HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubdivision Informations/o, June 27, I973 Tryck, Nyman & Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska ]B~ C E .tV'E]) Subject: Subsur£a6e Soils Investigation Project: Woodsliff Subdivision - Chugi~k, Alaska Attn: Mr, Dan Chapman Dear Dan: This report is in reference To your request for our Company To perform a soils investigation for on-site sewage systems on the Subject Project. Six test pits were excavated with a Case backhoe in the most accesible areas on the property. The locations are shown in the enclosed report. The results of these test pits indicate that a high ground water~ table exists over a major portion of the property. The test pits dug on the East section of this propert~ showed a ground wa~er level existing at minus 4 feet. This condition occured in a one foot layer of coarse gravel. The soil types encount- ered in the test pits would require a drainage area per bedroom of 160 to 250 square feet. Seepage pits or drain fields could be constructed if the ground water condition were eliminated. No test pits were excavated in the Southwest portion of the property at this time. However, visual examination of this area revealed several streamlets traversing this area indi- cating a high ground water level also. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, Construction Test Lab es D. Ma~lc Lab Manager JDM/em elqcl: Hole ~Oo Shec% of Date ~ 73 C_~ ~e n ~~nce Pro jec ~ [/oo~clmz ~vlsmon ~ S [S~ n. i D~TA ~ ~mG~.~ ~. Organic Silt and Cobbles, s~a~ding s~rf~~]. Gravel-Silt mix, we5 t { ~ I Gravel Silty Gravely Sand -(225 ) Ground water running into 5esc pit between 4 & 5 ft. Below 5 ft. the soil is moist Bottom of Test Pit 225 sq. ft. drainage area quired per bedroo~ Sand Silt CI ay Organic Conlen± Peat Frost Water Table F~ie Nco 2 Locat ion refer no sketch Sheet ' of 91o0o '~ . .<Oo Operatoz 2ivI -6!-2o-6-_73 C1 i e ~i--B~ M0uncs --~a k, Alaska~ CI~,SS I? iCAT ION I '~--~ Organic Topsoil Gravely Silty Sand with cobbles and boulders, wot Ground water between 4 & ~ ft Moist below ~ ft. elevation Bottom of Test Pi5 Note: ground, waner running into ~ess pit from a coarser gravel zone 200 square ft. Gravel drainage area required per/bedroom ! Sand Silt Ct ay lOrganic Content Peat Watez Table H01e Location DBPTH 4 9 20? Sn,~ ,.t o f W~ Oo No o Oper at o r o-2o-7 C ....... Bob Mounce Ct~,SSiF iCAT iON ~ SYST.EM I DATA Organic Silt & Cobbles Brown Silt, moist ( ML ) Coarse GravgD% with cobbles (GP. Silty Sandy Gravel, moist Silty Gravel, mois0 ( GM )225 Sa~urabed Send and Gravel(SW ~ GP) 100 [ Bottom of ;Peso Pit Average of 160 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom ProjectWoodclm~z Subdivision. '0~ug~Tx, - Al'aska ~.EGE Gravel Silt Clay rganic [Conten~ Frost Water Table '--ocat~o~ reze~ to Sheet of .,o0o Nco Operator Date -~O- _7.~ Client Bob Mounce Project Woode ]iff Subdivision --~'~-~gi ak, Alaska D2~F_?H ] ].~('~ Organic Sil~ ~ Bo~iders z 1~/~ Brown Gravely Sandy Silt, 1 DATA ts~anming surzaoe w~ver CLASSIFICATION SYSTEbl 250 sq. age required per bedroom We D Blue-grey Gravely Sandy Silt, moist to dry-very dense cobbles and boulders mixed thruout ~Bottom of Test Pit ft, drain& Gravel Sand Silt CI ay Organic $ontent Peat Fros% Tabie !',- .½ "One lest is ~ort4 a ~housand o~inions" F~ote Noo 7 Location refer 5o sketch CL~.SSiP ICAT ION SYSTEM Organic Silt & Boulders Ground wa6er at minus I~ ft. Silty Sandy Gravel, saturabed boulders up ~o 3 £t. diameter Bottom of Tes~ 'Piv Sheet of WoOo Noo O~erator JM Da-~e ~ 73~ Clien%~--~ Mounce pro j ec~-6-1 iff Subdivision · DATA LEGEND Gravel Silt ,Organic Table "On~ test is worth a thousand opinions" ,~le NCo 8 Loca-tion~'r to skevch Brown Silt ( ML ) Gravely Sandy Silt with cobble Ground water between ~& ~ ft. a coarse gravel layer Sheet of WoO. * ~1~o~-~_..._~_~. ~--~e r at o r JM Da~e o~o-/.3 ' -- Bottom of Test Pit Ctient--~--~ Mounce Project--~doodcliff Subdivision[ ~fiaska _ LEG~END Gravel Sand Clay Organic ConCent Peat S~4P ~ DATA Fros% Table 2~0 sq.ft, drain- age area required per bedmoom NYMAN F HAY6S ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS 3673.0 August 3, 1973 Mr. Roll Strickland Division of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough SS00 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 9950? Subject: Proposed Woodcliff Subdivision Dear Roll: Attached are copies of the soils reports for the subject property which has been postponed pending the submission of additional soils information. We are, in behalf of the Owner, requesting preliminary approval of the proposed ~{oodcliff Subdivision, subject to resolving sanitary sewer problems to the satisfaction of your department. The soils report received on the subject property from Construction Test Lab indicates two separate situations which must be dealt with to achieve satisfactory on-site sewage disposal. First, high ground water table which appears to come from granular layer:of soil which is just under the surface of the ground. It is our belief that this ground water can be permanently drained from the property through a system of ditches and the Owner plans to attempt this upon receipt of pre- liminary approval of the plat. Secondly, the soils show low permeability and it is the Owner's plan, after draining the property, to retest the soils to obtain a basis for sizing the lots in the subdigision. On the basis of the above, the Owner is asking at this time for preliminary approval of the subdivision plat. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us. Very truly yours, TRYCK, NY~AN ~ HAYES Leslie L. Brattain, P.E. LLB:ml attachments Si IK:C r'~; ] '/ i(olf btric~:'ia¢id,, t,,.S. Cniof Sanitarim~ cc: Wayne },iab~.¢ TO I TRYCK, NYMAN & Consulting Engineen, 740 'T' Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone 279*0543 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings [3 Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] [] Samples the fo owing items: [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: REMARKS [] For approval J~For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit.__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US '~Ong ~st is worth a thcn~and olainkms" June 27, 1973 Tryck, Nyman & Haye 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska Subject. SubsurfaCe Soils Investigation Project: Woodcliff Subdivision - Chugiak, Alaska Attn: Mr. Dan Chapman Dear Dan: This report is in reference to your request for our Company to perfor~ a soils investigation for on-site sewage systems on the Subject Project. Six test pits were excavated with a Case backhoe in the most accesible areas on the property. The locations are shown in the enclosed report. The results of these test pits indicate that a high ground water table exists over a major portion of the property. The test pits dug on the East section of this property showed a ground water level existing at minus 4 feet. This condition occured in a one foot layer of coarse gravel. The soil types encount- ered in the test pits would require a drainage area per bedroom of 160 to 250 square feet. Seepage pits or drain fields could be constructed if the ground water condition · were eliminated. No test pits were excavated in the Southwest portion of the property a~ this time. However. visual examination of this ea revealed seve~l streamlets ~raverslng t~i~ area ~xx~- If you have any q~estions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, Construction Test Lab es D. Mack Lab Manager NYMAN ~HAY6S ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Roll Strickland Division of~Environ. Qual. Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 9950?