HomeMy WebLinkAboutATKINS General Information SOUTRCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE / 338 OENALI STREET / MACKA Y BUILDING- ROOM 850 August 16 1974 ~ ' ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. Glen Huff ~ontracting Engineers & Associates 7010 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: Sewer Line Extension -Atkins SubdivisLo~- Dear Mr. Huff: The plans and specifications for this project which cOnsists of approximately 342 ft. of 8 inch sewer is approved for the features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, Kyle J. Cherry, P.E. Regional Environmental Engineer cc: Roll Strickland, DEQ' '~j August 15, 1974 ~r. Glenn Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 7010 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: Borough Lateral Sewer Extension To Serve Lots 1-5, flock 2, AtKlns Subdivision Dear Nr. Huff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of gnvtronmental Quality ~as received and reviewed the engineering plans for the subject project. We find these plans neet with all conditions with which this department is concerned. We are pleased to see t)lat you have worked so well with the five (5) home owners in this small sul)division in preparing these set of plans and we are especially pleased to see that the home owners are atte~pttng 'to put '~tle sewer system in yet ti)is year. Should you have any questions or if we can be of any additional help in this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Role Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitart an RS/1w AI,.~KA IIt::t,AiFI'MEN.i. (ii" III.iAI,TI[ AND WI,:I,I.L.~ItE III¥1~ION OF I'UIi!,IC IlEAl/I'll Ala:ika Departln~nt of H~alth ,iai Welfare: Branch of Environmental Health Pouch H Jmleau, Alaaka B9801 /~nchoz..ag~, .......... 99.502 City Zip Code .70.13.01d .Sew.u. r4 !!J. ghwa. y Mailing ................................... Application Date ~ ' Businesz Teleplmne No, In ~eem'd~nee with ~l~k~ ~tutm~, Titl~ 1~, "H~lth nad Sa~ty", Gh~pt~r 05, 8ce. 18.05.040, (11}, (1~), and rules and ulation~ promulgated thereunder~ ~o~tract~Dg Engineers & Aaaoc.iate~ herewith submR for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY ~EATUREg, _ dttplica~e sets of completa plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean G~neral plans, Detailed plan.4 and speel- fieatlons, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architee~ral ReporD including necessary data required for full under~tand. lng of SANITARY PgATURg~ of design. {Give complete but brief de~crJpti(m of project} These plan~ were prepared by ~O~c~i~g ~Ogine~r~ & ssoc' . ....... ........ 7.Q.]~...Q~.~...~.~.~.~.,~g~ ............................................... and by or under the direction et the following ~]n,giaoer{s) or [Addrps~) Architeet~sl duly licensed ia practice l~ Alaska: Thi~ project i, to be financed in th~ JoJlowing manner; {~ist source, of fund~ ,nd amounts). " ............... : ................................. Source. of Amounts ........................................ ~l~ag.a ...................................................................................................................... ~10,000.00 Total estimated cost ot this proJ~t 1, S ............ ~-~,.Q.Q0.~_~_ ....................... These plans ar0 being m~bmittaI to you nt least one month prim' to the cor~tamplat~l date ot advertiaint~ tot bhD We understand thai. constrtictioq shall not be started tlntil yotu, final approval of ti~ese Plans has he-n rec,,iv,M; that no rev!, ic.: :~ in the plan~ affecting the SANITAi~Y ~'~ATOftlqS of the project lIla.y final approval uzlles:i stroh l'eviMons be mlhmitted and approved; lhat (:oristVtlction v;ill b~, c'~:'ried o,,: irt itt ~:' i trot',, with ap.,r<,v:~! such approval v/ill b()coma 'void. ' " Very trt,ly your:.L Glenn A. Huff ' 'App, leant) .~ t~i'~f''&~r°~"u°''' -/F'"~i~'ffiii:;i;fdii~,';.i~'3 ..... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & %VELFARE Division of Environmental Health July 15, 1970 Mr. Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Department P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Strickland: Re: KEITN N. MILLER, GOVERNOR jUL GAAB - Atkins Subdivision, Sanitary sewer extension. The plan and Application for Approval of Plans was forwarded to this office by your memorandum of 2 July 1970. The plan stated that construction would be by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Standard Construction Specifications. The one item of concern here is distance to the semi-public water supply by the sewers concerned. This has been taken care of sat- isfactorily. With the assurance that infiltration or exfiltration tests will be made of all the sewer line, the plan is approved for those features with which we are concerned. Sincerely yours, %. Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental Health RHB:bj cc: H. V. Lounsbury & Associates DATE: July 2, 1970 GREo ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO. UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: i(olf Environn'entat !iealth Supe~wisor TO: Ii. Ii. Britt, Sanitary Engineer l!nvirom~ntal ~alth, Juneau su~cT: Atkins Subdivision, Sanitary Se~.~er I,~provc~ents Olewitt V. Lm~mbury & Asseciates) Transmitted herewith for your review, and co~.m~nts are one set of plans and a~scciated documents for the subject project. The existing well in Atkins Subdivision is an tvady approved sem~-p~>lic class "N' water system, the two (2) small wells in King Subdivision are not sc~ai-pt~lic wells m~d as sud~ only serve single family residences. ..~wer line. 1hisis sewer extension ties into ,~ existin/; Borough ~, '~ eiics. USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY HEWITi' V. LOUNSBURY & ASS~ClATES Engineers - Surveyors 723 6th Avenue ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone 277-6505 _ _?eat_er___~_c_~o_r_~a_g_e__~.rea Boroug_h_ __~H_e_a_l t~ h_~._Dep a r tme n t 327_Ea~g] e .......... Anchorage, Alaska GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ilL~ Shop drawin§s June 29, 1970 * ~ ~-F ? ;4- Clifford dudkins ..... Atkins Subidivision - Sanitary Sewer !rap rovel~_e._n~cs Copy of letter Attached Under separate cover via ....... the following items: Prints ~ Plans Samples ' Specifications [)ESCRIPTION COPIES ~ DATE NO. 2 ! Plans - Above dob THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use As requested For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE .......... Approved as subm:tted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Resubmit .copies for approval Submit . copies for distribution Return .... co~rected prints PRINTS REFURNED AFTER LOAN lO US REMARKS ....... Date: COPY TO HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY &~SJ~'q~I~TES S,ONED: Telephone ,.~ ~-2437 606 Northern Lights Blvd. SPENARD, ALASKA 99503 18 March 1970 Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. GAAB Health Department 327 Eagle Street P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear ,Mr. Stric--L Thank you for your letter of March 13th regarding the water system in the Atkins Subdivision. I will of course submlt any additions or expansions ~o mne wa~. ~o~om. i can, however assure you that this water system ia only intended to serve the users in the Atkins Subdivision alone and that no outside users will be permitted to hook on to this water system. I enclose an engineers drawing of the present water sys- tem. I bought oat Mr. George Atkins and intend to over- haul and upgrade the mechanical portion of the well and well house this summer. Does this meet with your approval or is there any suggestions or other things that you want me to do? If so, please advise me as I want to cooperate with you ~0 the fullest extent of my ability. Best regards, NIELSI~N REAL~~EE~] ~ Jack R. Nielsen "WE SELL ALASKA"' BILL OF SALE (ALASKA) Know Al/Men by These Presents, That__. Jack R. Nielsen and ,_E__u_l_a__?_,__N_l__e_l__s_e_~__ ..... the part~ ~-.q .... o! the first part, lot and in consideration o! the sum of Ten ( $10. O0 ) ............. Dollars, lawful money o! the United States o! America to ............. _+.ham. .in hand paid by Nancy Wallace, Wesley Wallace, Thomas I. Bittner, Venetta M. Ams, -Donald_F_~_lld~m,_Aames__Bn ~ a.q _amd_ ~b_~ ~_e,q _A - _La~ ~. _~u~L_Ro_be~t_I~_~o___ the partX~s .... of th~ second part, th~ receipt whe~zoLt~ hereby acknowledged, do ...... by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said partl_e.~ .... o! the second part, executors, administrators and o~signs__. All rights, title and interest in a water system known as Atkins Subdivision Utility Co. serving Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5-A of Block i and Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5 of Block 2, of the Atkins Subdivision, in addition and included in sale is well of said system located on Lot 3, Block 2 of the Atkins Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Permanent access towall site is 'hereby granted for purposes of maintenance. their HAVE AND ~0 HOLD the same to the sa~d pa~e~___ o[ the second pa~, ...... ~ ...... executors, administrators and assigns !orever. And .... th~ do .... lor:~l.~i~ ..... heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and agree to and with the said partJ..e_$__ o! the second part,___:~r___ executors, administrators and assigns, to warrant and de!end the sale o! the said property, goods and chattels hereby made unto the said part___i~.~ .... O! the second part, th el r._. executors, administrators ang assigns, against al~ and every person and persons whomsoever lawlulIy claiming or to claim the same. IN WITNE$3 WHEREOF, __M.e ....... ha_va-__hereunto set ..... xa~a~___ hand$_ and seaLS_ the $igned,$ealedandDeliveredinth, Presence~ ,__~/_~____~'_~___ '~_.'._7_~_._d~ ;E - -. AL) This blank is Ou.~ranteed against successful alteration, which guaranty iS insured Wa~l,. ,*~m L~a P, lar~k Co., Seattle (Uifl o! Sale----Alaska) Form No. 1002. Individual Acknowlcdg~nent (Alaska) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, t ss. STATE OF ALASKA. i THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on th s ............ day of_ before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ........ J~,ck._R,_.l/i ~ 1 s ~ _and_~Eu~La-]g~ -~i-el~en- ......... to me known to be the person~ .... described in and who executed the above and foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that ....... the.~ ..... signed and sealed the same freely and volun- tarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my. hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. Not~r~ Publ!9~for State of Alaska. My commission expires-~-----~--~-~'-',--)--/-~2-~- ......... Hr. ,Tack ,'~. Nielse~ 606 % ~rt},crn Li?~hts IHw!. ~nch~ra2c, .~laska ]lc~ .ark, 2818 ~t 84th t~ar ~,¥. ~iels~: ~is letter is to ce~ify that ~he existinl; comity ~'ater sy~t~ servin~ the subJ~ co~ is approved by this [~epa~t. ~rtcr to any ~t~tficati~s or ex?an- siot~s of the existin~ syst~, c~lete ~atneertna plans and acco~an~ina s~cificstions ~ M s~itt~ to this i~pa~e~nt for ~vi~ and 'approval. fi nce~ ly ~ ~i~~t~ ~imtor Envircw~ntal ~tealth Supervisor l% ~'~ ~ ~ ..................... t'-~ ....~,'. ,.- :~.(.j ~ ~'--~ > B.~ 2 ~3" '~.'~ 7.50 2 : . . 33' -G ~1 ~ ' / % ........ ~ ~':~ I 50 j J'O' J 3y .........................