HomeMy WebLinkAboutREGAN LT 126B MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT PH O'~ .~¢'N EW NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION Well DISTANCE TO: E~UPGRADE / Absorption me T Dwelling /O ~' M at er ia~ ~- Inside length ~Width Dwelling Liq. cap?~ocit in gallonsl_ IF FIOMEMADE'. =--I- ~ac-t~rer N/M Foundation~ ~ / Material 93: DISTANCE TO: IWell /~/0 / LU L~ ~O NO. of lines Lengthier eacl--i li.e I nish grad.~~¢¢¢ / Length Width Total lenc~th of, clines Material beneath tile ¢1.. ~) // Depth NO. OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO. 8~o93/ No. of compartments Liquid depth PERMIT NO. LiquM capacity in gallons Type of crib DISTANCE TO: Class DISTANCE TO: Crib diameter Well Depth Building f ouf~n/ Crib depth Building foundation Sewer line/.~O / Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to:~)lot ine PERMIT NO~,~)~_O ~,~,~/, · Septic tank/~) / (s~/ OTHER PIPE MATERIALS ~OIL TEST RATING INSTALLER D CE-§123 APPROVED PEP' DATE 72 013 (Rev. 3/78) LEX]iFIl.. I:t.¢:.N B'..::.l.,.I :...,[.J ............. I...uI ..L,:.c, jq .¢.I.,~.E ...................... T'¢F'E OF '::;r) l:L FIE:S~ THE RE6¢J :1: RED S :[ ZIE OF T'HE ~:;O :1: L RIE',SE$;:F"i" :[ Eft'4 ........... ' : I RE.I ,I .H OR [:,I~:F:I Z I'-,IF ]: EL.I). TIlE DE:F'TH OF I::I I r.I I,I H ":1:;? I::']Z-f' Z::, THE [:,]ZSTFtI"~E:IE E E.~I.,.!L.[...I,I TPIE .:,UI..I I...I CIF' THE 3[;' '" LII",ID F:II"iI:) THE: I:::F~ I I"OH I]11:::' "I'[IIE Z':-:;-~ FI*',"I:::I"I'' ]; ] H ,:; ]: I",1 FEET ::' .. I ~ .[:.1 ,I ...I I[ .... 'THIE GI~:FI'v'EL. I:)EF'TH :IS THE I"l;l:l'.,l:tZl'll...lt'l DEF'TH OF xt [ [ L E~ETI.,IEEN THE OUTF'F:ILL F'Z[F'E ....... , 'T'HE F f:.f .I I.I. q I~PF:'L. i C:FII',IT HFt:~; THE ~ ...... I , ;, . I, [ L.. ]. f '1-O :1: 1'.4F:'EIF?.I'i TH ;[ S E:,EPFIRTHENT [;,LIR I I'.,IG ..... : ::'"Z Oi,t ...... ~. ,Ic, F b....t 1 - 1'4' ': OF F:II",I"/ PlEM..S F'ID..:rF:IE:ENT "1~O TH:iS PI..L FbF.1 *;'* ~' ~ ;"* F~I",ID THE J. 1,1.::. I HI,.,L I II...IIILLF. OF I~:E'.E1;ZI)EI'.,ICE'.~E; 'f'HFIT THE; I.,.IEZl...L. I,I];[..I... :.,Lb. ~ i',l]:l'.,lIl'lLll'l [' ]Z%TF:INC:E [:,[. I I.]M....I,l FI I,.fEL.I.. FII",ID Fli',I'f OI',t...S:[TE SEI.,.II:::IGE D Z:E;F'O:E;F~L. ,~ ;, I EII .l ..... P'"f'I THE 'T"¢PE I]IF F'. FI.. H]:I'.,I];HI...li'I [:, :[ :E;TFtI',IE:E FROI'I Fi F'I;:Z'vh::ITE I.,.IELL. "f'"t I~ ~[..t. H FI. SEI.,.IIER L]ZhlE ZS ;?~ FLEET Flhl[::, FI'v'FI]: L.FIBLIE TO :[ C;Er;.'.T:[F'f THFIT :L: :[ F:IH FFdq :[ I,. :[ Fff~: F:'(:~F;:TH E?-¢ THE.: I',ILIt',IiC:];F'FILZ[T'¢ OF i::~I'.,IC:HOIe. FI(:~E. 9.: :1: I.,.I ;[ LL :[ I'.,ISTRI..[._ THE S'¢STIEI','I '[ I'..I FiC:C()R[:,F:II',IC:EX I.,.I :[ TI.] THE: CODES. 2i:: Z IJi'.,ID[~:RSTFIND THFIT TI-lIE Cii'.,I--L:5):TE SEI.,.IER SVSTI';:.'I','I I',lFl'.d I;,'E6!U]:I~,;'.E ENLFIIRC;iE;I',IENT I~:E::.:.i; Z I)I'}:I",fCE: :I:~,.~'~[~Zl..fCE:' TO :[ I'-,I(::L.I...IDIE I"IOF~:E TI.IF:Ii",I :]: IE~IEI::,f;:OOI"I:~:;. ::i; :[ GNE[::,: ~:/:..:.~:;........:y:t .................................................................................... hlF'PI~ :1: E:FII',IT (/.~I"HEd"iFI:5 14~TH THE F:?.E(XjI[I~:EHEiqT~ F"R C$,I-'S~TE ::,[:.l.ll_l ..... ]:ff',lD HELLS FI:E~ SET SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 SLOPE 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 12 13 (F YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? DATE PERFORMED: SITE PLAN E 14 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- G~oss Net Oepth to Net Reading Date Time Time (/~2/,~ ) Water Drop 2- /0 /D PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN (minutes/inch) FT COMMENTS _ PERFORMED BY: ,/?//I VL///.' ~'~-~ /v' CERTIFIED 72-008 (6/79) ARCTIC ENGINEERS, INC. January 24, 1984 Susan Oswalt Dept. of Health & Env. Protection Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502~0650 Dear Susan: Enclosed with this letter is a letter from Cory Willis stating unacceptability of my on-site sewer as-built as submitted. This letter is to get a "Certificate of Approval" without further field work or delays. As you may recall, I discussed engineering changes of system design from D.E.H. requirements as shown on the permit. We mutually agreed it was acceptable if the design still met M.O.A. requirements. While my excavation was slightly deeper than allowable with the soil test depth submitted, there is no ground water within 4 ft. of the bottom of 'the trench. The trench is deeper than allowed by the permit because of the square footage of absorption area required by the permit. The permit required design for a minimum of 3 bedrooms (L.D. Montgomery) so more absorption area was added. It was later found out from you that three bedrooms is the "recommended" minimum size as opposed to required. In other words, my system is unacceptable because the depth was increased to get the added absorption area I was told was required which actually wasn't (my house is only one bedroom). I feel the error in required absorption area played a large role in my error of excessive depth, making a new soils log a questionable requirement. The system is completely workable and legal as constructed. As stated earlier, there's no ground water anywhere near the bottom of my trench but I have no documentation of this fact. My information is based on conversations with neighbors, water well logs, and general knowledge of my property. If you could fix this and obtain a "Certificate of Approval" I would be greatly appreciative. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Sincer, ely, Thomas Regan /j Environmental En~F~neer P.S. We're working on review comments for the Wastewater Disposal Regulations from your Department. ARCTIC ENGINEERS, INC. February 14, 1984 Susan Oswalt Department of Health & Environmental Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 Protection Re: Lot 126, Sec 33, T12N, R3W, SM Dear Susan: This letter is to confirm that no groundwater is located within 15 feet of the ground surface (4 feet below the bottom of the septic system trench) at the sewage disposal site on the above mentioned lot. Data is based on field tests and general knowledge of the site in question. I hope this information is adequate to facilitate on-s~e sewer system approval. An addendum to the original on-site sewage disposal system and well inspection report should be noted. Total absorption area the trench should be 462 square feet, not 500 as originally calculated. in sincerely appreciate your help in this matter. Sincerely, ARCTIC ENGINEERS, INC. David Yanoshek, P.E. :Since)?o.Ly,