HomeMy WebLinkAboutFETROW Lot 1 Tract A Plat# 85-033 S-7903 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-7903 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: DATE RECEIVED: October 24, 1984 Lot 1 and Tract A Fetrow Subdivision COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS DUE BY: November 16, PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE 1984 COMMENTS: / . ).? ~ ~'~ ~ : .~,,.~ ~ . ~) ,~ , ... ~,~ /-~ .~, ~ ~ 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) OLD APPROVED EXIST. GLENI~ N. 50 HIGHWAY 39' E. 660.0 USS 3063, LOT 25 N. 50 39'E. 660.0 D SCALE 1 in. - 100 ft. DESCR~ ~OP~qTY: LOT 2, USS 3063 ~CH~GE ~CO~ING DIStil, T~T NO EN~OAC~S EXIST Rw~ AS I~ICA~ ~Og. THIS P~T WI~ O~Y SHOW T~ E~S, CO~S, ~ ~STgI~IO~ T~T AP~ ON T~ CO~ SU~ISION P~T ; C~C~T~CES SHOU~ ~Y DATA ~ON CONS~UCTION 0R Fffi ESTABLISHIN~ ~US~Y ~ ~N~ L!NES~ U~?~SS N~. :~.~=u. ~ SP~GT~. Sb~YiNG S~.~CES 9~-68~259~ F.O.BOX 33, Ch~JGIAK, .I / // //>, // / / / / / SURVEYOR'S C££TIFICA TE PLA T APPROVAL Plat approved by the Municipal Plattfng Author,,ty ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICA TIO,~J Dated at Anchorage, Alaska th,s~-- day of ~7~JJ~4~. 9o~f~_.e'-z U TAX CERTIF/CA T/ON Ab' rea/property taxes lewed by the Municipality of CER TIFICA TE OF OWNERSHIP and DEDtCA T/ON I ~r~ze]. hereby certify that I fwe] hold the herein specih'edproperty interest ~n [he pr~oerty described hereon· I fwe] hereby ded]caze to the Municipality of Anchorage all areas depicted for use as public utili~ e~ents, streets, a/ley$, thorouEhfares, parks, and other public areas shown hereon· There shall be rese~ed adlacent to the dedi~ted ~tr~ts shown hereon, a ~lope rese~/atlon easement sufficient to c~tain cut and fi// slo~s of 1.5 feet horizontal for each I foot vertzca/ (1 5 to 1] of cut or fi//for the purpose of providing and maintaining the latera/ support of the constructed streets. There is reserved to the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right tatera/ sup~orL as approved by the Municipally. NO TAR Y A CKNOkVL EDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before me th,s /~/ day of DT1000326 VICINITY MAP SCALE· I in. : I mile , ,o! PLAT OF FETROW SUBDIVISION LOT I I~ TRACT A 1985-144