is in place and the distribution pipes have been lald and connected up to the septic tank, but prior to placement of .insulatipn or friar.fabric, and (5) after.fi.hal backfill and grading is complete.--T~, e.sel3ti~ .tank requires one .mspectxon after? ~s set level and the p,pmg connected, but prior to backfill. Th:s mspecuon may be incorporated w~th any of the above inspections. 5.2 The installer shall coordinate the timing of the inspections with the engineer sufficiently far in advance to ensure the availability of the engineer. PERFORMED FOR: F/attb"~ T~chhlc/=! 14530 Echo Street Anchoracm, Alaska 9951R Munlcip'atity of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 'L" Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99502°0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZoT ~, DEPTH 2- 5- 6 - ~L GRAY 7- ~.~. 8- 9- 1~- 12- ViLtA~./ ~l~[Fitl~ownsl.p. Re.ge. Section: ~£ C :~. T Il ~ , SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED~ ~ __ IF YES, AT WHAT Oepll~ lo Waler Afler j*'~' 7: o,,,: /4' e~, N HOL'$1c -. #,, ,.~2'~/~, ~0/ /// -- / /1 ~ / Gross Net Depth to Net 14 - Reading Date Time Time ('t% I N~ Water DrOp 2:3~ :ag 22 ~2 ' 2T S~ ~2 2:~3:i~ = =2 Y~ I Ya 18 - + g2o 2:q3 :So 23 lg - * ~2o 2:~4: ~ 23 COMMENTS PERCOLATION RAI[ __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL ST,'~TE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON TI41S DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev, 4185) ]4530 Echo Street Anchoraae, Alaska 9951~ Munlclp"allly o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PER.OR~ED FOR: ~£~'RY ~- B~:T'r'/ }tup~_o..~. ......... LEGAL {DESCRIPTION: LOT ~, ~- 2- 3- "d" 4 ---- - GP GP 6' HL 9- 10 11--- 12- 13'- 'I'HE VILt./i~[$~lD[VlZ~ownsl)q). Range. Section: ~EC ~. TI/N, SLOPE SITE PLAN ~l- co~uov~ WAS GROUND WATER IF YES, AT WHAT Mon~]r{ng/ Id-I ~._~.tOite: ~EEP .. 14 - Reading Date Cross Net DePth to Net Time Time Water Crop 15 - 16 - 1:23:oo 17- I: 18- . lg- 20- COMMENTs PERCOLATION RATE ~' { tm,nules/mch! PERC HOLE CIAMETER ,12." TEST RUN BETWEEN .. ~' ~' FT AND ,~ FT PE.;:OR~£OI~'r: FLATTOP '~'E¢~ ~V¢S ' .-~'~/'~"~"~' CEm,,VTHATTHISTESTWASPERFOR~ECIN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STA'TE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELII"E$ IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: PERFORMED FOR: F~t6~ TJchhlch! 14530 Echo Street Anchoraae, Alaska 9951R Munlclp"allt¥ el Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF' HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG m PERCOLATION TEST H£r4~'"/ 4.. B£TTY I. JUl)~olq O^TE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ZOT :7 1- ~'~g ViL£4~'£$?lgtVttLTownship. Range. Section: 5£C ~. TUN', ELOPE SITE PLAN t'tL 4-~ SPt SANbY 6- G ~,a, V Z: L 7- % FLulb 8 ~.H. 10 - WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 11- IF YES. AT WHAT 12 - DEPTH? OeJ~h lo Water After 13' - M~nlto~tno? Date: - Gross Net 14 Reading Date Time Time 15- DePth to Net Water Drop 16- 17- taw . 19- 20- COMMENTS PERCOLATION RATE -- (m,nules/~nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND PERI~ORMEDBy: FLATTOP T£¢H ~//CS , _~__~1~ CEIIIlFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72~ (R~. 4/~) -14530 Ec4o Stree~ Anchoraae, Alaska 9951~ Munk:lp'alRy o! Anchor-ge DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 'L" Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE FERFORMED: /~/Is/?z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ,~CT 2 (FEET) HL 3- 51'~ 5A~Lbq 4- 6 HL ~.~. 8- 9- 10- 11- 13'- Vl£l./~'£ $?l~[l/tlkTownship, Range. Section: ~EC 3. TI/r,/, R3t./ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GItOUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Monitoring?' Dale 0%. Gross Net Depth to Net 14 - Readin9 Date Time Time Water Drop 15- 16- 17- 18- Ig- 20- COMMENTS PERCOLATION RATE __ TEST RUN BETWEEN 114$TALLE~ (m,nules/,nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER . FT AND . FT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON 1HIS DATE. DAIE: ~/~ /~ ~ 72~ (R~. 4/~) PERFORMED FOR: 14530 Echo Street Anchoracre, Alaska 9951~ Munlclp"allty et Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 'L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG --- PERCOLATION TEST T. tL ~ LEGAl. DESCRIPTION: ,~OT 2. "J"~' Viz. tA~/$?lVZFl/l~ownship, Range, Section: ~EC 5. TI/N, SLOPE SITE PLAN PT PT E~.H. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Monitoring? Date; ~ DEPTH tFEET) $- 2 3- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 12- 13'- E 14- 15- Gross Net DePth to Net Readm9 Date Time Time Water Drop 16- 17- 19- 20- COMMENTS PERCOLATIONRATE __ (m~nutes/mch) P£RCHOLEDIAMETER_ TEST RUN ~ETWEEN FT AND FT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL ST.~TE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CER11FY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: ~ ~'/20 1~ ~, PERFORMED FOR: FI. att~-~ TJchh;c*a~ 14,.~0 Echo Slreet Anchoracre, Alaska 9951G M~Jnlc, Jp'allly o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 · SOILS LOG --, PERCOLATION TEST 'T'. H. ~4o DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~OT ~. DEPTH (PEET) 2-- 4- 6 "' £.t;. 8- 9- 12- 13'- I/fLt,~;E~/TID~rl/EkTownship. Range. Section: ~EC 3, 'r'll,~, SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? IM~tl~ b W~ter AJler Readln9 Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Wate¢ Drop 16- 17- 18-- . 19- ¸20 - PERCOLATION RATE -- '. TEST RUN BETWEEN {minutes'inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND . FT *"PER~ORI~EOBY: FlAT'TOp 'T'EC~ .~'~/~..~ I ~"-~ ~ CERTIFYTHATTHISTESTWASPERFORMEOIN ADOORDA~JCE WITH ALL ST,~TE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ' 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: ~.~ttb~ T&chh~cbl Se~iE~ 14530 Echo Street Anchoracre, Alaska 99511~ Munlclp'allty of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 · SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST O^TE.E.FORMEO: /,~/;s/';z ~* LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DEPTH (FEET) 1- 6 10- 11- 12~ 13'- St,'T¥ '1'H£ VILL',~,,.~£$?lDr~Fl[kTOwnship, Range. $ecti°n: ~EC S, TI/N, SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Oep41~ Io W~lr After Mon4torlflo? lq d 14- 15- Reading Date Gross Net De)th to Net Time Time Weter Drop 16- 17- 20- ·" COMMENTS PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN (minutes'inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER FT AND · FT '". PERFORMED BY: F'/.ATTcP TE(~ .~VC_~ I - CERTIFYT~TTHISTESTWASPERFORMEDIN : ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE DATE; 72~ (R~. 4~) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT IPHONE ' /'~'~ / IF HOME'DE: Insidelength DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO: I Well Foundation Top of tile to finish grade t Material beneath tile h' < I.- Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth ~J Well Building foundation ;a DISTANCE TO: -I Class Depth Driller ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line [] UPGRADE Material Nearest lot ID Trench ..~ inches Distance between lines OTHER PiPE MATERIALS c . SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER REMARKS 72-01~ Rev. 3~-8) DATE LEGAL ? [.1LIr~ I C I PI:IL I T'T' I_.--IF Rr-.IiDHORRF_.iE ~ DEPRRTIIENT O'""~IERLTH RN[:, ENVIRON,1ENTRL Ff"'""rECTION ' , ,. 825 'L' STREET, flHCHORflGE, AK. 995bi' · 26;4-4720 WELL PERi'.~I' NO. < ?90228 > flPF'L I CRIIT LOCAT I Oil LEGAL HENRY L. HUDSON VILLRGES SCENIC PK.H'? SRA BOX 5?9 Ri'ICH L2 VILLAGES TIDEVIEH PERP11 T ~ :,,.~/.~ LOT SIZE 62000 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL RBSORBTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH MF~XIMUM NurIDER OF BEDROOHS = ~ SOIL RATING THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ADSORPTION SYSTEId IS: DEPTH= 10 L E I'-.I G T l-I = 4~-; G ~: I::t %.'E L DEPTI-I= 5 THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRfllNFIELD. THE DEPTH OF fl TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEH THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND fiND THE E:OTTO[4 OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET>. THERE I5 NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GR~VEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFRLL PIPE Arid THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). REQLI I I~.'EDsEPT$ - I C TI:Ir.It( S I ----"- E= .-I I~l£i~!'_-i GFtLLOr-.IS PERMIT flPF'LICBNT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTBLLRTION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO 'IHIS PROPERTY AND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. TI.,IO ( 2 ) I r-.ISF'ECT I 0 I'-.IS ~-]F:E RE[~.I_~ I RED DfiCKFILLING OF fiN'?' SYSTEM WITHOUT FILIAL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL BY THIS DEF'8RTMENT HILL BE SUBJECT 'I0 PROSECUTION. MINIMLIH DI~qTFINCE BETHEEN fl HELL FIND tiNY OIl-SITE SEI,IRGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS I00 FEET FOR Ft PRIVATE HELL; OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM 8 PUBLIC HELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYRE OF PUBLIC HELL WELL LOGS ARE REQUIRED 8ND MUS~ BE RETURNED TO THE DEP8RT[tENT WITHIN ~E~ DRYS OF THE HELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY 8PF'LY. SPECIFIC8TIOHS 8ND CONSTRUCTION DIRGRRMS 8RE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. ~ PERrl I T ENP I RES [~ECEfIBEF: gl~ 1979 I CERTIFY THRT i: I tim FflHILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEHERS RND HELLS RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2~ I WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM tH 8CCORDRHCE WITH THE CODES. ~: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEHER SYSTEM MRY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE 7'7' ............. . / !_l_L_, ..... I iL_]._- ,~L -. )_o, ...... J:_} .... ,~:~ ':-:_:- I/- ~£SC~'I;'TIO.: $~mplet drjrD%~ ._ .o_~ _ ~andy_Gr.a~e.l ...................... ..... Sjj_qh_tjy I E~q i (,,'~::'F-' ti~,.'~ s-~. g 6'F- 'T,Z 7 ....... "-' .,~...,Cool, Clou_c!..K +25° F . t I' I (.,~)" I.~- F/ 16-= ,z/O z~ -/o .'/'f I0 (~ MUNICIPALrPf OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 ............ CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. # t'"'/~-~',-t'~ct I- L~{,~ ~ HAA# ~.~-~C~.~,~, 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Location (site address or directions) Property owner H~ ~oe Mailing address I~Y~ ~u,~ O~,~, ~nc~ ~ ~1~ Lending agency P~cnF~ ~ :~/ Dayphone Mailing address R~. ~ ~E~ Agent ~Y P~c~ - ~c~ ~v~ Dayphone ~-~/ Unless othe~ise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: ~PE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well Public water NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. NameofFirm F I,~ I'4~ ~ -/-e ~ ,~ ; ¢~ ! Address lq~30 Ec[~, ~ ,,~-,~¢,6~_~e., Al<' Engineer's signature '~'-~--~ Phone Date DHHS SIGNATURE ~ Appr°ved f° r '"/TJ~ c2~'~ t/~bedrOOms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Additional Comments The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the repmsentation's given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasem of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Legal Description: J- o ~ ~ 7'~ ~' Valccff~ - 'T~¢~/~,~,., Parcel I.D. A. WELL DATA Well type Fr'~ ~,~,/-c If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter, Log present (Y/N) Y Date completed Totaldepth 1 3 ( ~ Casedto ~f I' Sanitary seal (Y/N) Municipality of Anchorage '.. DePartment of Health & Human Serv~ce~ ~.* ~' HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST.. Date of test Static water level FROM WELL LOG Well flow to Pump level SEPARAT ON.DISTANCES FROM WELL TO: Septic/holding tank on lot I Ye' Absorption field on lot Public sewer main N, Sewer service line I WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform 0 col /too ~.~ Date of sample: ~' I to / ~ E Nitrate ADEC water sysiem number N, A.. '71l-//'7? Driller Casing height Wires properly protected (Y/N) AT INSPECTION g.p.m. ~" ~'.~ :~ 10'5' ' ; On adjacent lots ; On adjacent lots Public sewer manhole/cleanout Petroleum tank No,, ¢ Collected by: Other bacteria. B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed ~/'7 / ~ ~ Cleanouts( Y/N,).'" High w~ater alarm (Y/N) ',; Date o.f pumping ', ..... N.~.. (~ ~/~ t~,,) Pumper SEPARAT!O.N DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK TO: Well(s)on et .lifo .. ,{ On adjacent lots .~. roe' To propertyli~'~'' t~'~: Absorption fi,eld 5-° Surface water/drainage ~ too' Alarm tested. (Y/N) Tanksize I'&S'O ~,-.~1 ~TE.P Compartments '~ Foundation cleanout (Y/N) 'r' Depressio~n (Y/N) - Foundation Water maln/serVic'e line 72-026 (Rev. 7/91) Front ,, CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE C. LIFT STATION · ' ~ "-, Date installed '~'/' ? / ? Z , Manufacturer /~,,~ cae ~- Size in gallons ~ ~ I ~$'0 ':: ~ f ~ ~'5 ~ *P ' Manhole/A~c~Ss'(Y/N) ' ' Y' Veni (Y/N) Y'* ',Pump on" level at High water alarm level .... "Pump off" leVel at .:3~" ;: * ~ Cycles tested N. ~. (Y/N) ~' - ' ' Meets MOA electrical codes :.. . · ,' ~..:',, · ,' L. -,':' ' ."' ~ .. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM LIFT STATION TO: Well on lot "f'Y~' ' On adjacent lots Do ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed ,9'/~:/9 E L&ngth lO0 ' Width Total absorption area ' ' ' Depression over field (Y/N) Results (pass/fail) N. ~' too'' - Surface water ' ~' too, ' I.~' ~.,.e'~"/F*' ~, .System type ~" ~',~' Total depth ~.~" ' bedrooms Soil rating Gravel thickness I 2" Clean'uts present (Y/N) Date of adequacy test for 3' H ' If yes, give date Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD TO: 'W~IJ on lot 13 5"' On adjacent Iot~ > roe' Propertyline 'TO buildin'g ~oundation '7, ~, To existing or abandoned system on lot -On adjacent lots '-> '3'¢" G~tbank I.¢" Water main/service line Surface water t o o' Driveway, parking/vehicle storage ar~a' - ~ E.-ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA gu~dehnes in effect on the da. te of this inspection. 'Signature ~'~"-~ Engineers Nam; /2 , , .... , . -.-- H~ ~ee $ Waiver Fee: $ ReceiptNumberDate°f Payment ~~ (~-)) Receipt Number CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995i8 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FAX: (907) 561-5301 Client Semple Collecte~ : : 3[~ lO 92 I 12:00 ~e. Pzmme~ve~ utah : AS ~EQOI~!D SO~ ~05! * Client lect I?01 : ~0t :HOH~ ~eql : Ozdm:m4 By : ~,l*.,,~ e~ :~Z'~. -~_.:~'., Se~ gepoxt* to: 1)~LAT~O? T~CE~ICAL $~l )a~&metm= ~emultm U~t$ Netho~ Allowable HII~ATE-W 2.0 ' mg/l [?i 353.2 None ~otecte~ "See Sample ~e~rke Above ~SSS Member of ,he SGS Group (Soct6,6 G,~in6rale de Surveillance) INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS ~rlME . TIME DATE DATE DATE RECEIVED TIME DATE INSPECTOR ,MUNiCIPALITy OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTll &  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTED~JRONMENTA/ PKOTECTION 825 L Strut - A~ora~, AI~a ~1 ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION DIVISION N 0V 2 ? 1979 T~e~e ~7~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SE~F~L,~ 1~.l RpERCo3~EORt,;:yCoOwm:7: all! p~ts o,, page ~lneomplets~eq//~fs will not ~ p,~. Please allow ten (10)days fo[ PrpH~i~g. 3. LENDING INS U IO· PHONE 4. REALTOR/AGENT , ~ ~ ~ PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ST ,--7, ;., 6. TYPE O~RESIDENCE ~ (~]~N'~ LE FAMILY MULTIPLE FAMILY INDIVIDUAL' COMMUNITY PUBLIC UTILITY INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE" PUBLIC UTI LITY NUMBER OF~BEDROOMS [] One [] Four [] Two [] Five [~"Three [] Six [] Other * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since ,June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) YEAR ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ~ SINGLE FAMILY I--i ONE '~ THREE r'-I FIVE [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [::] FOUR [] SiX 2. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTI LITY Connection Verifie~l 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM '~]INDIVIDUAL/ON -SI~E []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER DATE INSTALLED INSTALLER ~ Septic Tank or I-'1 Holding Tank ~ Size:~ If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK ~0n~.~ TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES WELLTO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line MANUFACTURER ~ept~c/Holcimg Tank IAbsorption Area ISewer Line 5. COMMENTS [--I OTHER INearest Lot Line DATE ~ APPROVED FOR ._.~_.___ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED 72.010 {Rev. 6/79) 27, 1979 ~enry L. lIudson Star Route A ~ox 4004~}! Anchorage, Ala=¥~ 99507 Subject: Lot 2 Villages Tidevie~ Subdivision Approval for your individual se-wet and-~water facilities can not be granted ~ntil the follo~ing items have b~en completed~ (1) A well log uub..-uLtted to this department. (2) The water analysis report be delivered to this office from Chert Lab, 5633 B Street, for our review. If there are any questions, please contact this offico at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, Associato Speciali~t RCP/lJ~ cc: Alaska }~tual Savings Bank }~rtgage Loan Department 1503 %~st 31 Avenue 99503