HomeMy WebLinkAboutPAYNE S-5522 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET PLATTING BOARD ~ PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER S-5522 DATE RECEIVED December 3, 1980 NAME Lots 1 and 2 Payne Subdivision COMMENT TO PLANNING BY December 19, 1980 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF P[:~~U B LI'C.WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA SEWER~AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: , 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) / / / / / / t / I I ~ I I I ~I I I / ~ III I I ~IiIi / ti!1// I] I / I//111/[ Ii I I II I, II1! I / / \ x ] ~ l ! ! ! ! / ! / ) i-,I I.I t I / / / / / ! I ! / / I I I ~ I I I I ~o;~/o ~.~. Cz. oz/,~.) I hereby certify that I have surveyed the following described property:-.z~/~/~ /g/~"/~/ ,_,~.~//i~; Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not overlap ~r encu'oach on the property lying adjacent thereto, that no improvements on prop- erty lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in .question and that there are no roadways, transmission hnes or ether visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska this~-~m~_.day of .,-~,'/~,- HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY &-ASSOCIATES Engineers and Surveyors GREATEi~ ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - - APPLICATION AND PERMIT pERMIT NO. AME OF APPLICANT 4$TALLATION LOCATION PHONE EGAL DESCRIPTION t.~.~' ~ ;5TALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE pIT >/.-' /..ff . .::'~-'~<.. ~>.;..>. /.- ...'. YPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED TO BE INSTALLED DRAIN FIELD OTHER · /. ;,.-..,=..,./," ,. ~.. ~ .., ~/-.- ' -' ' NOTEt THIS P~_RMIT IS HOT VALID WITHOUT ~s~'OIg OIL TEST RESULTS OMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED P~H[T~I T~ RN~ YFAR ~IMAL IHEPECTION~ 24 HOUR NOTIE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY 5YSTE~I &~ITHOUT FINAL IN~PECTIOH ~Y THE ~=ALTH D~PA~T. ENT AUTHOm~ W~LL ~ SUBJECT TO EPTIC TANK SIZE TypE~[t~_~.~ [91' CQ~C~.P~_~-~SEEPAGE AREA SIZE -- :III~IHUM DIITANCE$, F~EQUI~EMEHTS · ~k~x~ ~ATION TO SEPTIC TANK 20 ft. o~*,~ r,~Lo 1.0 ft. 15 ~EPTIC TANK 5 ¢~' , SEEPAGE PIT ~: , DRAIN FIELD __~0 ~ TO NEAREST LOT LINE. ~VELL TO 5EPTfC TANK DRAIN FIELD ,, ~IATEE ~AIN TO SEPTIC TANK D"A'N FIELD 10 ft,__ ,SEEPAGE Pit ALSO CO"SIDE" AREA WELLS. 10 ft. SEEPAGE p,T__10 fh. S~_.~-T,C T^NK. 25 fi, SEEPAGE P1T_.~00 1ct'-, DRAIN F,ELt).----~ ft._. ::AST ,RO' INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF ~:xc~v.T,o~ ~ r~T inTO U.~,STUn~O SO,L. -~ITTEO WITH AIRTIGHT ~EHOVABLE CAP~. G~,~VEL ~ACKFtLI CONFORM TO r/~OROUGH F{EGULATION5 REGARDING INSTALLATION. i t" /,. , .- - ~ ' ~-- ~ ~ /" '""'~"~'E'~LTH '~'ulffHORI'i'Y l .... > '~'- "'~-- OR LICENSED DESIGNER DIAGRAH OF ~¥ST~::U ' ],! y'] ,_::'cZ k - - II ' ;7,',',:-' I.p. S ;A: L P. 13 It.'.<- T-~ rl~. 170' Cfi',: I ."lt:i 1 !'!!P U.c. 1A:H:/Z C/.~S --" .... "-' ':~'-: ....... ' ........ · X '. ..,.- ',,. ~ ' 1 ~'%~'-~ I""' ~,~s*t.r~[o son .......... I I I I'1 ~, (' 5' \..- '" l';tc t':;- ~':.j ,2' Cr~e.-: L'.rer :CO' j SEPTIC CERTIFY THAT I AH FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHO~AC;E AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 2B-88 AND THAT THE ~BOVE }ESCRIBED ~YSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SA[O CODE. GREATER ANCHU,~AL~h h~,~.a nu~vu~me ~," H~ALTH DEPARTMENT [, CASE ~/' 3~7 EAGLE STREET ,// ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Depth ree~ Soil Characteristics Location Sketch 7 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth To H20 Net Drop ~rcoZatib'n' "~at e 1"7 HinUte Frc~osed Installati°~:~ Seepage Pit Drain Field Dep~:h' Of,.~nlet ,./'"'v~r~epth To Bo~O~'¥~-it Or Trench ...... Test Performed B).: ........... .. .... Data Certified By: --~ 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9'9503 PHONE: 907.279-7.~81 April 15, 1975 WO ~17285 Denali Drilling, Inc. 4040 B Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Project: Mr. Hal Ingalls iSW '1/4 SE 1/4 i~E 1/4 T12N Range 3W S?! Alaska NW 1/4 of Section 24 Subject: Subsurface Soils Study above property Gentlemen: .. Transmitted herein are the resul~o of test borings placed in the project property at the specified locations and depths. The data is organized in this report as follows: Test Hole Location Jketch Figure 1 Test Hole Logs Sheet I 'ko 2 Standard Explanatory Data Sheet 6 ~o ~{ The test hol~s were drilled by Denali Drilling, Inc., super- vision, testing and report by Alaska Test!ab. The test holes were placed by means of a Hodwell !~ounted Mobile B-50 drill fitted with solid flight auger. Grab .samples were taken from the cuttings and from the auger bit as needed. The test holes were placed on the 12th of April ~975, super- vised, logged, and sampled by ~-[r. Bruce D. Ken:~orhhy, 'techni- cian of our staff. The soils found in this study are predominantly borderline with regard to frost susceptibility. Tile soils at depth were silt-sand-gravel mixtures GP/G~4, possibly unsorted glacial till overlain by windblown sand-silt mixtures. No free water was observed in either test hole. 'Che Grea'her Anchorage Area Boroug'h has established the amount of. seepage area per bedroom required for a particular seepage pit based on the unified classification of the soil. ~'~e understand this criteria to be as follows: Unified Soils Classification Seepage Area Required GW-GP 85 ft2/bedroom GM 225 ft2/bedroom SW 125 ft~/bedroom SP 150 ft~/bedroom SM 250 ft2/bedroOm ML 275 ft2/bedroom CL-CH 350 ft2/bedroom Soils with a seepage area valuel of greater than 250 ft2/bedroom are generally considered not sufficiently permeable to accept effluent. Additionally, the bottom of any seepage pit is required to be 4 feet above the free water level. The unified soils classification of each soil type en- countered at the time of exploration are contained on the test hole logs, should proportioning a specific seepage pit .in the area defined by a specific test hole.~be required. If there should be any questions on the above please contact our office. ~ Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB B soe, Supervisor KWB: rb Enclosures #2 ~ ! 1 I Test Hole ~il WO # 1V285 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' - 2.0' 2.0' - 6.0' 6.0I -- 16.0' Elevation: Existing Ground Soil Description F-4, Sandy Silt, ~,~IJ, reddish brown, v;et, some fine organic material, soft. F-l, Silty. Sandy ~r~avel, G_~_(~?-__J, reddish brown, damp, (lense. NFS/NF-1, S_i_=lf_~v Sandy Gravel, (_p~/C~?J, bro%~nish gray, damp, de~nse, sharp to subrounded'. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' 1.0' None Sample Number Depth 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 1~.0' Type Dry ~ of Sa~nple Stren.~uh Group Other Blows/6" '~ .... Grab ...... .... Grab ...... .... Grab Test Hole ,~12 Elevation: Exis~.ing Ground WO ~' 17285 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0' - 4.5' F-4, Sandy Silt, ML, tan, da~np to v;eh, slight amount of organic material to 2 5' soft 4.5' - 16.0' NFS/F-l, S_~l.tZ Sandy Gravel, GP/G~.I, occasional cobble to 4",i camp to wet, medium, to low den- sity, sharp tO subrounded gravels, cobbles en- countered from 11' to 15' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Remarks: 16.0' 0.5' None 3" to 4" vegetation cover.. S ~mp 1 e Number Dep-th 1 5.0' 2 10.0' 3 15.0' Type Dry Blows/6" ~4% of Sample Strength Grab Grab Grab Group Other~ Test Hol~ Loft -- DesCription Guide The soil descriptions shown on tt:e logs are the best estimate of the soil's ci'~arac:eristics at the time of field examination and as such do not achieve the precisi,,n of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, tho=e ~:nples receive an independent textural classification in thc labora=ory to verify :he field examination. '/'he logs often include the following item~:. D~:h Interval -- usually shown 'to 0.l foot, within that zone no s!&ni,qcant change tn -.oil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or satnpling. Frost Classi~cation -- NFS, Fl, F2, F3, F4, see *'Soil Clattification · Texttu:e of Soil -- An engineering classification of the soils by pa:tide ;:se and proportion, see *'Soft Classification Chart", note proportions ~e approximate and modifications to the soil group dee to $'.rati:'ica:.ion, inclusions and change, in properties are included. :.5ois:ure Content -- this i$ a qualitative measure: dr.__?-, no or lilt!= .tpparent star face mol*lure, damp, moisture forms, portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no free x~,ater, often soft. if cohesiYe soil, s4turated, free water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil: dda=en: at natural moisture content, if a non-plastic silt or fine ~n'd. {The moisture con;.ent ix further definedby re~ecence to PI, LW, N?, r,l?a or al!latency.} Density -- refers to more-or-less ?~on.cohesive soils, such as sand gravel ~7~X'-tt-7,r'~s with or without a fine fractiou, derived from drilling actiou and/or ~mple data; usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork c?:a:acterisScs. S'.iffne~s -- refers to more-or-less cohesive soils and fine grained silts of t,t~e clay-silt groups. Derived from drill action and/or sample data. Very .~oft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commouly used terms. Particle size - The largest particle recovered by the split spoon is 1-318", Shelby tube 3", au'get flights {minute-man} 2", Auger flights {B-.S0 hollow stem} 6"-S". Larger particles are described indirectly by · a:tion of the drilling and are referred to as cobbles. 3" to 8", or .. boulders 8"+. Therefore when reviex*,ing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on the hole log taus= be considered for an indication of · larger particles. Unified Soil Classification - This is a two letter code. See Unified Classification sheet for further definition. In so,ne caSes AASHO and/or .- FAA soil das,ifications may be shown as well as the unified. Atterberg Limits -- u~ful for fine grained and other plastic soils. PI; na:uxal moisture content believed to be les~ than plastic limit Pl+; nata,'a! moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid hrnit~ Lw+; natural taoistic content believed to be greater than liquid limit NP; non-plastic, useful a~ a modifying description of some silty Dila:encv - is the ability of water to migrate to the sulface of a ~a:utated or nearly ~atu~atcd ~oil sample when vibrated or jolted - as an aid to determiue if a flue grained sob is a ~lightly or non-plastic $i~t or a volcanic ash. Rock flour - finely ground so~ that'i~ not plastic bur otherwi~ appears .~lm~'~t :"~ clayey :.ill. Organic Content - u~ua!ty described a~ Peat, PT, aomctlme& includea ~ part~ such a~ wood, coal, etc. a* a modifier to :n inorgauic soil. Quantity desczibed as; trace, or an e~tlma:e of volume, or, in of all organic. - a~ Peat. Thi~ may include tun~ra,, n~u~keg aud bbc material. ~uck - a modifier used to describe very ,nfl, semi~rganlc de~it~ ~y occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphu~ peat -- ?ganlc particle~ nearly or fully diaint~rated. Fibrou~ Peat - organic partlcle~ moremr-le~ Bot tom of Tea:hole - include~ la~t ~mple iuterva]. Frost Li~e - sea*~l frosi depth a~ dezcribefl by d ri'.ling action ~mNe~ at the time of drilling. Frozen Gro;:nd - other than fiost line, described by garnple~, u~u~ll include~ description of ice content, often will include modified Clasgificazion for frozen soila -- thi~ i~ a ~pecial ca~e related permafrost ~tu~ie~. ~ree Water Level - The free water level noted during drilling. Tbi~ not nece~nly the ~ratie water table at the time of dri~!ing or a~ other seasons. Static water table determination in other than very permeable *oil~ requires obsen'ation wells or piezometce in:roll,lions, used only in s~cial cases. ?ow~6" - The n<mber of blo~os ora 140 weigh3 frre.fallh:g 30" to advance a 2" split spoou 6"; the number of blows for a 12" ad~nce is. by defin;tion, the standard penetration. M% - natural mois=ure content of the soil ~ample', usually ~Yf6rmed on clean ~nds or gravels below the water table. ~ype of Samele - ~P, retcra to 2" split spoon driven into the soll by 140 ~un~ weight, a di*turbed sample. ~, thin wall tube. "Shelby" used t~ obtain undisturbed sample: of fine grained soil. ~. "grab" dNturbed sample from auger flights or w}ll of trench ~ cut sample, undi*turbed aample from wall of trench. ~ry Strength - a uwfui i~dicator of a sows clayey fraction, N=None L=Low, M=Medium, H=High ~rou~ -- The =,mples are placed into apparently similar grnup~ base~ on color and texture ~nd arc ~rbitrarily u,signed a group letter. Further distutbcd tests including Attcrbcrg Limits. graiu size, moi~ture~cn-itl relationship, etc. may be performed on the group and arc asiumcd tcflect the gencr=l di~:rubed char.~cteristics tff the.soit~ a~slgucd to group. This is :,n important phase uf the soil analysli a~d i~ used ,tandardize the variuu~ qualitative detcrm;uati,.ms find t0 reduce :tit; number of quautitative tests ncce~s.,ry to.desCribe tl{e ~iI no~ 5:~{~ SOIL CLASSIFICATION Ch,-,RT 30% GRAVEL ~,~ j > . _ \~t CLAY~_Y CLAYEY \ ¢>// CLAYEY )? . ~ -- x CLAYEY ,~- Yf.~V ?/'\/o~. \, ,/o~ \ · '<'"'~/ '/ / ~',F / SILTY / SILTY / :'// / SILTY A / \/ \/ /XX SILTY \ //~/ ,,' /' V v . : ___3L__ ' \~__X__ _\~o / /X /X ' /X /X ~/~RAVEf SAND "'~, :, /~/~'.'-~ / ;, ' ,~ ~-, ,, ~ ,q GRAVELLY SAND [ SANDY GRAVEL /~ ', ~ V ,,7 v . ~.~/ . ¥ .:x' .v .' _ ' ~'~. :-::--.. ~' - ~ '~~.0 ,, ' / /\~,, / /~SAND/ ~(W' 4A'X,VELLY/ X,SAND/ ~ ii/ SANDY GRAVEL 'xX~.~( G~RAV/LX ~/ x,? ~ v x/ x:/ x/ V \f\, 5/ \o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 GRAVEL (+-~--4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGFtT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING I_ESS THAN 3% FtblER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BE'FWEEN 3 Ah;D I5% FINER 'I'HAN 0.02 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE] THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILT'K. SANDS) CONTAINING ~.,,'IO.R~ THAN 1:3% FINER YHAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY' INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a, ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAi',I 1,5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF [.ESS THAN ]2. d. VARVED CLAYS.