HomeMy WebLinkAboutANOTHER Miscellaneous Information November 26, 1980 Larry Weaver Platting Officer Planning Department Municipality of Anchorage 630 W. 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Weaver: I am submitting the necessary documents for your review of the Preliminary Plat of ANOTHER SUBDIVISION. Also enclosed are 30 bluelines of the plat. If you have any questions, please call me at 274-8638 or 688-2706. Thank you. Sincerely, Kirk McGee Box 851 Anchorage, AK 99510 · \ . REQUEST: APPLICATION FOR PLAT APPROVAL Municipality o! Anchorage 632 West Sixth Avenue, Fifth Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 PHONE: 264-4267 The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage Platting Authority for approval to plat lands presently designated: SUBDIVISION J BLOCK LOT(s) VACATION ACTIVITY PETITIONER SURVEYOR CERTIFICATION SUPPORTING DATA PLAT CHECK LIST LOCATED IN THE (aliquot part) ,,f~" ,~/~f _/~/~4/~Y TOWNSHIP // N, RANGE TO be designated: (Must show proposed legal description) BLOCK LOT (s) CONTAINING ./t~ ACRES, g LOTS,- TRACTS IS there any related vacation activity; YES -- NO X If yes, and vacation request is not being submitted at this time, explain why on reverse side, Present __ Past __Future . Case No. __ ,.~?~, ~,'~, Owner's name (print) ~1~ ~~ Phone Number Professional land surveyor's name & contact person Phone Number Address (mailing) I hereby certify that (I am) (1 have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide or resubdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this plat and that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT ASSIGNED HEARING DATES ARE TENTATIVE AND MAY HAVE TO BE POSTPONED BY PLANNING STAFF, PLATTING BOARD. OR PLANNING COMMISSION DUE TO ADMINISTRATIVE REASONS. Applicant's name (print) .~/~"' ~"* ~/~' ~F'¢~ Signature ,f~4,~_ ~ (required at time of submittal) All Waiver Waiver Requested Granted Enclosed Received ~ 30 copies of plat ~ certificate to plat ~ [] fee $ /tO~ ~ [] topo map (3 copies) [~ [] soils report (4 copies) waivers requested must be Justified on the reverse of this sheet. Location map of subdivision, giving the number of the section, township, range and grid. Legible topo information. Preliminary location of water, sanitary sewer and storm drains. General location of streams, lakes, swamps and drainage courses, including the location of floodplain areas. Dedicated rights-of-way, road easements and reservations, including section line easements and other constructed roadways located within and abutting the area being platted, including road and right-of-way widths. Adjacent property lines showing relationship to proposed plat. Location of existing tacilities& structures within proposed subdivision, such as buildings, sewage system, utility easements of record or in use, excavations, bridges, culverts, water system and wells. Street names, private righl-of-way and roadway widths. Zoning of area. Other information required per Land Subdivision Regulations 21.15.110. Explain how water supply and sewage disposal will be handled: Proposed use of land: Reason for topo - soils waiver request: Reason for vacation request not being submitted at this time: THE REMAINDER OF THIS APPLICATION WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE STATEMENT RE: ADEQUACY This application has been reviewed and determined to: [~ meet our submittal standards. It will be heard by the Platting Authority on [] be deficient as specified. These deficiencies should be corrected by (date) [] Applicant has been notified. YES -- NO ~ r'] Deficiencies corrected, YES -- NO -- By (Municipality of Anchorage Platting Officer) (Date) DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Transamerma Title Insurance Services Transamerica Title Insurance Comps 510 L Street, Suite 100 Anchorage Alaska 99501 (907) 277-1461 Kirk McGee Anchorage, Alaska Dear Sir: PLAT CERTIFICATE '.November'" 25, 1980 Order Ilo: 308293-rb 3 West, Seward Meridian, located in 'the Anchorage Recording "-' District Third Judicial District State of Alaska. VESTED IN: KIRK McGEE, as to an undivided intereSt; ;!/,.'and SANDY MARK PHILLIPS, as to an undivided one-half interest as Tenants in Common. E×CEPTIONS: '1 ::Rights of parties in possession and asser' 'under unrecorded instruments, if any. 2. Reservations and exception, s as contained in U.S atent .Taxes and/or assessments, ~if any, not guarantee. Such report will .be made ONLY the customer, ht of Way Easement granted in favor of CHUGACH ELECTRIC ;IATION, INC., for electric transmission systems recorded September 15,' 1953, 'in Book 98 Blanket Easement) :~' !"5.-'.?.-.Right of Way Easement granted in favor of ALASKA PIPELINE COMPANY "'ifor pipeline purposes, recorded July 13 ~':%Book 15, .Page 106.-:;.~i~(Blanket Easement) .~Right of Way Easement granted to CHUGACH ELECTRIC.-~SSOCIATION ..:i'-~INC.,~:..~;for electric transmission systems, recorded June~29 :'1979, in Book 415, Page 241. (Affects the South .feet the East 10 feet of the South 30 feet Continued on'Page Two) Page Two (Continued) Easement granted in favor of JULIA MELY ~CK~Z aka JULIA C. MELY and ROBERT DELAK, for ingress and egress, recorded August 5, 1980, in Book 513, Page 997, affects substantially as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North one-half (N 1/2) of Southeast One-quarter (SE 1/4) of Northwest one-quarter (~ 1/4) of Southwest one-quarter (SW 1/4) of said Section ~3; thence East 30.00 feet; thence South- westerly along a curve to the right having a central angle of 90 degrees, a radius of 30.00 feet for a distance of 47.12 feet; thence North a distance of 30100 feet to the point of beginning .- DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: TRUSTOR: KIRK McGEE, a single man, and SANDY MARK PHILLIPS, a married man. TRUSTEE: SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. OF ALASKA BENEFICIARY: JULIA MELY MACKWIZ, a single woman, and ROBERT DELAK, a single man .. ~. AMOUNT: $62,000.00 . :ii./ DATED: AUGUST 1, 1980 "~"~. '~ ~ RECORDED: AUGUST 5, 1980 .... . BOOK: 514 PAGE: 3 f'~i.~;'i',' Agreement as to partial reconveyances executed by and ',.':,~,. between JULIA MELY MACKWIZ, ROBERT DELAK and JACK R.NIELSON d/b/a · NIELSON REAL ESTATE and KIRK McGEE and SANDY MARK PHILLIPS, ..... '"~'~ 'recorded August 5, 1980, in Book 514, Page 7... > ...i?.~ Pamtial Assignment'olf Said Deed of Trust, executed August 1, 1980 between JULIA MELY MACKWIZ and ROBERT DELAK, Assignors and JACK R. NIELSON d/b/a NIELSON REAL ESTATE, recorded August 5, 1980, in Book 514, Page 11. ", Re~ords examined to November 5, 1980 at 8:00 A.M. Liability is limited to the amount paid therefore. . ..~ ..";..-i~..,::.~:~ .,-' _~. ' ~!~"TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Examiner U x/IL/_ ANOTHER SUBDIVISION ALASKA elqUIROnme[1TAL COIqTROL SeRUICe$, IIIC. ~nclineerincl C- ~nuiponmental Studies November 18, 1980 Mr. Kirk McGee Scenic Drive Eagle River, Alaska Dear Mr. McGee: Attached are the soils logs for the 8 lots in Another Subdivision. We drilled a total of 22 holes in the lots and road bed. The soils logs presented are for those areas best suited for on-site disposal sysems, and they should be reserved as such. This is not to preclude placement of system on other parts of the lot if additional soils tests are made. There are no slopes within the areas designated for on-site systems that are in excess of 25 percent, nor are there any cut banks that would cause sewage to flow to the surface in these areas. This subdivision appears to be well-drained except for the swale between the 274 and 278 ft. contours on the back parts of lots 1, 2 and 3. Drainage from this area is evident by the subsurface flow of water at the general location of the lot lines between lots 1 and 2 and the intersection of the pipeline. My advice is that before lot 2 is fully developed, a curtain drain be installed using the new types of synthetic cloth to prevent the intrusion of soil into the drain rock. All lots except number 2 are suited for conventional septic tank trench on-site system. Because of the shallowness of the silt layer on lot 2 this area would appear to be a candidate for high water table during heavy rains or high periods of run off. The prescribed design for this lot would be a septic tank feeding into a lift station and then the effluent going into an elevated field. The field would be built by stripping the topsoil down to the three ft. layer (the top of the GP) and installing three feet of sand and then diking around the system with impervious soil, installing one foot of gravel and then back-filling with three feet of sandy soil in order to encourage envapotransporation and to prevent freezing of the system. Within the gravel layer would be imbedded the pressure distribution pipe for the system. This system has been used satisfactor- ily in other locations within the Anchorage bowl. Although the system is several feet above the ground, proper terracing and landscaping could turn this into a nice yard or 9arden area. 1220 UJest 2§th Auenue · Anchoraqe, Alaska ggs03 · (<307) 276-1361 Mr. Kirk McGee Page Two It must be understood, of course, that the installation of the curtain drains may make this area acceptable for conventional on-site systems. LCR:ak If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you. Sincerely, ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICE, INC. Le~r., PhD., .E. President ALASKA EIUII~OFImEITAL COFITIgOL $1~I~UIC~$, IFIC. J~ncjineerinc1 ~ t~nuironmental Studies 20 ~ 5R '×- 8.5 -x- 5R = 5o i l s R a {: i. n g tx,~ ch' oorn } 1,1 G f) 1220 LUcst 25th J~uenu¢ · J~nchoracl¢, Alaska 99503 · (907) 276-1361 I I o~ // "11 m ,-I 0 m 0 0 .~,, 0 m 0 0 Z 0 ..-4 m I ITl i / 0 1!t 22 1 2 5 ? 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