HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLES NEST S-10557SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION MAY 22, 2000 S-10557 EaKle's Nest Subdivision, Block,2~ Lots 1C-1 and 1C-2 * amended 10-11-2000 Approv~ of ~e Plat subiect to: 1. Obtmlning approval of Public, Fir~ and' Planning for access to both lots. 2. Resolving utility easements. · 3. Resolving drainage and the need for drainage easement with Public Works. 4. Ensuring each lot meets the lot width and size requirements o'f the zoning district. 5. Providing soils and water availability infom'~ation to the DHHS to sa .tisfv the requirements of AMC 15.65.~~_~ ..' .~ S-10592 Third Addition AOT, MOA ROW Acq/Uisition Approved as submitted. S-10594 Welch's Subdivision, Block 42A, Lot 12, MOA ROW Acquisition Approved as submitted. JEST. Weaver, Platting Authority acc G:'~C P D~..~'t...olaP, P B S OAU:~l:~s~a200~- -'~-- -g-22 -00.d~· ~~~) ENGINEERING . 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 (907)696-6111/FAX (907)696-8111 September 19, 2000 James Cross, PE Program Manager, On-site Services Section Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RE: S-10557 EAGLE'S NEST S/D -- DHHS COMMENTS Dear Jim: We are submitting the remaining requested information for the above referenced property for your review and approval on the proposed Lot lC-1. Per your request and in accordance with AMC Section 15.65.180B.1, attached is the wastewater disposal reserve area site plan. If you have any questions, please contact me at 696-6111/FAX 696-8111. Respectfully submitted, KND Engineering Brent M. Western Attachment: Wastewater Reserve Area Site Plan 6/ELL K D & ~/ASTE~/ATER EAGLE NEgT Lot lB DISPOSAL SYSTEM g/IL LOT 1C-1, BLOCK 2 Lot 2 RESERVE Lof lC-1 2.491 Acres 108,512 s.f. R£$rRV~ AR~A NOT£, (N ~C[]R~*~C~ VITH ANC SI:CTION 15.65.ISOB.I AREA LOT 2 P~OP~sstO~t'~' ~ PREPARED FOR: HONTE GATES 79513 UPPER SKYLINE EAGLE RIVER, AK 694-4406 FIELD BOOKS .ou.o~ BOUNpARYI ST~N~ STAKING *S~..T: ASBUILT ^c^o n,r. 99097.DWG .,A,,: VBG cHcoo~. KMD 9/'19/00 NW355 99097 .Scc~te: 1'= 100' PAGE 1 DF 1 ~1]~ ENGINEERING 2044! PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 ~v~.~v~:~:~.~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~:~X~?:~:~v~v~v~v~v~:~:~:i 6/ELL & K D 6/ASTE6/ATER EAGLE NEST DISPOSAL SYSTEM S/D, LOT 1C-1, BLOCK 8 Lot 2 Lot 1C-1 2.491 Acres ~ 108,512 s.f. RESERVE AREA Lot lB RESERVE AREA Ol LOT 2 NO PUIILIC VELLS VITHIN EOO' PRDPI3SED SYSTEM. ND PRIVATE VELLS VITHIN EO0' PRDPDSED SYSTEM EXCEPT AS ~TED. NO SEPTIC SYSTEMS VITHIN PR~SED ~LL EXCEPT AS ~TED. ~e~ mu. ~ 0 NOTE, IN ACCI]RDANC~: VITH /kqC SECTION J~o,~sstO~~ ~ PREPARED FOR: NFINTE GATES 79513 UPPER SKYLINE EAGLE RIVER, AK 694-4406 · FIELD BOOKS BOUNDARY STAKING ASSUIL~ ASBUILT DWG, ~ ^c,o r,.¢: ggo97.DWG COMPUTED: C~ECX£~. KMD Sco, ie: 1'= 100' PAGE 1 OF 1 ~~) ENGINEERING ;~0441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. 9/19/0 0 NW355 99097 EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 (907)696-61 ll//FAX (907)696-8111 ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 (907)696-6111/FAX (907)696-8111 September 14, 2000 James Cross, PE Program Manager, On-site Services Section Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RE: S-10557 EAGLE'S NEST S/D -- DHHS COMMENTS Dear Jim: We are submitting the remaining requested information for the above referenced property for your review and approval on the proposed Lot lC-1. Attached are the soil log and the proposed wastewater disposal site plan with requested topographic information. If you hav.e any questions, please contact me at 696-6111/FAX 696-8111. Respectfully submitt6d, KND Engineering Brent M. Western Attachments: Wastewater Site Plan Soil Log MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: To: From: Subject: February 7, 2000 Zoning & Platting, CPD James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Services Program Request for Comments on Subdivisions February 4, 2000 The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10555 Anchorage Evangelical Free Church Subdivision No objections. S-10556 Sky Harbor Estates, Lot 3A & 7A No objections. S-10557 Eagle's Nest Subdivision, Block 2, Lots lc-l, & lc-2. Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information ~.,must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: (1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be /'~'~' ~ conducted to confirm the suitability for development using an on-site /\. ~ wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted ! during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April - May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in ~~'~)' ~. ,.~t,~)l-- AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. L,..,~r..x..opographical information must be submitted. ~,..4.f~upporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10558 Willard Subdivision #2, Lot 3a with easement vacation No objections. S-10559 Tudor Centre Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 3A No objections. ~D ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 SOILS PERCOLATION TEST Performed for: Monte Gates Date Performed: Project: Eagle Nest Block 2, Lot lC-1 TEST HOLE # 00-1 Depth (Feet) ORG - rootmat, black ML-- red/brown sandy silt w/'org SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN FOR HOLE LOCATION Was Ground water encountered? YES What depth? 10' Depth to water after monitoring? 92' Date? 09/14/00 11. 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- GW-~gray sandy gravel w/cobbles to 1' seeps B .O.H. HOLE PRESOAKED PRIOR TO TEST Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 1 9/11/00 11:00 - 9- . 2 11:05 5 rain 5 7/16" 3 9/16" 3 * 11:06 - 9- _ 4 11:11 S rain $ 9/16" S 7/16" 5 * 11:12 - 9- . 6 11:17 5rain 512/16" 34/16" 7 * 11:18 - 9- _ 8 .11.'~ 5 rain 5 14/16" 3 2/16" 9 * 11:24 - 9- . i0 11:29 5rain 514/16" 32/16" 11 * 11:30 - 9- _ 12 11:35 5 rain 5 14/16" 3 2/16" · Water Added Percolation Rate 1.60 (min/in) Perc Hole Diameter 6" Test Run Between 3.5 feet and 4.5 feet I, Kenneth M. Duffus, certify that this test was performed in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on this date. ~/ELL K D & ~/ASTE~/ATER EAGLE NEST Lot lB DISPOSAL SYSTEM DETAILS/SITE PLAN S/D, LOT 1C-l, BLOCK 2 Lot 1C-1 2.491 Acres 108.512 s.f. ! ? o DETAIL L. 3 BDRM X 150 GPD = 450 GPD 450 GPD/I.P GPD PER SQ. FT. (1.6 MIN/IN.)= 375 SQ. FT (375/5'(W)) X .78(RF) (1.5' GRAVEL) = 58.5 FT. TRENCH USE I TRENCH - 59 (L) X 5' (W) X 1.5'(9) Totmt depth oF system is 4.5' From originmt grade. Toter depth oF graver betow distribution pipe is 1.5' . NOTES: 1. P. 3. 4. LOT 2 USE 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK. INSULATE IF <4' DF COVER. INSULATE TRENCH WITH 2' HD BURIAL FOAM. CONTRACTOR WILL ENSURE MINIMUM EX SLOPE INTO SEPTIC TANK. ADDITIONAL FILL WILL BE ADDED OVER SYSTEH TO ACHIEVE MIN. 3' COVER IF REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR WILL ENSURE ALL SEPARATIONS TD ADJACENT WELLS & SEPTICS. PREPARED FOR: MONTE GATES 79513 UPPER SKYLINE EAGLE RIVER, AK 694-4406 FIELD BOOKS BOUNDARY STAKING · S~U~LT: ASBUILT O~ RI.E: ^c~ r.z: 99097.DWG ~"^~: VI~G o~£cxr~: KMD o^~: 9//14//00 ~,o: NW355 ~o~ No.: 99097 Sc~te: 1'= 100' PAGE 1 DF E ]-~~) ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 ~;~::~:~;~;~:~:::~::~:::~:~:~:~v~v~?>?~?~}}~>~>~? {907)696-61lit/FAX 1907)696-8111 K D WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM EAGLE NEST S/D, LOT 1C-I, BLOCK 8 TH:lC MT C 00-0 ROPOSED PRIMARY FIEL CO rC a PROPOSED GAL S,T, PR ]POSED RESERVE FI ,D DETAILS PROPOSED 5BDRM HOUSE 1000 PREPARED FOR: MONTE GATES 19513 UPPER SKYLINE EAGLE RIVER, AK 694-4406 FIELD BOOKS eOUND,m~. BOUNDARY I ST*X,Nm STAKING ,sau..~r: ASBUILT DW~ FILE: ,c~ r,.£: 99097.DWG CiDMI:KJ ~D: ~£~: KMD o^~: 9/14/00 cmo: NW355 99097 Sc(il, e: 1°= 80' PAGE 8 DF 8 ~1~ ENGINEERING 80441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ' ~P.O. B~x 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARy PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE ~* ,. ~ ':nEc;DBY: .... Please fill in'the informatiOn requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address Iol~.lol-~l~ltlllol I/1'~1¢1/1~1 I~lePlekl I~l~lYl~-I/l~/l~l I¢1~1/1~'1~ 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). LOTS I ,q llv b 2.1 · I 5. EXISTING al~breviated legal description ('r12N R2W SEC 2 LOT .45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. I~-I~l~l~-I~l'lsl I~1~1~1~1 I~l~lsl I~l'klzl I~lol~l'l/I-Icl I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIII!1111111-111!!11!,111.111111 IIII1:1 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 7. Petitioner's Representative I~1~1~'1~1~1 I~101,1~1~1-.I I I I I~ It ll I~1~1~1 I~1'1~1' I~1~1~1~1~1'1~-I I I I1 I'1 I I; I:~1'1 I I'1-1,1 I-I I1'11 I I:11 III I I I~1 I~ ' o~ ~j~ P;~- ' st.,. x~ c~ '~s~. p.v~- · ~,.,. ~ 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed 10. Existing 11. Grid Number 12. Zone Number Lots Number Lots ~ I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to'subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs assoCiated with prOCessing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. ' , ,~ignature . ~, *Agents must provide written prOof 6f authorization. C. i Please check or fill in the following: i 1. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Classification ' .~..' . ~ ';X" Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related M nlnl Land .var=m_ ~ ,~ CommerciaVIndustrial Public Lands/Institutions AlPine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study' ~ 3. Environmental Factors ('~ any):- 1. Developable Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Intensity, - Dwelling Units per Acre - ~,.Z/ - "~ '~" " I ..... ~.' .......... Alpine/Slope Afire:ted ~-. 2. Conservation Avalanche ,4~/,~ '- 'Seisr~ic Zone (Ha;ding/Lawson), Case Number ....... Case Number Case Ndmber Zoning Variance Case Number-' Enforcement Action For . · . . : / I/ ....... 3. -Preservation ................... ,--;. - - :.-: ....., ....... D. Please indicate below if any of {heSe event~ have occurred in th~ last five years on the Property. Rezoning ........ Subdivision ........ i.~..,, .I C~)nditional Usd '.' Building/Land Use Permit For., Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. = .... F. Chectdist · "'= 40 Copiesof Plat (Long Plat) ! 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8 ~.~ x 11) .,..: i :' ~ ' · Certificate to Plat; :" .... Aerial Photo ~- . Zoning Map X Private Wells Fee ............... Drainage Plan ,-Topo MaP 4 Copies: ,: i So~s Report 4 Copi~s .... Pedestrian W,alkways. Landscaping Requirements ............ Water;.. Sewer:. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility 'Private Septic community Well Community Sys. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: To: From: Subject: February 7, 2000 Zoning & Platting, CPD James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Services Program Request for Comments on Subdivisions February 4, 2000 The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10555 Anchorage Evangelical Free Church Subdivision No objections. S-10556 Sky Harbor Estates, Lot 3A & 7A No objections. S-10557 ~ Eagle's Nest Subdivision, Block 2, Lots lc-l, & lc-2. Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information ,~must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using an on-site Ground water monitoring must be conducted wastewater disposal system. during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April-May). ' ' ' 1 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wasrewarer aisposa system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in \._. AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. 3e'Tovom'avhical information must be submitted. ~l~'upporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10558 Willard Subdivision #2, Lot 3a with easement vacation No objections.. S-10559 Tudor Centre Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 3A No objections. 05/24/00 12:01 FAX 907 343 '" Community Planning CROSS ~oo2,'oo2 , ECEIVI D SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION MAY 22, 2000 MAY 2 4 2000 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human 8ervice~ S-10557 Eagle's Nest Subdivision, Block 2, I~ts 1C-1 and 1C-2 Return for re-design to address lot width of Lot lC-1 (300 feet required), minimum lot s/ze of 2.5 acres (per approval of Conditional Use Case 2000-022), and access approved by Public Works, DCPD and Fire Plan Review for Lots 1C-1 and 1C-2. S-10592 Third Addition AOT~ MOA ROW Acquisition Approved as submitted. S.10594 Welch's Subdivision, Block 42A, Lot MOA ROW Acquisition Approved as submitted. ,Jer~ T. Weaver, dr. Platting Authority ac=: G~CPD~on._P[=flpB SOA'~-°baoa2000~ 0 a5-22'00,0°¢ 02/16/00 09:51 FAX 907 343 4220 Community Planning w CROSS ~002/006 Sh~rt l~at Summary of Action February 14, 2000 Pag~ 2 3. Resolving the need for the following ~rith Bt~ilding Safety: a. A final subdivision grading plan. b. · ~ grading/~.xcavation/Edl permit. e c. Building permits for-any construction on the property.. Res,olv/ng the legal description wit~'the Municipal Surveyor, DPW as existing Lot 3 is located in Sky Harbor. Estates and cxis6ng Lots 6 & 7 is located in Sky Harbor Estates Second Addition. Carrying over Note i from Plat 85-8 that re~ds: ~rie down spaces in Trabt A shall be used exclusively by members of Sky Harbor Property Owners Asiociation.= e Resolving ownership interest of Tract A and Tract B2, Sky Harbor Estates Second Addition and ca_trying over and ~mending the following notes from Plat 85-8 that currently read: a. "Tract B2 is owned by Lots 6, 7 & 8.' {Note 3 per Plat 85-8.) b. ~Tract A is owned by Lots 1, 2, :5, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.~ (Note 4 per Plat 85-8.) RJ~ for re-desi~ un~ ~c con~fio~ usc appli~on (Case 2000- 022) is hc~d ~ ~c Plmg ~d Zoning Co~ssion on M~ch 6, 2000. To be re-advc~scd ~ ~c nc~ sho~ ~lat cut-off date. S- 105S8 Willard Subdivision No. 2, Lot 3A (with ~acation} NOTE: No action was t~l~n on vacation of easement(s), as an applicat, ion for vacation was not submitted and easements were not shown on the plat. Appro%al of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility casements, REVISED RE,Q~ FOR COMMENTS ON SUBDMSION$ DATE: January 18. 2000 The Municipality of Anchorage has received applications relaUng to platting activity for the following cases: Short Plats to be heard. February 14. 2000 Case No. Subdivision Name S-10555 Anchorage Evangelical free church Subdivision. Lots 12a.13c & 14b S-10556 Sky Harbor Estates, Lot 3a & 7a S-10557 Eagle's Nest Subdivision. Block 2. Lots lc-1 ar lc-2 ?Jg,,C.-P 'S-10558 Wlllard Subdivision #2. Lot 3a with easement vacation S-10559 'l~dor Centre Subdivision. Block 2. Lot 3a ~[ 0, Attached are copies of the proposed plats. Please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment'' or "no objection." Please return blu~line print only if additional easements are required. 'Comments must reach our office by February 04. 2000 in order to be included in staff recommendations. Jerry T. Weaver. Jr. Platting Officer Enclosures l~wll~ & WA?Uq SIrW~,~ & WATER WCLL ~ FLC~V IEST liT[ PLANS ' SOIL TeIT pr~COLATION TEST BTIIIU~ A c~q IIITE WAI, TI WAT ER SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST I: .OBERTSHAFtI~.P.r. ........ OlVIL ENOINEE~o SLOPE $1T£ PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ___ ~iflg? .. . Grme Nmt Dtpth to Net Fielding DIre Time Time Water Drop PEfl¢OLATION RATE ~ (mmuleVInc~) .TEST.UN BETWEEN i~ FTAND ~*~' FT ' cGq4MENTS: RO3~RT ~. COW&N 1]'034 EA~LE NIVER LOOP, ~IT[ ~4, EAOLE NIVER S 10 5 ~ 7 FEB ~ 4 ~0~' Eagle§ Nest, B 2, Lot 1-C Prepared For: ENGINEErinG 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. TOPO MAP Monte Gates 19513 Upper Skyline Dr. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 ..... .... ,.,~ .~ ...... ~ :~, ~ ,?~ ,. ...... ~.:~,~ ,,~?, ::,.~_ Scale: NTS Grid: NW355 Eagle River, AK 99577 ............................... ...... ~,.*~ ................... , tl Dmwnby: B~ Date: 01/00 (907) 6944406 (907)696-6111~AX (907)696-8111 $10557 FEB 1 42000 I1. Existing drainage is provided through .surface infiltration, overland flow and natural drainage swales. 2. The proposed; re-plat will not ~D ENGINEE~G Eagleg Nest, B 2, Lot 1-C Prepared For: 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. DRAINAGE PLAN Monte Gates 19513 Upper Skyline Dr. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-8736 Scale: NTS Grid: NW355 Eagle River, AK 99577 [1' _ .... -: ~n,~ Drawn by: BlVlW Date: 01/00 (907) 694-4406 (907)696:6111/FAX (907)696-8111 $~105 57 FEB ~ ,a 2~n~ ~ND ENGINEERING 20441 PTARMIGAN BLVD. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577-87;36 (907)696-6111/FAX (907)696-8111 June 13, 2000 James Cross, PE, Program Manager Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Section P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 RE: Approval Request S-10557 00-022 Eagle's Nest S/D, B2, Lots lC-1 and 1C-2 Dear Jim: We respectfully request approval from the Department of. Health and Human Services for the above referenced platting and conditional use cases. The information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 for the referenced property is attached. We do not expect there to be any adverse effect on adjacent lots by the development of this property. If you have any questions, please contact me at 696-6111/FAX 696-8111. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Respectfully submitted, ]t(txC] ~ Engineering Brent M. Western attachments: As stated o F .v oz 01--- Municipality of Anchorage Page I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES r ENVIRONMENTAL: SERVICES DIVISION. P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Sile WasteWater DiSpOsal System and/or Well Inspeclion Report .. Permit Number:, ._~t~ ~ "/O~,O"t PID Number: O ~o - ~ Gl - ~ O Name: ~0~(~ ~h~ ' Waslewaler System: ~New D Upgrade Address: ~oo ~U~u~T~ C,.c~ ~,-AIc ~'~ ABSORPTION FIELD phone: ~-q~OG.' --IN°'°l~dr°°ms:. ~ Deep Trench ~ Shallow Trench DBed ~Mound ~Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION so,.,,.0: O.~ ~"~. ~,.=~o,,~,,h,om~,~,.,, Subdiv~lon: ~h ~ pl~ ~H~ fr~ or~l~l gr~e: Gravel depth ~neal~ pipe ~ ~ ~ O'- I.~~ ~. WELL: ENs~d~ New D Upgrade o..~ wldlh: ~ '~ FL Numberlof lines: II~ta~tween~:~ FI. Classlfic~o. IP, l--te. A.e.cl: Total ~plh: ~o: Total absorptlo~r~L ¢ Pipe materb,: / rR~4~¢ ~ r~. SO. FL,~T~ Driller: ~ ~ Drlll~: Satlc Water Le~I:Fi. Installec ~ ~P ~, Date Installed: J~~ Yield: ~GPMjl Pump ~t at: FLIJ ~si~ ~ighl A~ve Gr~d:FL TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES ~s,p~ D.o~d~n~ ' TO Septic Ab~r~ll~ LI~ Ho~i~ ~l~rNa~e Manufacture~ ~pacity In ga~ons: From Tank Field Station Tink ~we, L~s ~~E r~ ieee Number of Compadments: We~ Io01+ Ioo~ ~ ~ Z~{+ Material: ~EL Sudace Water Iool+ Iool~ ~ ~ ~ LIFT STATION Line / O ¢ IO ¢ - ~ Remarks: C'uT,c~ P4¢P~'.~ ~ ~d~.~.~. BENCH MARK L~allon ~nd Descrlptlon:  ~um~vation: JO0.0 18?ections pedormed by: s & S [N¢INE[[I~6 l~ ........... Department of Health and Human Se~ices approval . ,, ~-~ ...... ~'~ Reviewed and approved by: Date: "~~- 72-013 (~ev. G/95) MOA 2S PERMIT NO.,SW970309 Hunic i~i[?{_~ Anchorooe DEPARTMENT OF AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION .P.D. Box 196650 e_Anchor~ge, At~sN~ 99519-6650 · Teteohone, 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER UISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT LOT 1C, BLOCK 2, EAGLE~NEST SUBDIVISION P.I.D. NO. 050-761--10 ALT. SITE #2 WITH USE OF A LIFT STATION ~i~~~_GAZEB0 .~/(No W^TCn rcx~o) / / / / / // I · THI2 NEW · 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK ALT. SITE #1 WELL .NEW 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK TRENCH \ NO WA{i~R FOUND ?6.6 B.O.H 15~'ALLCO ;'CO SCALE l' = 40' A B 3TI 13.0' §.6' 5T2 12.6'" 11.,5' DBLI 13.6' 14.§' DBL2 {.4.0' 15.0' ~Ol 28.0' 36.0' MTt 30.0' 37.0' 002 75.0' 74.0' MT2 74.5' ?3,5' PERFORMED FOR:~ 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION:-j''~'T' lC ~J./~ ;2. E4~,-[,~' Municipality ol Anchorage DEPA.R,,T, ,M, ENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES . 825 'L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG'~ PERCOLATION TEST ~ /~J ~ '~ ~ ,~ h.~ DA'rE PERFORME~'~:t-~~ /,//-ST Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T' {; ST- //~ C (.. 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER ~ 0 S IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Walcr Altar ~onitofing? , ~ 7 Date: Reading ~ate Time ~ime Water Drop PERCOLATION RA~E [m~nute~mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ES~ RUN SE~WEEN COMMEN~S S & S ENGINEERING _ i~-~/~~~~~ CERTIFY 3'HAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED BY; 'j7034 ~.agie ~<iver I. oop Road No. 204 ~/30 /ti ~ - ACCORDANCE WiIE~g{e~er~I~M~:MS~I~DIYAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON 'I'HIS DA'rE. DA3-E; PERFORMED FOR:_ Municipality Gl Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, AlaSka 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: · LEGAL DESCRIPTION: i[,~'r I (~. /'~ ~.~ ;:L. (Af.~,~. ~va~Yl'ownship, Range, Section: SLOPE · SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER' ~ ~ ENCOUNTERED? Si ~ L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? P Depth t~ Water Alter ¢1/~ ~/c) ~ · Monitoring? J)~ 'Y Date: _ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop · -- 3 - .~' a~ ~ o ~,~ ~-" I ~=" ~ ~o ~ ~- ~ ~/~ " I '~ " ~: ~)- ,~ Y Y~" I '% " ~ · ~-~ = ~ ~ '/~ - ~ ,' PERCOLATION RATE 'o~. O (m~nute$/inch) PERC HOLE DIAME'[ER '[EST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND ,,C'. ~ FT COMMENTS S & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY:. 1-l~4~rRj~~ ACCORDANCE W~j~L~'~'~II~j~''I~AL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DA'TE. PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMI~ENTS Municipalily o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN S IF YES, ATWHAT ~ OL DEPTH? , p E Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~O (min,Jtes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~_~ tl TEST RUN BETWEEN ~* FT AND ~' FT $ &' I=NGINEERING ,-'"~/' ~tc~/'/z '~ CERTIFY THAT ,THIS EST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED BY: "i "- - ' ' ,/ 1034 Eagle River Loop Road No. 204 - ACCORDANCE WI'~II~I-I~I~jI[~I~I~IJ~.~AL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72~8 (Rev. 4/85) SEWER l WAIER .. I.I, llJN EX I E I, IS IOl'lS 8EWER &WATER IHSPECTIOfl E NCJNEERING STUDIES ANOREPORTS W~LL IHSP£CTION &FtOWIES[ SITE pLN4S ROAD DESIGN $O4LIESI I~RCOLATION IEST STRUCTURAL IJECIIAMC~L C~SITE WASIEWATER DiSPOSALSYSTEM DESIGN IqODERT O. COWAN, P.E. I'IC)B ERT R. 8tlAFE.fl, P.E. WELL FLOW TEST DATA CLIENT: ZD/t Ct-'[ k~,v~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ lC ~ WELL DEPTH: ~/ CASING DEPTIh DATE DRILLING COMPLETED: ~O/q ~ DRILLER: / CIVIL EHG~EEt'~ (eOT) 604-207e FAX (007) 604-1211 ., DATE:' ' I rMJSC. DATA: CASING tlEIGHT: I~-.n ''~ SANITARY SEAL: WIRES IN CONDUIT: ,,eR GRADING O.K.: 3 BACTERIA AND NITRATE ~MPLES COLLECTED (date):: TEST DATA: ' ' METER PuMPiNG DEPTH TO CLOCK READING RATE WATER REMARKS · .TIME (GALl (GPM) (FT} ... [RESULTS: WELL CURRENTLY PRODUCES GPM WITII A vaK,,,,ax~ DRAWDOWN FLOW RATE NOT GUARANTEED-SUBSEQUENT VARIATIOIqS CAN OCCUR. 1503~ ~ORTII EAGLE [lIVER [OOP * SUITE 204 · EAGtE RIVER. AI~ IEN. TII NJTItOi~lT~t' NTflOVN. S SEWER&WATER IJAJN EXTENS~OH~ 6EWER & WATER IIISPECTIO,'q EN(~NEERHdG STUO~ES ANO REPOflTel I1'~ LL ItlSPECTION &FLOWTES! SOILTEST PEItCOt~T~ON TEST STRUCTURAL& · 14SPECTICN'49 OH SITE W.A,S T E'NAT ER DISPOSAL 6'~,T EM ROBERT C. COWANo RE. I'~)DERT A. StlAFER, RE. CLIENT: WELL LOCATION (legal): : I.-(Yi" t¢- TEST DATE: :~/.~.-/C~ :::3/- WELL DEPTH: - CASING DEPTH: WELL REcOvERY TEST DATA TEST pROCEDURE; 1) Draw water down to pump. 2) Shut pump off 15-60 rain, -record time -record meter reading 3) Turn pump on. Drawdown. 4) Shut pump off. -record lime -record meter reading CIVIL ENG~'~EERS (907) 694-2971) FAX (00,7) 69,~-1211 TESTED BY; WELL DRILLER: .~?,///,'~ ~ DATE DRILLED; / ~.,ISC DATA: Casing Ilelght: IZ..'' f' Sanitary Seal? Wires In Conduit? Grading O.K.? Pump Depth: u Samples Taken? Date: Calculate gal.lmln, recovery. · TEST DATA: START TIME: ._[D_LZ.~__4' STATIC WATER LEVEL: TRIAL II PuuP II T,~E II METER II G^L.~.~.. OFF ~:,~ 2 o. G :~ _ ..~.. . OFF ~: ~ ~ OFF ~'~ OFF ~:~ 5U~5 · 4 ON ~:0~ ,~ OFF ~JO S~'J .. OFF ' 8 O~ ' ' OFF · ' ,ESULTS; WELL CURRENTLy PRODUCES.' bi. ~p FLOW RATE NOT GUARANTEED-SUBSEQUENT vARIATIOI 17034 NORTli EAGLE RIVER LOOP t SUITE 204 * EAGLE RIVER. ALASKA 99577 CE- 8801. (.gerlifieh rilliu6 h¥ OOC Co. SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. BOX $?02?2, CHUGIAK, ALASKA $056~' * TELEPHONE 688.27fi9 DATE. Started Ended _~ GALS, PER HR PE~IT NUMBER 3~ KIND OF FORMATION: F,om 0 Ft. ,o._,~_.--F,. ~--- ,q..~ ,~'J 6 ~' 7"~ c,/-. ,J/~ F,om ~ F,. ,o~ F,. From Ft. to _Ft. From~Ft. to.~ Ft. From~Fl. FI. Io, FI ~Ft. to _____ Ft. From Ft. lo FI. Front yr. to, FI. From ~.FI. In FI. From~Ft. lo ,,Ft. FI. to Ft. _ Ft. to Ft. From, From FI. lo Ft. From .FI. to__Ft. From~Ft. to Ft. From FI. lo ,.FI. MISCL. INFOID, IATION: From FI. to Ft. From FI. to _ FI. From~Ft. to Ft.. From FI. Io~FI. From FI. to,. FI  01 TANAII~.. DRIVE · AHCHORAGE, ALASK. ~9502 · (907) 243-0740 ~ · · J~ 11, 2~0 Mon~ Gat~ 19513 U~r S~e ~ve ~e myer, ~ 99577 ~: Water well l~t~ at lot (lC bl~ 2) ~gle's Ne~ Su~on . D~ ~. Gat~: ~er comple~g ~e hy~e o~mfion onyo~ well on Apffi 8, 1999, we mo~ to ~e site ~ t~ p~p g~ on ~y 3, 1~9. We ~ a t~ p~p ~d d~ ~e generator ~d ~g~ to p~p ~e ~e well m pnm~ for a to~ of 5.5 horn on ~e 3~ of~y. ~e t~ w~ ~tempt~ bd~y when ~e pump s~d l~k~ ~d ~e ~e to ~e pump is not ~clud~ ~ ~e 5.5 ho~. ~e well ~d ~ ~ ~fic rater l~el of 8.5 f~t ~d m pm~ at 9 g~lo~ ~r ~ute ~t~al!y ~d ~e'fi~l t~g m done at 8 ~!!o~ ~r ~ute ~ ~e ~11 ~w do~ to ~e t~ prop w~ m set at 210'~ It ~ o~ op~on ~t on ~e ~te ~e well m te~ ~ ~er, ~ng p~ ~e f~ mt~ ~m ~e ~, ~e well m mpable ofpr~u~g 6 ~1!o~ ~r ~e for up to 4 houm ~r ~y. Plm~ b~ ~ ~d ~s m a ~o~ tes~ S~CE, ~C. WATER SYSTEM SERVICES · DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL PUMP SALES AND SERVICE ]}OX ~-:~$¢-J}; ST~Xl~ ]I~OU'fl~ /~ ~N'CIIIOIi~AGE, /-~.LASI~A {~)50~ · slx iNCH water WELL DRILLED AND CASED OUT TO THE dEPtH Of Drilled at ThE rATE Of ~19.00 PEr'FOOT. PrOPErtY OWNER /~o LOCATION OF WELL SiTF DRILLER. WELL LOG: ......... Tc~,f..o,L.Cn.4;l'o nfl. ~)~JJJJJ~.: ~r122.r;-oo Bo C.J,.o.,~tt,, Zo4'. ~JJ~ So~aJ. o~. 1)hJJ~ Sa,i:. lite.. . COST INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR'COMPLETION OF SAID DRILLING. WRITE CHECK PaYAbLE TO RAMPart DRILLING WORKS FOR THE SUM Of $°q;~9~°00 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. DATE BER~IE~CLAUS OF RAMPART DRILLING WORKS n/~,v~ 26.t/~, 1979 _~..~ SERVICE CHARGEOF I~/=% PER MONTH WILL BE AS~;ESSED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. 844,,?v~14.: ..... .,'-'... ...,~. ' "", ' ' "~-" · c;",V",-' ,' '; . -- .. · '~ ~'.- .; .~i., i'V'. '. " -~ ~ . . . ~:'WY'.- - '" ' , ' - . ' .'; ' · · ':Si~ INCH WATER WEL~'DRILLED AND CASED: ' OUT" ~TO THE DEPTH OF ~5 ~ . ¢..-~ ;..',, ... ,~.~ ..... DRILLED AT THE RATE OF PROPERTY, OWNER · LOCA:FION OF WELL SITF. D r I LLE r B~_-v~ C~,~-~. WELL LOG..' 0---.--10~ ~0---'.J49'B~. ~ .o~ .evck w. Lt.h wa~e~ ~.Zo~ of. o~ qoZ p~ ~ ~ 49 ~ 49---95' S~ ~. ~o~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 85 ~ 90 ~. 95--772' S~ ~. n ~ o~ 3 ~ ~ ~ 172 ~ 785 .to 788' To~vb' l~ p,~duc,f,~n. .ohow. o ct. q, Le,t.d o~ a~ .Lea~ 4 ,C~Plll ar.i, fAa po~,~l.~ o~ 5 ~fl'lll o~ be~Vt.e~ wZ.~.A iz~e of. I~eAL. tOa/ce~ ,o~:L ~ ~~ ~ w~ 40 ~ o~ ~~. 3/4 ':'i~ ,? ':?';;'"" .' · . "~. ':';,"'-" ~:'i;~;e~',ts: :: .... , '.t .~.-', : '~;-,~2'1.~ ~ ~ ~'~ ..' -- ~'~ :. · .' ': ..... . · :.. ,.. · .:j:~2~.:..;. , · , . ,~,.,.-;~.: .. .. . . . .~.::.~,:. . .. '. · . .. ~ ¢ . . . · . .... ... . . ..... · .A:,~;ez::~]",," .. ;~.~,.~ ~:~%,,.,~ .'... v::~.~.e' :.' ..: :.. · ·: · . . . :: -:'~:v(::~;L.' .. ", ~;-?.. · ,.:-. ',' r." . .' ':'. ": ' .' ' .. ......~:::~.: .... · · .,- . :. '.. ~...'~:':.' , ...... ~,?~., . ..~ . . ,A ... ~,%:,,~.fi'~.:~:. '.:,,:~,~'z:,;: r'... ..... .. ...V.,..~ .; .... . :~.:,;L;~']. '-:" · · . , .. '-.. ': ' :.:,t?,::' .. ;,~;¥~:~;t,:;~- . ...~ ?V.'.. ...:..".... .' · ......:~.'. · · · .... - ..... ~c~ ;:,~':~o 7': .... ".Z'~;~?~."' ~.'*"s~¢.~c." · ' . .,~... ... ' ' '. ' : · ' · ' · ' e.~v.~'4h'.'t · ' -,~....,x[ ...... · , · · · · · , ..... ~..,,... . · .' ?....'..~ · ......, :,V~:4~,,:..~..,.,.~:2;,~.~..'~:.,'.::.., ..'.... .... :.,:.:. ~......,. ~0~ o..~.~.~ ..,~,.~ ~o..~ .... · . · ..,'"- "-:.., ,,.~':~"~,"ms '. ,..... :,~.,.... ~~~. ~ ,. .... .:.~.. I~.'~'D~T~ '~ ~" ' ' '~" . :'~..':' ' '" "':": ' ' ~ "'~ ,t":'." ~VIC'E CHARGg O F 15%' P~R N ~ DUE ACCOUNTS. ,:.;.~::~ ~. ....,..,~. .. .........., ...:.,,,.... From_ -F~. lO__Ft. MI$CL INFOILMATION: L~GAL D~CRI~IO, ~o~ ~. DRAw [)OWN FT. DATE- grafted ~ Ended _ , GAL~. PER tlr ~~ P~RMIT NUMBER " - ~ kINDOF CASING KIND OF FORMATION: ~ ,-. From ~~l. to--Fl. From .... _ ri, m ...... ~'°"'~"'~~~'o ~Z~~~a3 _~,,,o .... ,,,, -- .... FrOn~Fh t~Ft. From~D. ~o~ J't .... .... From~Fl. to~[ SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P. O. BOX 272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 · TELEPHONE 688-2759 OWNER OF LAND DAZE- PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. DRAW DOWN FT. GALS. PER HR ] ~ 0 :IND OF CASING c>~O0I /7 KIND OF FORMATION: From ~ Ft. to ~ Ft. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ From From ~ Ft. to ~O Ft. ~~ ~~c~ From From ~,O Ft. to~ .Ft. ~~c From Fmm ~ 3 Ft. to--Ft. ~ ~ ~ ' From~ F~ Ft. to Ft. ~ ~ ~ From~ From~Ft. to ~ ~ ~ ~t: ' ' ~~ ~ ~O~ From From~Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft. Fromm. Ft. to Ft. Fromm. Ft. to Ft.. From Ft. to Ft. Fr~m Ft. to Ft. From __ From From From From . From ~ From From Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. ~Ft. to Ft.,. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. ,Ft. tO__Ft. .Ft. to__Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to · Ft Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to__Ft. ,Ft. to , Ft. ; ,Ft. to ' Ft MISCL. INFO .RMATION: DRILLER'S NAME IV1-W DRILLING, Inc. P. O. Box 4-1728 * 2811 Dawson A C 907-279-1741 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 Well Owner. Location DRILLING LOG £rnest Befford Use of Well Dom' (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road. L1, Blk~, Timber Ridge Subdiv Add No 1, N~i~, SE~, Sec 6 Ti~N, R1W, S.14. Size of casing 6 Static water level Screen ( Describe screen or perforation Well bumping test at__5 gallons per (]~) of drawdown from static level. Date of completion 1~ Oct 75 Depth of Hole..~02 feet Cased to 119 feet 129 ft. (~K~,~) (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) ); Perforated ( ). (minUte) for · 1 hours with 100% open end ( X ); WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give delails of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 ,TO 1 Loose Gravel Fill 1 .TO ~.~ 5 TO 7_5 . ' , 75TO TO ft. _205 TO , .TO ,TO TO~~ TO .TO. .TO 120 _ TO 205 TO . TO .~i)2 Surface Sm ~ LG~r_~xel.~ silty_~nd m a_t r~ Gobble Gravel Wen the re d ,_..._fJ a__c__tu_ r.e_~_Bm_d r o c k gr_ey t_o_.gr~n_~iLt~n~_~_artly .e 1 tered. ~lj~h_~y .. clayey. .. ___~-. d r.o_¢k L__ A/~_ sp o r a di c_fx~c_ture L~tLth_~m~dl__w~t .- r s.e ~_p ~. ~ayne E. WestberU ., I -- CUSTOMER  J VJ-:W DRILLING, Inc. .,. O. Box 4-1728 · 2811 Dawson A C g0?-2?g-l?41 . ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG 1 Itt - l (,/° I Yqo jo' ,.f~" Well Owner Location (address of: To~p, R~ge, Section, ff ~own; or d~t~ce m~ road ._~ ~: t,O I 'I- I,q. Depth of Hole ~02 feet ., 'Cased to 119 feet' ,~.1. t~-~; /-.~.~H ~-"~7- . ft. (Wo69e) (below) land surlaee. Finish o! well (check one) ?erforated ( ). . : Size of casing 6 Static water level 129 Screen ( ); open end ( . ' ); Describe_ scre....__en ~oration Well p~mping test'a(.~Z/) gallons per · of drawdown ~o'm static level. (minute) for 1 hours with 100~; ft. WELL LOG Date of completion Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 ,TO 1 Loose Sr~tve] ~ZFT. CF HEAl.."-, Smt~ll Or~vel~ rtl'~.:, r,~nd r:r.~ri~t iJeathered, £rv-ctureO b~drocR clvy'.y. .TO .TO ' .TO TO MICHAEL QUINN CONSTRUCTION PHONE HO. : 907 6944956 Aug. 26 1998 by DOC Co. d~a 5ULLIYAN W TER WELLS P.O. BOX 670272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 · TELEPHONE 10:30AM P~ OVVNER OF LAND./q~/C ,z~/q E 4. ~J,~J ADDRESS /b ~'oX '7 '~_~ ~ / LEGAL DESCRIPTION PERMIT NUMBER~ Date of Issue ~-~ - TAX INDENTIFICAT1ON NUMBER ~'~___~.~. Is w~ll located at approved permit Iocalion? BORE HOLE DATA ~ L-'INo Method of Drilling: ~'~ary l:3 cable tool Dei~th of well: ..~ O ,Casing Type ,.,T'3'~p.-_~_ Wall Thickness c~_~ inches D]amc~er__~ ~' inches, depth . ~.~ feet Liner Type; Casing Stickup Above Ground: ,.~ feet Static Water Level (from ground, level): ~ feet · P.u.mping level: feet after hrs. pumping .... '.~gpm ReCOver Rate: ~ gpm Open End l~1~1~ Hole feet Stopped feet Stopped C/~olume' C~ OD < (~J feet, to ,-'""--'- Brand Name I~ No 3'0 feet feet feet feet Method of Testin. g: /~/~ Well Intake Opening Type: I~ Screened; Start !~.,. Perforations Start Grout Type: Depthi from Pump Intake Depth: Pump Size hp Well Disinfected Upo.n.Completion? ~ees Method of Disinfection':'- (~--/'/A Comments: SEP 2 1998 · Municipality of Anchorage . I~.,nf_ I-IR~lfh ,q, Hllm?Jn RRrvinn.q ATTENTION: It is the responsibility of th.e property owner to submit a copy of the well Icg to the proper authority. Municipality of Anchorage: Department of Health & Human Services and/or Department of Environmental Conservation. MatSu Borough: Department of Environmental Conservation.