HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 21 April 17, 1968 Mr. Warren H. Roper 700 Che~y Street Anchorage, Alaska .9950~ . Dear Mr. Ropert "SUBJECTt Sewage Disposal System · Ss~vl"s Lot ~l~', ;Kt~e'*e~a~ Subd. disposal system, lnVestltatl~nsby this Office have shown that the which terminates at the end of Cheste~ C~eek on T~act A, This system has bse~ ~avad ia a~d filled with ~ave! and the sewer line runnfn~ to it has beenseve~ed ~d plu~ed~ Dye fl~hed down you~ toilet by ~hisofft~e °~the mo~g of Ap~i 17~ 1~68, was fo~d in the sewage m~ntng ~m ~de~ you~ ~aile~ ove~ of ~he g~o~d w~hl~ several hours af~e~ sa~d dye was fiushed the In accordance wl~h Section 1275~ Pa~t 7~-S~hapTe~ ~i~'Chapte~ T~tle 7~ of the Alaska Adm~nist~ative C~e as adopted by A, uhoPage A~a Borough Code of 0~d~nanees~~: above de8emtbed ~dttion is hereby decl~ed a p~15~ nu~s~e ~d~$s ~he ~eqUes~ of this Depa~me,t ~hat the said ,uis~ebe aba~ed, w~thln 7 days af~e~ ~eceip~ of ~h~s no, ice. ~a~e~n~ c~l be accomplished by e~he~ ~°Vidi-g an adeqUatet approved ~thod of sewa~ disp.osal O~by vaea~$n~ ~he pDemises involved. Since gmo~d'eOnditions a~ ~he s~Je~t location p~elude ~he ins~allatfon of ~ on-si~e sewage disposal sys~em~ Pecommenda~ion of ~h~s Depa~t~n~ that ~he p~emfses be vacated within 7 days aftem ~uetpt of this le~e~. If we may be of any assistance to you in this ~TeD. please feel f~ee to contact ~. Sincerely, DAVID R. L~ DUNCe. M. Medical CPJ/sr~ Environmental Health Director Mr. Doyle ~akar 700 Cher~y Street Anchorage, Alaska 99S0# Dear 5UBJgCTI Sewage Disposal Syetem Serving Lot 218, Klua~e Terrace SubdiVision P~r~uant to Our letter off April 5, 1968, ao~ea~aing the subject sewage dipposal system~ investigations by this office have sho~n that the subject p~emises' sewer sys=em is, in fa¢~, ¢onneotad to ~he system which tamml~atas a~ the e~d of Cheste~ C~k on T~a~ A. In aceo~dancew~th Section 1275, Part 7, Subchapter 11, Chapter 2, Title 7, of ~he Alaska Administ~a~ive Coda adopted by the G~eatar A~chorage A~ea Bo~ C~e of O~din~aes~ the ~ove deee~ e~diti~ Js he.by decla~d a p~lio nuis~ and ~t is ~he ~g~st of ~his ~p~t~t ~ha~ ~he said n~s~ be ~ated wf~hfn 7 days 8fge~ of ~h~s no, ice. Abatement aa, be accomplished by ei~heP~.P~0Vld~ng ~ adequate, approved ~thod of sewage:.d~apoaal O~ by va~aglng.~he involved, Since gro~d~dfgio~$ at the sub]aa% loca~fon p~clude the lns~allation-Of ~On'$~tesewage'dtspOsal system, it is ~he ~ec~ndatf~of thf~ ~pa~t~n~ tha~' the,p~sas be vacated within '7 days afge~ ~eCeiPt~'of~his lette~. If we ~y'be of any assistance to you in ~hts miter, please feel f~e to con,act Sinee~ly, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Direc~o~ BY: RRS/arr Civilian Military P~ferra! Office