HomeMy WebLinkAboutRECREATION CENTER S-7748  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-7748 July 18, 1984 August 3, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Tracts Bi, B2, B3 Recreation Center Subdivision Lots ~ Block 2, Act 7B Block 3 Fire Lake, Alaska Subdivision ~z~ ~PU~L,C WATER AV^,L^BLE , UBL,CSEWERAVA,,AB,E ~,/t~ COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: CHECKLIST WASTEWATER DISPOSAL C~o~nn Public Sewer ity 0nsite Sewer __Single-family Onsite t ta ed by engineer, signed, dated, identified, etc.; ~Sufftcient soil tests to characterize minimum of 50% of subdivision in probable absorption field areas; ~Soil test locations accurately identified;  Perc test data adequate; Groundwater monitored for 90 days, with last month occurring AcetWeen June 1 and October 15; curate topographic map; / Slope <25% in general region of original and replacement sites;  D.E.C. approval of community system plans (if applicable); Bedrock outcroppings or shallow depth to bedrock; Sufficient setback from creeks, major drainages, other water bodies; Sufficient setback from cutbank or bluff; . ~gufficient setback from probable private well locations, ~ Sufficient setback from community well(s); ~ Sufficient setback from curtain drains; ~ Curtain drains installed and ground water monitoring results shown; ~ Thorough site visit (walk-through) completed; ~ Minimum proposed lot size meets with DHEP and Zoning criteria; One original p us two reCaeement sites delineated for each lot, ~ while maintaining all separation distanc~s~ replacement sites, property lines, water supplies, water bodies, probable building structure location, cutbanks, bluffs, etc., and in areas having less than 25% slope; WATER SUPPLY C~o~u Public Water nity Water Single-family Wells o .E.C. approval of community water supply; wn water supply problems in the area; __~ter rights applied for from DNR for community wells; ~.~-'Meets all separation distances; ~ S.o~ces of contamination' identified (dumps, chemical storage sites, /etc.; ~.z Adequate water supply and acceptable water quality; Review conducted by KB5/ej/D18 Date DOWL ENGINEERS ~ 4040 "B" Street r ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-2000 Telecopier Phone (907) 563-3953 RE: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~,.Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications ',~Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval ~ For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO. SIGNED:t ~'/~, ~ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us ~'nce. SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 September ll, 1984 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 DOWL Engineers 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Sir: Subject: Fire Lake School Sewer System 8521-DA-044 We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. The project is hereby approved for construction for the items with which this Department is concerned. This letter constitutes the permit required by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for approval of sewerage systems. It should be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submission of Engineer As Built Plans. This will consequently mandate that a private professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. ~Sincerely' ~ Environmental Engineer BEE/msm Enclosure MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Platting Board Meeting Summary of Action August 8, lP84 (continuation of August 1, 1984 meeting) 1. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Strom, Tyler, Ransom, Kendall, Barry, Brown, Leslie, Parker BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED: Gillespie STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Weaver, Winn, Brower, Paraoan, Lynn 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearing 1. S-7755 WHALEY PARK SUBDIVISION The plat was postponed pending: 1o Areawide rezoning. 2, Assuring each lot meets slope chart requirements. 3. Resolving soils with DHEP. 4. Clarification of the density of the Comprehensive Plan with Community Planning. 5. Resolving water availability and obtaining approval of the community water system with AWWU, DHEP, and DEC. 2. S-7748 RECREATION CENTER SUBDIVISION The plat was approved subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. 3. Resolving access with Traffic Engineering. 4. Entering into a subdivision agreement for the following: a. to construct the 60' access road to urban access standards from the existing paving; ~ b. to construct McClaren Street cul-de-sac to gravel standards; Platting Board Meeting Summary of Action August 8, 1984 Page 2 c. street lights, street name signs, and traffic control devices to be resolved; and d. landscaping along the Old Glenn Highway and 30' screening to Tracts B-1 and B-2 to be approved by UDC and Community Planning. 5. Obtaining a wetlands permit, if required. 6. Providing a 65' creek maintenance easement and development setback width to be resolved with Community Planning. 7. Showing the floodplain limits. 8. Resolving the need for a floodplain hazard permit with Public Works Engineering. 9. Obtaining approval of the community on-site sewer system from State DEC and DHEP. 10. Indicating the 100' creek setback for the on-site sewer system. ~ ]1. Resolving soils with DHEP 12. Placing a note on the plat prohibiting direct vehicular access to the Old Glenn Highway. 13. Providing a 30' screening easement along the common lot line of Tract B-] and B-2 with location to be resolved with the Community Planning Department. 14. Providing a lO' vegetative screening buffer adjacent to the Old Glenn Highway. 15. Extending Tract B to the Old Glenn Highway. ]6. Tracting out the Eagle River Recreation Center with the boundary to be resolved with the Community Planning Department and Property Management. ~7. Providing pedestrian access from McClaren to Tract B. 3. S-7744 RIPLEYS SUBDIVISION The plat was approved subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. TO DOWL ENGINEERS'~ '~ 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-2000 Telecopier Phone (907) 563-3953 WE ARE SENDING YOU ,.~Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings '~Prints [] Plans [] Copy of [etter [] Change order [] the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITrED as checked below: ~;1~ For approval [] For your use [], As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS ~-~/-~ ?°~/-?o -~L~' [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] [] Resubmit__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO_ T=43 TEST PI T 42 LOCATION=97*II N, i92+7t E ELEVATION=393.4 DEPTH R!IL_. AN~D PE___AT] SURFAC.~___E ORGANIC~S 0.2 SANDY GRAVELLY SILT, NONPLASTiC, DRY, N S-~NDY G'~RAVEL. CLE~AN, POORL~GR~DED~ ''' TEST PiT COMP~ETEO '26/84 NO GROdNDWATE~ OBSERCED WHILE~CACAT;N6 -- KEY MA = MECHANiCAu ANALYSIS LL = LiOUiD LiMiT Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX PR = POCKET PENETROMETER (TSF) T¢ = TORVANE (TSF) [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPf SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL T : SAMPLE TEMPERATURE (?F) PROBABLY AFFECTED BY SAMPLING PROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PIT LOGCED BY P.MCBETH W.O. 051393 FIGURE T=46 MA/FC SEE SHEET TEST BORING 39 LOCAl'iON=96+TS N, 193+13 E . ELEVATi 0N=393.6 DEPTH F4, TOPSOIL AND PEAT, SURFACE ORGANICS O.S F4, OLIVE SANDY GRAVELLY SILT. NONPLASTiC. DAMP. IRM 1.O GREY SANDY GRAVEL, CLEAN. WELL GRADEO, GRAVEL, COBBLES TO 8", DRY, MEDIUM DENSE GRAB SAMPLE FROM PERCOLATION TEST PiT PERCOLATION RATE LESS THAN I MINUTE PER iNCH __6.0 NFS, GREY GRAVELLY SAND, CLEAN, POORLY GRAOED, SUBANGULAR TO SUBROUND GRAVEL TO 2". OAMP. MEDIUM DENSE ~Z GROUNDWATER LEVEL WHILE DR{LL)NG (i4.2 ~ GROUNDWATER AT ;4.5' ON 7/25/84 3. BROWN SiLTY SANDY GRAVEL, ABOUT JOX LOW PLASTiCiTY FINES, SUBAN~ TO 2", SAT- ]OR_~T½~. 2E_? it L~R2 ~L~_ _ _ 2~ TEST BORING COMPLEFED 7/21/84 PERFORATED PVC PiplE INSTALLED i N/ZBORiNO mERCOLATiON TEST P~ET EAST KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUIO LIMIT PI : PLASTIC INDEX PP = POCKET PENETROMETER ITSF) TV = TORVANE (TSF) [] = CRA8 SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT. 50" ~ALL T = SAMPLE TEMPERATURE (~F) PROBABLY AFFECTED BY SAMPLING PROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY P.MCBETH W.O. OS1393 FIGURE TO DOWL ENGINEERS 4040 "B" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-2000 Telecopier Phone (907) 563-3953 ,:m ~,,f L y, v// RE: . WE ARE SENDING YOU '-~Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints )~, Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BiDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit.__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO. // ~./ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify usher once. ELEVATION LOGGED aY DRILLING CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT SAMPLER ~ ~ 1"' 'SOIL DESCRIPTION COMMENTS I Z''/ FIELD LOG DRILLING CONTRACTOR ~,~ ~ILLER SOIL DESCRIPTION ~,.~ NO. ~/ Ti~E FmNm~H [].'/~ WATER LEVEL --TIME-- S.EETI oF I COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG LOGGED ~y DRILLING CONTRACTOR ,DRILLER .EQUIPMENT C~ SOIL. DESCRIPTION COMMENTS ELEVATI* FIELD LOG DRILLING CONTRACTOR DRILLER SOIL DESCRIPTION '~K ORDER NO. DATE TIME STAI~T /O. ~ TIME FINISH ~ WATER LEVEL ~ TIME SHEEr I COMMENTS FIELD LOG : CUENT LOGGED By ~ DRILLING CONTRACTOR ~. ~.~ ORILLER ~O)e " EQUIPMENT ~/~ SAMPLER J' P')" SOIL DESCRIPTION WORK ORDER NO. DATE TIME START TIME FINISH WATER LEVE[_~ c/% TIME SHEET ioFI COMMENTS ELEVATIC FIELD LOG ~.O~EO ~y E~IPM~NT ~0 .~AMPLER SOIL DESCEleTION SHEET ) OF/ COMMENTS FIELD LOG LOGGED DRILLING SAMPLER SOiL DESCRIPTION .~om.e .o. '¢,,'c ¢ :, 'h t worx ORO~R .o. TIME START WATER LEVE ~OE/TiME SHEET )OF I COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG LOGGED ~y DRILLING CONTRACTQR DRILLER EQUIPMENT SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION BORING NO. ~: TIME START TIME FINISH WATER LEVEL TIME SHEET OF ~+7~" ~o >{y. oo~,/ ADo+DoE ELEVATION FIELD LOG BORING NO./-~,~ LOGGED ~ly DRILLING CONTRACTOR ,~,'e',~.J~ DRILLER EQUIPMENT SOIL DESCRIPTION ORDER NO. ~)J-] TIME START TIME FINISH WATER LEVEL~"~/TIME SHEET COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG cUE.T LOGGED BY DRILLING ~ILLER ~U~gNT SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION w~. ORDER NO. DATE "7/.~./,/~l' ~' TIME FINISH WATER L~EL TIME SHEET t oF I COMMENTS FIELD LOG LOGGED BY DEILLING CONTRACTOR TIME ~TART ' DRILLER EqUiPMENT SAM.LE. ~,~'~' SOIL DESCRIPTION TIME FINISH [/,.~0 WATER gEVEL TIME------' SHEET I OFI COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG LOGGED BY DRILLINe CONTRACTOR DRILLER ~'~ SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION TiME START TIMI~ FINISH WATER LEVEL I COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG CUE.T _--C'_~Z'- ~,.,-¢/.o LOGGED I~y ~c:~/f,4 ( DRILl. lNG CONTEACTOR ~¢¢,~ DRILLER ~ SAMPLER ~e ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION aoR~n6 .o. Y 7 T~ME FINISH WATER L~EL ~tME ~ SHEET } OFt COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG CL, ENT ~'C--T--H¥~/~ ,,'~//~. DRILLING CONTRACTOR /~C"¢~L DRILLER '~,'~.~, SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION [~K~RING NO. WORK OROER~O. DATE TIME START TIME FINISH WATER LEVELT e/TIME~: SHEET~ OF J COMMENTS FIELD LOG LOGGED By /~/~ C DmLU,G CO,?RAC'rO, ~"~'¢/. DRILLER ~ SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION ~M~RK ORDER NO,.~,~/3 TIMZ START 2 ,'~0 TI~E FINISH WATER L~EL] ~/TIME SHEET]OF COMMENTS ELEVATION FIELD LOG (~LII~'NT LOGGED ~ly ~/'v~ C. DRILLING CONTRA~;TOR DRILLER -'~ ,,,,~, SAMPLER SOIL DESCRIPTION _BORING NO. ~,~K OROER NO. TIME START Z. '. T~ME FINISH WATER LEVEI..JO $/' TIME SHEET I OF/ COMMENTS DEPT. OF EN¥1RONMENT. AL CONSERYATION SOUTHCENTRALIREGIONAL OFFICE William M. Smith Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, Robertson, Barkshire, Inc. 430 West Seventh Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 437 E. Street SECOND FLOOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 274-2533 P.O. BOX 515 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 (907) 48~-3350 P.O. BOX 1207 SOLDOFNA, ALASKA 99669 (907) 262-5210 P.O. BOX 1709 VALDEZ, ALASKA 99686 (907I 835-4698 P.O. BOX 1064 WASILLA, ALASKA 99687 (907) 376-5O38 SUBJECT: Eagle River/Chugiak Recreation Center {8321-FA-048) & (8321-DA-023) Dear Mr. Smith: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. · ' eb a roved f~~which The project is her y- pp this Department is concerned./q~s letter constitutes the permit/Yrequired by A.S. 46.03.720(a)for appr~S.~ Enclosed with this letter,, is~a~ C~rtt ~f'cate,, To Construct'~for the drinking' water system. The Apprp~ to Operate section of the. c~rtif~cate must be comp!eted by a representative of this Departmen~.prlor to placing the system in operation. Sincerely, Environmental Engineer BEE/msm Enclosure 18-O9LH attached cond~bon$); I~' w,~ k.'..-t,.~;~,.; .~ ..... · · ;>3: . . .;..>;:~."' ;;;:.': _~ . .-. ; .':~...,: .... ,.-..~.::.~:~;,;~:~':.,_:..:...-?:%:.},::~..~:~ .- ...-.~.:, has'not ~t~'d within two'gear~ and spoc~hcabon~ mu~t be ~ubm trod for rev ow and approval ~fore con~trucbon.- ~-:,:: ~-~5~:?;' ~-.:c- .:- ~,; - - ~ -. a ~ i~;h'{ra~t~¢~e;:h~." -',.':~:,..;;' - . :. '; ~p'pi~¢ed by :?'L"; '. Date ' '. .... .... or descriptive reference) ' . SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 274-2533 September ll, 1984 DOWL Engineers 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Sir: Subject: Fire Lake School Sewer System 8521-DA-044 We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. The project is hereby approved for construction for the items with which this Department is concerned. This letter constitutes the permit required by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for approval of sewerage systems. It should be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submission of Engineer As Built Plans. This will consequently mandate that a private professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Environmental Engineer BEE/msm Enclosure NOV b 1984 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-7748 June 27, 1984 July 16, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Recreation Center Subdivision i~? PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMM UNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: ' (~) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE / / -- S 7 7/-I. 8 AUI~ 0 '1.. 1984 R~¢ R E~TIOM SCHOOL BOARD William Fdck President Bettye Davis Vice President Past President 1985-86 Carol Stolpe Clerk D a~q'l Jordan Treasurer Beth/Rruckrnan Jean Buchanan Past President 1986-87 Sharon Richards SUPERINTENDENT William Coats, Ph.O. ~,ugust 3, 1989 Municipality of Anchorage ~/~'~ Department of Economic Development and Planning P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Attention: Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Subject: ~/~Rec~;ation Center Subdivisio~ iD/'~' /)~ ,~eaNO.e~r Mr. W''~'''b''~'~ ver -~4-118 (5-'77~/~',/ Agreement, ANCHORAGE SCHOOL DISTRICT DIVISION OF FACILITIES, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS Planning and Design 348-5125 Construction Management 348-5174 1301 Labar Street Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Public Works File In 1985 the Anchorage School District entered into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality to provide improvements for the Recreation Center Subdivision in conjunction with construction of the Fire Lake Elementary School. All improvements required under this agreement have been completed, except for Item 4.02 of Article IV, construction of a 41.5 foot radius cul-de-sac at the end of McLaren Drive. After several years of operation of Fire Lake Elementary School, the District administration has reviewed the need to construct the cul-de-sac. Conslruction of the cul-de-sac would result in the following detrimental effects on the Recreation Center Subdivision: Construction of the cul-de-sac would encourage increased traffic on McLaren Drive which would negatively affect pedestrian access to the school. Increased traffic will also negatively impact the rural characteristic of the existing roadway and neighborhood. Construction of the cul-de-sac would allow secondary access for parent pick-up which would reduce the ability of the school staff to control and monitor school access. The additional access would not provide additional emergency vehicle access because of grade changes on the playground. Construction of the cul-de-sac would encourage snow storage at the end of McLaren Street which would run-off through existing playground facilities. Construction would also remove very large birch frees which provide buffer and esthetic qualities, Please reconsider the requirement to construct the McLaren Slreet cul-de-sac under this agreement so that this agreement can be completed. Rick Arndt Director oi~ Facilities RA/NZ/nmc NZ,04 co: E, Louis Overstreet Norm Ziesmer 6~0 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Platting Board Heectng Summaz7 o£ Action August 8, 1984 (continuation of August I, 1984 meeting) BOARD MEHBERS PRESENT: BOARD HEMBERS EXCUSED: STAFF MEMBER$ PRESENT: NEW BUSINESS Strom, Tyler, Ransom, Kendall° · Barry, Brown, Leslie, Parker Ctlleepie ~eaver, ~lnn, Brower, Paraoan, Lynn A. Public Hearing 1, S-775§ WHALE¥ PARK SUBDIVISION 'The plat vas postponed pending, Areawtde resoningo Assuring each lot meets slope chart requirements, Resolutes soil. vfch qHEP. Clarification of the oens£cy off the Comprehensive Plan vith Community Planntngo Resolving water availability and obtaining approval .off the community water system vich AWWU, DHEP, and DEC. ~ECREATXOS CENTER SUBDXVXSXON T~e plat was approved subject to: I. Resolving utility easements. ~.' 'Resolving drainage and drainage easpmencs with Public Works Engineering. ~. Resolving access with Traffic Engineering. Entering into a subdivision agreement for the following: a. co construct the 60' access road to urban access standards from che existing' paving; b. to construct McClaren Street cul-de-sac co gravel standards; Platting Board Meeting Summary o~ Act[on August 8, 1984. Page 2 c;' street lights, street na~e signs, and traf£ic control devices to be resolved; and landscaping along the Old Glenn Highway and 30' screening to Tracts B-1 and B-2 to be approved by UDC and Community Planning, ~ Obtaining a wetlands permit, if required. Providing a 65' creek maintenance easement and development setback width to be resolved with Community Planning. 7. Showing the floodplain ..8 £esolvin8 the need for a floodplain hazard Pemit with Public Works Engineering. 9. Obtaining approval o£ the community on-site sewer system from State DEC and 10, Indicatin8 the 100' creek setback for the on-site sewer ayste~. 11. Resolving soils ~ith D~ I~~ on £he plat prohibiting direct vehicular access Co the Old Glenn Highway. ' . Providing a 30' screening easement along the common lot line ok Tract B-1 and B-2 location to be resolved with the Community Planning Depar~nent. Providing a 10' vegetative screening buffer adjacent to the Old Glenn High~ay. Ex:endin& Tract B to the Old Glenn Highway. Tracttng out the Eagle River Recreation Center with the boundary to be resolved wi~h the Community Planning Department and Property Management. Providing pedestrian access from acClaren Tract B. 1.5. 16. 17. 3. S-7744 RIPLEYS SUBDIVISION The plat was approved subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving drainage and drainage with Public Works Engineering. easements