HomeMy WebLinkAboutHANLEY LT 93AOnsite File Hanley Lot 93A #015-483-14 APPLIC 'IT FILL. S (:)UT UPPER HAL' ONLY PrQpedy Owner [(- ) J: ~ V\ ~ ~'- ~-q Phone Mailin9 Add,'ess ,_~ ~ L ! [ / --- Zip Code __ Lending institution Realty Co. & Agent Phone Address Zip Code Street Lo c alic~q Type el Residence C] Single Family ~.tJ Olher [] Individual ~ k~. : ~,/'^ ,,'--c ,,, ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required Ior all wells drilled since June 1975. .~ Community :. i / For wells drilled prior to that date, give well del)th (atlach Icg if available). [] Public Utility t~,C) , Sewe Individual '-5 - Year Individual Inslalled: _ I~ Public Utility ' When Connected to Public Utility: {~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN RE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time Field Notes:(~ ~'~ ~-?'-~('~'~-7' ........... q~5 ~ MUNICIPALitY OF ANCHORAGE //>.o , ,. 't 2 (5 '.7.~.3 ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL* J:muary 31~ 19U3 John lie [Ianloy kA lox 1731 E ArKHioraqe ~ Al( 99507 Subject; Lot 93 A Sec. ].5 Ti2N I~,3W Approw'L] for the individual aewer aad water faci].:Lti~m emmet be 9ranted mi:ii the fo],lowinq items have been completed: water ana].y;~i)~{ report needs to be sul0mitted to this offic, e from the Chem La}:), 5633 B Street, for our review. Expose tho well for o~117 inspection to determine proper construction, also to insure minimum distance requirements are mcr between the well an,.] sewer aystom. ~The septic tank pumped with a receipt submitted to this department. '].'he total number of gallons pumped needs to be on the receipt and verified by a registered engineer as to the actual number of qallong pnmped. This is to verify tim size of the septic tank. ~F,z, po~,o the aeptic tank manhole to verify its e ', '-, ,o Locate and a~xpose tho, cleanout to the seepage pit and/or leaching area for oul: inspection. ~'his is to insure the minimma distance requirements a]~e met between the wo].l and ~An adequacy test needs to b0 performed on the exit]ting ].c~aehing area. This test will determine if the system adequate according to National Standards. A listing of private firms performing the test is enclosed. This report needs to be submitted to this office for our review. ]?lease notify this Department :for a reinspection wheg the noted di'~'iorepancies have boon corrected. If there are any further questions~ p].ea,qe call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, J:Lm Roberts A,~, OC lat.(. ' l,nvl t onmental Specia].isk January 31., ].983 Al[a,~ika USA Fed. Cr{zd:[t Attn. Debra FarJeigh Sub,et't; hot !)3 h 'Sec, 15 '.LqL2N R3t? Approval fo~? the individual sewer and water facilities cannot be granted until the following items have been completed~ The watch? analysis report ne~,(:b$ to be submitted to thi,~ office from thc ('.hem Lal~ 5633 B St¥:cet~ for our review. Expose the well [[,'.~r ou-c insp~c'tion 'to doto. rmino proper constrt]ct:[on, also to ins~lre raj. nJ.~um distance '~;~qlliroIh(~l%t[{ are mcat between the well. and sower system. The septic tank peel)od with a receipt nubmitted to this departmont. The total nu~lber of qatlon~$ pumped needs to be on the receipt and varifiod by a r'egist(~red m~qJ. neer as to thc~ acttl~l l~umbc]r of qallons }>umped. '?hi~ :IF; to vorify the ~;J, ze of the septic tank. Expose the septic tank manhole to veri~:y its existence. loaching at:'ea for our inspoetion. This [air~J,i,,l~lid c~j.[]'hf~llce rOqtli~JQl~C~l:~ are met between pit and/or tho well and An ade,:p]acy test needs to be performed on the exi.%ting leaching ar(.~a. '.[~hJ.s test will. detnrmine if the system is adequate according to Hational Standards. A listing of private firms 0or:forming tho test ].s enclosed. This report: needs to be ~mbnlJ. tted to this office for onr review. % Pi.ease notify this Department :[for a reinspection when the noted discropancJ, en have boen corrocted. If there are any further quc:stiFms,. ?]c;nne call thi,% o~fico, at 264--~'720. Sincerely~ Jim llober ts Associate Environmental ,qpecJ. aliot INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS ...... "TIME D~TE INSPECTOq DATE ~_ TIME DATE I NSP EDT(~,~) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF ~ALI'II & DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PFIOTEC~RONMENTAL RO~ECTION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 AUG 2 5 1981 ENVIRONMENTAl. SANITATION DIVISION 'r.lepho.e 264-4?20 R E C E t V E D REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACII. ITIES ~-BUYER ..... MAILING ADDRESS 3. LENglNG INSTITUTION AAILING ADC BESS 4, REALTOR/AGENT MAILING ADORES8 "~, LEGAL D~CRIPTION ___ A4~- ~3 '~.'TYPE OF RE"~EN~E- ' ~ SINGLE FAMILY ~ MULTIPLE FAMILY ~. WATER SUPPLY ~ 'NDIVIDUAL~ ~ COMMUNITY PUBLIC UTI LITY ~. SEWAGE DIS-~,~'AL SYSTEM [] Other N U M~l~m~'E~f~OM S [~ ()ne I~ Four ED ~'wo [] Five E~ Three [] Six "ATTACN WELt. LOG. A well Io.q's reaui~'ed for all wel s drillec since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date give well depth (attach Icg if available.) INDIVIDUAL'ON-SITE** ~' I(~0 PUBLIC UTI LITY Z; YEAF~ ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED, NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATE[). THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TYPE OF RESIDENCE [] SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM []INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified E~]Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade give dimensions: [] ONE [] TWO PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER DATEINSTALLED iNSTALLER SOILS RATING TYPEOFTANK MANUFACTURER TOTALABSORPTION AREA 4, DISTANCES WELL TO: MATERIAL Septic/Holding Tank NUMBEROFBEDROOMS [] THREE [] FIVE [] FOUR [] SIX [] OTHER Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS DATE [~P'~ROVED FOR ~. BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL~ [letter must accompany [] DISAPPROVED certificate) Tobben fi ur la,d P.[. 8155 Cranberry St. Anchora§e, Al~sk~ 99502 Phone (90?) 243-5302 R t:! C [!i V L D John Hanley o1~ :Bo~ 1751~E Anchorqge, Alaska 99507 Sept. 25~ 1981 S E W E R ~ D E ~ U a C Y T E S T Le gall.: Loc at ion: Owner: Re cidence: Water Sewer System Date of Test Tect l~ocedure Lot 93~ Sec.15~ T12N, R3W, ~,M. End of E101 st. off Paeer off O'Ma].ley John H~anley Two bedroom log home On cite Well No Municipal recordc. ,%ept. 10- 22 1981 ~yste~ was inspected on Sept. 1(4 1981. Tank was foun~ 7 feet deep with 39~ inches of water. Crib was 16 feet deep with 77 inchec of water. Liquid could be heard entering crib. Owner had handwritten undated description of crib. 4 feet di~mleter concrete rings , 9 feet deep. Dimentions of pit: 6'-9"x 8'-6"x 14' Total $lbsorption Area 274 Sq. fto The tank and crib were pumped with less than 500 gal removed from tank~ and app~OXo 1000 g~] from crib. On Sept. 11 crib was ch~rged with water and thc following measurements taken: Water Volume Water Dept;h o 38 300 48 600 56 800 65 After 24 hours 58 This indicates an absorption rate less than 200 ga]. per 24 hour, however, it is considered faulty due to the fact that crib wac only 2/3 ful].. July 19, 1!~73 ~.}r, and Mrs. Neal Osgood SRA, t~ox 1730~i Anchorage, Alaska 9gg07 ,~eqt~est Fei' I:lell Distance ~latver To Existing Sewer System, Lot 92. Section 15, T12N, R3S~, S.M. Your request for a well distance waiver of ~$~ 'Feet from ym~r ex'Jsting private well to your existing seepage pit has been approved by Roll Striekland, Greater Anchorage Area Borough Chief Sanitarian, for the fo11 owing re, sons: The system has been functioning for approximately eleven years with no apparent problem to any area wells. The well is located on approximately 2 1/2 acres and there ~s no apparent problem ~o aris area wells. 3. The existin!! seepage pit is approx~J~g~ eleven .years o1~I and the walls are probably somewhat plug,qed. The gO foot of drainfteld you plan to add ~o your existing seepage pi~ is to be located 100 feet fr(~ your well. This can he accomplished by runnfn~ east iron sewer line o~lt and connecting with perforated tile. We would like to advise you if ,you should ,~e]l your !)ropergy in the f~ture, this depa~'tment's ~pproval could only be [!iven if the sewer s.ys'trm~ i~ located the required lO0 foot distance a~,'ay from the well. ~le appreciate your' interest tn these matters. [f you sl~ould need any assisimmce ~n the future, please do not hesitate to contact us, C. Sue ~IcKechnte Environmental Control Officer lb