HomeMy WebLinkAboutWESTGATE PARK S-4294LoT DATE: January 6, 1976 ~ STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION CASE: S-4294 Westgate Park Subdivision SITE l.and list,: lope: Vt:getdii. Zoning: Commercial Flat Public Services will be extended None Il Density before: NA After: NA SLJRROUNDING AREA North I_and E/se: Vacmnt Zoning: I1 FINDING Traffic No othe~ were East South West Con~nercial Vacant I1 I1 I1 that access be 150' north of Bonanza on this plat RECO~ 1. Resolving Uti 2. Entering ' subject to: Easements necessazy subdivision agreements. COMMENfS: Planning does not feel that access is a consideration and that any resolution could be taken care of at the time of building pemit application; I , ~ %,= ·, m ~ -JlJ J~ J~J !" ' '.le I~,lei ~' I,~1/ · E ~!F J~l -~,,~"F:~L I ;~ ~. NO ,: '~ 1 I ' BO0~ , ~'~ ~ ..'~"C- 2 94'"" 2E TR I '!:..-.-, 2O W. 67TH AVE.. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: S-4254 S-4285 S~4286 S-4'287 dnicipMity of Anchorage MEMORANDUM December 21, 1976 Don Alspach, Planning Department Acting Traffic Engineer Plat Review No CO~nent No Co~nent No Coment The development of high density lots in cQ1 de sacs gives rise to severe parking deficiencies, due in part, to the lack of on-street parking. In addition, the existing requirement of one parking place per dwelling unit is inadequate in terms of current vehicle ownership pattenls and parking requirements. The Traffic ~ngineering Division recommends that a minimum of 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit be required. S-4288 No Comment S-4'289 No Comment S-4290 No Comment S-4291 Traffic Fmgineer requests a parking layout with access location be submitted for futher review and establish the parking needs of existing facilities. S-4292 No Comment L~:.42R4--. Traffic Engineer recommends that access be relocated to a location at least 1S0' north of Bonanza Avenue. S-4295 No Comment S-4296 No Comment S-4297 No Comment S-4298 No Comment S-4299 No Co]ment S-4300 No Comment S-4293 Traffic Engineer recommends that Hilrob Avenue be relocated south of Block 1, with the northerly 30' of the right of way for Milrob Avenue being dedicated along the southern bomzdary of the proposed subdivision. The slope of Birch Road at the intersection with the proposed Milrob Avenue is excessive for the winter driving conditions and poor sight distance. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION "'-~'~'~,,.~ PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER PETITION FOR REZONING:CEPT~'I N OF DATE R~ COMMENT TO PLANNING BY Dec 22~ 1976 COMMENTS: ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: PUBLI PUBLIC Westgate Park Block l, Lot 3A - reDlat of Lots 3 8 4 Blk 1 located in the NW 1/4, Sec 6, T12N R 3 W, S.M. Alaska (Rick Johnston & Assoc. ) FOR MEETING OF NAT E I;~i~ AVAILABLE I~ of "~,~:~ Cases WERII~' AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-014 (9/76) Telephone 277-2437 /e t / '~ / 608 Northern Lights Blvd. 995~~. 21 April 1970 ,~/ Mr. Rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Health Dept. 32? Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Strickland: I am writing you in regard to a rather complex problem that I feel you and Mr. Spurrell of the Public Service Commission surely can assist us with. I enclose a copy of the Westgate Park Subdivision, it is located at the intersection of Arctic Blvd. and the Alaska Railroad 0ross- lng across from Grocers Wholesale warehous and the Northern Com- mercial 0o. warehouse. Central Alaska Utilities has lead the aater and sewer up to the end of Arctic Blvd. on the north and they have informed us, through Mr. Bill Rhoades and Mr. Hank Sandland of Sandland 0on- struction Company, that they cannot serve the Westgate Park Sub- division until the Alaska Railroad allows them to lead the water and sewer across Arctic from the south to the north and tie in with them to their ex~s~l~gnutilities on the north. The two main reasons given were, the lack of water pressure and on the sewer that the grade or correct outfall is needed to hook to the south line of the sewer on the south side of the railroad track. This leavee this subdivision high and dry and in a highly unfavor- able position. So you might say the utilities are within our reach but 0entral Alaska Utilities says they have tried to resolve this problem with the Alaska Railroad and they were unsmeeessful last year and appear to be no further along this year. The Alaska Railroad people have thro%rn this ball to Washington, D.O. and say it is their problem as they will have to give permission to cross the railroad tracks. "WE SELL ALASKA" Mr. Roll Strickland -2- 21 April 1970 This seems to me to be slightly ridiculous as I see no reason why the engineering department or the manager of the Alaska Railroad cannot grant permission to 0entral Alaska Utilities to tie these two ends of the public utilit$ together. There may however be some circumstances or fact that I am not aware of, however, being as the health department and the Public Service 0ommission are protecting the interests and the health of the pubr lio it would appear to me that this is very much a problem for you gentlement to work on to solve together. This subdivision wants public utilities of water and sewer and of course if it cannot get it will have to resort to wells, septic tanks and cesspools. This we do not want to do unless there is no other way that we can go. So we are appealing to you Mr. StricE~m~dof the health department and you Mr. Spurrell of the Public Service 0ommission to please help us resolve this situation so that we in turn can use public utilities to serve in the best interests of the public. Most Sincerely yours, NIELSEN REAL ESTATE JRN:nJ cc Mr. Spurrell Mr. Brown, OAU Engr. Dept. ARR GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH~°~°u°"-8~Lm o~,.~7~z BOX 400 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: NINAL DATE: November 24, 1965 Charles Harvardf Fire Departmen Traffic Department Spenard District City of Anchorage Telephone Utility City of Anchorage Public WOrks Dept~ C~ty o~ Anc~orag~ Municipal central AlasKa Utilities, Inc. Alaska R. R. Alaska Department of Highways Assistant Superintendent of Mails Anchorage Natural Gas Corporation Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Light and Power Dept, RE: Subdivision: Westgate Park, located in Section 6, T12N, R3W, S.M. Section 1, T12N~ R4W, S,M. Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area BOrough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Subdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy o~ the.propOsed plat. Will you please submit your. comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by December 1, 1965 we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Our next scheduled meeting after abo~e date will be December 8, 1965 ; Very truly yours, C; J; ~o:s~houer Piannihg Assistant KH:rd NOTE: If you have no further use for attached plat, please your Comments, return with 7/16/65 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH BOX 400 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: Charles Harvard Hea 1 Fire Department Traffic Department Spenard District City of Anchorage Telephone City of Anchorage City of Anchorage Utility Public Works Dept. Hunicipal Light and Alaska Department of Highways Assistant Superintendent of Mails Anchorage Natural Gas Corporation Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Power Dept. RE: Subdivision: Gentlemen: ?etition has been received by arid Zoning Commission for the of subject property. the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning proposed S~¢~:~q~ v ~ s ~ ~ Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will comments in writing, specifying any easements your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by Au~$i; f~{~ assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be you please submit your or other requirements that we will Very truly yours, C. J. Hoschouer Planning Assistant .~Jl. rd HOTE: If you have no further use for attached your comments, plat, please return with 7/16/65 A~CEPTANCE OF I~EDICATION GY THE G.A.AB. OR CI.TY O~= ANCHORAGE ~y of LEGEND "1" GLO Or'BLM BC monument ~ D/O BC monument ~t · ~URVEYOR'$ CEffTiFIGATE .I# · CE~?IFiCATE. OF OW~Rs,HI,P ", DEDI~,A'I~3N', NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT day My coJ~mlsoion m(pi~s LOT 9A, BLK. I, WESTGATE pARK ~B~IVISI~F 4C[EPT,41VCE OF fl[fll[,ATlON 8Y TIlE #IJlVIClP`4LITY OF ML~NICIPALITY CLERK SURVEYORS CERTIFIC,ATE ¥1CIllll~'y MAP CERT/FIC`4TE OF OV/NERCHIP ,AND OEDIC,4TIOA way shown ~reon, a slope re~rvotion sufficient to tTIOT4RY' `4CKIVOWLEOGEII~ tit PI. liT APArt?OVAL NOTARY FOR ALASKA ,197 AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL A PLAT OF LOT 3A, A REPLAT OF LOTS 3 & 4 BL'K 1 WESTCATE PARK SUBD. LOCATED IN THE NW [/4, SEC. 6, TI2N, R3W, S M. DTI002218 RICK JOHNSTON ~ ASSOCIATES 2520 E. TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE ALASKA S ,-,-2 g 4 JAN ~ ~ ~? COVENANT MU SEC LO? LEGEND · reb;r round,tm VICINITY MAP I" · I C~RTtFI~;ATE ,OF OWNERSHIP 8~ D, EDICATIGN '~ 4th d~ Of. ~CEMBER ,~ DTI002219 ;~~ LOT gA, BLK. l, WESTGATE PARK sUBDIVISION