HomeMy WebLinkAboutTHE VILLAGES Lots 1-3 Plat# 98-92 S-10215 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Serviees P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: June 3, 1998 To: /7 Zoning & Platting, CPD , From: Cross, .E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Subject: [~ Request for Comments on Subdivisions - June 5, 1998 The Enviro~unental Se~wices Division, On-Site Se~wices Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10215: The Villages - Revised No objections. S-10286: Southcenter, Lots iA, lB Block 3 No objections. CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB · "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland .Anchorage, Alaska 99503 2.77_~ ....... Perfonned for L H K M __Date Performed 4/19/79 Legal Description: Lot 1 -Block Tract 7B Subdivision The Villages This Fo~n reports: SOILS TEST_____yes PERCOLATION TEST 3rd Test Hole t~,~~ l~ Depth Soil Characteris Feet --b" Peat 1.5t Brown Silt -damp- Brown Sandy Gravel with trace of Silt' Brown Sandy Gravel Silty Sand, Bro%.~ Bottom of test hole Was Ground Water Encountered no If YES, What depth? o Reading Date Gross TJ~ne Net TL~e Depth to H20 Percolation Rate Minute Proposed Installation: SEEPAGE PIT Depth of Inlet Depth to Test Performed by David Pau_l. } This test hole was taken at ~he sbhth DKAIN FIELD Bottom of Pit or Trench ~qu~re~r .bedroom. Net Drainage the lot and west end. Data Certified By: side of Date : CONSTRUCTION__TEST LA5 ~5/79 CONSTRUCTION TEST ~AB .~ "One Test is worth a Thousand Opinions" 2204 Cleveland .Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Perfgrmed for L H K M Legal Description: · ~pt 6 . ...:Block Tract 7B This Fo~n reports: soILs TEST yes Date Perform- ed__4/20/79 Subdivision The Villaqes PERCOLATION TEST Depth Feet Soil Characteristics 6" Peat 6" Brown.silt Brown coarse sand with occasional gravel Brown gravelly sand with trace of silt Bottom of test hole Was Ground Water Encountered ~ptn. If YES, 9~.at ~ ' ~ Reading Date Gr0~" TL~e .:Net TLme Depth to H20 Net Drainage Percolation Rate Minute Proposed /_nstallation: SEEPAGE PIT D~AIN FIELD Depth of ]inlet Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench CO2C.~NTS: .... !~ s ~uare- feet drainage area recuired per bedroom. Test Performed by- David Paul Data Certified By:_cO~uct~on Test Date "'' _~./25/7~ /.o. ta ;~¢va lQ' 14-, t.q'7-7 /~te Completed J'~...I Pro/ecl ~lo Project Name Local/on Method Used Field Parly Wealher [' Hole No. ~, HeY/ill ~. Loun~bury ~ ~$SOC'/'~fe£ Sheel. 1 of Engineers -- Surveyors To/al Oep/h ~ ~T ~nchorage~ . Alask~ ~ Ground Wa/er Fable 5. Local/on No/es £ O/Dgram: Samp Iln9 OESCR I P T I O N ~ I SOIl lype~ co/or, texture, I ~ , ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ noles on drillin¢ ease, · ~ ~ J~ b J ~ ~ ~ ~ bils o~ed, etc. 2- ~p 5 9 /0---- // ~.~ L _ 12 /~ __ ~ _ I 16820 VILLAGES \ ~$c \\ \ TR 88 291 ~) COPYRIGHT 1965 JMR 289 290 ~- 15A /7? ~A ~ ~"- 373713738 Potter Area ~eference Map--P15 "/ 660,87 HVL N89O 57'35"w TRACT 78 May 25, 1998 Municipality of Auchorage Department of Heath & Human Services 825 "L" Street Auchorage, AK 99502-0650 Attention: Jim Cross, P.E. Subject: The Villages Subdivision - Lots 1, 2 and 3 S-10215 Water Availability Study Dear Mr. Cross: I have recently completed a study of the lots surrounding the proposed The Villages Subdivision to determine the depths and production rates of the wells and overall water availability and quality. Most of the lots to the north and south of this subdivision are served by a community water system and only the Paradise Valley Subdivision to the northeast and the lots immediately to the west were available for study. The results of the study indicate the four wells reviewed were between 266' and 330' deep aud produce water at rates fi'om 2 gallons per minute to over 15 gallons per minute. Production rates were based on the information submitted by the well driller and are probably higher than the actual production rates. No recent information was available concerning flow tests or water quality. A water quality test performed in 1997 on Lot 3, Block 2, Paradise Valley indicated no coliform or other bacteria and only a trace of nitrate content. The water in the ama appears to be free of bacteria or unacceptable levels of nitrate content. Tract 7A of The Villages Subdivision is the subject pamel for this subdivision. It will be split in tlu'ee parts to form Lots 1, 2 aud 3, The Villages Subdivision. From information obtained fi'om surrouuding wells we can conclude the wells will be in excess of 300' deep and will produce between 2 and 5 gallons of water per minute. We cannot, however, guarantee these depths or production rates. Backup documentation concerning the wells ia the area am included for your review. know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments Please let me L00RTION/m~TC1-h JUL 18 1997 Muntcl ~rATE OF At~M~A Dm'Amm~NT OF NAll,q~AL ~'~OU~'~ DIVISION OF MINING & WA11~ MGMT WATER WELL From DEPTH ~0 ~I'ATIC WATER LEVELt ,~-~.L.~.~ft below [~,too of ca~lng [] ground O.ta: /p_/_~Z T__/ METHOD OF DRILLINGi ~aff rotary ~ cable USE OF WELLt [~lorr~tlo ~ I,~aUon ~ mo~tor C~t~ r") perfor~'~d [] o~en hole ~ ft In, De~lh: from DEVI~O PMIgJT Mffi'HOD: INPI:~TIONt · ! .... PUMp INTAJUt DEFTTIt ---- ft Ho~$opowen WELL DISINFECTED UPON CDMPLETION~ [~ [*q ~0 'PLEASI! MAIL WHITE COPY OFLOG TO: oenmfv~oN OF MWWO & wA'n~ MOMT , 11601 O 8b SUlt~ ANCHORAGE AK DALLY DRILLING LOG PENN JERSEY DRILLING CO. OF I~ND ~ r Randy Cazar OWNER .............................................................................................. Box A-t~86 Anch, Ak. 99'309 ADDRI[:SS ............................................................................... ~'['"~' ........... June 29, 1981 Dz~. o~' ~ ................ ~.~91 ................................................. ~,~'~c ~wJ. o~ w~;a ~ ......................................................... DRAW DOWN ~ ......................................................................... GAL5. PElT liB.. ................................ '~l. ~]~ .......... I~'ROM ............. FT. TO ........ Fl', F1T O,M ................. FT, TO ........ F'T .... 20' of casing driven into bedrock. ~r,z:i~/]rld~l. .... ,: ' :': 0ep[Health&HUmm~Senflces : 'INCH WATER WELL DRILLED ........... OUT TO ILLED AT THE RATE O~ -~-- PER FOOT. Steel coning ee,~ted out ~o 170 ft. 3PERTY OWNER Hr, & Mrs, (Jsmes & '~bln) Helton ~49-~5a %~9-662~ __ ':~: = PA~DISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION Lt$:~ .Bernie Gl,us of R~mp~t ~,illin~ Works., LOG: - 19~ Silty smndy cl~y with ~0~ co~r~ gravel & ~ovo~ml re, rill boulde~. , .b. ut in_fine' s.~nd ~.~._b. zovm c1,~2. ,~ of fine but not eno'ugh to..hqld the, .aquifer together. No ii' clearing_of the weber 'afbe~ 4 hours'.of pum~in$~ ~ screen would not how ~'eid bock the silty se3dy fine mate~?l in this formation. It ,.'ou!d ~,. cone of cb?aging wste:, filters in the w~%er system, l'~ob~b!y on b~,eis; j3Z . 170' IIo. rr~'.'an. (cemented gravel) This ares is dry. Mo new ,',~te~ herring ~gteri~l o~ ~ll. Bedrock started at 165 feet. Casing is driven to refusr] feet. - 3~5' Bedrock. A sedimentary rock materisl. A porous bedrock ,reducing bet~veen 3~5 to 318 fee~. Wa~er p~oduction shows 180 gollon~ per ~th water r~covery back up to ]55 feet of surface overnight. One ~rsible pump should however be installed to 20-25 feet o~f bottom. The ~li~y of woter did show good signs of Clearing within 30 minu~es. Before pitless odapter i.~ ins~lled, we want to pump ~he Well with ou~ ~sst ~$ cry~t,~l clority. Totol cos~ of drilling: $24.00 ret foot x 260 f~e~ only. INCLUDES ALL ~BOR AND MATERIAL FOR COMPL~ON OF GAID DRILLING. charge for mobilization up. or back. ~o che~e for Mun~ Well C,~,. CHECK PAYABLE TO RAMPAI~ DRI~INO WORKS FOR THE SUM OF ~; P4~-~h -- :~ ', BERNI; OF RAM .lNG WORKS CHAFIO~'O~' '11%15 PLrft MC~IZ'~ WILL BE. A.'~E:I~. ON PAIT DUEAGG¢)UNT~. May 25, 1998 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Heath & Humau Services 825 "L" Street Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 RECEIVED Attentiou: Subject: Jim Cross, P.E. The Villages Subdivisiou - Lots 1,2 and 3 S-10215 Septic System Reserve Areas MAY 28 1998 Muuie~pality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Servlee~ Dear Mr. Cross: The owners of Tract 7A, Tile Villages Subdivisiou intend to subdivide the tract iuto 3 lots. Each lot will be in excess of 2 acres in surface ama. The attached site plan deliueates tile throe lots and shows the location of the septic system reserve areas. These areas ollcompass 12,000 square feet ill area based on percolation rates of 5 minutes to 12 nfinutes per inch which were achieved ou soils eucountered ill the testholes on the lots. A subsurface soils exploratiou study was completed oil tile property in December of 1995. Additional testholes were recently placed to augmeut previous results and verify that soils were suitable for onsite septic system placement. In addition, water monitoriug was completed over the April-May period to determine whether groundwater would impact septic system coustruction. No water was noted in any of the monitor tubes during this period. Soils on the tract are fairly uniform and consist of an organic layer on tile top 1' to 2'. This layer is underlain by well graded gravels and sands or silty gravels aud sands. All testholes on the property revealed virtually the same material. Gradations were run on samples fi'om Testholes I, 2, 3 and 4. Iu all cases more than 80% of the sample passed the No. 4 Sieve and 12% to 20% passed the No. 200 Sieve. The percolation rate achieved on this material was 5 minutes per inch. Testholes recently placed revealed the same materials with a slightly slower percolation rate of 12 ~ninutes per iuch. Tile surface of tile property slopes primarily from east to west with some cross sloping fi'om north to south. The drainage pattern appears to be iu a northeast to southwest direction at grades as steep as 12%. No areas were found ill excess of 25% which would limit the location of tile septic systems. It is our conclusion based ell tile results achieved fi'Olll the subsurface soils investigation and the water monitoring throngh the wettest period of the year that septic systems can be snccessfully placed on this property at the locations identified. Please review this data and advise if you bare further questions. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments .--~ G _RE_~. DRIVE _. o~ NO0'O~' 10"W 433.07' ~ ~ Well 433.07' TH2 TH7 Well ~Well. ~__ sE-"PTlC SYSTEM RESERVE AREAS SCALE 1" = 80' PGRFORMEO FOR: DEPARlqdENT OF HEALTH & HIJMAN ~;RVICF. S ~25 "1." ~tmet. Anchorage, Alaska gg502-0650 SOILS LOG -- P;.RCOLATION 'iT=ST David LLH3ALDE~'gRIFTION: ~rao~ TAr .1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9' 10- 1i- ~i2 - 13 14 16 16 17 18 lg q'h~ 'Vi 1 1 ~?,~ow~l~ Range, 8LOPF ~TE PLAN S.~e gi:e Plan WA~ GROUNO WATE~ ENCOUNTERED? No IF YE~ AT WHAT - DF.~TH? .--, pO E m~aarm~l None ~ ~ FI':RCOLATION RAT~. __ · (111~a~m~me~'l) Pig:lC HOLE DIAMETER / ": !i !.." Chulltna-Iturrlcnne U.ers' Group · Civil Englneeflng Services . q. ' ' P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 '.," ',1 Const~uction / Bulldlng / $oli$ Inspection~Well & S'ep#~ T~$thg & Design/Subdivisions/Roads ~ ' Jackson M. Pam~, F';F- PERFORMF-rJ FOR: I.E~L, .1- 2- '3 4- $. 7 10 m~.e 7~. mh~ 'V~ 1 ~m~m~°m'- ~ .... . - OG Organics/Silt/ Topsoil 'sw/sM Bottom of Hole WA~ ~UND WATER ~N~F.~ IF YE~ AT ~I'IAT TEST HOLE NO. 2 PERC~:~AllON RATF. (mmut~m~) PERC ~ D/AM=I'~. Chulitna-Hurrlcane Users' Group e Civil Engineering services P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 · 'i Construction / Building/Soils Inspection / Well & S'ept[c Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads "~-'~--T' 'TA TP~'%J~.c.~c..~% JacksonM. Pe~y,P.E. ~ . . · · OVERSIZE · . w?, - GRADATION ~ COARSE WASH · ' FINE W~H ' DEPARTMENT O;: HEN.TH & HUMAN 825 ~." ~set, An=hmage, AlJtk~ 9e502-0650 ~OII.S LOG ~ PERCOLA'31ON I~RFORMED FOR: LEGAL, 2- 3- 4- 6 7 8 10 "18- 19- .OG TESTHOLE NO. Bottom of Hole /Topsoil . 3 WA~ G~IOUND WA'if'ER II; YI~ AT'W~AT (~ S ~e Si ~e 'P1 ~n I :- '1 Imitl mil. Mir I~RCC~ATION RATE. _ (m~e,~n~) ~'r,~i' RUN BETWEEN __FI'AND Fl' .' ,~ ~;.:.? ..i..:?.. Chulltna-Hurrlcane Users' Group · Civil Eno. Ineerlng Services · '.:~:/;,[':'i:i;i'} ' P.Q, Box13024 Trapper Creek, ,Nasl(a 96683 Phone&Fax:(907)733.2378 ": ~.i', i "~ Construc~/on / Bu~lding / So#s lnspecEon / Well & S~pCc Tesdng &Design/SubdMsions/Roads . . .-. .~ · ...... , .~"~.; .-,~ , .. . . .' · . 'i* '.. :'. : i~r.- GRADATION ":" ' - . · .. ," ,- o,~ I~ ~ ..... . ' ' :'~* '"' :'" '""' : · ·", %" I ' ~ ~ .... .. . ......... ~ ~ {.~ :~. · _ .... ' ~ J~t ~ I COARSE WASH ' FINE W~H * ~ ~ PEflFORM;o FOR: lEGAl. DE~CItlPT10N: .1 4- 7- 10 13- Large Boulders S :e Si:e Ip1~n~ I IF YES. AT ',Nt'IAT ~: OHFI%I? P: Bottom of Hole '18 .~m ' ~.Z.' ~ ~ --- ~-- . ar~ z :7 'P~' · ~~ ~ ~ ~A~D ~Ni~P~ ~ IN ~r~T ON ~IS ~ ~ ~/~/~ ~ ' ' '"" i .' ,:., . Chulltna-Hurrlcane Usera' Grou · Civil neerlng Services · ~:'?.";' .. P.O. Box13024 Tmp, perCreek, Aiaska99683 Phone ai Fax : (907) 733-2378 . '!: '::. !. .. . .... ' . · '"i i:: ".Const[uctio. n / Butldlng ! Soils lnspe~'on / Well & Sbptic Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads Jackson M. ParTy, P.F_ "T'~- i~'~C gRA~UnE ' .. ~ I - - Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ,q~mn MllT~hv DATE PERFOF~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 7A, The V±ll&ge'~ownship, Range, Section: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- OG Testhole No. 5 GM/GW Cobbles to 24" Bottom of Hole WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO SLOPE SITE PLAN _ IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p hlonitsring? _Notre Dal~: ._~/~0 L,~ 8 II See ;i~ qsn I I Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~ 5-//z. ~. :/s- ._ ,/. '/z. ,, _ I COMMENTS _Te~thole presoaked prior PERCOLATION RATE /~' - (mlnute~lnch; PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND . FT to test. ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THiS DATE. DATE; ' ' ~/S ,, 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) PERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: · ~,~n Mtll-~h.~ DATE PERFO Tract 7A, The village'l~wnship, Range, Section: 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19- 20- COMMENTS OG Testhole No. 6 GM/GW Cobbles to 12" Bottom of Hole SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 0ep~h t~ Watu Attar ~tenit~ring? _None SITE PLAN _ I I _ II I _ II I Reading Cate Gro~ Ne: Dep'(h to Net 'i'~me 3qme Water Drop ~ I I I ~ 1 ~ I I I PERCOLATION RATE /Z.. (m~nute~,ncn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'Y~" FT AND ~-~ -- FT Testhole presoaked prior to test. PERFORMED ' ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GOIOELINEE ,, EFFECT ON THIS DATF.- DATE: '. 5-~/~*~E/~ 6 72'O08 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 625 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: David Tisch DATE PERFORM Tract 7A', The VillageBownship, Range, Section: OG 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18 - Bottom 19- 20- COMMFNTS _ Material GW/GM TESTHOLE No. of Hol SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO -" DEPTH? ~ ,. Depm te Water ,,0.,.,,,? ,~o=e _,,.: S/ZS/98 ~_J__ Date Encountered in Testhole Identical PERCOLATION RATE .. ~ {minutes/tach) PERC HOLE OIAMETER TEST RUN EETWEEN ___ FT AN[:) ~ F7 to Testhole No. PERFORMEO E¥' Mike Anderson , ~ ~j. . · -- ~ ~-- -- ' ------~ERTIFY THAT THIS T~ST WAS PERFORM Cu CCOROANCE W'TH ALL STATE AND MUN,C,FA~ GU,DE~,NES ,. ~C~ O~ ?"'S ~t~ ~ ~ [~ 5 (Rev. 4/~) IN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: February 12, 1998 To: /~ Zoning and Platting, CPD ,/ //2 ~l From.t~s Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Subject'.// Request for Comments on Subdivisions - February 12, 1998 The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S~10214: Alaska Seafood International No objections. S-10215: The Villages Subdivision Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: ~C¢ p C 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring d [ ~ '~,,, to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal system. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April - May). ~-~ 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater ~ I ~ ~-~,~0X_,x disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all 'fly, IlL" ' criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slop and slope setback requirements. ~)'~(~--- 3. Topographical information must be submitted. , ?~ .~ 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be ~~~ ~,k~ provided. S-10216: Lampert Subdivision No objections. S-10217: Goldenview Park Phase C1 (Block 10, Lot 16A) No objections. / %,- Chulitna~Hurrlcane Users' Group · Civil / Environmental Engineering P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-1579 Construction / Building / Soils Inspection / Well & Septic Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads Jackson M. Parry, P.E. David Tisch ~1~/23/95 Re: Tract 7A The Villages; Test Hole Results Section 15 TllN R3W S,M. Dear David Tisch: Attached are test hole logs and sieve analyses for test holes on the referenced property. Materials found in the four tesf ho]es -:-~e a visually similar sand and gravel mixture with a fair amoun~ of silt. An informafional percolation test was run on Test Hole I~4~ and a rate of appro×]mately five minutes per inch was observed. Because of the percolation rste, a full specif~cat, ion test would reql]il;~ presoaking the day before testing. This was not done due to time and ]~ght con- straints. Perc rates between one and sixty minutes p~!- ]neb might be expected on ail the test ho]es, The results of. this ]nv,~s[igation indicate that Tract 7A contains soil suitable for onsife wastewater d~sposa] systems. The test holes were sited to allow at least ]00 feet setback from the surface water found during the prior s]t~ visit in November. Since this was a pre-purchase feasibility study, some steps were taken to fry to accommodate future work that may be required to subdi- vide the parcel. Although no water was found in any of the test holes, a monifor tube was installed in each excavation. Also, the topsoil was removed adjacent to each he]e to expose the mineral soil representa- tive of fha so]l that was tested. Good luck. Jackson H. Parry, P.E Chulitna-Hurrlcane Users' Group e Civil Engineering Services P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 Construction / Building / Soils Inspection / Well & Septic Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads Jackson M. Parry, P.E. O, OE~ k o .q-7 -~ %~ COARSE WASH AXB FINE WASIt X x ¥ PLUS XxY '7O MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .......... CONSTRUCTION DIVISION LOCATION COMMENTS SOILSLOG I '~^o"r" "-FA HOLE ~O~-/ DATE I~'f BY DEPTH I ~/' ' WATER TABLE UNIFIED CLASS DESCRIPTION LOCATION SKETCH: LEGEND SYMBOC I~ TEST HOLE WATER TABLE MATERIAL ALL FROST CLASSIFICATION 3ASE0 ON THE,O2mm=§0% OF 'rHE -~200 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .......... CONSTRUCTION DIVISION SOILS LOG LOCATION '~ !~-F ]~ '~-~_~ ?~o¢~(~ · x'¢..4,~¢. I~ F~ ~ '~ ~t~J ~,~A, COMMENTS, ~o¢~,'~ '~ui%,- [~S.%Au~ ~-~ UNIFIED CLASS DESCRIPTION HOLE NO DATE ~/~----'T~' DEPTH WATER TABLE LOCATION ETCH: LEOEND SY~80L ~ TEST HOLE Chulitna-Hurrlcane Users' Group e Civil Engineering Services P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 Construction / Building /Soils Inspection / Well & Septic Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads FRACTURE OVERSIZE I COARSE WASt{ GI{ADATION MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ......... CONSTRUCTION DIVISION SOILS LOG COMMENTS, HOLE N O',"T/'__~(~?~. DEPTH I~-- WATER TABLE UNIFIED CLASS DESCRIPTION LOCATION SKETCH' LEGEND SYMBO~ ~ TEST HOLE WATER TABLE MATERIAL ALL FROST CLASSIFICATION ]ASE0 ON THE ,02mm OF THE -e200 UNLESS OTliE R Y,'IS F NnTFn Chulitna-Hurricane Users' Group ~, Civil Fngineering Services P.O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 Construction / Building / Soils Inspection / Well & Septic Testing & Design / Subdwisions / Roads GRADATION LJ:b 'Z~L~ lb MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .......... OONSTRUCTION DIVISION SOILS LOG HOLE LOCATiON--~'Pc~T" '-lA '"-~/-~,¢¢ d~c~5 ~TE COMMENTS ~F~x~ ~c -~.ac ~z~ ~t~ , ~PTH DEPTH UNIFIED FROST CLASS GROUP DESCRIPTION O 4~ 7 8 9 I0~ 12~ 14~ :I LEGEND SYMB~. TEST HOLE WATER YABLE ALL FROST CLASSIFIC~a. TION BASEl) ON THE,O2mm:50% OF THE -4+200 UNLESS Chulitna-Hurricane Users' Group · Civil Engineering Services P,O. Box 13024 Trapper Creek, Alaska 99683 Phone & Fax: (907) 733-2378 Construction / Building / Soils Inspection / Well & Septic Testing & Design / Subdivisions / Roads Jackson M. Parry, P.E, FBACTUI1E ] GRADATION 0,o~ I L~. L~O ~q 660.87' TRACT 7A THE VILLAGES 648.41' 2 i uJ LIJ LU 1. 50 foot screening easement 2. 10 foot utility easement 3. 10 foot utility easement and 3 foot section line easement SCALE: 1" = 100' PAGE 1 OF ]. MDNICIPALITY OF ANCIJOF',AGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND tlUIVLRN SERVICES P.O. BOX 1966150, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99!519-6650 ON-SITE WELL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PEItMI'.I.' NUMBEI{: 8W980010 DF, SIGN ENGINE}f,R:ANDERSON EN¢~INEERING OWNER NAME:MUR]?IIY SEAN & DF, LORIS K OWNER ADDRESS:]".O. BOX ]].2488 AN(;HOiIAGE, ALASKA 99511-2480 DATE ISSUED: 1/22/98 EXPIRATION DATE: ]/22/99 PARCEL I, EGAL DESCRIPTION: TIil,] V].[,LAGI~I,S Tit 7A LOT SIZ~;: 2[~[1796 (,~Q. I.'T.) NUMBER OF BEDROOM;;: 4 '].'HIS PERMIT: 4 THIS PERM.iT .1:~ P'OR TIlE CONSTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEI?'J51:C TANK / WELL SYSTEM ALI, CONSTR[ICTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1, THE AT'I'ACIIEI] APFROVI:',D DESIGN. AL][, llEQUiRENF, N']'S SI?I,]CI~'JiED .IN ANCHOILAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CIIAI?q'I{',I.tS ]5.55 AND 1~5.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGUf,ATI~ONS (18AAC. 72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATION$ 3. THE EN(i]iNEF, I.{ MUST NOT]JIfY DIlIIS AT LEAST 2 flOURS PR.l:Ol.~ TO EACll INSPIf,(~TI(]N. PROVIDI~ NOTII~'ICATION BY CALl,lNG 34~--4'/4q ( 24 HOURS ) (NOT REQUIRED FOR WELI, ONI,Y PERMIT) 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL ].5 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSOI~PTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING ]~'REEZING WEA'PIIE[~ MUST BF, A. OPENED AND CLOSF, I) ON THE SA~E DAY D. COVERI~;D, SEALED AND IIEATEI) TO PREVENT FREEZIN6; 5. qHIE I;'OLLOW]NG ~;I'EC[A], I?ROVJiS1ONS. SPECIAL PROVISION,q: F, NG£NIf, ER SIIAI,], PI:iRFOItM AN ADDITIONAl, PI,~RCOLATION TEST IN V E(.IN.I 5 I)l~' TIlE pROPOSED AI~SORPTION TRENClt AT THF, I.[ML OF CONS'.L'RUC'I.' I ON... t ~/ January 16, 1998 ,~IRO N MI~J'A L ~] ERVICES DIVISk Municipality of Anchorage Dep~zrtment of Heath & Human Services 825 %" Street Ancl~or~tge, AK 99502-0650 JAN 't 6 1998 RECEIVED Attention: I}an Hath oubJoCt. Tract 7A, The Villages Subdivision Sepiic System Design Impacts to Adjacent Properties De,~u' We hereby apply for a permit to construct a well arid an onsite septic system en Tract A, The Villages Subdision. The attached site plan ~tnd backup documentation identify the size and location of the well and new sy~tem to serve the four bedroom home to be constructed on the lot. of the bedrooms along with a bathroom will be consh'ucted in the detached garage. A sep~;trate service will be constructed to the garage. A soils study was completed on the lot in late December of '1,995. At that time 4 testholes were placed on the property. Unfortunately only one percolation test was completed which revealed a rate of 5 minutes per contained soils inch. lh~,, test was completed in Testhok; No. 4 which witt~ nearly 22% passing the No. 200 serve. We are proposing to place the new absorption h'enoh around Testhole No. 2 which contained soils with only 12% passing the No. 200 Serve. This material will percolate as good or better ti]an that encountered in Testhole No. 4. We have designed the system, llowever, for a slower percolation rate u! 12 minutes per inch. verification will be completed during the construction of the absorption trencl~ arid ,,~ubmitted with the as built. At tiffs time the owner of the property is anxious to get his septic system ,~ .f plans for review and eventually obtain a perlrti~L 8o he can oubml, his house · buildiHg peiirlJt. We are hopeful you will issue the septic system perrnit even thou.cjh ~:tdditiorlal field data rna. y be required. Iarn confident based on the gradations taken from materials encountered in the testholes that a Tract 7A, 'l"he Villages Subdivision J a r~uary '1 G, t 998 Page 'two septic system can be successfully constructed on this tr~tct. In addition, a soils exploration was completed by David Paul of Construction Test Labs in 1977. His results are very similar to those submitted with this package. His recommendations based on gradations of material encountered varied from 125 to 200 square feet of absorption area per bedroom. His results further document our position. No construction of the septic system will begin until we are satisfied the soils at the location of the new absorption trench will percolate at the rates utilized for the design. Hopefully a permit can be issued based on tile submitted information and our assurances that all soil conditions will be further verified. The ground surface of the lot is slopes from east to west at a rate of 12%. 'the ground surface also slopes gradually from south to north at a rate from 0 te 2%. No developement is within 200' of the proposed well or septic system. If the system is constructed as designed the following statements apply: 1. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on the wells in the area or those to be constructed in the future. The subdivision is served hy a community water system. be maintained. Sincerely, Michael [;L Anderson, The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on existing septic systems in the area or those to be constructed in the future. The system, if constructed as designed, will have rio adverse irapact on reserved space, either surface or subsurface, on any lots located in the area. The system, if constructed as designed, will have ne adverse impact on drainage) patterns in the area. 1he current drainage p~tte~i~ Will THIS PR of new rJystoms. AR EA_____~A[~ SCALE 1" = 400' proposed well GRF.[-'CF- OmVE (CURRENT.[-Y UNDEVELOPED) ~ ~ Detac Garaq~ wJ.th and Bathroom Site ~TH3 _SLT_E_E PLAI~ SCALE 1" =% 61:1' ]Proposed well Gallon $~pt:l.C '..Pan]'-;. 63' Loner X 6' Effective Depth Abs~]rption Tronch SYSTEM PLAN ~CALE 1" = 41]' TRACT 7A, THE VILLAGES SUBDiViSiON DESIGN FACTORS: SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Four Bedroom Home Deep Trench System Porc. IFlete: 12 Min./inch '1,250 ~allon Septi~ Tank Application Rate: .8 GPD/SF 6' Gravel Beneath Dist. Pipe 4 Bedrooms X l~J0 GPD = 600 Gallons Per Day 6o0 GPDI.8 GPDISF 112 SF/LF = 63 LF Trench Therefore: Construct a Deep Trench System with One Lateral 63' ia Length~ Distribution Piping to be Placed at 3.0' Below Original Ground Level° Mound over 'rrenGh to Provide l~inhnum of 3.0' Covar Over Pipe. NOTE: 6,,0I Natural Geote~tile Fabric "PVC (slots Down) Drainfield Rock p E .E.'.p__T_~E N C H SECTION_ (NO SCALE) Gr~ds Area.to Drain Away. ON..SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND I~iATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT: TRACT 7A, THE VILLAGES SUBDIVISION GENERAL. '1. The scope of this project includes furnishing and installing a new 1,250 gallon septic tank. It also includes the construction of a new 63' total length by 3' wide by 6' effective depth absorption trench. The distribution piping must be placed at 3.0' below the ground surface. Mounding over the trench will be required to provide a minimum of 3' of protective cover. A second service line will be run from the detachad garage which will have a bedroom and bathroom. Construction shail be in accordance witl~ the approved site plan, design draw ngs, Municipal Permit with any special provision.'; or conditions, and ail applicable State and Municipal Wastowater Disposal Regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaning all mde-flround utility locates and for the layout of the septic system and verification of the location of all lot lines. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the contractor shall be responsible for final grading areas subsequently depressed from soil settling. Property owner shall be responsible for revegetation of affected areas unless specifically agreed otherwise. Contractors installing wastewater disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Department of Health and Human Services for system installations. Owners installing their own systems must receive prior approval from D.H.H.S. before beginning system installation, SEPTIC I. 'rANK INSTALLATION A new 1,250 gallon septic tank must be procured .from an r~pproved source and instatled at the location shown on the plans. Tract 7A, The Villages January 16, 1998 Page Two Subdivision ,3. A septic tank is to be constructed by a certified manufacturer. Construction shall include two for pumping access. septic tank 4" cleanouts The septic tank shall be sufficiently bedded to prevent settling or shifting ef the tank. All standpipes on the septic tank ehall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. Tanks installed without 4.' of cover shall have a minimum of 2" of direct burial insulation. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet h'om the building foundation. Two cle~nouts are required between the t~mk and the drainfietd. I=inal grading over the tank shall be such that a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. DRAINFIELD CONSTRUCTION: Tile drainfield shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the design. The bottom of the trench shall be within 2" of level. 2. Distribution piping must be placed level with perforations down atop a level bed of drainfield rock, Hock should then be placed over tho pipe to provide a minimum of 2" of cover. 3. A silt barrier or geotextile fabric must be placed I~etween the drainfield rock and the natural soil backfill. ., Monitor b~bes must be 4." in diameter and installed -at the locations shown on the design. Tho portion below (.]round must be perforated. Tract 7A, The Villages January 18, 1998 Page Three Subdivision Contractor shall verify the septic tank and dr~infield are a minimum 100' away from any private water wells in the area, '150' from a Class "C" Well er 200' from any community well. Direct bury insulation must be placed ever the distribution system if less than 3' of backfill depth is available. Finish (:Fade over the trench mLISt 'be mounded to prevent settlement or depressions. 7. Grade area surrounding the absorption trenches to drain away. A minimum 2' of accepting soil is required below the drainfield rock for a 5' wide trench. Contractor shall varify this condition prior to placement of the rock. All pockets ef unacceptable materials must be removed and replaced. MATERIAl,. SPECIFICATIONS: ,~et}tlc tanks must be constructed by a Municipally approved septic tank manufacturer. 2. The fellowirlg pipe materials are approved for use in septic f~ystem instaltat'ens in the Municipality of Anchorage: Cast Iron (perferated and solid), ASTM D3034 or P.V.C. (perforated and solid), ASTM F810 or H.D.P.E. (perforated, but not solid) and ASTM D2662 or A.B.S. (perforated and solid). 3. Insulation shall be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial polystyrene (Dow Chemical Co. Styrofearn HI or equal). Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be ftted'.. waterti!]ht couplings (Caulder, Fernco, er equal). .,. 'with ~lract 7A, The Villages Subdivision January 16, 1,998 Page Four 5. A permeable geotextile be installed between native soil layer. fabric (Typar, Mirafi or equal)must the final drain reck layer and the 6. All drain rock shall be .5" to 2.5" in diarneter with less than 3% passing the #200 sieve. INSPECTIONS: A minirnum of two inspections are required by Municipal Ordinance. These inspections must be conducted under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The first inspection must be conducted after the excavation of trenches, beds or pits arid before the installation of any gravel. A septic tank ~'aay be set in place, but may not be backfilled. The second inspection of the geotextile standpipes, cleanouts and insulation. place at the time of inspection. must be conducted after the placement fabric, gravel, distribution piping, Ne backfill should be in Contractor shall provide a copy of all construction notes for use in preparing of the completed system. field survey layout and the certified as-built ]_ AGI', 1 OF MUN];C;[PALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPAH'2MIgNT OF HEALTH AND tI[UMAN SERVICES BOX i[96650, 525 "I," STIr, El}iT, I~.OOM 502 ANCI{ORAGE, A];ASKA 99519-'6650 ON-,~] iL WELL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSA , oYSTEM PERM]7.F NUM[Uf, R: SW9800 L0 DES]]GN ENGINEE[I:AND]'~RSON ENGINEERING OWNER N~E:MURPHY SEAN & DF,];ORIS K OWNE)A ADDRESS:]".O. BO~ ]].2488 ANCHORAGE, ALASI~ 99511-2488 DATE ISSUE. D: 1/22/95 ' "'"'O ]/22/9 .X~?.[~AI.J N ~ATE: ' 9 [ARCLL ID:02029133 LEGAl, DEft CP,] ?T [Oq V.II,I,AGI,,~ TR 7A TI'IE ' ' ° THIS PEs~.M.I.T .IS If OR 'iHilf, (.ON,>I~RUCi.[ON Off; D'£SPOSAL FIELD /SIiiI?'.P]iC TANK / WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: ]_. TIlE AX'I'ACIIED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. AL}i, P. EQUiRI,~MENTS S].'ECII}']~ED IN ANCHORAGE MUN]:C]]I?AL CODE CHAI?'J'i;iRS 15.5G AND lb.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATEN D]iSPOSAL RI~iGUI',AT[ONS (]gAAC.'12) AND DRINK~[NG WATER RF, GUI,ATION8 (lgAACfl0). 3. TflE ENG[NEIi',R MUST NOT1EY Dil}IS AT LEAST 2 IIOURS I?R~[OR T(') EACH INSPh',C.T]iON. I?ROVIDE NOTIF]:CAT:[ON HY C~%LI2[NG 34~-4'144 ( 24 HOURS ) (NOT REQU:[RED EOl{ WELL ONLY PERM,[T) 4. FROM OCTOBER i5 TO APR:lA 15 A SUBSURFACE SO}ii, ABSOI~PTION SYSTEM UNDEI.{ CONSTRUCT]iON DURING I?REEZING WEATIIER MI)ST BE A. OPENED AND CLOSF, D ON THI~ SAME DAY 13. COVERED, SEALED AND IIEATED TO PREVENT 55. THE lfO],l.,OW]iNi; ~iPISC.[AL PROVISZONg. SPECIAL PROV[[SIONS: January 16, '1998 /IP. ONM~N'rAL SEf,:VIEES DIVI,%. Municipality of Ancho'age I')epartmet~t of Heath & Human Services 82~, _ Street Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 ; L(,EiVED Attention: Dan Roth Subject: Tract 'FA, TI'la Villages Subdivision e~ .', System Design Impacts to Adiaceet Properties Dsaf Dan: We hereby apply tora permit to construct a well arm an onsit~: septic system on Tract A, The Villages Subdision. The attached site plan and b~ckup documarffatierl identify the size and location of the well ;~nd new ,;, · * the four bedroom home to be constructed on the lot. One wstem 1:o .ely(, of tho bedrooms along with a bathroom will be constructed in the detached (tarage. A separate service will be constructed to the garage. A soils study was completed on the lot in I~te December of 1995. At that time 4. testhole~ were placed on the property. Unfo~uuately only one percolation test was completed which revealed a rate of 5 minutes per inch. This test was completed in Testholo No, 4 which contained soils with nearly 22% passing the No. 200 solve. We are proposing to place the new absorption b'ench around Testhole No. 2 which contained soils with only 12% passing the No. 200 Solve. This m~terial will percolate as good or bettor tharl ti]at encountered in Testhole Ne. 4. We have designed the system, however, for a slower percolation rate of 12 minutes per inch. A verification will be completed during the construction of the absorption treech and submitted with the as built. At this time the owner of the property is anxious to get his septic system permit 8o he can submit his house plans for review and eventu~flly obtain a buildim3 peu'nit. We are hopeful you will issue the septic system permit even t[ough additional field dat~ m~y be required. I am confident based on the gradations taken from materials encountered in the testholes that a l~ract 'lA, Tho \fillagcs Subdivision Page 'I we septic system can be successfully constructed on this tract. In addition, a soils exploration was completed by David Paul of Construction Test Labs in 1977. His results are very similar to those submitted with this package. His recommendations based on gradations of material encountered w~ried from 125 to 200 square feet of absorption area per bedroom. His results further document our position. No construction of the septic system will begin until we are satisfied the soils at the location of the new absorption trench will percolate at the rates utilized for the design. Hopefully a permit can be issued based on the submitted information and our assurances that all soil conditions will be further w~rified. 'l'he groum:l surface ef the lot is slopes from east to west at a rate of 12%. The ground surface also slopes gradually from south to north at a rate from 0 1() 2%. No developement is within 200' of the proposed well or septic system. If the system is constructed as designed the following statements apply: 1. The system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverce impact on l:t~e wells in the area or those to be constructed in the future. The subdivision is served by a community water system. The system, if constructed as designed, will have lie adverse impact on existing septic systems in the area or those to be constructed in the future_ Sincerely, ~ichael E. Anderson, P.E, The system, if constructed as desLqn6d, will have no adverse irnpact on reserved space, either surface er subsurface, on any iol:s Ioc¢.tted in the area. 'l'l~e system, if constructed as designed, will have no adverse impact on dr~inago patterns in the area. The current drainage .p~tteCh W~H he maintained. :. THIS PRO~JI~.(. r POOl; osed ~ We~].], (OU~IFIEN'IfLY LIkl~t'~VEl.OPk )1 ~;~i.t.,J]/~' Ga~aq~ w.'i.'bh ~om and [~athroom A] t~rnate Site ~TH4 ]?ropos~d We 11 ~ 1 ,250 Gallon Se~p'h:[c '~. ank 6[:~' Longf X 6' Effective De',pth SYSTEIVII PLAN I~CALE ~1" = 40' DESIGN fACTORS: , YSTEI I REQUIREMENTS: Appllcatiml l,~atu: .1~ GPDI.~F Deep Trench ~steln '1,250 Gallon ~eptio Tank 0' (,~ravel B~neath 131,~t. Pip~; 4 Bedrooms X 'P. iO GPO = 680 Gallons Per Day (tO0 GPDI.I] GPDISF 112 SF/LF = ~3 LF Trenoh Therefore: (:enstru~t a Deep Trench Sys~[em witlt One Lateral Ii3' Icl Length~ Distribution Piping to be Phtced at 3.0' Below Original Greuod Level. I~immd ever Trench to Provide Minimum of 3.0' (:ever Over Pipe. Natural Fabr:Li~ "PVC ~ts Down) I)~a.%nf;Le:l.d I[ock NO'I'E: }AEE __TFIENCH (NO ~CAI~E) Grade Area.to Drain Away. (]N-,~II[:: WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEII/I CON~IRU¢,II( N AND ~ATERIAL SPECIFICA~llON~ TRACT 7A, THE VILLAGES SUBDIVISION 1. "['he scope of tills project includes fl.~rni,~hing and installing a new 1,250 gallon septic tank. It also includes the construction of a new 63' total length by 3' wide by 6' effective depth absorption trench. Tbe distribution piping mast be placed at 3.0' below the ground surface. Mounding over the trench will be required to provide a minimum of 3' of protective cow~,r. A second service line will be run from the detached garage which will have a bedroom arid bathroom. Construction shall be in accordance with the approved site plan, design drawings, Municipal Permit with any special provisions or conditions, and all applicable State and Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all underground utility locates arid for the layout of the septic system and verification of the location of all lot lines. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the contractor shall be responsible for final grading ~reas subsequently depressed from soil settling- Property owner shall be responsible for revegetation of affected areas unless opeclflcally agreed otherwise. 5. Contractors installing wastew~zter disposal systems must be certified by the Municipal Department of Health and Human Services for sy,,~tem installations- Owners installing their own systems must receive prior approval from D.H.H.S. before beginning system installation. SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION A new '1,250 gallon septic tank must be procured .frorn an approved source and installed at the location shown on the plans. Tr~zot 7A, The Villages Subdivision January 16, -1998 Page Two 2. A septic tank is to be constructed by a certified manufacturer. Construction shall include two for pumping access. septic tank 4" cleanouts 3. The septic tank shall be sufficiently bedded to prevent ,,4ett n,q (~r shifting ef the tank. 4. All standpipes on the septic tank shall extend a minimum of 12 inches above final grade. 5. Tanks installed without 4.' of cover shall have a minimum of 2" of direct burial insulation. A foundation cleanout shall be installed one to four feet frem the building foundation. Two eleanouts are required between the tank and the drainfield. 7. Final grading over the tank shall be such thai: a positive slope exists away from the septic tank. DRAINFIELI:) CON[~I'FIIJCTION: 1. 'l"he drainfield shall be constructed to the dimensions shown on the design. -[he bottom of the trench shall be within 2" of level. 2. Distribution piping must be placed level with perforations down atop a level bed of drainfield rock, Flock should then be placed ever the pipe to provide a minimum of 2" of cover. 3. A silt barrier or geotextile fabric must be placed between, the drainfield rock and the natural soil backfill, Monitor tube,~ must be 4" in diameter and installed ,at the locations shown on the design. The portion below (Found. must be perforated. Tract 7A, The Villages Subdivision January 16, 1998 Page Three Contr;.~el:er shall verify the septic tank and drainfield are a minimum 100' away from any priw~te water wells in the are~, 150' from a Class "C" Well or 200' from any cemrnunity well. Direct bury insulation must be placed over the distribution =,y~,t~,m if less than 3' of backfill depth ~s evadable. Finish grade over the trench rr~ust be mounded to prevent ~,ettlement or depressions. 7. Grade area surrounding the absorption trenches to drain away. A minimum 2' of accepting soil is required below the drainfield rock for a 5' wide trench. Contractor shall verify this condition prior to placement of the rock. All pockets ef unacceptable materials must be removed and replaced. IVIATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ,':;epl:ic tanks must be constructed by a Municipally approved septic tank manufacturer'. 2. The following pipe materials are approved for use in septic system installations in the Munic'pality of Anchorage: Cast Iron (perforated and solid), ASTM D3034 or I.V.C. (perforated af~d solid), ASTIVl F810 or H.f).P.E. (perforated, but not solid) and ASTM 12)2662 or A.B.S. (perforated and solid). Insulation shall polystyrene (Dow Chemical 0o. Styrofoam HI or equa.[). be at least 2" thick extruded direct burial Septic tank inlets and outlets shall be fttod~' with watertight couplinge (Caulder, Femco, or equal)..:;.~ Tract ?'A, The Villages Subdivision January '16, '1998 Page Four 5. A permeable geotextile fabric (Typar, Mirafi or equal) must be installed between the final drain rock layer and the native soil layer. 6. All drain rock shall be .5" to 2.5" in diameter with le.~s than 3% passing the ~200 sieve. INSPECTIONS,~ A minimum el two inspections are required by Municipal Ordinance. These inspections must be conducted under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State et Alaska. ]'he first inspection must be conducted aiter the excavation of trenches, beds or pits and before the installatien ef any gravel. A septic tank may be set in place, but may not be backfilled. The second inspection must be condu(:ted after the placement of the geotextile fabric, gravel, distribution piping, sttzndpipes, cleanouts end insulation. No backfill should be in plr.~ce at the time of inspection. Contractor shall provide a copy of all field survey layout and construction notes for use in preparing the e~rtified as-built of tile completed system. -R GREECE DRIVE NOO'OO'IO"W '$55.07' ~' b O .... ~z .... NO000dO'W ~15,0 i ~ : I"NVlRONMENTAL~SERVI DESCRIPTI( ; PRCiIICIION VED .. ~, ~ ~ Pump ~t At & ~ ~ _~ 5amtary ~1 on Gaming Ground ? OOndult (Y/N) .--~-~ ............. from WoIL ~ ~ ~ , On Adp)ming Lotl A~5o~piion Fml~ on Lot ~we~ Line ~. ~J.~ .......... To Nearer P, lbllc i TANK DATA , Contract on Fde ~Y/N) . --~.l ~ ...... ' .... ; '~ ' ' Dist~flces from ~pt~c/HOldtnfl Tank Supply Well ..... ~ ~_~ ..................... To Budding Found~ll To Wuler MD Ii/~rVICO Llno i~ pFa jO 1 , DAILY DILII. U14G LOG JERSEY DRiLLIHG CO', kr~ch. Ak,. 99509 June 29, 1961. 20' of caStm~ driven MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HFALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAl. (HA, A) cHECKLIST ,, FEBI~UARY Ig114 II A, B. G, D,E,G, ApprovtKI (Y/N) Cased ~ ~--- D~pth ot Grouting , ~ ,, Pump ~I Al ~N) Dep~slon ~from Wet1'. ' nLot .... ~ ...... ; On Adjoining Lot Field on Lot ~.0-~ _ ', On Adjoining Lots -- = t Li~e .... ~~. To Nearest Public ~wer NO TANK DATA .. S~ze -~-~-~- No, o! Compartmema ~ Air-light Caps ~)N) ..... Foundation Cllianout ~. Ditto Last Pumped tact on Fllli (YIN) .... - ........ _.~; lot ~ (Y/N) ........ ~/~__~ Temporary Hlildlng Tank Pet~it (YiN i lrom SeptIc/Hotdmg Tank: , · To Dlapo~al Field uno .......... o~ Hee~,h I~ A, B, or 0, ~11aoh ADEO FROM WELL. LOG ! __.._.__g / WELL TO: <enter .__..__ZOO ~ 190 '4.~____._--': On'a~laCent RESULTS: TANK DATA Tsn~ size ~..__._.Foundatlon cieanout ~11 atarm {Y/fit---.~-~- .......__~,_.,___._[Alarm tested ( ) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAOE . ~.u.. ....... ~,TH & ENVIRONMENTAL PR tGTION ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND~ WELL INSPeCT!ON REPORT -F IF HOMEI~ADE: Well oTHER mISTANCES FROM wELL. - ,,~' ~o~~ ~ ...... /O~ ~ ~" , TANK O~ TA {YIN) -~ ....... AIf.tt~t Capl _ . ....... _~. Dale LI~I p~m~ ef Tank (y/N) -- DISTANCES F~OM SEpTic/HOgOING TANK: ATIoN ..~).~_; ..j~q...C..0 · ........ TO Oulldlng Fou~dMIOI1 ri Line ........ " ToPm~ V ~ ~' ~l~eam, pored, LaKe ot MelO~ OtRine,.'e Couf~e MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) u.,.i,t'l.I AUTHORITY AI~ROVAL (HAA) HECKL ~T - FEB ' i' C la~sdicntlon /ZV'/2IA~'~IZ'd~L ............ II Am B, C, D,E.C. Approved (Y/N) Level .... ~ Height Abow Ground ........ /~": ........ Sanitary Seal on Casing [Y/N) Conduit (Y/N) _ .._~ ............Depresston Around We fiend (Y/N) n: D~st~nce~ from Wotl · , On Adjoining Lotto tlc/Holding innk un Lot . · /1~. ~ .................. Edge of Absorphor ho Sewer Line ~noutlManhole W(t(~isnmptu Collected by .- Waier ~amplo Test Re.~UII~ -, :/HOLDING TANK DA :~ )reS$1en over Tack (V N) r~ ~mplng/Ma~r~tenance Con' )ldmg l'ank High. Whtor ~p~r~uon D~tnnces Irom ? To W~t(it~SupPly w(,ll ':' :~() PfOpe~ty Line Coml?l~ts .......... b fra~.t ~ 100~ , State of Alaska