HomeMy WebLinkAboutKIRK Lots 1, 2 & 3 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET i CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: ~ COMMENTS DUE BY: S-8481 May 7, 1986 I May 23, 1986 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1, 2, 3 Kirk Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: ' 71-014 (Rev. 5183J Golder Associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MINING ENGINEERS April 17, 1986 Lounsbury and Associates 723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTENTION: Mr. Jim Sawhill Our ref: 863-5040 ' Disk 128 RE: kIRK SUBDIVISION EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA Gentlemen: Golder Associates is pleased to. provide the. attached soil logs and percolation results for the above referenced project. On April 16, 1986 Golder Associates drilled two 16 foot borings at preselected locations identified by Lounsbury and Associates. The holes, which are shown on Figure ] were located in the field by compass and tape and therefore, should be considered approximate. The borings were completed using a track mounted CME 45 hollow stem auger drill rig. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) using a split spoon sampler driven wi~h a 140 pound hammer falling a. distance of 30 inches were attempted at 5 foot intervals in each hole. However, due to the presence of gravel and cobbles the retrieval of in situ material was difficult a~d therefore, auger samples were also taken when: SPT samples were not ~ossible. As shown on the attached borehole logs, the soils encountered are generally composed of silty, sandy gravel(GM) with zones of less permeable silty, gravelly sand (SM). These materials are typical of a heterogeneous glacial deposit which if generally composed of poorly graded silt, sand and gravel. .]~ue to fluctuations, the water levels in each borina are ~. J~ho~_ ~pe..~dently in T~--C~------~ level rea~lng~ w~'~.~. ~/~.'~--t~ken immediately after drilling on 4-]6-86 as well as on 4- ~'~17-86 and 4-18-86. In addition to recording wat~,lev~ ~'~ ' determine the percolation rate of the ~n sztu soils for each hole. Fluctuations in the watertable'in. GA-1 and GA-2 indicate the presence of perched zones which have-t~apped water near th~urtac~du~ing hzgh ~unoff periods. Surface runoff was particularly high during our field program for  drilling and testing these wells and therefore, has resulted in the range of fluctuations in the water level reading shown in Table 1. It is our judgment that due to the dry GOLOER ASSOCIATES, INC. · 715 L. STREET, SUITE 7 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 · TELEPHONE 907-276-2878 · TELEX 32~1014 MAY 2 "7 198~ OFFICES IN UNITEDSTATES.CANADA.UNITEDK,NGDOM .AUSTRALIA ~/conditions of the hole during and immediately after drilling that the r.~giona__l .w. atertable is below the b*ottom of our ~ ~borings ~nd that waker levels recorded in our piezometers~ . fj~(_GA~l and GA-2) reDr_esent perched cond'itions which_ .ra~ ~L~Sighest in ~~~iga runot~ conditions exi~st. In ~t~tuation, it may .be expecte~ that near surface saturated conditions are pervasive throughout the area and therefore would have the same effect on new as well as old septic systems. Further, it is our recommendatio~ that water levels be monitored aqain after the spring runo£~ condition-~s have subsided t~ ccnfirm thc prcGcncc or ~h~nce of a--------- % .~k/~ ~'- "~~'~'~ ~erennial water__table at the site. __ _ ~u~//~iates appreciates the opportunity to assist ~L~o~u,n,~s~bu~y,,ahn~ Associates on this project. Please contact us should ~ou have any questions or require any further information. Sincerely, GOLDER ASSOCIATES Asea.clare Senior Geotechnical Engineer Golder Associates TABLE 1 WATER LEVEL READINGS Hole Date/Time De~th GA-1 4-16-86 dry GA-1 4-17-86 11.2'* GA-1 4-18-86 13.0' GA-2 4-16-86 dry GA-2 4-17-86 11.2'* GA-2 4-18-86 6.0' * Water levels recorded on 4-17.86 were taken at timed intervals following the fallin'g head percolation test. Golder Associates BOREHOLE. LOCATIONS Figure \. '.\ . - .,\ ..... -.. lO0 Scale 0 100 I I Golder Associates ~, RECORD OF BOREHOLE CA-1 Figure' . LO~ATION See Figure DATUM DATE April 16, 1986 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGHT 140 LB.. DROP 30 IN. BORING METHOD Hollow Stem A,F ~.r i SOIL PROFILE SAMPLES STANOARD PENETRATION TEST · "N" BLOWS PER FOOT ~ z 2p 4p 6p 8p i ~ o~ n- ~ o WATER CONTENT, PERCENT u. -- PIEZOMETER i tu uJ ~ I ~ I CL~VN OESCRIPTiON ~ o  ~ ~ , ~ IEMPEmATURE,e~ 2" ~ PVC 0.0 2.0 (~) , trace organics. 1 AS - Broom, sandy, s~lty G~V~B (GH), becomes _ ' ~ -Is ~ ~;o to gray, gravelly, Illl - - . 15.0 ... ~.~ . (Gh) .to silty, gravelly ~ '. ~' · REMARKS; AS = Auger Sample ~ SPT = Standard Penetration Test VERTICAL SCALE  ~N TO 5 ~T. Golder Aaaoclate~ JO~ 863-5040 RECORD OF BOREHOLE GA-2 Figure L0~AT~ON See Figure DATUM DATE April 16, 1986 SAMPLER HAMMER WEIGH.T 140 LB., DROP 30 iN. 8ORliqG METHOD Hollow Stem tEL[VN ~0.0 Iii 4.0 i16.0 IREMARKS SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTION SAMPLES STANDARD PENETRATION TEST & "N"BLOWS PER FOOT 20 40 60 80 WATER CONTENT, PERCENT Wp Wn WL PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION · TEMPERATURE~OF Gray, sandy, silty, GRAVEl (GH), trace to some cobbles. Brown to gray, sandy, gravely SILT (~) to \silty, sandy GRAVEL (GH) AS = Auger Sample SPT = Standard Penetration Test VERTICAL SCALE [1 IN TO 5 FT. Golder Associates JOe ~ 863-5040 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION FIGURE 0 o. 0 ~ '~ ~ Z I I ~ O, e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project No. 863-50~0 Date Pro]ecl Kirk Subdivision Golder Associates By AJK . SOIL DESCRIPTION INDEX Figure TABLEA Unified Soil Classification System Soil Ctassilicadon Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Names Group Ger{eratized Symbol Group Descriptions 3oarse. Grained Soils Gravels Clean Gravels GW g "~4:~ ~'*: ~: ¥'~\ - More than 50°/o retained on More Ihan 50°7o of cearse Irac- Less ~han 5°/e fines ~ -.~ ~):~:..;~.?.--~ Well-graded Gravels No. 200 sieve tion retained on No. 4 sieve GP ~.;~[~.~ P~rly~raded Gr~vels ~ravels wilh Fines GM Mixtures More than 12% lines ~ ~ Gr~ve~.nd C~y GC 7~, ~.¢~ Mixtures Sands ' Olean Sands SW ,,,.~, .~,:,,:,.%,.. Well~radedSands Sands with Fines SM ,~.[~,~:[~' {,~]; 3.~: Sand and Silt %/%~ No~-plas tic and Low Fine-Grained Soils Silts and Clays Inorgamc '6L Plasticity Clays 50o/e or more passes lhe Liquid limit less than 50 No. 200 sieve ML Plasticity Silts Orgnni~ ~ Non-plastic and Low P~asticity Organic Clay~ ' Plastic~tg Or~ani~ S~lt~ [iqui~ limit ~ or mom Highly organic soils Primarily organic matler, dark in color, and organic odor TABLE B Relative Density or Consistency Utilizing Standard Penetration Test Values Cohesionless Soils(d) Cohesive Soils(~) Relalive Density N, blows/ft(~l Con$islency Very loose 0 to 4 Very soft 0 lO 2 Loose 4 IO 10 So~ 2lo4 Compact t01o30 Firm 4t08 Oense 30to50 Still 8to 15 Very Dense over 50 Very Stiff r8 to 30 Hard over 30 (a) Soils consisting of gravel, sa~d. and silt, eilher separately or in combination, possessing no characteristics of plaslicity, with average panicle diameter greater than 0.002 millimeters. b Soilsconss ng~lenera yol heClaytraction, possessingthe cha~acterisicsotpasfic ywihanave agepadcedametero ess Ihan 0002 millimeters. (¢) Refer lo text or ASTM D 1586-84 lot a detingion el N- TABLED Descriptive Terminology Denoting Component Proportions Descriptive Terms Ran§e el Propodien Trace 0-5% Liltle 5-12% Adjective (~ 12-300/0 And 30-50% (a)Use Gte, rally, Sandy, Silty, or Clayey as appropriate. TABLEC Component Definitions by Gradation Component Size Range Cobbles ~ Above 3in. Gravel 3 in. to NO. 4 (4.76 mm) Coarse gravel 3 in. Io ~/4 in. Fine g~avel ~/~ in. to NO. 4 (4.76 mm) Sand No. 4 ~4.76 mm) to No. 200 (0.074 mm) Coarse sand No, 4 (4.76 mm} to No. t0(20mm) Medium sand NO. 10 (2.0 mm) to No. 40(0.42 mm) Fine sand No. 40 (0.42 mm) ~o No. 200 (0074 mm) Silt and Clay Smaller than NO. 200 (0.074 mm) TABLE E Descriptive Terms Denoting Gradation of Granular Components Abbreviation Gradation Designation coarse to fine or coarse medium [o line coarse ~o medium medium to line medium line Symbol Oelining Proportions Golder Associates LOU NSBU RY & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 723 W. 6th Avenue, Anchorase, Ak. 99501 TeL (907) 272-5451 October 15, 1986 Municipality of Anchorage Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Attention: Mr. Steve Morris Regarding: Kirk Subdivision S-8481 Dear Mr. Morris: As required by the Municipality Health Department, we have conducted groundwater monitoring of the above referenced subdivision. The purpose of this monitoring was to detrmine if the groundwater levels are sufficient to allow on-site septic systems. The results of this monitoring are as follows: DATE . 7-25-86 Dry 13.0 Ft. 9-05-86 Dry 7.0 Ft. 10-03-86 Dry 7.0 Ft. 10-14-86 Dry 6.7 Ft. The groundwater depth of Test Hole GA-1 appears adequate for conventional septic systems. The groundwater depth of Test Hole GA-2 is higher, but meets the criteria for an elevated mound system. Based on the Soils Report by Golder and Associates, and the groundwater monitoring results, we request approval of Kirk Subdivision. Sincerely, LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES, INC. es Sawhill, P.E. JS/sw