HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VILLAGES Tracts 8A - 8C S-5123 M[MORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 28, 19'79 To Whom It May Concern John Lynn, E.S. Tracts 8A - 8C, The Vi].lages Comments of August 22, ].979 Subdivision S-5123: 2. 3. 4. Soils are adequate on Tract 8C at G.W. = 85 sq. ft. per bedroom. Soil on Tract 8B are S.M. = 250 sq. ft. per bedroom this test didn't have percolation test. Soil test on Tract 8A G.P. = 150 sq. ft. per bedroom. This Department requests percolation test on Tract 8B Developer must be aware of location on-site septic system to be constructed in an area less than 25% slope and 75ft. away from cut bank of 6 ft. or greater with only a single family dwelling per Tract. Percolation received sometime after these conm~ents. 91-010(5/78) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET L~ PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING "~AS E NUMBER NAME S-5123 Tracts 8A - 8C The Villages Subdivision DATE RECEIVED August 2, 1979 OMMENTTO PLANNING BY August 22, 1979 FOR MEETING OF CASE ~'PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AR?A ~/~,h''V i~ / ' ' ~¢UBLIC SEWER VAILABLE TO PETITION AR~A REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) HEWITr V, LOUNSBURY 8- ASSOCIATES Engineers - Surveyors 723 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone 272-5451 TO Municipality of Anchorage November 5, 1979~f~°"~°79-009 John Lynn S5123A, The Villages Tract 8A-8C DHEP ~ I~,, -- ched [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications Copy of letter [] Change order [] CO~IES DATE NO. DESCRIPTIOH Soil Analysis for above subdivision TBESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: REMARKS ~(] For approval ~] For your use Iii As requested E] For review and comment E] FOR BIDS DUE Dear Mr. Lynn, [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit__ [] Submit E] Return__ copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US The enclosed soil test holes are as follows; T.H. #2 - Tract 8C (125 sq. ft. per bedroom) T.H. #4A- Tract 8B (Perc Test 150 sq. ft. per bedroom) T.H. #6A- Tract 8A (100 sq. ft. per bedroom) If you should have any questions please contact our office at 272-5451. COP LOG 0,:" /'ESl- f'~OHhYS I I --- I~': ~'o'1'~-'~[ AUG RECEIVED I t t!¢.,;v/Jl b:' L ounst:ry ~ ,4.¢S9C/r~;:7-5 $% -:-, _ ¢,! _. _ F. n2in~'er5 --- 5'urve/ors Z~t::; D:;;:.~ . /_~. Ancl.,~rc.'.:'~, T i s~ ~'T. P'-L~ _b_~.~f_'&QOY'L) ............... ___ ...... ! I ......... ,? 5.1.2._~ SEP-5 -~]Zg ........ D~SC.O. lPTIOH $oil I/me, co,'oG texture, eslimot~d porlicle slze~ bil~ used, etc. -[ Sompl/n~ Engineers -- Surve)~0£S yolol Deplh _ J ~ ~_~--T i~nchorocd'~, . ~losko method Used .$'ompl/n~ D~_'SCtT/PTIOIV som~le~ drlvin~ notes, depths c/rculgh~ lost, b/Is used, etc. i t ~rd" dr~p. F .......... :.1 II;lll~ll 'l Ill illli>~! iii Iii SOl L5 'ANA. LYSI S £"A N [ . :43- -I I I I I SOILS SleW: ANALYSIS /00 / / / fi) ' .': MATERIALS TESTING QUALITY CONTROL SOILS ENGINEERING 2204 Cleveland Ave. / P.O. Box 10-1126 / Anchorage, AK 99510 / 277.0231 710 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 60547 / Falrbanks, AK 99706 / 452-1267 · 456-5155 · ;July 26, 1979 ;!;ho V o Lourisbury '~,723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ,,Re: The Villages .: .... Attn: Bill Thompson Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are the results of the Si_eve Analysis performed on samples as delivered to our laboratory from the referenced projects Sample ~,~'Sample -'3~f you have any questions~ Very truly yours, ~.,CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB · David Paul Laboratory Manager ~A was classified as Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) #C was classified as Gravelly Sand (SP)~ please call our office° and "Professionals workb~g to design ai~d build a better 21 laska" _ ... .~ ,. ,.. Perfo~ned for Legal Description: This Fo~ reports: CONSTRUCTION TEST L~B "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Bill Thompson ?ate !)erform~10/25/~79~ LotTract 8_~'Block. -- Subdivision The Villa~s ~// _ SOILS TEST yes PERCOLATION TEST ~yes~ Depth Feet Soil Characteristics 1.5I Peat & Silt Brown Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) --9' Bottom of Test Hole Was Ground Water Encountered yes If YES, What depth? 9' 8 Hour saturation Reading Date 8/25/79 )eriod 8/25/79 Gross Tilde 10 ~0 NO water left after 8 hours° Net TLme 10 min. Depth to H20 4 ':~/8" 7 3/4" 10 3/8" 11 7/~" Net Drainage 3 1/8" 2 5/8" I 30 40 13 5/~" 1 3/4" 50 14 7/8" 1 1/4" 60 Percolation Rate 1/4"/1 Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet CO~,E,IENTS: I 1/2" Minute SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench Test h~le logged by Bill Thompson of Lounsbury & Associates. Pe-~lation test run by Construct~ Test Lab, Inc. 150 square~ee~inage area required per bedroom. Test Performed by~~ Data Certified By: Construction Test Lab D.~Pau~ Date ~ 10/29/79 · 'ew/H V. Lounsbury '~ En.Cineer$ -- SutYeyors /~nchofa~7~ . Date Completed Project Locution Method Used . Field $Veolhee Hole Ho. __ Sh.~et '[,.__ lo/al Depth Ground IT/me Table Sarnplin~ DESCRIPTION Soil type, COlD6 texture, es/tTnuted part/cie size, somple, drlvln~ notes, depths c/rcul.qtion Io~t~ notes on drillin~ eose~ bits used, etc. Locot~bo Holes £ Dt~grom.. Ve~etalion: " o~n~n,, driven w/i40 lb. hummer. JO" drop. Un/ess otherwise noted oll $'ample~ ere taken CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-023]. Perfo~ned for Legal Description: This Fomn reports: Bill Thompson LotTract 8~Block SOILS TEST yes Date Performed 10/25/79 Subdivision The Villages PERCOLATION TEST yes Depth Feet soil Characteristics 1.5I Peat & Silt Brown Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) ---9' Bottom of Test Hole ¥~ "---~ ?' Was Ground Water Encounter.e~d yes If YES, What depth? ('~9' / 8 Hour saturation Reading Date S/25/~ period 8/._2~ Gross Ti~n{e ~ Net TJ~me 0 t. i[0 mine l0 I No water left after 8 hours, Depth to H20 4 5/8" Net Drainage 10 3/8" 11 7/-~'~ 13 14 7/8" 16 3/~ 50 i " 60 t " Percolation Rate 1/4"/1 Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT Depth of Inlet Depth to CO~4ENTS: --Test hole logged by Bill 2 5/8" 1 1/2" I 3/4" 1 1/4" i 1/2TM DRAIN FIELD Bottom of Pit or Trench Thompson of Lounsbury & Associates, Per~ation test run by Construction Test Lab, Inc. 150 square ife~tadgainage area required per bedroom. Test Performed by. ~-[~¥Pa61'- Data Certified By: Construction Test Date : 10/29/79 Lab (I~I(IIA I(1~.1 II $ M Iq ¥