HomeMy WebLinkAboutRASMUS S-3867 TO blCKINSON-OSWALD-WAr {-LEE ENGINEERS '~ -' 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone(907) 278-1551 GENTLEMEN: .ztt~'Attached [] Under separate cover via WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Shop drawings ./~ Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval '~.For your use .~ As requested [] For review and comment [] [3 FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit.__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FORM 240-3 Available Iron3 ~ Townsend. Mass. 01469 If enclosures are not as noted, klndly notify us at once. DA'[ [: TO: FSOM: SUBJECT: M[MORA~DUM Hovembem 1 ~ Jerry Weaver - Planning Department File No.: 6-20 4-2-4 Environmm..ntal Engineering - Dept of Health & Environmental Protection Septic System and Well Data on #S-3867 - Rasmus Subdivision The Septic System Inspection on Rasmus Subdivision is in file as approved: Date 8-8-77 on Lot I, Sec. 9, TI2N, R3W; also Date 10-31-77 on Lot 2, Sec 9, T12N, R3W, with chemical and bacteriological analysis being satisfactory. The existing semi-public well must be upgraded by filling the access pit. Install key boxes if necessary and install an approved pitless adapter if exploration reveals the existing]plumbing lacks this item. Sincerely, John W. Lynn .Environmental Engineering JWI_: lmp REPORT OF ANALYSIS Prinking and Household Water Louis V. yon Kreybig, P.E. Registered Chemical Engineer P.O. Box 4-336, Anchorage, AK 99503 ~ ~''-: ~ "-. ~ ~' Teh Res. 2775469, Off: 279-4014 DATE: Augus~ 30, Sample ~ ~K-1 ~ ~ Date gubmitted: S~mple size s~mitted: 8-10-77 and 8-2~-7V TO: 3irs. Gladis Kautchak 8729 Lake Otis Par. kway ~; - ~"' ~',"GE, a~lO.10:.a~ . 99 507 Location of well 1 gallon an 2xSoz s~aril bottles In yard o£ house. (Above) P.H.S. P.tI.S. rog/1 Standard mg/l S~andard Arsenic (As) '.; 0.02~ ,.0.05 .Aluminum (Al) 1~7 --- Chloride (C1) . 2.2 ]50 ' Barium (Ba) ' 0.2 ~ i .0 Copper (Cu) :' 0. o1~ 1.0 Cadmium (Cd) 0.005 b.ol Cyanide (CN) none 0.2 Chromimn (Ct) 0.025 0.05 Fluoride (F) @ 50°F 1.2 1.5 Lead (Pb) ',, 0.050 0.05 Iron (Fe) ~-. 3 0.3 Selenium (Se) 0. 001 0.01 Manganese (Mn) 0.6 ~ 0.05 Silicon (Si) Nitrate (NO3) .' 12.2 45 Silver (Ag) 0. 001 0,.05, Nitrite (NO2~ none Zinc (Zn) 0.033 5.0 8.8 250 Mercury (Hg) 0. oool U-~ol Sulfate (SO4) Sulfite (803) none. Sulfide (S) none Total Dissolved Solids 191. ] 500 Total Suspended Solids .none Calcium (Ca) 25.5' · --- Total Volatile Solids . 59.( Magnesium (Mg) .. 7.5 --- Organic contamination 32 Sodium (Ns) --- Turbidity units O. o ~ 5 Potassium (K) --- Color units . . 65 15 Total Hardness as CaCO3. 99.5 --- Odor units 10 3 Noncarbonate Hardness · 15 · 5 ... Col-if-cfm O'oI~/~23~9 i'~.)r 0 0 none ~ Total coliform 0 col/100 nil Carbonate (CO3) Bicarbonate (HCO3) 1~-0. Fecal coliform 0 · col/100 mi Free' Carbondioxide (CO2).~ z~. 2 Fecal streptococci .,. none col/100 ml @ 40OF Appearance clear., yellow pH value 6.1 .to 7.5 Acidity as CaCO3 5.1 Specific conductance 2~-1 ~amhos/cm Alkalinity as CaCO3 115. P.H.S. Standard = Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards, 1962 ~uggested maximums; under- lined are rejection limits; concentrations are in mg/I or {lnits. , ,. · neg. = detection test negative; < = less than'; N.D. = not determined ,.- COMMENTS: ?/~ter C'ontains high Iron ar~. Manganese and organic contamination which cause, yello,~ coloration. ',',/hen boi'le or warmer or aerated red- brown solids t, recmpm'¢ate which, stain 10undry. Should be treatd by ae- ration and filtration through 10 micron filter and through actve carbon to ob~ain, goad drinking and household water ~=/?ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL'~..ALITY PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NO. TITLE: Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation ACCEPTANCE OF D~DtCATtON BY THE G.A.A.B. OR CiTY OF ANCHORAGE LEGEND SURVEYOR'S CERTIF)CATE VICINITY MAP' I" - I MILE CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP & DEDICATION NOTA RY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DtiOoi os PLAT APPROVAL t RASMUS SUBDIVISION E N6*NEE RS ' ~RVEY~S