HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODED HOLLOW S-6936 SUBSURFACE SOILS INVESTIGATIONS WOODED HOLLOW SUBDIVISION Peters Creek, Alaska Prepared for Quest EnteKprises 4325 Laurel Street, Suite 285 Anchorag(!, Alaska 99504 Prepared by A. W. Murfitt Company 8010 King Street Anchorage, Alaska 9950~_~/ June 28, I983 Job #83-057.01 June 16, 1983 Quest Enterprises 4325 Laurel Street, Suite 285 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attn: Mr. Harry J. Moening ~ Re: Subsurface Soils Investigation for: a.t Roadway Design b. Percolation Testing Wooded Hollow Subdivision · Peters Creek, Alaska Our Job No. 83-054.01 ~- Dear. Harry, Pursuant to your request, we have completed a geotechnical subsurface soils investigation of the above referenced site. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the condition and nature of the subsurface soils~ percolation testing for on-site septic design, and to provide roadway foundation design recommendations. . The considerations and recommendations presented herein have been developed from observations made in the field, test hole drilling, percolation testing, and laboratory testing of selected representative samples. Subsurface soil conditions were evaluated at the site on March 30 and 31, 1983, by drilling e!ght (8.) test bo.rings at the approximate locations shown on :the attached Site Plan,.Plate 1. Two (2) test borings were drilled to assess subsurface soil conditions for the proposed roadway and six (6) test borings were drilled on Lots 2 through 7, respectively, for percolation testing. The roadway test borings and associated laboratory test results are ;)resented in Appendix A, Plates 2 through 7. The soil logs and percolation test results are presented in Appendix B. All of the test borings were advanced by means of a track mounted Mobile B-50 drill rig utilizing 6-inch O.D. solid flight auger. Disturbed samples were obtained from the auger return as drilling Mr~ Harry J. Moening Ju~e 16, 1983A'': Pag~ 2 progressed in each hole. The drilling was subcohtracted to Denali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska, .. While logging the test borings, observations were made concerning the presence of organics, moisture content, groundwater, drilling effort, and soil type and temperature. The soll was visually classified with respect to color and texture. Observations made concerning relative density were derived from the degree of difficulty of the drilling process. Groundwater was not encountered in:any of the boreholes while drilling with the exception of Borehole No. 3 where groundwater was encountered at 7.5 feet below existing ground surface. Seasonal "break-up" was occurring at tile time of drilling and it is believed that infiltration of surface water may have influenced groundwater levels. Groundwater levels were re-measured approximately one (1) week and again, approxi- mately eight (8) weeks after drilling. The re-measured water levels are indicated below: Water Levels ,(1]_ Borehole 3130/83 or 3/31/83 ~5/8__3 5/26/83 1 . None 2 None 8;2': None 3 '7.5' 6.5'~-- None (2),- '4 None .~ 6.5'~ None (2), 5 None, 8.5'~r 5,0' .... 6 None 13.2',~ 4.0' 7 None, 1.5~ 3.0' 8 None~ - (i) Measured from existing ground surface. (2) Borehole sluffed in to 6.0". PVC standpipe silted in at 6.0'~- Due to the high groundwater levels encountered, conventional trench type septic systems may not be feasible on Lots 31_through 7,~'. A shallow depth mound type system may have to be incorporated on these lots, Other portions of the lots may be more suitable for on-site septic systems. Surface runoff may be affecting the water levels within the boreholes. (--PeFEolation testing was performed in shallow boreholes drilled adjacent to the soils log boreholes on Lots 2, 3, and 5. Percolation tests were not performed on Lots 6 and 7 due to high groundwater levels. The GW.-GP material encountered on Lot 4 did not necessitate a perco- lation test. - ' Mr. Harry Moening June 16, 1983 Page 3 The existing granular soil beneath the surfacial organic material is expected to provide good support for the plannned roadway. No buried organics, debris, or soft fine-grained soils were encountered in the two (~)boreholes for the proposed roadway. All surfacial organic material should be removed from the roadway an~ the exposed surface should be recompacted to 95 percent of the maximum density as obtained by ASTM.test procedure D1557, Method D or the equivalent AASHTO specification. Backfill to bring the road to grade should consist of classified Type II granular fill. This fill should ~e compacted to the specification already stated. In any event, fill lift thicknesses should not exceed twelve (12) inches. Drainage ditches constructed adjacent to the roadway should not allow the ponding of water. In addition, ditch soils may necessitate the placement of an overlay filter blanket of granular soil to prevent subgrade soil erosion. Natural ditch granular so~ls however, are expected to be relatively erosion stable and accordingly ditch side slopes may be constructed to a maximum slope of 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. Seasonal frost heaving of this roadway is expected to be minimal provided positive drainage away from the roadway is maintained. While drilling it was noted that subgrade soil moisture contents were relatively !ow. ~ As has been our experience, conditions encountered during construction are sometimes different from those anticipated from the subsurface investigation. It is very important to insure that the planned work is executed in accordance with the preceeding recommendations and design specifications. In this regard, construction should be under the supervision of a competent engineer. Please do not hesitate to call if you require additional information or have any questions. Respectfully submitted, A. W. MURFITT COMPANY Jeffrey M. Ayres Senior Engineering Geologist Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977-E 1.) ~t. to ~ale 2. ) Test ~le l~ations ~e appro~te ~d have not l~at~ by s~vey ~s. . m A.~ Murf~tt Co pany ArcHc Civil and Geotechnical En~ineerin~ Consultants ' lqooded Ho]lo~ Subdivision 3ob ~o.~3r054.01 Appr. ~ Do~e~/R~ Peters Cr~. . ,, ,,., ,.,,,, ~aska , APPENDIX A LABORATORY o TESTS = oo 11.5 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35, 40. L~G OF BORING EQUIPMENT_Mobile B.-SQ ELEVATION Exist Grade DATE3-30-83 IORGANIC MAT (Pt) SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GP-G~) Brown, Moist, Dense. Seasonal Frost to 2.5' Occasional Cobbles Frost Class F-1 SA~)Y GRAVEL (GP) Brown, Moist, Very Dense. Total Depth 10.0 ' Ground%rater not encountered while drilling. Murfitt Company -LOG O~F !~ORING _ _ }~arry ~:eninq Arctic CMl'and Geotechnical Engineerin§ Consultants Wooded Hollow SubdJviston Job no._83,054 ..Q1 A.p~m...J~ -- Do,e_6/2/fl3 . !Peters Creek, Alaska PLATE 2 LABORATORY ~' '"' "- TESTS g o o ~ ,,z,,.,.,~ O- 13.3 10- 15 20- 25-~ 30. 35- 40- A.W. Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultanl Job no. 83-054.01 Appr.~MA __ Date 6/2/83 LL.G OF BORING m EQU IPME NT__lz~bile '<' E L E VAT I O N*--~t---gr.&~LP-.- DATE 3-30-J~3 I Brawn,. ORGANIC SILT (MJ~OL) Seasonal Frost to 2.5' SIL'I~ GRAVELLY SAND (SM) Brown, Very Dense, Occasional Cobbles, Moist (surface ~lting snow saturating borehole). Frost Class F-3 Total Depth 10.0 ' Groundwater ~Dt Enoountered While Drilling. LOG OF BORING #8 Hazz7 Moening Wooded Hollow Subd'ivfs'ion Peters Creek, Alaska PLATE 3 APPENDIX B SOILS LOG MUNICIPALI'rY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND £NVIRONMENTAL P-ROTECTION 82E L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99S01 264-4?20 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST / 3 j() 4 [:~ ~'.c ('~5 6- 7 14 15 16- 17 18 19 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ,....~ , ~/, PERCOLATION TEST Dr; hL-,~ DATE P[:RFORMED: ~ec. /o SLOPE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? V~:~ 0L iFYES, ATWHAT~/~_ ~ ': . E DEPTH? q,/~_ ~, ~ ~.~') Ro~ding Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATIONRAT~~ lC'),. I ~ TEST RUN BETWEEN , FT AND CERTIFIED BY: SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT Of; HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alalka 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOL. ATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:_ (~?V ~s''''/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: '1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 . ' DATE PERFORMED:=,~t-C. /-/-.-~'-{~.~ SLOPE SITE PEAN ~ 19 Reading Time Net Time C) Depth to Water SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [] PERCOLATION DEPARTIENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST L. s,,..,. A..ho,.,., ^,..k. 9..°, 2..-.720 SOIt. S LOG - PERCOLATION TEST · PERFORMED FOR;_~ ~J ~"/' _~/~ ~ ~~'m~ c ~ · EOAL DESOR,PT,ON~ ~"r'4-; W"oo~e~ 1 2 3 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16- 17- '18- 19- 20- DATE PERFORMED: -~e c-,/O SLOPE SITE PLAN COMMENTS /~E'CO ~'"~ r'~' (' ¢~ ~ /~'~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT I I Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PER CO LAT,O N RATE. /V,.//~ (mi TES/T RUN BETWEEN ~ . FT XND ~/~d,.-~,.,,., /' ~ CERTIFIED BY: 72-008 (0/79) SOILS LOG PERFORMED FOR:__~VeS")- F,.')'~ec,,>£,'-~e~' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LcJ~'~ ~, We) C) d~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 2O MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HE, AL,TH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska g9501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TE"ST PERCOLATION TEST .~'o~.,.% /-.O~, = '~ ~~'~ DATE PERFORMED: SLOPE SITE PLAN s^~7 c,~e_..END°u."TERED' .Va% .. ,o WAS GROUND WATER IF YES, AT WHAT~/ / -7 ~o ~o 0 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop \ .4-s'd~, H',-~,~ o 5' 'o" PIeR CO LA"I:I ATE .._.._~' TEsT RUN BETW~EEN ~...~=--.' ~. FT A / ~' '~'' CERTIFIED BY: OF SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99.B01 264-4'/20 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATIC)N TEST ' PERFORMED FOR:_~V~-)'''¢ ~'r~C~',,;21'- "~'(' ~'~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 5 10 11 12 '16- COMMENTS__ _E,)k'~'-R.. tl, a PERFORMED BY: SLOPE PERCOLATION TEST GATE PERFORMED: i ~.f'C'' ~'~c- /O SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER IF YES ATWHAT DEPTH? ",~' /~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ ~r-$-~ I I'. ~- ,.... o ~- o" ~. 4-s-ss ~:¢~,,~ ~ov,,,,~ 4""~/~'' ~ ', ~ ,., .~ ' CERTIFIED BY: ~ N . DATE__~__ ~ ~,~'"~.f- ~ .c" .~- MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Departmen* )f Health & Environmental b.,vironmental Health Divisio- 'otection Case Review Worksheet Case Number I Date Received I Comments Due BY S-6936 March 31, 1983 April 20, 1983 Subdivision or Project Title: Wooded Hollow Subdivision (') Public water available ( ) Community water available Public sewer available Comments: SHT. /' OF_..~z._ LOG OF SOIL TEST DA'rE; TYPE BORING: ~5".,~¢~,,P'c:::,EZ LOCATiON:_,~"'cL-- I.-; i,I. -J ._l :~ SOIL DESCRIPTION , b.I (/3 c3 SURFACE: ELEV, 5 -20- 25- · ~5- ./ BARNARD-MARTH I~ ASSOCIATES--203 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE SliT. ~- OF-.~__ LOG OF SOIL TEST DATE: /~/~ BY: -"J, TYPE BORING: zf',~/¢,4~-.~x,.:~ .~¢'. ~ LOCATION: ~' ~ ~ SOiL DESCRIPTION , 80- · 85- r'~ BARNARD--MARTH 8~ AS$OClATES--~OE, WEST IllTH AVE.--ANCHORAGE LOG OF SOIL. TEST DATE: BY:--//~ TYPE BORING: ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV.~ iO*~ BARNARD-.MARTH 8~ ASSOCIATES--20~5 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE DATE~ .-"/-x~'/~.d'~ LOG BY: ~ TYPE BOR I N G: ~~ ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV. 5 15- -20- BARNARD-MARTH ~ ASSOCIATES--205 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE DATE: /~/~'///~'~ LOG OF SOIL TEST BY: ~ TYPE EIORIN{~: ~~ LOCATION: 2 3 SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV. ~lO. BARNARD-MARTH ~ ASSOCIATES--203 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAgE LOG OF SOIL. TEST SOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE: ELEV ~-~ ~ BARNARD-MARTH ~ ASSOCIATES--Z03 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE Arc" Civil and Geotechnical En§lneering Consul*- ~ts A.W. Murfitt (]om an ........ paL . 8010 Kin9 Street · Anchora§e, Alaska 99502 Telephone (90T~ 849-7531 October 4, 1983 Quest Enterprises 4325 Laurel Street Suite 285 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attention: Mr. Run Rivard Re: Supplementary Water Level Observations Wooded HollDw Subdivision Peters Creek, Alaska Our Job No. 83-.054.01 Dear Mr. Rivard, Pursuant to your request of October 3, 1983, we once again checked water levels at lots 2 through 7 on~Ft~o~grJ, 1~.~ Initial observations for March, A~ril, May of 1983 qave been tra~ltted to your office on June 28, 1983 in our report entitled "Subsurface Soils Investigation Wooded Hollow Subdivision, Peters Creek, Alaska" dated June 28, 1983. Our observations as of this date are as follows: Borehole No. W~tter Level (ft.). ~e~a~Cs 2 Dry Standuipe removed (vandalized), hole sloughed to 3 feet. 3 Dry Hole silted in to 7 fee~. a Dry 5 /( 5.0 ~) None. Standoipe removed (vandalized), hole sloughed to 6 feet. Mr. Rivard October 4, 1983 Page 2 6 13' None. 7 Dry Standpipe partially removed (vandalized), remaining pioe silted in at 9 feet. These data fulfill ano Environmental cedures for final the Municioality of Anchorage, Department of Health Protection, 1983 Soils and Percolation Testing Pro- plat approval. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours truly, Murfi'tt, P~.E/ Civi' Engineer 4977-E AWM/1 DS CC: Triad Engineering 6837 Old Seward Highway Anchorage,-Alaska 99502 Attention: Mr. Harry Shore SUBSURFACE SOILS INVESTIGATIONS WOODED HOLLOW SUBDIVISION Peters Creek, Alaska Prepared for Quest Enterprises 4325 Laurel Street, Suite 285 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Prepare~ Dy A. W. Murfitt Company 8010 King Street Anchorage, Alaska 99502 June 28, 1983 Job #83-057.01 June 16, 1983 Quest Enterprises 4325 Laurel Street, Suite 285 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Attn: Mr. Harry J. Moening Re: Subsurface Soils Investigation for: a.) Roadway Design D.) Percolation Testing Wooded hollow Subdivision Peters Creek, Alaska Our Job No. 83-054.01 Dear Harry, Pursuant to your request, we have com~)leted a geotechnical subsurface soils investigation of the above referenced site. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the condition ane nature of the subsurface soils, percolation testing for on-site septic design, and to provide roadway foundation design recommendations. The considerations and recommendations presented herei~ have been developed from observations made in the field, test hole drilling, percolation testing, and laboratory testing of selected representative samples. Subsurface soil conditions were evaluated at the site on March 30 and 31, 1983, by drilling eight (8) test borings a~ the approximate locations shown on tile attacneo Site Plan,.Plate 1. Two (2) test borings were drilled ~o assess subsurface soil conditions for the proposed roadway and six (6) test borings were drilled on Lots 2 through 7, respectively, for percolation testing. The roadway test borings and associated laboratory test results are presented in Appendix A, Plates 2 through 7. The soil logs and percolation test results are presented in Appendix B. All of the test borings were advanced by means of a track mounted Mobile B-50 drill rig utilizing 6-inch O.D. solid flight auger. Disturbed samples were obtained from the auger return as drilli~§ Mr. Harry J. Moening June 16, 1983 Page 2 progressed in each hole, The drilling was subcOntracted to Denali Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska~ While logging the test borings, observations were made concerning the presence of organics, moisture content, groundwater, drilling effort, and soil type and temperature. The soil was visually claSsified~ with respect to color and texture, Observations made concerning relative density were derived from the degree of difficulty of the drilling process. Groundwater was not encountered in anv of the boreh~le~ whil~ d~qll~nn with the e at 7.5 fee occurring. of surface levels wer, mately eigl are indica Boreho'le None (1) Measured from existing ground surface. (2) Borehole sluffed in to 6.0". PVC standpipe silted in at 6.0'. Due to the high groundwater levels encountered, conventional trench type septic systems may no~ be feasible on .ors 3 througq 7. A shallow depth mouno type system may have to be incorporated on tqese lots. Other portions of the lots may be more suitable for on-site septic systems. Surface runoff may be affecting the water 'levels within the boreho'les. Percolation testing was performed in shallow boreholes drilled adjacent to the soils log boreholes on Lots 2, 3, and 5. Percolation tests were not performed on Lots 6 and 7 due to high groundwater levels. The GW.oGp material encountered on Lot 4 did not necessitate a perco- lation test, Mr. Harry Moening June 16, 1983 Page 3 The existing granular soil beneath the surfacial organic material is expected to provide good support for the plannned roadway. No buried organics, debris, or soft fine-grained soils were encountered in the two (2) boreholes for the proposed roadway. All surfacial organic material should be removed from the roadway and the exposed surface should be recomDacted to 95 percent of the maximum density as obtained by ASTM test procedure D1557, Method D or the equivalent AASHTO specification. Backfill I;o bring the road to grade should consist of classified Type II granular fill. This fill should ~e compacted to the specification already stated. In any event, fill lift thicknesses should not exceed twelve (t2) inches. Drainage ditches constructed adjacent to the roaaway should not allow the ponding of water. In addition, ditch soils may necessitate the placement of an overlay filter blanket of granular soil ~o ~revent subgrade soil erosion. Natural ditch granular soils however, are expected ~o be relatively erosion stable and accordingly ditch side slopes may be constructed ~o a maximum slope of 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. Seasonal frost heaving of this roadway is expected to be minimal provided positive drainage away from the roadway is maintained. While drilling it was noted that subgrade soil moisture contents were relatively low. As has been our experience, conditions encountered during construction are sometimes different from those anticipated from the subsurface investigation. It ~s very important to insure that the planned work is executed in accordance with the preceeding recommendations and design specifications Ir this regard, constructiDn should De under the supervision of a compe~en~ engineer. Please do not hesitate to cal' if you require additional information or have any cuestions. Res~ectful'ly submitted, A. W. MURFITT COMPANY Jeffrey M. Ayres Senior Engineering Geologist Allan W. Murfitt, P.E. Civil Engineer 4977-E LOT1 Structures L_---2 ? LOT2 IDT3 T.H. 2 · T.H. 3 · ~ T.H. S · LOT4 T.H. 4 · T.H. 7 LOT7 LOT5 T.H. 6 · · T.H. 5 / LOT6 ~/~ NOTES: 1.) Not to scale 2.) Test hole locations are approximate and have not been located by survey methods. A.W.. Murfitt Company Arctic Civil and Geotechnical En§ineerin§ Consultants Job no. 83--054.01 Appr. ,31V,.LA _ Dote_6/~2./R'¢ SITE PLAN HARRY ~.~ENING Wooded H0]]0w Subd~visJ0n Peters Creek, Alaska Pr. ATE 1 APPENDIX A LABORATORY TESTS 5 L G OF BORING EQUIPMENT ~obile B-~0 ELEVATION ~ist Grade DATE3-30-83 11.5 5. 10. 15- Ot~T~iq'IC blAT (Pt) SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (C~-<~) Brown, -~oist, Dense. Seasonal Frost to 2.5' Occasional Cobbles Frost Class F-1 SANDY GRAVEL (GP) Brown, Moist, Very Dense. Total Depth 10.0 ' Groundwater not encountered while drilling. 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- A.W. Murfitt Company Ha~ Moe~ J_nq Arctic Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Consultants Wooded Holqow ,ubd~ws~'on Job no.83-054.01 App, ~ Dote~2/83 Peters Creek, ~aska PLATE 2 ~ ~ ¥ L 3 OF BORING LABORATORY ~ ~ ~ '- - '-' D m~ X: ~_ EQUIPMENT ~ ~~ oo ~z ~ ~ · TESTS ~ ~ ~ < 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ELEVATION_ ~s% Grade_DATE 3-30-83 O~NIC SILT (~OL) ~r~. 13.3 Seasonal Frost to 2.5' SIL~ G~z~ Sk~ (SM) ~o~, Very ~nse, ~c~sioRal Cobbles, ~ist (s~face ~lting sn~ sat~at~g ~rehole). F~st Class F-3 ~'~1 ~p~ 10.0 ' Gro~dwater Not ~]ter~ ~ile Drill~g. Murfitt Company [OG OFBORING ~/~ PLATE Z~ t~n~g 3 Arct~cCMlandGeotechn~calEn~ineerin~Consu]tants Wooded Ho]Iow Subd~vfs~on Job no. 83-054,01 Appr~'~ Qme 6/2/83 Peters CreW, ~aska N o o oR o g o o o o o-- .LHDI~A A8 ~3NIJ ~ 0 ~_ ~ 0 o Z Z § g o~ o ~ o o o 0 O-- 0 0 U o U c~ DZ_ 0 o o Z -~ M~ D~aON,~ ] TY~'~AL N~ME$ SlITS AND CLAYS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM KEY TO TEST DATA A.~ Murfitl: Company .~O~L CLASSIFICATIONAND CHA"[ PLATE ~,EY f"O TE~ P~I~ 6 Job No ~3-054,01 ...... Appr: ~ Date_6/2~83 _ AND CLAYS . qOIL CLASSIFICATION CHAP' OR \ iR", CLAY t~/ \ o/ \ CLAYEY \ -OR °/- ('r~' SAND \ \ GRAVELLY \ ~1 LTY ,,, SAN DY 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 _~RAVEL (-~4SCi~EEN) % BY WEIGHT CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DE-SION SOIL CLASSIFICATION- AND USCS EQUIVALENT GROUPING' ~.£~cEttr^o£ FI 90 I00 F4 Gravelly soils 3 Io 10 GW. Gl'. GW-GM, GP43M (a) Gravelly soils 10 to 20 GM. GW-GM. GP-GM (b) ~nds 3 lo 15 SW. SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM (a) Gravelly ~S ~20 GM.GC (b) Sands, cxccpl vc~ fine ~ 15 SM. ~ silty ~nds (c) Cla~, PI ~ 12 -- CL CH (a) All sil~ -- ML (b) Vc~ fine silly ~nds ) 15 SM (c) Clays, PI <~ J2 ~ C~ CL-ML (d) Va~ cla~ ami ~ eL'and other fine-~ined. CL ML, and banded ~dlm~l~ C~ CH, aod CL CH, ~ and I A.W. Murfitt Company Arclic Civil and Geotechnical En~ineerin§ Consultan ~Job no.,83-'054.01 Appr. ~/LA Dale fi./P./g~ TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATE 7 APPENDIX B SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LI:GAL DESCRIPTION:__ 1 2 3 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20~ COMMENTS PERFORMED BY:_ Very WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED; ~:9~'G~' ' ~ec. /o SLOPE SITE PLAN P -- ~ -- ,~O E ZO O IF YES, AT WHAT Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMEN'rAL PROTECTION 625 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:.,, (~t/~-~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 -- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15, 10- 17- 18- 19- 20- PERFORMED BY: DATE PERFORMED:,~CC. /'~-_5'--~.~ Sec-, 10 /'t0/I~w -~J~'~/~, r~/~, r.~.~ /~r_~Cr,o~,/r, /)X', SLOPE SITE PLAN ' I PERCOLATION RATE / 5-,5" . TEST RUN BETWEEN , .~,.., CERTIFIED ~Y: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~ ~¢-s-~ I1' ~%~ o ,"kCo" 3 4t /e"'' WAS GROUND WATER IF YES, AT WHAT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION [] PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TES'r DATE PERFORMED: -~e c. fO SLOPE ~ SITE ~LAN 1 3 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMM ENTS./~('CO ~/x,~ ,., ~.~ ~/ PERFORMED BY: J, ~V', 'To~"~ I Ocp~l'~: 15,o WAS GROUND WATER ENCOU, NTERED? ~ ~/~ ~' IF YES, AT WHAT S Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TE¥' RUN BETWEEN FT AND CERTIFIED BY: SOILS LO(3 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMFNT OF HFALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorago, Alaska SSS01 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGA~ DESCmPnON:_ LOT~, ~To~d~d I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13- 14- 15 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: '~-~.C- SLOPE SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOU. TERED? _o _F u?~ o C~ ,E.FO.MED.~= J, w. s¢*,'~A o Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net 'rime Time Water Drop 't: Cz PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN CERTIEIED BY: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAl PROTECTION 825 L. StreBt, AnchoragB, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ,~ SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2, 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8 9 10- 11 G -&P 13 15 TDT-,,NL ~SF~+ ~ 16 - ~ 18- 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCO. UNTERED? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Warm Drop PERCOLATION RATE. ./'V. ~') TEST RUN BETWEEN . FT AND CERTIFIED BY: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTM["NT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1~25 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99901 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: (~ Ue~ [-.~-/e~/)£,~ce -~ DATE PERFORMED:~ / SLOP~ SITE PLAN ENCqUNTERED7 ' Xb~ ~ I I Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Wate~ Drop IF YES, AT WHAT '~L- 5-r~f>~, ¢-k>R¥i;Z~.~ ~/~ PERCOLATION RATE. "Crt'AL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17, 18- 19- 20- TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ , FT AND CERTIFIED BY: PERFORMED BY:_ .,.~ , t.~ , 72-008 4 7,4',0 SliT. /, OF-~-- LOG OF SOIL TEST_ (J> _ DATE: ._x~ ~._~_./~ Z~ B Y: ~,/, ~4~'.4 TYPE BORING:_,~',~¢,~/~? I. OCATION:JF~ /~ _ 3 ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV, -lo ~i - -15 · ~0- ~- ~.',',," . ,~ cz~,,- .,.. .~ . .?.~) ~ %~ Earl R, Darnard . . ~ ~%... ,,. BAflNARD-MARTH g~ ASSOCIATES--?..05 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE LOG OF SOIL TEST-~~ [DATE: /,~/~- ,2-, a Y:. ,x/, TYPE BORING:_.,~,"$~:,~':,9~~' LOCATION: --'¢,~"='" =! ;2 SOIL DESCRIPTION , o SURFACE; ELFV.. ¢.5',~ ' ~ , ,~ , -- '/~t .,¢~ / ~..,4'7'g ~f .¢'/ ~ .,, ,,~ z2 c /¢j.,,'., _ .;9;. -~0- '30- ,~,,,~..., . ,, .,...,~,.~ BARNARD-MARTH B ASSOCIATI-'S--205 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE SOIL DESCRIPTION BARNARD-MARTH 81 ASSOCIATES--203 WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE O~TB_ /Z/~/~z LOG OF SOIL TEST TYPE BOR IN ~: ~~ -- LOCATION:.-~ -- m SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV -5 tlO. ~' 15~ ' BARNARD-MARTH I~ ASSOClATES--20:~ WEST 15TH AVE.--ANCHORA(~E ///~/,~ LOG OF SOIL TEST DATI"; TYPE BOR I N G:_ z~.,4 ¢A",6'',~> -~- _ LOCATiO N:~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE: ELEV. -IO-~ -~0- ~', -,t, '. ID-MARTI- 81 ASSOCIATES--203 WEST I§TH AVE.--ANCHORAGE SHT ~ OF ~ LO('] OF SOIL TEST DATE:_ TYPE BORING: ~ ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ SURFACE: ELEV, m- ,C - ~0- , ' . BARNARD-MARTH I~ ASSOCIATES--203 WEST 15TH AVE.--.ANCHORA<3E .R mO <2* ~o / / / /