HomeMy WebLinkAboutROSEBUD HILLS S-3319 -(EATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality ME ~40 RA i~l D UM Hareh 14, 1974 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf StricKland Department of Envir°nn~ntal Quality Subdivision Plat Review 1) S-3319 Rosebud Hill Subdivision We have reviewed the soils information in the subject subdivision and surrounding areas. Soils in this subdivision show that they are adequate for on-site waste disposal. Water availability information from surrounding wells in Contour Acres, Mountain Park Estates and Tustamena Terrace show that there are adequate volumes of potable water for residential development in this subdivision. The lot size based on the soils requirements and the water availability data is adequato to meet our requirements. 2) S-3318 Vacation and fesubdivisim) of Calais Subdivision, Tract A-1 We )lave no co)~ents on the vacation and reSubdivision of tilis particular case. ~W R&M El'lC ,lEERING & GEOLOGI( .L CONSULTANTS 22g"'"~.SZ 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087 -- ANCHC~'~GE, ALASKA 99503 '£ELEPHONE 907--279-0483 T~:L~X 090--35419 Geolo~/ist~ Land Surveyor~ JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E., L.S. JAMES H, WELLMAN, P.E. October 18, 1973 R & M No. 35132' lqALPH Iq. MIGL;ACCIO Engineering Geologist Mr. Ronald Johnson Star Route A, Box 372- '~ Anchorage, Alaska Re: Test Hole and Soil Log Report for Sanitary System~ Partial 18~ Section 27~ T12N, R3W, S.S. Dear Mr. Johnson: Wa are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil c~nditions encountered at the subject site. This investi- gation was performed in accordance with your request of October 6~ 1973, mud those proce~ares outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by 'Mr. Ro!f Strickland of the Greater Anghor~ge Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A total of seven test holes were. put down within the Partial 18 area for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. The borings were accomplished with an auger type drilling rig and were extended to a total depth of 20.0 feet below ground surface. Boring locations are shown on Dra~ing No. A-0Io The final logs prepared for the test holes have been shown on Drawings B-01 through B-04. Ground water was not encountered in any of the test holes° We appreciate being given this opportunity to be'of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours~ tt & M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTA~NTS ames lq. Rooney ~/ ~R:ph xc: GAAB /%NCHORAGE FAIRBANKS $3319 APR 4 1974 JUNEAU ~4 6~5 ~ 3 ¢7 2 Birch Road .% Englneering~ Geological Consultants ANCHOrAgE FAI.EIAN~ ALASKA ,~UN~AU RONALD JOHNSON PROPERTY PARTIAL !8, SECTION 27, T12N, A~cho~-age Alaska .( T.H. 1 · 10-8-73 Organics Silty Sands (SM) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt (SP-$M) 0.0~ 1.0' 9.0~ T.H. 2 10-8-73 Organics Sand Gravelly San® (SW) Silty Sands W/some Gravel (SM) 0.0~ 1.0' Sandy Silt w/Trace Gravel 13.0' 2.0~ Silty Sands w/some Gravel (SM) Sandy Silt Trace Silty Sands w/some Gravel (SM) No Water Table NOTE: 8;0' Gravelly Sand w/some Silt (SW) Silty Sands w/some Gravel & Cobbles (SM) 16.5' Gravelly Silty Sand (sP-s~) 18.0' No Water Table 20o0' T.D. Test holes extended with'auger type drilling unit. 10.0' 15.0' ' 20.0' T.D. ~ngineering ~f~ Geologica I Consultants ANCHORAOE FAIRDANK$ ALASi..z,..~UN~AU RONALD JOHNSON PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Auchorage Alaskn ( ( T.H. 3 10-9-73 Organics Silt, Trace Sand (ML) Silty Sands w/some Gravel Gravelly S~nd (SP) Silty Sands w/some Gravel (SM) Sandy Silt w/Trace Gravel (SM-~) No Water Table 0.0' 1.0' 2.0' 3.5' 7.0' 13.0' 20.0' T.D.' T.H. 4 10-9-73 0.0t Organics i 1.0 ' Silt, Trace Sand '~'--[ 2.0' Silty Sands ~/some Gravel and Cobbles (S~) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt, Many Cobbles (SP-S~) Gravelly Silty Sand w/Cobbles (SM) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SP-SM) No Water Table NOTE: Test holes extended with auger type drilling unit. 7.5t 13~ 5 ' 15.5' 20.0' T.D. Engineering ~ Geological Consultants RONALD JOHNSON PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage Alaska DATE 10-9-73 JSCALE 1,,=4, 'JDwN BY JRS [CHKD BY WEI) IPROJ_ I-~o._j.j]q~? JDWO NO. B-02 T.H. 5 10-9-73 Organics Organic Silt '(b~L) Sands w/some G~avel (SM) Sandy Silt, some Silty Sand w/some Gravel (SM) Gravelly Sand w/some Silt & Cobbles (SP-SM) T.H. 6 0.0' 10-9-73 -- Organics 1.0' Sandy Silt, some 2o5' Gravel (~) 6.5T 8.5~ 11.5' Silty Sands (S~-~) Silt w/some Sand (~) 0.0t 0.5' 3o5~ 9.0T 14.0' Sandy Silt Grading to Sand w/some Silt (SM) No Water Table NOTE: 16.5' Silty Sands w/some Gravel (SM) 20.0' T.D. No Water Table Test holes extended with auger type drilling unit. 20.0' T.D. Engineering ET~ Geological Consultants RONALD JOHNSON PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage ]0-9-73 ISCALZ 1,=4, FW~ mY JRS ~CHKD ~¥ WED l~moj. No. ~NO. B-03 T.H. 7 10-9-73 Silt, Trace Sand (ML) Silty Sand, Trace to Some Gravel (SM) 0.01 2.57 7.0' Sandy Silt w/some Gravel (SM-ML) 14.0' Silty Sands Trace to Some Gravel (SM) NOTE: No Water Table 20.0' T.D. Test hole extended with auger type drilling unit. Engineering ~,Geological Consulfants ANCHONAO[ FAI RBAN~(S ALASKA JUNEAU RONALD JOHNSON PROPERTY LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage Alaska DATE 10-9-73 ISCALE 1"=4' IDWNBY JRS ~HKOB¥ WED IP}~OJ~NO, 35132 DWONO. B--04