HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLI VUE ESTATES #2 PLATjerT varness From: Daniel Kranich <daniel@nusalaska.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021=- Pl To: David Garness Cc: David Kranich; Jeff Garness Subject: Re: 6161 O'Malley Road *Anchorage, AK - O'Malley Fire Station; Lot 2 Attachments: qgis-bin_2021-06-23_15-44-07.png Hello David, I have located the water service line for the O'Malley fire station and painted marks on the ground. I have also used that information to update our map and have attached that map to this email. I also could not get any signal going to 6161 O'Malley, so I don't believe that property has a water service. AC VP asfmN twdp ftP F Vi too, 1! .. . 0.r►� t I© 0 0 !o o o 0 0 0 June 2~, 1971 Mr. Dick Metz 525 East Fireweed Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Tall Trees (Vali Vue) Subdivision, 150 Acre Site Dear ~r. ;qetz: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental QUality, has reviewed the soil tests and information regarding water availability for the subject 'land. Our findings are as follows: Sewage Disposal - The soils information and topography maps indicate~ ;vith proper placement, all lots will adequately sup- port on-site sewage disposal. Your engineer will provide this Department with exact placement on all lots prior to your dev- e'lopment to ensure adequate spacing. Water Supply -- l'he engineering report indicates adequate volumees of potable water can reasonably be expected via individual wells on all tots. If we can be of further assistance, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director mn July ll, 1972 glckinson-(~s,~ald ~ Partners 8(i0 Cordova Street A~chorage, Alaska 99501 Attention; Hr. Robert ~. Krantch SL~bject: Valli rue Estates ~ellhouse Dear Hr. Krantch: Ti;e Greater Anchorage Area Dorough, Dep~'rti~tent of E)'~vtrun~,e)~tal Quality is in receipt o~' the construction plans of 'che subject wellhouse. ~e fired ti)at these plans i~ieet witi) all with /~hich this ()epartment is concern)ed. ~ie also not~ that the 200 f(,ut an~ ]00 foot protective radii around the ',,~ell have been recorded and are on file at this offi~eo Shuuld you i),~ve any qu~stto))s r~,~garding our review of tho subject infor~ation~ ~]ease con~act the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strickland, R.S. Assis-~ant Director bb cc: Nr. KyBe Cherry DICKI NSON OSWALD & PARTNE June 28, 1972 AS BUILT REPORT OF ~',~ATER t;q~LL CONSTRUCTION WELL: VALLI l~dE ESTATES SUBDIVISION }$LL SIZE: 8" ~LL DEPTH: 179' SCREEN 10 LF 8" TELESCOPE SIZE DRILLING: Subject well, whjicjz_im located %B tract "A", open space and well reserve area of the subdivision ~as drilled during the early months of 1972 by Clemen- son Drilling CompanX. Drilling proceeded througk assorted gravels, tills and tight silt layers before the f~rst aquifer was encountered at 114 feet. This zone which continued to 134 1/2 feet had a static level of 60 feet from ground surface. A 200 slot screen was set in this zone, developed and test bailed. This work indicated that a sustained flow of only about 50 gpm could be expected from the zone. The screen was then pulled and drilling continued. After pen- etration of more tight silty materials, the second aquifer was encountered at 174 feet and was found to extend to 179 feet. Where drilling was stopped and- the screen re-set and developed. Since the aquifer was S feet thick, only 5 feet of the 10 foot long screen was exposed to the gravel. Static level of this zone was 40 feet from ground level. TEST PUHPING: On April 12, 1972, a 25 hour pump test was performed on the second aquifer. The test was run at 168 gpm and caused 106 feet of drawdown by the time the pump- ing was stopped. At the time the pump test was completed and pumping stopped, drawdown was continuing to increase slowly. Recovery of the aquifer after pmnping stopped was not extremely rapid, indicating good efficiency of the well screen and development. Within 21 hours, however, the water level had recovered'~o within 1'~3" of its static level be- fore pumphtg began. June ?1, 1972 Dickinson-Oswald & Purtners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Earl D. Korynta, P.E. St)bjec%: Valli Vue Estates, Unit fl 197~ Hater Improvements - Lateral System Dear Mr. Korynta: The ~reater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the plans ~nd specifications for the sub~ect project. Me find that these plans meet with all conditions with which this Department is concerned. )~e ~o.uld caution you, however, prior to the actual construction or letting for bid on this project that a similar set of plans is to be submitted to Mr. Kyte Cherry of the State Department of Environmental Conserwtion for his revte~ ~nd approval. As you have stated in your letter of transmittal, ue are still ~attin~ plans and specifications on the well and pump house. The approval of the initial phase of this development is dependent ~)pon the submission of this t~formation. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strickland, RoS. Assistant Director cc: Kyle Cherry bb / / / / / / DICKINSON-OSWALD ~ ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS VuE WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOV£R~OR · ENVIRONMEntAL CONSERVATION ~~. - ........ ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILOI~ 338 DE~LI ~TREET A~CHORA~E ~501 January 21, 1972 Mr. Robert W. Kranich Dickinson-Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: PRELIMINARY WATER SYSTEM LAYOUT - VALLI VUE ESTATES Dear Mr. Kranich: We have no objection to the basic layout as indicated on the preliminary plan sheet submitted to us. ~e will, of course, require detailed plans and specifications for the system when they are developed° l.~e would appreciate your sending us a copy of the "Dickinson-Oswald Standard Specifications for Water System Construction" as we do not have a copy of this document on fileo Yours truly, Regional Envirop_r~.~enta~. Engineer rOC/mw cc: GAAB-DEQ DAT]Z: TO: FROM: SUBJ: GREATER ANCIIORAGE AREA BOROUGH, ALASKA ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM #72-100 February 24, 1972 Submitte'~by Planni~,g D~Partment Borough Assembly Borough Chairman Valli Vue - Birch Tree Estates Subdivision Zoning Information inquiry At the Assembly meeting of February 14, 19~2, Assemblyman Gt'aham inquired it~to the nature of any comments made by the Planning Department relative to Valli Vne Subdivision. The question has been looked into in depth, both within the Planning Department'and in other involved Departments and the attached memo from the %ol~dng Enforcement Officer should answer any questions on the subject. The zonimg conflict is probably related to Birch Tree Estates Subdivision and the problem Jn this area has been explained to a11 new personnel and an in-house memo circulated. Both the planning staff and the Planning Commission are aware of the zoning conflict in Birch Tree Estates Sub- division and will in the near future be proposing a rezoning which should resolve this situation. We feel that everything that can be done on staff level has been - done° Respectfully submitted, /~¢9~ Jbhn M. Asplund Borong!! Chairman JMA :CPC :rvd GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH MEMORANDUM ]DATE: February 18, 1972 TO: FROM: SUBJ: Current Planning Staff iIarry B, IviJ. lligan~~~~'~: Birch Tree Es ta res It has been brought to onr attention that some employees of this department have inadvertently misinformed the public regarding the Birch tree Estates Subdivision. The ]Birch Tree Estates Subdivision is not subject to the existing R-6 Zoning Use District regulations as reflected on the z,oning map. This subdivision was exempted from the R--6 Use District requirements at the time the area was zoned. The reason this subdivision is not subject to the R-6 zoninq, is that at the time the zoning was approved, an appeal involving the Planning and Zoning Commissions denying the subdivision plat was pending before the Borough Assembly. Thus the subdivisJ, on was, when approved by the Assembly, excluded on the advise of the Borough Attorney from the re- . quirements of the. approved R-6 zoning. GREATER ANCHO1LAGE AREA BOROUGH TO: Charles P. Carlson DATE: February 24, 1972 FROM: Harry B. Milligan SUB: Information Report REQUESTED BY ASSE~LYbIAN GRAHAM During the Greater Anchorage Area Bordu~ assembly meeting on Thursday, February 17, 1972~ Asse~nhlymsn Graham stated he had been informed that someone in the P~anning Department was advising the public that. Valley View Estates Subdivision was subject to the nonconforming Lot of Record Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Rhe Valley View Subdivision was platted in two increments. Unit number one was recorded on September 19, 1971 and unit number two was recorded on November 9, 1971. At the time of recording, the minimum lot size was 20~000 square feet per lot, with an average lot size of approximately 23~000 square feet per lot. At the time the subdivision was recorded, the lands were zoned U (Unrestricted). On December 13, 1971~ the Borough Assembly adopted an ordinance reconm~ended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, rezoning the subject subdivision from U (Unrestricted) to R-lA, (Single-Family Residential). The minimum lot size in the R-iA Zoning District is 8,400 square feet~ with a minimum lot width of 70 feet. 2~herefore, there are no lots in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. A situation exists which.involves the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision that could be the cause of Mr. Grah~,~ concern. On July 21, 1971~ the Planning and Zoning Co,remission, seated as a Platting Board~ ' denied a p?at for the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision. This matter was appealed to the Borough Assembly~ who.on August 23, 1971, approved tile subdivision plat. It was subsequently recorded on September 7~ 1971. During the period of time the subdivision was awaiting appeal action, the Borough · Assen~bly adopted an ordinance which rezoned' the snbject lands from U (Unrestricted) to R-6, (Suburban Residential). During the hearing on the subdivision appeal, the Borough Atton~ey advised the Assembly that due to the timing of the subdivision appeal and the zoning action, the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision would not be subject to the lot area require- ments of the R-6 Zoning District. %q~us, they are not subject to the nonconforming lot provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. I have discussed this matter with all persons in the Planning Departmenf who might be called upon to answer zoning questions or issue Land Use Permits. Page 2 MemorJndum ~k¢o persons recently employed~ indicated they have answered questions relative to thc Birch Tree Estates area. They were not aware of the Assembly's exclusion of this subdivision from the R.~6 Zoning District. This was not a deliberate attempt to misinform the publi% but rather an inad- vertent error~ I feel somewhat responsible for this situation in that at the time this happened, the people involved were under my supervision. I have since had a memorandum placed on the counter regarding this matter'with copies routed to all applicable Planning and Building Department personnel. ~e Department of Environmental Quality indicates that due to soil conditions~ some of the lots in the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision are inadequate in size to support on s~te sewage disposal facilities. [.In some instances they require a minimum of two lots for development purposes.~ ..... Previous to this inquiry, the Planning Staff had recommended to the Planning and Zoning Commission, that the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision be rezoned to a Zoning District classification which would make the lots conforming. The Planning and Zoning Commission has accepted that recommendation and is recommending "G" Area wide redistricting. :(5_ ank you, ~,,~--Harrf B. Milligan~.~/''~ Zoning Enforcement Officer HBM/lkm January 17, 1972 Mr. Robert W. Kranich, P.E. Dickinson, Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SubJect: Vallt Vue Estates Preliminary Water System Layout. Dear Mr. Kranich: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environ- mental Quality has reviewed the preliminary plans for the subject water system and has the following comments: 1. We would wish assurance that the proposed well location is in an area that is not subject to seasonal flooding and contamination at the proposed site. Field inspection at the time this plat was approved, showed that the proposed site very likely could be subject to flooding because of its placement, at this site, being in a large ravine that possi- bly acts as a water course at various times of the year. 2. We expect to see engineering plans and specifications on the proposed pressure tank size and related information regarding expected capacity of the well and reequired amount of water to be derived from the well, prior to construction. 3. Prior to approval to construct this facility, a similar set of plans should be submitted to Mr. Kyle Cherry of the State Department of Environmental Conservation for his review and approval. Should you have any questions regarding our review of the subject plans, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director st DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 800 CORDOVA STREET July 5, 1972 State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Room 850, MacKay Building 338 Denal~ Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Kyle Cherry Re: Vall~ Vue Estates - Well House Dear Mr. Cherry: Transmitted herewith for your reviet~ and approval are two copies of the con- struction drawing for subject ~fell house. Also Lncluded is a copy of the recorded well reserve document and the as~bu~lt reuort of well construction. Should you have anx ~uestions regarding the review o£ tl~ese plans, please call. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS RWK~gr Encls-~ cc: R01f Strickland Robert W, Kranich, Jr.; P.E. July 24, 1972 Mr. Earl D. Koynta, P.E. Dickinson-Oswald & Partners Engineers and Surveyors 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Korynta: I~ECEIVED' ~', [j (~ '! Jg/',/. Ai?] Subject: GAAB - Valli-Vue Estates, 1972 Unit l, Water system. I am writing in regard to the plans and specifications for the subject project. Reference is also made to our letter of July 6, 1972 requesting ~overall plan and your answering letter of July 10, 1972 which provided the Preliminary Layout of the total proposal. This proposal provided for a part of the distribution system only. The initial forwarding letter of June 20, 1972 stated that the plans and ' specifications on the well and pump house would be transmitted under separate cover. With the help of the Preliminary Layout and your shading thereon we were able to determine the scope of this operation· Linear feet of DI pipe is about 2930 together with hydrants and valves. The pipe is the ~ize necessary for fire protection. We have no comments or objections to either the plans as far as they now go, or the spec- ifications. Plans and specifications for the distribution system of 1972 Unit 1, Water System are approved by this Department; We look forward to receipt of plans and specifications for the well, pump, and pump house. Note that time may be saved by providing a chemical analysis of the well (if available) at the time of plan submission. Sincerely yours, Jon~at h~ 7 ~7, Chief General Engineering Section cc: Clifford Judkins '/ DICKINSON OSWALD & PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 800 CORDOVA STREET July 5~ 1972 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage~ Alaska 99507 Attn: Mr. Roll Strickland Re: Valli Vue Estates ~ Well House Dear Mr. Strickland: Transmitted herewith for ymur review and approval are two copies of the con- struction drmqing for subject well house, Also kncluded is a copy of the recorded well reserve document and the as,buLlt report of well construction. ~h regard to the comments of your letter dated Januar~ 17, 1972~ we offer the following.: F±eld examination of the ravine in which the well is located showed no e¥1dence of substantial water flow in its iow point, .~n addition, the well is located at the toe of the ravine slope, approximately 4 feet above tKe lowest point ~n the ravine cross section in that area. The pressure tank has been specified to be constructed for 125 psi working pressure which provides~ a 10~ ps~ margin. It is sized to maintain pump operation cycles in accordance with pump manufacturer's reeom~nendations, See the well as-,bu~lt report for flow information. Tkese plans are also being suSmitted to Mr. K~le Cherry of the State Department of Environmental Conservation. Should you have an~ questions regarding the review of these plans, please call. Yours very truly, DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS Robert W. Kranich, Jr., P.E. RWK;gr Encls. cc: Mr. Kple Cherry DICKINSON OSWALD & PARTNERS April 2, 1975 Mr. Cliff Judkins Department of Environmental Quality State of Alaska Room 850 - Mackay Building 338 Denali Street Anchorage, Alaska 99S01 RE: Valli Vue Estates~~'~ Replat On Lots 34A, Waste Water Disposal Regulation (18ACC72) Gentlemen: Based on your earlier recommendation, the attached letter was directed to Mr. Jerry Reinwand at Juneau. Via telephone response, Mr. Reinwand indicated that the Department was not pro- cessing any exceptions to the proposed Waste Water Disposal Reg- ulations (18AAC72) at the time and suggested Valli Vue Estates delay their request until public hearings were held because of possible modification to the regulations regarding lot sizing. Valli Vue Estates is anxious to replat Lots 34, 35 and 36 as described in the February 23, 1973, letter and requests assurance from your department that on-site septic tanks will be allowed on: Lot 36A, Block 5, Valli Vue Estates, Unit No. 2 (19,723 square feet) Lot 35A, Block 3, Valli Vue Estates, Unit No. 2 (17,961 square feet) Please advise if additional information is required. Very truly yours, DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS Earl D. Korynta, P.E. EDK/vms CC: Mr. Richard Metz, General Partner Valli Vue Estates, a limited Parthership February 23, Bit. Jerry Reinwand · Department of Environmental Conservation - :'- - State-of-Alaska Juneau, AIa~ka 99701 .:.:.t : ;-:~ RE: :-Valli Vue Estates, Up. it No. 2 Request for Lot Size Exception Gentlemen: 197~ Valli Vue Estates is a Greater .Anchorage AremsBoruugh .approved subdivision with 20,000 square' feet minimum size lots and a commune ity water system. In 1972, an access road was constructed z~om ~{aJ~ Tree Drive to the well site located in Tract "A" of this subdivision. The access road was located to fit the existing topography and did net fall within the platted easement. As a result, we have adjusted lots 34, 3S and 36 per the attached replat to place the driveway easement to Tract "A" ever the e~isting roadway. On behalf of Valli Vue Estates, a limited parcnership, we are requesting lot size exceptions for: Lot 36A, Block S, Valli Vue Estates, Unit No. 2 (19,72S square f~et) ........................... L~t_ SSA, Block S, Val_li.. Vue.._Estates,_Unit Nq~ 2 (17,961 square feet}... >...... ..... Earl Enc'losures CC: Mr. Richard Metz General Partner Valli Vue Estates, a limited Partnershio Z BEF~ ,~ ~H-iND SOCgAC SF~ BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS ADDP~SS SOURCE: [] Spfiag [] Cistern ' [] Omer GL~NE~AL: Doe~ Woter Become M~Idy or Di~olo~ed? [] Yes -~]' N~ ~ When? READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE, 06-1220 (b) BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE, If an "U~satisfactozy" or "Questionable" status is indicated Increase cMofinot on s~]'Hicisntly lo meet recomme, nded residual Improve your [] spr~ng ~ dug well [] driven well SANITARIAN'S REMARKS BACTERIOL;OGICAL WATE'RANAL;YSIS RECORD .~,~;tn: Earl 2. Korynta Cordova S Br,~eL :',.nchora~j~:, Alask;~ 99501 Subj.2c~: Valley Vicar ~s~.a.~es, Uni~ ~ig 1~)73 llater ImprovL, 13~an~ .w~.s r<ceivcd and review~M ;;~m proposed ~mgin~ering ~flans for ~ne 1w73 6gIJ~ . regarding our review of '- c.~ plails~ t<olf .S~ricKla~]d, iLS. C.,luu Sanitarian ml d ckinson-Oswald fk Partners L~arl il. Korynta Cordova Stree~ Ancilopago ~ alaska ~;9501 lot Our soit~; information in this area indicates tre~qm;mous variance. v4ries froi~ N~sts of pure gravel up to soils tna~ are ulmaccei)cat/le our presqF~L standards. Prior Co our recotmf~enda'cion on ~n~ si,:~ of j,: ,:o~(h,.s~hgg,]~t a,~UlZlonal s~iis t~ts m) run in wns specific locality. i%, would appreciate hearing ~)ack from you on snis ;articular macocr, prior to our -:~i;~-~, u, .. ~ AF. ril 16 cut off date for -~ , '~' ..... Plamn nf} D?artment. S i n ce re 1 y, Roll Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian told · D]~PT. O~ ENVH'B. ONM~NT~L ~ONS~RV~THON / POU¢I] 0 -- JIJ~£AU ~801 · ..T~e 7, 197~. Mr. Earl D. Korynta Dickinson-Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Street SUBJECT( V~stat ~~ 1973 Water Improvements Dear Mr. Ko~ta: We have revimved the plans and specifications for the subject project which includes approximately 1800 Ft.. of 6 Inch water main with appurtenances on Maintree Drive, and approximately 2,000 Ft. of 6 Inch water main with appurtenances on Crooked Tree Drive, and 500 Ft. of 6 Inch water main with appurtenances on Crooked Tree Circle. ~]~e plans and specifications for the 1973 Water ~mprovements are approved for the features ~ith which this department is concerned. Also submitted for review and 'approval %vere the 1972 Water Improvement As-Built Plans. These plans are approved for the features withwhich this department is concerned. Yours truly, Regional Environmental Engineer CC; I~ECE ~ fE~ dui, ¢19/3 $OUTttCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE August 6, 1973. / WILLIAfilI~ EGA~I, GOVERNOR / J338DENALISTREET MACKAYSUILDING-ROOMS§~ ANCHORAGES9501 RECE1VEI) Mr. Robert W. Kranich, Jr. Dickinson-Oswald & Partners P. O. Box 326 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Valli~Vue Estates Sabdivision -As-Built Well House Dra~vings Dear b~. Kranich: .'J~_e as-built drawings for the subject project are approved for the features with which this depart~ent is concerned. Yours truly, CC: Rolf Strickland ~ GAAB-DEQ I~arcn 8, 1974 Earl ~1. Korynta, P.E. Jlic~inson--Oswald~ ~!alch 2 Lee 5g~) Cordova S'~ree& Anchorage, Alas,::a g950i ob~,JECT. Valli Vue Estates, 1974 Dear ,qr. Korynta: The Grea'~er Anchorag~,~ f~rea Borough i~eparcmeni: of Envtronl~J~;Cal Quall'~y i~as rec~]ived and reviewed Che construction plans and s~ecifications for ti~e subject project. These plans arid specifications ~eet ~lth all conditio~s that &his departli~nt l~ Goncerned. ,., ,Jul ~ you have any questions r(.~garding our revi(~v,~ of ~he plans, please contact ti~e undersigned. Sincerely, ~iolf S~rickland, R.S, Ch~. Sanitarian Au!)ust l, 1973 uickinson, Oswald & Partners Ai:b~: i'~obcrt W. Kranich Cordova S Cr(~et Anc'~orage, A'laska 99~01 Subject: 1~73 As-built Well..house ~rawings for Valli Vuu Esta&es P~Iblic Water Sysbmu '[a~! {=ru~,Cer Anciiorage Arima l!,orotlgh i)eparU~,:a;it of Enviro~lni~mCal Qua'iity has receiwM and reviewed Che 1973 modifications ~o faa Snouid you have any questions ragardin,~j our ~:vlet~ of ~"o" plans. Si ncur~: 'J y, ~olf Stricktand> ,,oS. CMef Sauigarian :' 'DICKINSON- OSWALD & P~" '~ERS 800 Cordova Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 277-1685 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ,~Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings ,;~Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] I~.E C E ~'VED ~[QP1, ~F ~NYI~o~t~ ~UAHTT the fo[Iowin~ items: ~ Setup]es ~ SpecJficetJons COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: /~' For approval ~For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE E3 Approved as submitted E3 Resubmit [] Approved as noted [] Submit [] Returned for corrections [] Return [] copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS coP TO DICKINSON - OSWALD & P~P~-~.NERS 800 Cordova Stree,/ ' ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 TO 277-1685 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ,~-~'Attached [] Under separate ?over via [] Shop drawings /~'Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] [] Samples the follow ng items: [] Specifications COPIES ' DATE NO. DESCRIPTION / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval ~For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE El Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned 'for corrections [] [] Resubmit.__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS 19319 ,L %V~- ~ W~ ~ C~ ~ ~t~ ~ ~Io ~ ~eto Top- ~ W~ ~ ~e ~ $~et~ ~ ~n Top Top [] ,~l~octo~t D Q~lio~ble ~] Un..~atl~{c~c~o~ .~mil~ Stmus. 9. Contact ym~r ~ea~e~t · [] local Health Department SANITARIAN'$ REMARKS March 8, 1974. $OUTHCENTRAL RE~GIONAL OFFICE / 33~ DENALI STREET / MACKAYBUILDING-ROOI~fS~2 ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. Earl D. Korynta, P.E. Dickinson, Oswald, Walsh, Lee Engineers 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Val!! Vue Estates -!974 Water Improvements Dear Mr. Korynta: The plans and specifications for the subject project which include water extensions on Lone Tree Drive, Round Tree Circle, Green Tree Circle, West Tree Drive, Corner Tree Drive and Red Tree Circle are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. You'r s truly, Regional Environmental Engineer cc: Rolf Strickland, DEQ~/ Pe~ To ~de~aa~Y