HomeMy WebLinkAboutWALLACE BROTHERS MOUNTAIN Subsurface Investigation and Precolation Tests [ } DOWL, E gineers .. 4040 ~B" Slreet Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742) September 7, 1982 W.O. #A20730 Till Wallace c/o Alaska Land Development Services 4546 Business Park Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Upper Chugiak Subdivision Subsurface Investigation and Percolation Tests, E 1/2, NW 1/4, W 1/2, NE 1/4, N 1/2, SW 1/4, W 1/2, SE 1/4, Section 3-2, T15N, RiW, S.M. Dear Mr. Wallace: Transmitted herein please find the results of our soils investigation and percolation test results. Numerous information sources were used to compile an analysis of this 320 acre parcel. Previous soil investigations by Construction Testlab (Appendix), resistivity survey, well logs, geologic reconnaissance and 34 test pits were used to develop a characterization of the subject property. Percolation tests were performed in those pits in which the ground-water and bedrock were sufficiently deep to permit testing. Numerous lots did not receive a test pit, and it should also be advised that soil conditions can change within relatively small distances. The site characterization is known to contain local variations which significantly modify the general conclusions concerning site suitability for waste-water disposal. Please call again if we may provide additional assistance. Manager . AI~ Land tI Lewis E. Dickinson Sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB ~?~%%~r k .Ho 1 um '~?~;-~'~J~l~l~?hn i ca 1 Engi neer Ap pr o v e d: · . j~g~,~,~",~,~.lj~ . ~ ~.~. :.6. ~-;. ,:; "~ Development !~- ~o~E~$~ ,-.~ Maurice P. Oswald Kenneth B. Walch Melvin R. Nichols SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION UPPER CHUGIAK SUBDIVISION Prepared for: TILL WALLACE Prepared by: ALASKA TESTLAB September, 1982 W.O. #A20730 TABLE OF CONTENTS Subsurface Conditions Geology Percolation Test Results Conclusions Bibliography Subsurface Investigation Test Pits Logs Grain Size Distributions Standard Explanatory Information PAGE 1-2 2-3 4-23 24 25 25 Figures 1-36 Sheets 1-7 Sheets 8-10 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION UPPER CHUGIAK SUBDIVISION A subsurface investigation was performed on a 320 acre parcel located northeast of Eagle River. The elevation of the parcel varies from 1600 to 2500 feet and exhibits moderate to substantial relief. The primary intent of the investigation was to assess suitability for on-site waste water disposal. The geology and soil conditions were investigated using several sources of information. A USGS open file report 74-57 titled "Geology and Ground-water for Land-Use Planning in the Eagle River-Chugiak Area" was a primary geologic reference. A series of 29 test pits excavated in 1973 by Construction Testlab were used to augment the 34 test pits excavated in 1982 as part of this report. Additional soil, water and bedrock information was obtained from well logs and a limited soil resistivity survey. Percolation test results generally indicate that a majority of the parcel has sufficiently deep soil and ground-water levels to allow consideration for on-site waste water disposal. However, many areas have either limited areas or unsuitable so__~il conditions. The variability displayed 6y soil~-within individual lows as well as site variations indicate that exact percolation rates should be determined for specific locations, but this study has determined that the majority of tests indicate moderate percolation rates as well as ground-water at variable depths. Subsurface Conditions The test pits and existing road cuts provide information about soil conditions to depths of approximately 16 feet. Generally, the soils on the site may be characterized as being composed of one of four major soil groups, moraines, kames or eskers, colluvium, and bedrock. B~Bedrock outcrop.s are infr. equently present, with the most exposure §t ridge--crests. T~e'high~st elev~ have been classi'f-i~s having predominat 1 shallow ~edrock., but the o~verburd~en was u~lly deeper than 16 feet. The soils are generally coarse-grained with little to moderate amounts of fine-grained material. The soils are classified as coarse-grained sand and gravel varying from well graded to poorly graded with sorting dependent on the amount of water action during deposition. The soil layers are generally only a few inches to a 1 few feet thick, but the variation in soil structure is gradual. The poorly graded soil deposits consist of slope debris and glacial till although reworking by water may have produced some amount of sorting. The soil layering will influence the design of on-site sewage systems and~ should be taken to ac_q_o,,mt for the.__ highly layered soil st__Ll~ct,,~e by not p~cing too much emphasis on ~h.__qe test results of ~ single soil lay~er. The site lies in the Chugach Mountains, and is composed of smooth to rolling upland formations at the lower elevations rising to steep mountain ridges. The rolling upland formation comprises the area approximately contained in Blocks I through 8. Older morain deposits occupy Blocks I through 4 and have soils composed generally of diamicton, but includes frequent deposits of layered sands and gravels of fluvial origin. The predominant landform of Blocks 6 and 7 may be characterized as a kame or esker composed of glacial alluvium. The area has relatively little topographic relief and has a high ground-water level. Blocks 5, and 9 through 19 generally have a surficial soil composed of a well graded colluvium. Occasional areas may exhibit reworking due to water deposition, but most areas are composed of a heterogeneous material which is usually a coarse grained gravel. Soil layering is infrequent in this type of deposit. Shallow bedrock occurs sporadically within this unit, but generally the soil deposit was observed to be deeper than the limit of exploration (16 feet). Shallow ground-water appeared to be prevelent in the landforms~ of Blocks 6 ad 7.~ known as kames and eskers and forming much ~ th~ hi~ Although the unit is generally highly permeable, ground-water level is consistent throughout the deposit. Poor drainage due to lack of topographic relief and infiltration associated with the on-site artesian well may produce the high ground-water level. Thirty-four test pits were excavated and 4__ were of sufficiently permeable gravel, GP or GP-GM, to permit visual i~terpretation of soil characteristics. The percolation tests were performed by excavating a trench to the depth of the percolation layer (6-10 feet). A 1'Xl'Xl' pit was excavated in the bottom of the trench and saturated for 24 hours. The percolation test was performed by refilling the test hole to a depth of 6 inches. The drop in water level was recorded at 10 minute or 30 minute intervals for a 2 period of one to four hours, depending on the percolation rate. Wa'ter was added to maintain water levels. The drop in water level during the last period was used to calculate the absorption rate. Twenty-four percolation tests were run with the following results: Percolation Tests Test Block Lot Pit I 3 18 ~ i 13 2 i 22A 2 4 12 6 14 8 15 8 15A 3 16 10 6 8 7 2 7 3 6 9 i 5 3 4 5 3 6 2 10 2 25 4 28 6 26 6 27 12 3 34 3 34A _ Lo 16 1 23 1 24 3 22 3 30 17 2 19 18 2 33 19 i 32 2 21 Depth to Depth of Depth to Ground- Perc Bedrock Water Test (Feet) (Feet) (Feet) 13.5 5.0 9.5 8.5 14.5 6.0 6-7 7-8 9.5 6.5-7.5 8 16.5 7.5-8.5 8.5 3.2 5.5- 15.0 14.1 14.0 10.0 15.5 6-7 4 Pete Soil Rate _~_ ~min/ineh) GP-GM 27 GP-GM 80 GP -GM GP 7.3 GP GP-GM 80~ GM 13.3 7-8 GM 80 7-8 GP-GIVI 20 7-8 GP-GM 15 7-8 GP 11.4 8 -9 GP-GM 2.9 6-7 GP-GM 27 7 - 8 GP-GM 16 GP GP 6.5-7.5 GP 9.4 ~ GP -GM 10___. 7 8-9 ~ 8 7-8 GP-GM 32 6.5-7.5 GP-GM 9.4 ~.~-7.5 ~'-GM ~8.0 ap-GM 7-8 GP-GM ' 18 8-9 GP-GM 80~ 8-9 GP-GM 13 6.5-7.5 GP-GM 20 Percolation Tests Block Block 1 contains lots 1-11 and occupies a site composed of older morainal material, chiefly silty sandy gravel with inclusions of silt and sand. The soils are generally medium to very dense and often exhibit layering characteristics of water deposition. Eight test pits were excavated in 1973 and one more test pit and percolation test were performed on this block in 1982. The test pits indicate the soil is generally deeper than 16 feet and in only one test pit, 20 (1973), was bedrock encountered. The bedrock depth was 9 feet. The percolation rate observed in Test Pit 18 was 27 minutes per inch. 5 Block 2 Block 2 contains 10 lots and has soils generally older morainal deposits which are generally coarse inclusions of fine grained soil. consisting of grained with Six tests pits were excavated in 1982 of which three (13, 22A, 12) encountered bedrock between depths of 5 and 13.5 feet. Three pits also encountered water between depths of 8 and 16.5 feet. However, the variation in rock depth and water depth was very great within the same lot (e.g. Test Pits i and 8) and generally some areas of soil exist which are suitable for on-site sewage disposal. Percolation rates also varied widely, ranging from 2.8 to 80 minutes per inch. Generally, the slower rates occurred when the siltier soil layers were tested. 6 Block 3 Block 3 contains 8 lots and is situated on older morainal deposits of generally coarse grained soil. Two test pits were located in this block in 1973 and three more pits were excavated in 1982. Rock outcrops occur frequently in the area and bedrock was encountered in three test pits at depths between 6.5 and 14.5 feet. The soils are generally coarse grained and were visually classified as GP or GP-GM. No percolation tests were run due to the high permeability of the coarse grained GP deposits. 7 Block 4 Block 4 contains 6 lots and occupies a site with of older morainal material with some deposits slope deposits. Two test pits (8 and 9) indicate the soils and deep. Percolation test results indicate moderate (13.3 to 80 minutes/inch). soils consisting of colluvium or ground-water are or slow rates Block 5 Block 5 contains 3 lots. No test pits were placed on this block, but the geology of the area indicates that much of the area contains colluvial deposits which generally offer suitable soils for on-site waste water disposal. High ground-water may exist on lot 3 of this block since a known wet landform occupies a portion of lot 3. 9 Block 6 Block 6 contains 6 lots and is geologically sited on a kame or esker which has a generally high water table. Three test pits excavated in 1973 (5, 6, 8 (1973)) encountered ground-water and .indicated that the dry portions of the block had coarse grained soil GW-GM). 10 Block 7 Block 7 contains 7 lots and is sited on a kame or esker. Five test pits (2 in 1982 and. 3 in 1973) encountered ground-water between depths of 2 and 9 feet. The site is relatively level and .although the soils are coarse grained, drainage may be inhibited by lack of gradient. Water also flows toward the area from an artesian well located on the upper portion of Block 7. tl Block 8 Block 8 contains i lot and is located adjacent to a wet landform. However, the single test pit excavated on this site (1 (1973)) indicated ground-water at a depth of 11 feet. The majority of the site is located on colluvium which generally provides moderate percolation rates. 12 Block 9 Block 9 contains 8 lots and is sited on colluviam. Three test pits 4, 5 (1982) and lA (1973) encountered ground-water at depths of 5.5 to 15 feet. Soils were generally coarse grained consisting of GM and GP soil. Percolation rates varied from 15 to 80 minutes per inch. Portions of this block rise to high elevations and the slope of some portions of the site exceeds 30%. 13 Block 19 Block 10 c~ntains 7 lots and is generally situated on colluvium consisting of coarse grained deposits. Neither water nor bedrock were encountered at shallow depths but water did occur at depths .of 12 to 14 feet in most test pits. Bedrock was found at a depth of 16 feet in Test Pit 25. Percolation rates were high to moderate (2.9 to 27 minutes per inch) in four test pits. 14 Block 11 Block 11 contains I lot. One pit on this lot (13 (1973)) encountered ground-water at a depth of 9 feet. However, the site has a similar geologic setting as Block 10, and similar soil conditions may be expected. 15 Block 12 Block 12 has 3 lots. Ground-water was encountered at depths of 10 and 11 feet in Test Pits 34 and 9 (1973) respectively. Test Pit 7 (1973) did not encounter water. The soils consist of a sandy gravel (GP) with no fines. No percolation test was performed due to the highly permeable GP soil. 16 Block 13 Block 13 contains 3 lots which vary in size from 3 to 7 acres. The area generally has a mantel of colluvium although bedrock may occur at relatively shallow depths. Test Pit 15 (1973) encountered rock at a depth of $ feet. Test Pit 29 encountered at 'least 16 feet of sandy gravel (GP) which had a percolation rate of 9.4 minutes per inch. 17 Block 14 Block 14 has 3 lots ranging in size from 11 to 16 acres. The site is in an area which geologically indicates moderate depths to bedrock, but three test pits encountered only colluvium consisting .of coarse grained material. On~ instance of rock was exposed in a -road cut. Percolation rates were measured in two tests and r~sulted in rates of 8 and 10.7 minutes per inch. 18 Block 15 Block 15 contains a single lot and is in an area which is geologically similar to Block 14. No percolation test pits were excavated on this block. 19 Block 16 Block 16 contains 3 lots. The area is geologically characterized as having surficial deposits of colluvium. All five test pits encountered no bedrock~ but ground-water was encountered at a depth of 15.5 feet in Test Pit 22. Percolation rates ranged from 9.4 to 32 minutes per inch. 2O Block 17 Block 17 contains 2 lots. Test Pit 19 and had a rate A percolation test was of 18 minutes per inch. performed in 21 Block 18 Block 18 has 2 lots. Test Pit 33 was located adjacent to the block. The percolation rate was observed to be 80 minutes per inch. However, the geologic setting is similar to Block 16 and 17 and has variable soils ranging from silt to gravel. Slow percolation rates may be expected in soil layers which contain large amounts of silt. 22 Block 19 Block 19 contains 2 lots. Three test pits were placed on or adjacent to the block and, indicate soils at least 16 feet deep. One test pit encountered ground-water at a depth of 13 feet. Percolation rates ranged from 13 to 20 minutes per inch. 23 Conclusions The test pits and geologic reconnaissance indicate soils on thc site are variable but are. often suitable for on-site waste water disposal. Bedrock was infrequently encountered, and the lots which had rock outcrops or test pi.ts which encountered rock often had other areas where test pits encountered no bedrock to depths of 16 feet. Ground-water was relatively shallow in Block 6 and 7 and generally appeared to be confined to the area with a iow to moderate slope. The area is associated with a kame or esker formation. This formation is comprised of permeable material and drainage improvement may reduce the ground-water level. Other areas of the parcel occasionally had high ground-water~ but these areas were generally of limited extent. The north facing slopes at high elevations may have ground temperatures somewhat below those of lower areas. However, no definite indication of permafrost was encountered although anomalously low ground temperatures were observed in Test Pit 32. 24 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Thirty four test pits were excavated with a John Deere 69§-B backhoe during August 8 through 19, 1982. Pits were excavated to 16 feet, bedrock, or ground-water. Additional pits were excavated to depths of 5 to 10 feet to permit percolation tests which were run according to the procedure outlined in the Manual of Septic Tank Practice. A Geonics EM-31 soil resistivity meter was used to profile several road areas, but the results generally confirmed only deep soil or shallow ground-water. No variation was judged significant to contradict geologic or test pit data. The test pits were located by survey in most cases. However, surveyed locations may be inaccurate due to malfunctioning survey equipment. In particular, Test Pits ,6, 12, 13, 15-17, and 28 are known to be imprecisely located. Construction Testlab test pits of 1973 were located by survey by Bob Johnson, and the 1982 test pits were surveyed by Alaska Land Development. Topographic maps were used to locate many test pits and the locations may be inaccurate. Approximate test pit locations are shown on the accompanying topographic maps and pl-at. The soil investigation was confined to determining soil characteristics for on-site sewage disposal. Geotechnieal hazards such as mass wasting, wind velocities, and slope stability were not addressed in this report. BIBLIOGRAPHY C. Zenone, et al; "Geology and Groundwater for Land-Use Planning in the Eagle River - Chugiak Area, Alaska", USGS open file report 74-457, U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey (1974). 25 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.8 2.8 - 16.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/11/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) F4, Brown Sandy Silt damp, stiff Fl, Gray to Brown Sandy layers of silty sandy cobbles, damp, dense (ML), non-plastic, Gravel (C~/I), with gravel, occasional Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Number ~ °/dVI i 2.5' 45.5 2 5.0' 10.0 3 10.5' 10.0 Test Pit (~//'/ From To 0.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 - 16.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Type of G G G Unified ML GP-C~I GM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) and organic F2, Brown Sand (SP) F4, Brown Silt (ML) Silt (OL) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with occasional boulders and layers of sandy silt, subrounded gravel, damp, very dense Percolation Rate = 15 minutes/inch 16.0 Ft. None observed. Sample Type of ~ ~ ~ Sam~_ Unified i 5.0' G GP-GM 2 10.0' 5.5 G GP-GM 3 15.0' 14.2 G GP-GM Test Pit ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 3.9 3.9 16.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri.~ion F4, Brown organic Silt (OL), with thin volcanic ash layer at 1.0' Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP), with occasional boulders to 1'+ diameter, and occasional thin layers of gravelly sandy silt and gravelly silty sand, damp, dense Percolation Rate = 20 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Numb e r _De~) t_h °/clVl 1 5.0' 8.8 2 10.0' 8.0 3 15.0' 7.6 Test Pit #4 /-/~ ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 16.0 Type of ~_ Unified G GP-GM G GP-GM G SM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), With occasionall boulders to 1'+, and layers of silty gravelly sand, damp to Wet, dense Percolation Rate = 80 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: 15.0 Ft. Remarks: Water level measured 1 day excavation, may be surface runoff. Sample Type of Number ~ ~ Sam~- i 5.0' 6.6 G 2 10.0' 7.3 G 3 15.0' 9.2 G after Unified GP-(~Vi SM SP-SM Test Pit #5 c/~ From To 0.0 - 2.? 2.7 - 8.3 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F4, Brown Organic Sandy Silt layer of volcanic ash at 1.0' Fl, Brown Sity Sandy Gravel occasional cobbles, damp dense (OL), with a (GP-GM), with to saturated, Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Test Pit #6 From To 0.0 - 0.8 0.8 - 3.9 8.3 Ft. 5.0 Ft. Water seeping into pit at 5.0' W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), subrounded gravel with occasional cobbles, damp to saturated Bottom of Test Pit: 3.9 Ft. Free Water Level: 3.1 Ft. Test Pit //7 /~ ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 6.7 6.7 - 8.5 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number Test Pit #8 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil DescriE~~ ............. Brown Peat Fl, Gray Sandy medium dense Gravel (GP), saturated, ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 4.0 4.0 - 16.0 8.5 Ft. 6.7 Ft. Water seeping from base of Type of 9.3 G peat. Unified GP W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri~ ............ Brown Peat (Pt) F2, Brown Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), with 1/2" layer of volcanic ash at 3.5' Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with trace of silt and layers of silty sand, occasional cobbles, damp, dense Percolation Rate = 13.3 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ °/aM ~_ i 6.0' 12.6 G 2 11.0' 11.6 G 3 16.0' 8.0 G Unified GP-GM GM SM From To 0.0 - 0.7 0.7 - 16.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil F4, Brown Organic Silty Sand, Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel occasional cobbles Percolation Rate Descri~!~ ............. soft (GW-(~I), with =~0 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Remarks: No soil layering deposit. Sample Number ~ °/GVI I 5.0' 6.1 2 13.0' 7.2 Test Pit #10 ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 1.5 1.5 6.0 6.0 6.5 observed, may be slide Type of Sam~- Unified G GW-GM G GM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Deseri~!£~ ............ F4, Brown Organic Silt (OL), soft Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with occasional boulders to 1', subrounded gravel, damp, dense Fractured bedrock Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: 6.5 Ft. None observed. Refusal on bedrock at 6.5 Ft. Test Pit #11 From To 0.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 8.0 8.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F4, Brown Organic Gravelly Sandy Silt damp, stiff (OL), NFS, Gray Sandy Gravel (GP), with occasional cobbles and and with a layer of FI, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel above 3.0', damp, dense Fractured Bedrock Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number 1 Test Pit 5.0' #12 /~ From To 0.0 - 1.5 1.5 - 9.0 9.0 - 10.0 8.0 Ft. None observed. Refusal on bedrock at 8.0' Type of 3.9 G Unified Soil Description GP W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB F4, Brown Organic Silt (OL), soft FI, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), occasional cobbles, damp to wet, dense Weathered Bedrock, with coarse sand Percolation Rate = 2.8 minutes/inch with Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: 10.0 Ft. 9.5 Ft. Water level excavation. Sample Number ~ ~ 1 5.5' 2 10.0' 5.3 observed 24 hours after Type of ~_ Unified G GP-GM G Bedrock Test W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/13/82 Logged By: TB From To Soil Description 0.0 - 13.5 FI, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), with occasional cobbles, damp, very dense 13.5 16.0 Bottom of Test .Weathered Bedrock]f/~ Percolation Rate .~inutes/inch Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of Number ~p~ °/dVI ~p~_ Unified i 5.0' 10.7 G GM 2 10.0' 9.8 G GM 3 16.0' G Bedrock Test Pit #14 /~ W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB ~p~_in Feet From To Soil DeseriE~ion 0.0 - 1.0 F2, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) 1.0 - 2.7 F2, Brown Sand (SM), damp, dense 2.7 16.0 Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with Jayers of GW, occasional cobbles, moist, Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Sample Number ~ 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 16.0' 16.0 Ft.'----- None observed. Type of ~ Sample_ Un i f i ed 8.0 G GM 6.8 G GM 5.2 G SP-SM Test Pit #15 ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 1.5 1.5 6.3 6.3 8.5 W.O. #A20730/ Date: 8/14/82 Logge~d Byi~ TB ............ ~kk_P~a~n! fon F4, Brown Organic Sandy Silt F2, Brown Silty Sand (SM) Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP), silty sandy gravel (OL), soft with layers of Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: From To 18.5 Ft. 7.0 Ft. Ground-water level measured 12 after excavating hours W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description 0.0 0.8 F4, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) 0.8 4.2 F2, Brown Silty Sand (SM), damp to wet, loose to dense 4.2 17.0 NFS, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP), wet, dense Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Sample Number ~ 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 17.0' Percolation Rate 17.0 Ft. 16.5 Ft. 6.8 10.5 8.6 = 7.3 minutes/inch Type of G G G Unified GP-(IM SP-SM GP Test Pit #16/ ~epth in Feet From To 0.0 - 14.5 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/12/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri.~!~ ............. Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP), and layers of Gravelly Sand, occasional cobbles, subrounded gravel becoming more angular with depth Percolation Rate = 15 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number -D~Pt~ 1 7.0' 2 11.0' Test Pit #17/ _Depth in Feet From To 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 17.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Numb e r -Depth i 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 17.0' 14.5 Ft. ~- None observed.--- Backhoe refusal O~M 5.6 4.6 encountered at 14.5' Type of G SW-SM G SM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB F4, F2, Fl, occasional Soil Descrip!ion Brown Organic Silt (OL) Brown Organic Sand (SM) Brown Sandy Gravel cobbles, (GP-GM), with subrounded gravel 17.0 Ft.~- None observed.~ Soil exhibits little or Type of G G no stratification Unified GP-GM GP-GM GP-GM From To 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 2.5 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri.~ion Brown Peat (Pt) F2, Brown Silty Sand (SM), damp, dense 2.5 - 12.5 12.5 16.5 Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel, with occasional cobbles, layer exhibits little or not stratification NFS, Brown Sandy Gravel~ wet, dense Percolation Rate = 27 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.5 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of ~ ~ 9aYi ~_ Unified 1 5.0' 6.3 G SM 2 10.0' 7.6 G GM 3 16 . 5 ' 3.2 G SP-SM Test Pit #19 From To 0.0 0.5 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F4, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) 0.5 10.0 10.0 - 16.5 Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), very dense NFS, Brown Sandy Gravel, (GP), damp, dense Percolation Rate = 18 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.5 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ 9/tVI Sa~_ i 5.0' 7.9 G 2 10.0' 8.2 G 3 16.5' 5.8 G damp~ very Unified Test Pit #20 Prom To 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 4.0 4.0 14.0 14.0 16.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB ............ ~_PgEEt~E~ion F4, Brown Organi~ Silt (OL) Fi, Brown Sandy Gravel, damp, dense Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), occasional cobbles, damp to wet, dense Fl, Gray Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), dense with wet, Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number ~ 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 15.0' Test Pit #21/ From To 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 16.5 16.0 Ft. None observed. Soil is below average ice observed. Type of 9/tVI ~A~ple 8.3 G G 7.7 G temperature, but no Unified GP-GM GM GP-GM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/14/82 Logged By: TB Soil Brown Peat (Pt) Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), occasional cobbles, damp, dense Percolation Rate = 20 minutes/inch with Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Sample Number ~ i 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 16.5' 16.5 Ft. None observed. 8.5 7.2 8.0 Type of ~A~_ Unified G GP-GM G GP-GM G GM Test Pit #22 From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB Soil DescriE~!~~ ............. F4, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), occasional cobbles and layers of gravelly sand Percolation Rate = 18 minutes/inch 17.0 Ft. 15.5 Ft. Water level measured 24 hours after excavation. Soil e~hibits little or no soil stratification. Sample , Type of Number ~E~ °/aM Sam~_ Unified i 5.0' 5.9 G GP-GM 2 10.0' 7.1 G SM 3 17.0' 8.4 G SP-SM Test Pit #23 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 2.5 2.5 - 17.0 with silty Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Sample Number ~ 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 17.0' Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) F2, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel ((~VI), layers of sandy grvel (GP-GM), damp to dense Percolation Rate = 32 minutes/inch 17.0 Ft. None observed. with wet, Type of _S a_mp 1 e Un i f i ed G GP-GM G GP-(~I G GP-GM Test Pit #24 / ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 16.5 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), occasional cobbles, damp to wet, dense Percolation Rate = 9.4 minutes/inch with Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number ~ i 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 16.5' Test Pit #25/ ~h in Feet From To 0.0 - 1.0 1.0 - 6.0 16.5 Ft. None observed. Soil exhibits little or no stratification Type of °/eM S_a_mple_ Un i f i ed 9.1 G GM 8.1 G SM 8.5 G GM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/17/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri.ption Brown Peat (Pt) Fl, Brown Gravelly Sand (SP-SM), with occasional silty sandy gravel layers, damp, dense 6.0 - 16.0 Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP) 16.0 - 16.5 NFS, Brown to Black Gravel, angular (appears to be decomposed bedrock) Percolation Rate = 11.4 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 16.5 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ ~ ~_ i 5.0' 6.6 G 2 10.0' 5.3 G 3 15.0' 7.3 G Unified SP-SM GP-GM GP-GM Test Pit #26~~ From To 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 1.0 - 16.5 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Numbe~ ~ 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 16.0' Test Pit #27~/~ ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 8.0 8.0 - 13.0 13.0 - 16.5 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) F2, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel, with trace of damp, dense Percolation Rate = 27 minutes/inch 16.5 Ft. 15.3 Ft. Water seepage %M 5.6 12.0 14.4 silt, into pit at 14.0 Ft. Type of Sam~_ Unified G GP-GM G GM G GM W.O.. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri.ption Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with trace silt, damp, dense NFS, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with boulders to to 1.5"+, damp~ very dense NFS, Brown to Gray Sand (SP-SM), damp to moist, dense Percolation Rate = 16 minutes/inch 16.5 Ft. None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ °/dVI ~_ Unified 1 5.0' 8.0 G GM 2 10.0' 8.6 G GP-GM 3 15.0' 6.7 G SW Test Pit #28 / From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 17.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/16/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F2, Brown Organic Silty Sand (SM) Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with boulders to 1.5', damp to saturated, dense Percolation Rate = 2.9 minutes/inch 17.0 Ft. 14.2 Ft. Little or no stratification observed. Sample Type of ~ ~ %M ~_ Unified 1 5.0' 4.6 G GP 2 10.0' 6.0 O GP-GM 3 16.0' 5.0 O GP-GM Test Pit #29 ~ ~pth in Feet From To 0.0 1.5 1.5 16.0 Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/17/82 Logged By: TB F4, FI, of to Percolation Rate Soil Description Brown Organic Sandy Silt (OL) Br'own Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with layers silty sandy gravel, occasional boulders 1.5', damp, very dense 9.4 minutes/inch 16.0 Ft. None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ %M ~_ Unified i 5.0' 8.8 G GP-GM 2 10.0' 9.9 G GM 3 16.0' 10.2 G GM Test Pit #30 ~ From To 0.0 1.5 1.5 17.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/17/82 Logged By: TB Soil Descri~2~ ............. F4, Brown Organic Silt (OL), with some peat Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GW) with oeasional boulders to 1'+, layers of silty sandy gravel, damp to wet, very dense Percolation Rate = 10.7 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Sample Number ~h 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 17.0' Test Pit #31/ From To 0.0 1.6 1.6 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 - 16.0 17.0 Ft. None observed. Type of _ _%~I_ _ S aml2_l_e_ 0.9 G 5.7 G 7.2 G Unified GW GP-GM GP-GM W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/17/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F4, Brown Organic Silt (OL) Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Grvel, (GP-GM), occasional boulders to 2'+, damp Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP), with trace silt Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-C{VI) Percolation Rate = 8.0 minutes/inch with of Bottom of Test Pit: F~ee Water Level: 16.0 Ft. None observed. Sample Type of Number ~h 9/M' Sam~_ Unified 1 5.0' 7.6 G GM 2 15.0' 8.9 G GM Test Pit #32 _D_epth in Feet From To 0.0 1.5 1.5 15.7 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/19/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description F4, Brown Organic Silt (OL), with Peat Fi, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP-GM) with layers of sandy silt and sandy gravel, occasional boulders to 1'+, damp, dense Percoltion Rate = 13 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Pit: 15.7 Ft. Free Water Level: 13.4 Ft. Sample Type of Number ~ °/cNI ~_ Unified 1 5.0' 9.7 G GM 2 15.0' 5.8 G GM Test Pit #33~ ~ From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/19/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy Gravel, (GP-GM), cobbles, damp, dense Percolation Rate = 80 minutes/inch with Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: Sample Number ~ 1 10.0' 17.0 Ft. None observed. Soil exhibits 5.0 little or no stratification Type of ~_ Unified G GM Test Pit #34 . From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 - 16.0 W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/18/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description Brown Peat (Pt) Fl, Brown Silty Sandy dense NFS, Brown Sandy Gravel subrounded gravel, no dense Gravel (GM), damp, (GP, with cobbles, fine sand, damp, Bottom of Test Pit: 16.0 Ft. Free Water Level: None observed. Sample Type of Number ~ %M Sam~_ I 9.0' G Test Pit #34A From To Unified SP W.O. #A20730 Date: 8/19/82 Logged By: TB Soil Description 0.0 - 1.0 Brown Peat and Organic Silt 1.0 - 14.0 Fl, Brown Sandy Gravel (GP-GM), with silt, damp to saturated, medium dense trace Bottom of Test Pit: Free Water Level: Remarks: GENERAL REMARKS: 14.0 Ft. 10.0 Ft. Ground-water level observed 24 after drilling. 1. Type of Sample, U=Undisturbed. 2. General Information, 3. G=Grab, SPT=Standard see Sheet 1. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. hours Penetration, o o _o 0 0 _o __ .~o~O~o°o°~ 0 0 ~o ~o o o ~o @ ~o o o ~ _o o _o o ~o ~ Test Hole Lo~ - Description Guide ']~he soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the sows characteristics at the time of field examination and as such do not achieve the ~"necision of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, ~hose samples receive an independent textural classification in the laboratory ~o verify the field examination. ~h e logs often include the followtng ~ ems: Depth Interval - usually shown to 0.1 foot, within that zone no significant change in soil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification -- NFS~ Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil - An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and proportion, see "Soil Classification Chart", note the proportions arc approximate and modifications to the soil group due to stratification, inclusions and changes in properties are included. Moisture Content · this is a qualitative measure: d~, no or little apparent surface moisture, damp, moisture forms portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no frec water, often soft, il' cohesive soil, saturated, free water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil; ali/stent at natm'al moisture content, if a non-plastic silt or fine sand. (The moisture content is further definedby reference to PI, LW, NP, M% or di]atency.} Density refers to more-or-less non-cohesive soils, such as sand gravel mixtm-es with or without a fine fraction, derived from drilling action and/or sample data; usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork characteristics. Stiffness -- refers to more-or-less cohesive soils and fine grained silts of the clay-silt groups. Derived from drill action and/or sample data. Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms. Particle size -- The largest particle recovered by the split spoon is 1-3/8", Shelby tube Y', auger flights (minute-man} 2", Auger flights (B-50 hollow stem} 6"-8". Larger particles are described indirectly by action of the drilliug and are referred to as cobbles, 3" to 8", or boulders 8"+. Therefore when reviewing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on the hole log must be considered for an:indication of larger particles. Unified Soil Classification - This is a two letter code. See Unified Classification sheet for further definition. In some eases AASHO and/or FAA soil classifications may be shown as well as the unified. Atterberg Limits - useful for fine grained and other plastic soils. p~; natural moisture content believed to be less than plastic limit PI+; natt~al moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid limits L.__~; natural moisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit N~P; non-plastic, useful as a modifying description of some silty mat~:fials, Dilatency - is the ability of water to migrate to the surface of a saturated or nearly saturated soil sample when vibrated or jolted - uled as an aid to determine if a fine grained soil is a slightly or non-plastic silt or a volcanic ash. Rock flour - finely ground soil that is not plastic but otherwise appears similar to a clayey silt. Organic Content - usually described as Peat, PT, sometimes includes discrete particles such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described as; trace, or an estimate of volume, or, in case of all organic, - as Peat. This may include iundra, muskeg and bug material. Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft, semi-organic deposits usually occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphus peat -- organic particles nearly or fully disintegrated. Fibrous Peat organic particles more-or-less intact. .Bottom of Testhole - includes last sample interval. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or samples at the time of drilling, Frozen Ground -- other than frost line, described by samples, usually includes description of ice content, often will include modified Unified Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level -- The free water level noted during drilling. This is hot necessarily the static water table at the time of drilling or at other seasons. Static water table determination in other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or piezometer installations, used only in special cases. Blow/6' - The number of blows of a 140 weight free falling 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance by definition, the standard penetration. ,d% - natural moisture content of the soil samp]e, usually nnt p~'rformed on clean sands or gravels below the water table. Type of Sample .- S_._P, refers to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, S, thin wall tube, "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed samples of fine grained soil, G, "grab" disturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench, .~, cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench. Dry Strenl3th - ii useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High Group - The samples are placed into apparently similac gxoups based on color and texture and are arbitrarily assigned a group letter. Further disturbed tests including Atterberg Limits, grain size, moisture<lensity relationship, etc. may be performed on the group and a.re assumed to reflect the general distrubed characteristics of the soils assigned to the group. This is an important phase of the soil analysis and is u~ed to standardize the various qualitative determinations and to reduce the number of quantisative tests necessary to describe the soil mass. TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 0 I0 20 ;~0 40 50 60 70 80 90 I00 GRAVEL (+ ~4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT FROST CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDYSOILSCONTAINiNG BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANE)S) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F'4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c, LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. d. VARVEE) CLAYS. "Or.: ~¢st i~ worth a thcru~and opinions" Pole ~bo Test Pit # 1 Shee~ of Location~As Located on i~ap W. Oo Rbo" -Operator Jim M~ack Lot ~ ~ock 2 Clien~ lili Wallace ~V_ ~xisting Projec~_)20 acres-~agle Rive~ ~ CLASSIFICATION SA34pLB SY STEM DATA I £ G ~ ~'[ Overbur. den _ Gravel "~ Coarse Sandy Gravez G~-oP · 8.; ~8~ sq. ft. drainage required ~ ~per' bedroom · Sand "O' -o-. ~. Ground ~,:~ .... bevel -~ Et, he,bom o[' Te~b Pit~ Clay Organic ~ntent ~ Pea~  T~ble --DBPTH 2 5 9 ~0 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~9 I~k~le N~.= 'iest Fit ,. ~ t Location Hei'eP bo iqao Block ~op ~leV Existin~ Sheet of W. 0. ~°°~--:T2T70perat°r3 Jim Ma~k Date Client ~%~i---Wallace Project---~-0--~~±e D~,PTH CL~SSIP ICATION SYSTEM 2 3 4 .5 6 ~- Gravely.oand, Moist -SW '1 [ ?' per bed~'o, bm . '~'' . 12~sq.f.t. draina~? required 16J- ' gotcora oF l'est zJolc .[ SAJ4P Ltl DATA Gravel Sand C] ay Cont eni' Peat Frost Table I ~ (;1{ ND "One ~es~ i~ ~orth a ~housand olalnlon~" Hole No. Test Pit # 2 Location~Re£er 5o Map Lot 1 Block 12 ~'op~le¥_ exi s tin~ Sheet W. O. Date of ~.'' O~erator Jim Mack 9-1-uTiu 3 Client Fill Wallace· Project~%gO Acres-Eagle ~iver DEPTH 4 5 7 9 ~'~ CLASS IP ICAT ION sYSTEM overburden Slightly o~i ~5 5':~ndy Coar'se GW-GM 100 sq. i't. dl'a]nage required poi- be, d:'oom .Ground ,r..~,...e~-. Level. F,o.';tom o£ Te,:,:., Pit, SAMPI]i DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay )rganlc Content Peat Frost Table I£GE,VO k*~le Nb. Test Pit # 3 Sheet . . of Location'-~er to lviap H.O. ~o.. , Operator JM --]]ot 1 Block 12 Date 9-11-73 Client Till Wallace xrT'OT-~!eV- '~x~in,g Projec~ ~20 Acres-Ea~le River TH CLfSSIF ICATION S;3.tPLB ? SYSTBM DATA I.EGE ND I ~"~ Overburden <~ Sandy Gravel GW-GP 8~ Gravel ~ 8~ sq. ft. drainage area 'dO required per bedroom .. <l j..'..'.: )[% Sand "'..'..... ,- ,'..A.%, Ground. Water Level Bottom of 'rest Piti Clay Organic Content Peat Frost .. ~.:a~ er . , Table DE~. P~ 2 4 6 7 9 12 13 ~5 ]9 20 22, 23. 24. 25- 7 "0~ ~ is wort)* a ~houuand o~nions°' F~le No. Test Pit # 4 ~OCatiO~l 6~ef¥.~' Lo Ms~L_ . Lot 3 Mac i2 Sheet of D,.telt~'O' Client T~-i~ll Wallace Project,~20 Acres-Eagle River DB~fH CLASSIP ICATION S~.MP LE FP~T S~ST~ DATA ~'4 Overburden 3:~ Ground Water Level ( static) UT~' 85 sq. ft. drainage area J~ O required per bedroom 10 Bottom of Test Pit~ 12 Note: The ground water level pit ~ad been open for 4 + hou 's. 20.~ Gravel LEGEND Sand Silt Clay )rganlc Content Peat Fro~t W~er Table Pole ~. Test Pit # 5 bvcation.---~br 't'o Map Lot 10 Block ~ Sheet of , W.O. ~o. Operator ~M _ Date 9-qlL73 _ Client '?ill Wallace Project 320 Acres-Eagle Rive~ D~PTH CLo~SSIM ICAT ION { SMdP LE I~ =~.RT SYSTEMI DATALEG£ Grey Silty San~ SM-2~O _...~'r,.~,i ~own ~ ~-~ . ,~ Sandy G~avel- GW-GP 85 '10 ~ Ground Water Level ~ Clay 15 ~' Organic 16-, ~ntent · Pea~ ~ros~ Table "On~ ~! is worth a ~housan~ opinlonl" ~i91e No. Test Pig # 6 Location Refer' to Map Lot 12 Block ~ ~ev E~isting CLASSIFICATION Sheet of W.O. b~. _ O~eraior Jim Mack Date 9-1~-73 Client 'Pill Wallace Project ~20 Acres-Eagle Rive~ D.BPTH P~ ~? ~9 23. 261 J Silt Overburden Slightly Siicy Sandy Gravel GW-GP-GM 100 sq. ft. drainage required bedroom Ground Water Leyel Bottom of Test Pit S~2dPLE DATA per I.EGEND Gravel Sand Clay rganlc Content Peat Frost Table "One tesl is u, orlh a lhousand opinions" Role Noo 'rest Pit # 7 Location Hefer co JqlaoPc~ ~o~ ±3 _4 ~op ~lev ~x~s~mng Sheet of W.O. No." Op--erator JM Date 9-11-73 Client 'Pill Wallace Project 320 Acres-Ea~le Rive~ DBPTH CLASSIP ICAT ION SAMPLE F~'T SYSTEM DATA I-EGE h~O '2! '~f'~, . Overburden 3 Gravel i' ~ Mixed layers of Sandy Gravel , ..-- ,'~O '" 6'tOO 110 sq. ft. dr'ainage area re- Sand '']''l 7,,.--,, quired per bedroom Bottom of Test Hole 13 Clay 15 ' Organic 17. · Pea~ 20' " ~ - 22. Frost I 24 - · Wa ~ e r 2fi~ Table "On~ ~csf is u, or~h a ~ho~a~an.'I oFinlon~" K~ie Bb. Test Pit # 8 ~ L~cation-~-e-fer to Map ~L0t 14 Block 3 9': '{0 ~ 17. 20' 22- 24- Sheet of W.O, Bb., .'-~pcr~.tor J~ te. 9---f1-73 Cite nt T ~i~l~al i ace Project 320 Acres-Eagle River, DBPYH CLASSIPICATION SAMPLE DATA Overburden Silty Sandy. Gravel- GM-225 225 sq. ft. drainage area required per bedroom Sandy Gravel GW.-GP-.~5 [ ~-Ground Water Level,~~ Bottom of Test Pit /Y I~GEND Gravel Sand Slit C1 ay )rganic Con~ent Pea'c ,¸5 "On~ ~st is v.~or:h a ~hoz:~nd o~inlons' No. 'rest Pit # 9 location~_'h%-f~r to flap Lot 21 Block. 'i~-~-~p ~-~ Exis ting Sheet , of . W.O. No. , Op'erator JM Client 'rill Wallace Projec't_320 Acres-Eagle River, DBPTH CLASS IP ICAT ION F~.E~rT SYSTBM · Silty Gravel GM-22J · Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP-85 85 sq. ft. drainage area qui~ed per bedroo$ 9 ~0 '16' 20' ~2 · Ground Water Level~.~..~.---~ Bottom of Test Pit S;J, tP LE DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay )rganic Content Peat Frost Wa~er Table ~ie ~o Te~t Pit # 10 Sheet of 'Mac~ W.O. ]~o." OperatorJim Date Client '£~11 Wallace Projec~,.3~0 Acres-Eagle DBPTH , ? ~?. 19. 20' 22 CLASSIFICATION SYST~ S;~PL~ DATA Silty Gravel - GM-225 "l .~i), Coarse Sandy Gravel GW-GP-85 · 01 85 sq. ft. drainage required ~.'] per bedroom , ~" r Level .~,~!~ Ground Wase ~,".~ I · Bottom of Tes't Pi LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt C1 ay )rganic Content Water Table. "One le.s~ is worth a lhousand oFinio.s" ~ble kb. 'rest Pit # 11 Location-- hefer to Map Lot 7 Block 12 Top Elev gxistin$ Sheet of W.O. No. _._~_ Operator Jim Ma~k rote, ?-7~-~3 Client Till Wallace Projec't 320 Acres-Eagle River DEPTH CLASSiP ICATION S~PLB P~I~r SY STP24 DATA I J~ GE I ~ ~-, Silt & Organic Overburden 2 ~ ' ' 3 jcl', Silty Water entering Gravel Sandy Gravel OW-GM 5es~ pit at - 3ft o 4.-.~ then dFy below' ~.. 180 sq. ft. dPainage a~ea 3 ft. level ~equ~red per. bedroom .'['. -~ .. 6 ' ' Sand .. '' 13 Clay 16. Bo~fiom of Test Pi~ . . Organic ~ntent 22, '. Pros% F'~le kb. Test Pit ~ 12 Location 'R-sfer to Man --~io~k 3 Sheet of W.O. No., Operator J~ Mack Date. 93~ lt73 . Client Till Wallace Project 320 Acres-Eagle River ~ DBFYH 3 4 5 6 9 11 13 17 20' 22 24- CLASSIP ICATION SYSTEM Overburden Coarse Sandy G~avel GW-GP Thin Layers of Sand-SW 90 sq. ft. drainage required S~;pLE DATA Gravel per bedroom Bottom of 'rest Pit~' Sated Silt Clay 3rganic Conten$ I£GEND Peat Frost Table Pole bb. Tesb Fib # 13 iocat ion~~° Lob ? ~lock ~ ~op ~lcv Existin~ Sheet , of __ Ji~ Mack W.O. 'No._ . Operator Date 9711-73 .- · Client Fill Wallace Project_320 Acres-Eagle,River CLASSIFICATION SA~,pLE SYSTEM DATA LEG£ Overburden CoarSe S~dy Gravel GW-GP Gravel 85 sq. ft. d~aSnage area ~eqiured per bedroom Sand ,~G~ound ~at;e~ Level~ Silt BoCbom of Teac Pi~ Clay Organic ~ntent Pea~ Frost Table DB? F.EET ! 2 3 4 $ 6 7 9 I0 12 13 14. 16' 17, I8' 19. 20' 22, 24, 'One ~$1 ~ worth a lhousand o~n OhS Hole No.. Tsst Pit # 14 Location refer to mad --~-o-~ ! Block 4 ~ ~lev_existing Sheet of WoO. ?~. ' . 0~erator JM Date 9-12-73 Client Till Wallace Project 320 Acres- Eagle River DBPTH CI~SSIP ICATION S~{PI~ · FB~rT SYSTBM DATA LEGEND 3 ' '~ Sandy Gravel GW-G? 8J Gravel o 6 ~: Sand' .:.. 8 Bottom of Test Mole .' 11 . /. 1~ Clay 1~ Organ$c ~&' Content ~9 ~ Peat 2~I l'~ter 2~ Table "One; ~st is wtn'~h a thousand opinions? ~ble N~. Location #15. :~;o'p '9.i e v~ Sheet of W.O. No. ,_ Operator ~i _ Date 9-12-73 Client Ti%~ W~llaee Project 320 Acres-Eagle River DEFTH 2 7 .9 15 17 -, ~9 2G' 22. 23- 2~. CLASSIFICATION Ovorburdon )~,.~-~ · Bodrock Sandy Gravel GW-GP SAMPLE DATA LEGE ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay )rganic Content Pea~ Pros% Wa~er Table "{')ne lcsl is worlh a ghrr. sand oyinions" H~le bb. Test Pit # 17 ~ Location~er ~o - Lot lo' Block ~ DB~rH pE~BT ~--~ ~ Overburden 3 4 5 6, 7 ~.4' ~5 19 20' 22- 23. 24. 26 cLASSIP ICATION sYSTEM Silty Sandy Gravel Coarse Sandy Gravel Bottom o1' i.'e:~t, PJ u Average of' 101] sq. I'1,. d~.ain area required par bedroom Sheet of W.O. ~.' - O~erator Jim Mack r~ate 9~2-7'~ - Client 'rill Wallace Project_}20 Acres-Ea~le Hive~ DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Zontent Peat Frost lga~er Table I_EGE hgO "One. ~¢st is worth a thousand o~inlons" Y~le kb. Test Pit # 16 location- Hefer to Map Loc 5 Block 12 Sheet of W.O. R~. Operator. Jim Mack Date --"VT~- ~ 2- 73 Client '£ii~ Wallace Project 320 Acres-Eagle River 7 DBPTH PEET CLASSIP ICAT ION SYST~$~ Sil t-0ravel Overburden GM-225 Moist 17' 10' 19' 20' 21. 22- 23- 24- Silty Sandy Gravel OW-GM 12~ sq. ft. dra'£nage area required par bedroom Bottom of 'Peso Pit~ SA~PLB DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic Content Peal Frost Water Table "One test is worth a thousand t~pinions" Fole No. 'rest Pit #18 ioca~ion ~efer ~o map ~o5 £ ~locP; Existin~ Sheet of - W.O. No. ' Operator Jim Maqk Date ~-73 " Client 'fill Wallace Project 320 Acres-Eagle ~iveb TH CLASSIP ICAT ION SA~P LE I' SYST]~M DATA LEGE hi) . ~-! Overburden __ · ~ Gravel ~ ~... ~Sxed L~yep~ of ,Sand ~ ~ .... SW a OF ..:... · ['0 Average of 1~0 sp,fz, drainage Sand '',,, ,, ',,' area required per bedroom . .. , Bo;;tom o[' ,r~.::~t Hole ~ Clay ~Organ~c ~ ~ ~n~en~ ~ ~ - Peat: ~~~ , Frost ]~ W~er Table DB: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 I3 15 17 19. 20, 21, 22. 23. 24- 26' Yole No. Tesb pit #19 Sheet o£ ~ocatlon Refer to Mau W.O. No.' O~erator Jim Mack Lot ~ Block ~ Date ~-73 ' . 'i'i±± Waiiaoe Client ~6P ~iev ElistinE Project 3z0 Acrss-Eagie ~ivs%-_ ?H CLASSIP ICAT ION J S;~{ P LE SY STEM DATA I~GE NI) J]'~?' Coarse Gravel GP- 8~ ~ .~ G~avel o ~ ..:.. · ~ '~ S~d .'[ ..' ..~ Silty Sandy Gravel.. , Coarse .~'.. .] GW- GM Moist ~ · . per bedroom~//~ J O o~san~c ~ ~ · Bottom ol' '~est Hole ~ntenT '~ Fros~ ] Wa ~ e r ,~ Tabla DBI: 2- 3- 5 ? 8 9 lO I2 13 16 18 20 22 23 24 2,5 "One tes~ is ~vor~h a thousand F. ole bb. Test Pit #20 Location Het'er to Map ,Lot 1 Blo~k 10 '~xistin6 Sheet W.O. No. Date Client Project of 'Operator Jim Mack 9-12-73 'rill Wallace 320 Aares-Ea~le River ~TH CLASS IP ICAT ION SAHp LE ~T SYSTEM DATA :[~' Overburden '.' ~, Silty Sandy Gravei GW-GM 160 sq.ft, drainage required ~ per bedroom ~.. Be~poek a* 9* . ~':]~72 Bottom or 'rest Hole 1 2 3 6, 7 9 ~5 ~? 22. 23- 2<- Gravel Sand Silt Clay ~rganlc I.EG£NI) Content Peas Frost Table Hole ~o. l~c~ion Test Pit #21 P,e fo r '1'o Yop~ieV_ ExYs~Yn5 Sheet of W.O. ~. O~erator Jim Mack D~te ~g-~2-73 Client Till Wallace Project 320 Acres-Eagle Riley CLASSIFICATION SY STEM Overourden Silty S~MPI-B DATA Sa;ady Gravel- Moist O'.d-GM 13~ ......... ~ ' ~ ' per bedroom Bobtom oF i'est lioLe I£GEND ·Gravel Sand Silt Clay Drganic Content Peat Frost Water Table ~ ~L~le ~b. Test Pit #22 [ ! [~cation Refer to Ma~ Lot 1 Block ~ ~iev Existin~ 10 Sheet of W.O. No. Operator Jim Magk Date Client Till Wallaco Project 320 Acres-ga~le Rive~ DEFTH CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE PF_~'r SY STEM DATA LE GE ND ; Ov~rbu_r de n 3 , · Gravel 4,~ Silty Sandy Gravel-Moist GW-GM ,..' .. Sand .. ' 7 ~."~ 160 sq.ft, drainage required · ... 8 ',' ~ per bedroom " Bottom of Test Hole ~ntent Pros~ 22,., 24 Ua~er ' 25 Table ~.. "One lest is worth a thousand opinions" ~ble ~o. 22 A Sheet of location Lot ,j Block 11 W.O. No. ' Operator JM Date 9----~-73 - Client 'Pill Wallace rfop~ev_Existin~ Project_ 320 Acres-Eagle River DBPTH CLASSIP ICAT ION SAMPLE F.EBT SYSTEM DATA i£G£ ['v v~l Overburden :2--.,t : ~ Sandy Gravel- GW-GP 85 3 .-' Gravel c . ,~ ?" . · · Silt 11 j. 12~' O~ganic ~ Clay 16, ~ntent ~S,, 20.. 2~.. 22 -, Pros% 24T Wa~er 25~- Table F~le Nee Location' "On~ ~es~ is worth m ~housan,~ oFinlo,,s" Tesu Pit #23 Lo5 I Block I' Exisuia~ Sheet of · W.O. No.' O~eratorJim Mack Date 9---i-2-i-73 Client Pill Wallace Project.~20 Acres-Ea~Hiver DBPTH 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 ~? ~9 2~ 22, 23, CLASSI? ICAT ION SYSTEM 8. ps'.I.I b. Dt.a~ ~ ago r,6quipecl po~' bedPoom !~otbora o[' '£'esb l]oLo SAAiPLE DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay 3rganic Content Frost %'later Table ?ble Location "One Ich is worth a thousand o~nions" Test Pit #24 Refer to Map tot 2 Block Existin~ Sheet of M.O. t~b~ ' ~-~eratorJim Mack Date. Client TiZi Wallace Project 320 Acre. s~Ea$1e ~iver CI~SSIP ICATION SYSTBM Coarse Gravel GP SAMPLE DATA Coarse Sandy Gravel GW -GP Moist \ 85' sq. ft. drainage area. required per be. droom Bottom of Test Hole IJ~G£ND Gravel Sand Silt Clay Irganic Content Peat Frost Tmble "One. le~ i$ womb a ~hou~and ol~nlon~" Hole ~b. Test Pit #25 · Location~fer 5o Map Lot g2 Block ~op ~lev mx~ssxng Sheet of W. Oo No. Operator Jim Mack Client Till Wallace Project 320 Acres-Easle River DBFrH I 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 14, ~5 17, 19. 20' 22. 24~ 2~ CLASS IP ICAT ION SYSTP~M Sandy Gravel, Coarse- Moist GW GP. 8~ sq. i't~ drainage area re- quired per bedroom Bottom o1' 'Pest Hole S;34PLE DATA LEGEND Gravel Sand Silt Clay )rganlc gontent Pea~ Wa~er Table "One Les~ is worth a ~ho~asan~ o~nlons" Hole R~, Test Pit #26 Lo¢~tion Refer' to Map Lot Il B±oek o ~p Elev .... ~istin~ Sheet of - Date - Client Till Wa~±ace Project 3~0 Acres-i~agle aive~'. DBraTH C LA S SIP I CAT IO N SAMP LB FEWF SY ~£EM DATA LEGE Gravel 3 '~" Sandy Gravel, Coarse-Mois~ 5, GW- GP 6 · ' ~ Sand '/ [ Bottom of Test Hole 9 8.5 sq.rt. ~rainage require~ Silt '~]~~1 per bedroom _ Clay ' ~ntent 24, ~ Water ~'op Eiev eYi stin~ Sheet _ of W.O. No. .. Operator Ciient '£iI1 Wallace JM project 320 Aores-Eagl River DBPTH PE~T 2 5 7 .9 10 14 ~5 16. 17 19 20, 22. 25., CLASSIP ICATION Sandy Gra've2 GW-GP 8~ Bottom of' Tezb P]t SAMPI]~ DATA Gravel Sand Silt Clay Organic ?~ntent Peat Frost Water Table I.EGEN~) "One ~esl is Hole No. # 28. Location Lou 1 Top ~lev Existinir Sheet of W.O. ~o. Operator Date ~7~ Client 'l'J Il Wallace Project_)20 Acres Eas:le River ~ D~.PT H · CLASS IP ICAT ION SYSTEM ~51- 17 20 22. 23. { SA~ipI_E DATA Gravel [40 b Lorn Sand Silt Clay Organic (~ntent Peat Prost Wate~ Table Hole No. ,// 29 Location hot Sheet of W.O. No. Operator Date Client !']!1 Wallace Project )~:,* Act. es-Eagle River CLASSIPICATION SY STEM Bo ~ ..om DATA Gravel S a nd 3ilt Clay Organic (~ ntent Peat Frost Water Table