HomeMy WebLinkAboutALMA LT 8Alma Lot 8 006-022 -19 LOT SURVEY CERTIFICATION Lot ~ , Block__ It ~ the responsibility of the ov,.'ner oz builder, p~]or bo constraction., ~ ~erifv pro~::~cl b~tfldtn~ ~rade relat.iv;~ to d. etcrmi~e the exi~en~ of sm~ merits, cownants, or restrictions which do not appear or~ the recorded LEGEND: Brass Cop Monument Iron Pipe Steel Pin Sur~ey Hub ~ Tcck __.t~_~..C~._/TM / t--~ -.,,, / ,.t,/_-)_~ ~ V~/__....~ f ~1 ~ j . Anchoragd Recording Precinct, Alaska ~- ~_,~ ..... Prepared ~y DATE Grid: BY 3UN-~I-L:~IO 1~':59P FROM: T0:3437997 P. 1 Hefty Drilling Inc. 3540 Akula Dr. Anchorage, Ak. 99516 345-0593 345-4700 Fax. HeftyDrilling~aol.com Water Wcll Decommissioning. Date:06/21/2010 Decommissioned water well per. Municipal code title 15.55 Cut offwcl[ casing 2' below ground surface and filled well wi~h Bentonite chips in n bridge free manner and sealed with n 0.250 inch Ihick steel plate welded to thc top of thc caaiug. Name....Hilda Peck Address: 6901 Trafford Dr. City: Anchorage I..egal: ALMA LT 8 13:1239 Deco~/~issioned by: Johnny Kay It. i~ the responsibility of the o~vner oz' builder prior tx; cor~struction, t~ verify progo~.'.~d bt¢ldlag ~re~de retativ;~ to flu- 1,.hed grado ~d u ...... y co~.:~ccf.,o.:s and to detcrmh~e the exl~cn~ merits, covenant~, or resbrlct,lon~ which do not appear on the record~ sion ~lat. LOT SURVEY CERTIFICATION- Lot ~, Block -- Anchoroge Recording Precinct, A~osko LEGEND: Dress Cap Monument Iron Pi~e Steed Pin Survey Hub & Tack Grid: ~E~ REVISIONS Prepared By; DIC~CIZYSON- OS:?.4£O & PARTMER$[ Reside,rice of: ~~rd~Cordav~,Strat p~ 277-1685[. --~ '[/~9"~%~. / .~' :~ :'"),% o ~ DATE BY April 28, 1969 Mr. Charles D. Whittaker Civilian Militaz-f Refeml~al Office P. O. Box 179 ~chDrage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Well Serving 7013 Trafford Rental Unit of Mrs. Weaver Dear Mr. Whittaker: Personnel of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department have made an inspection of the subject water supply. The existing well serves five homes therefore putting it in the clasm of a semi-public well. Due to improper well construction, lack of well easements and existence of cesspools within 120 feet of the well, we are unable to approve the present system. These matters can be corrected, but will requir~ a considerable amount of time. Since this corrective work will l~kely take weeks or months, the home will not be fit for occupancy by May 1, at which t~me the military ~amily wished to move in. gince~ely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Director BY: Sanitarian DBH/srm ],,00,~ oOOS .jm°j % ~d 8z LU _-) I ~-~ ['--"~-I-]-----t'--- LO ' -__ I J.'~ 3 ~1J.S NO$~ 3 J..LVd ~ [ oo. :11~ --; / ............ ~ _~ 1 ('3 I -- Io