HomeMy WebLinkAboutEKLUTNA WEST Water System Information November 27 ].972 Greater tnchora?;e \rea Borou~;h Dept. of Environmental tIealth JZoO Tudor Road, Pouch 6-650 Anchora2;e, Alaska 99502 Attn: Roll Strickland Assistant Director Subject: D::a;-n, Eklutna Hei~7hts, Eklutnn East & ~k..utm ':?est Water System ;)oat- lb.'. Strick! '.n,!: Znc]os'.,d ple~::'e f;~:2 the ":ks Built" plan ,und yrofile drawings for the water system :~ervin; the above mentioned suf:,iivisicns. Sincerely I~UI,I,B"22G & ..~oOCI .... ~,'~ $~m~r 14, 1'J7~ 4176 ~la~es Roa~i A~chorage, Alas[a 99504 Su~ec[: ~Ler 1t~e extension to serve Eklu~na ~e[t Subdivision ruviuv~, we ~i~d that t~use plan~ m~et ~tth all conditions ~tth w~ich this Dep~rtme~t ts conc~ed~ providing the following 1. ~e ~us'L be provtdud tnformattm~ showing that the ~ell i~) Dauri Subdivision has sufficient volume s~ora~c' cap~city to allow for this extension. We have h~ve rece~Lly ~co~c: co~)cer~ed that the ~ell Iqay not ~i~e capoci'~Y to serve ~his ~)ew section and that the servic~ to t,esu lo:s s,ould ~.~it until th~ second well.. as ~ropusc~. has bc.~., co~i}lc~ted a~d tied i~to th~ system We ~ill ~'~o~ ~.jiL,~uld a)~proval Lo cm)struct this seg~rtt of ti~e w~Cer sysLei~), but will ~xl}ect to receive the t~)formation listed ~bovc ~ a ~:lme w,en the as-built engineering plans are submitted. W~ ~ould also ~dvise that this department will not approve h~me cons':ructton or utilization of this water syste:~ until the above t~for)~iatton nas b~en supplied ai'~d is s))o~ln to be satisfactory. Should you h~ve any questio~)~ regardt~mg our review of thes(> plans. please co, tact ti'~e undersigned. Si~.curely. Roll Strtcklan~ Chief Sant ~art,n cc: Kyle J. Cherry Alaska State Dept. of ;_Jtvironi)~e)ltal Con6ervatton WATE~ SYSTE/~I ~or EIfLUTNA HEIGHTS ~UBDIVI$ION Kullberg ~ Associates Anchorage, Alaska August 1971 IrULLB~::[;q e: ,'!SSOCIATES 4176 James Rd Anehor'n.o:e, Ph 333-5913 or 277-3876 ENGINEERING REPORT Water System for: DAWN SUBDIViSiON Lots - 101 thru 112 E~fI.UTXA IIEIGHTS 3UEDIVISION Blk 3 Lots 1 thru'15 Elk 4 " 1 " 9 Blk 5 " 1 " 8 GENER2L As indicated on the design drawings, the proposed system will serve, or potentially serve, 12 lots in the Dawn Subdivision and 32 lots in the ~[lutna Heights Subdivision° Estimated ultimate capacity assumes lots 1 thru 8, blk ~, ~[lutna Heights Subdivision expanded into 24 additionml residential units. Total residential units to be served would %hn total OS. No industrial activity is anticipated in the ~rea. Capacity of the system is based on the following Criteria: Maximum number of lots served .................... 68 Consumption: Assume 4 persons/family/lot Further, assume 100 gal/person/family/day 4 x 100 x ~8 ............................ 27,200 gpd or 20 gpm Peak requirement is factor of 2.5 or 50 gpm ~ATER SOURCE The terrain is characterized by short rolling hills covered by a dense stand of birch. Overburden measures 6" to ].2" deep and is underlain by a glacier till of an unknown depth. There are no permafrost conditions within the pro3ect area. The source of development is a proposed 8" cased well (located as shown on the plans) enclosed in a composite block-frame building., The well casing will extend above the finished floor to preclude contamination from surface sources. Residences adjacent to the project area rely on wells for their domestic water supply. The acquifers within this area have proven adequate in producing water suitable for domestic utilization. The nearest existing source of possible contamination lies approx- imately 900' directly west of the proposed well location. No - 1 - other public waler ~vste:'~ exi:~t.s 5n the )~..,.ediate area (there 5s a public fountain at Mirror l;d{e camp,~;round approximately one-half mile to the north. Purification measures are not anticipated; hey:ever, they can be readily incorpo~'ated should quality tests so warrant. The distribution lines (approx 3400 lin ft) will consist of Class 150, 6" ca.~t iron pipe. Valves, tees, a~d other appurtenances will comply with City of Anchorare, STAND:\RD CCNSTRUCTION SPECI- FICATIONS-FC.".'. ~.¥ATMR SYSTEb~S, fo~- material quality control. A minimum of 10' nf cover will be required over all distribution lines to safeguard the ~,ystem from freezing. Storage will consist of a 2000 gal pressure tank with operating pressure ranges from 35-60 psi. The f, ar~k will be complemented with a submersible pump rated at 50 gpm, minimum, with a discharp;e pressure capability of at least 60 psi. Service connections will consist of corporation stops at the main, curb stops with boxes at the property lines, and $/4" type K copper connections between stops. Fire protection has not been provided under the proposed system. However, provision is made for future hydrant connections-if, and when, the system is integrated into a area-wide service which can meet fire flow demands. COST ESTI3IATE Construction costs for ali materials furnished and installed are as fol.lo~s: Well I~ouse 12 x 16 ................. Pressure Tank 2000 gal .............. Pump ...................... ~ .......... Well House Appurtenances ............. Electrical (includes heaters) ....... Well w/8" casing ..................... 6" CIP S400 lin ft @ 7.50/ft 6" Valves & Boxes 9 @ 250 Service Connections 35 (approx) @ 210 6" Tees & Plugs ---~ ................. sub-total Contingency 10~ 2300 900 650 ~oo 6{o 2400 2250 7350 4O0 42990 4300 Total Project Cost $ 47290 }faintenance and operating costs are estimated at $ 740 per year. I{UIL,~tNG 8~ ,\SSOC.IATES 4176 Jam,.,s Nd Anchoraffe, Alaska Ph $35-59]5 or 277-~76 DAWN WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPEC ] F I CAT IONS for & EKLUTNA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISIONS All materials shall be of types shown on the plans or as contained in these specifications. Ail workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall be observed to prevent hazards to property, life, materials and equipment. The site shall be kept freeof accumulations of trash or debris from the work. Upcn comp]e!inn of construction the site shall be left in a neat and clean dondition, graded to drain to established channels° II LOCATION AND SCOPE All proposed work is within the Dawn and ~klutna Height~ Subdivisions located in the S~{, Section 3, T15N, R1W, Seward Meridian, Alaska, and is more particularly located in the design drawings. City of Anchora~e detalia o? thruat b]ockn, valve~ ~nd boxes, bleeders, and water s~rvice connections are attached to, and are a part of, these specifications. The wo~{ covered by these specifications consists of the installation of water mains, valves a~d boxes~ service con- nections and all appurtenant items a~ shown on the design drawings which are hereby made a part of these specifications. III WATER SYSTEM The specifications for the water system to be constructed shal. 1 be the CITY OF ANCHORAGE GENEP~%.L PROVISIONS, STANDARD CONSTRUCTION .SPECI,~ICATION$, AND STANDARD DETAILS~ which are hereby made a part of th~se documents. :"_ :l/~" HOS;.-' CO,,#~ECr~ONS .- I"- ~ I/a".?UMPER CQ//AfECTOt~ ~i~X"-~L C.I. VALVE BOX · ,~ GROUT/D~ ' 6'HYDRANT COt~:NECTING PIECE I$, . MECH. dOINTS i 6"GATB -- STEEL TIE ROD. ONE ~DRAIN HYDRANT IN,¢TALLATION NOTES I. HYDRANT BARI~££ t,¢UST BE ~. HYDRANT, AUXILIARY GATE VA~VE~ AND VALVE BOX TO BE BID AS UNIT IN PLACE. ~EAD FROM ~¢AIN TO HYD' ' RANT A~SO I5'G~U[)ED IH FIR~ IIYD~ANT ~. TIlE STANDARD HYDRANT HA8 A .10" ~. A~ HYDRANTS SHALL ~E ~U~ZER IMPI'~OVED NO. A 2~015 AND PAINTED CATERPILLAR ,~TA~DARD OEI'~I~ L E VEL HYDRANT ~TRANch-- HORIZONTAL PIPE PERFORATED ON SURFACE FACING WATER LINE WITH $/16 '~ HOLES ON 12' CENTERS~ INSTAL L ED 12" ABOVE ~ 12" TO THE SIDE' OF HYDRANT BRANCH. TO BE OF GALVANIZED PIPE WITH MALLEABLE FITTINGS. STi~NDAt?D D~?AIL W-- I0 "L" BIJSE H YD.' NOTES: GUARD POSTS V/ILL ££ FURNISHED BY THE CITY ~ TH£Y SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS LOCATED ON. POSTS SHALL £'C LOCATED TO /LLOW UKF,'ESTF¢ICT£D ACCESS TO PUMP£R AND HOSE COHH£CI'ION$. TREE T CITY OF ANCHORA GE o Dro;vn: PK ST~KOARD HYD~?~HT GU+~ POS TS "/r'/K. ;UP.V~- DA'I'~, \ \ // , / / i I ' I L_ ~OMES'FE.J~D -r 'v%I ~,' N, 9- IS ~ kJOTE~, C£t~TIFICAT£ OF OWIV~./~HIP 8 D£DIC,~T/OI. Chualar,, ~.~. qqSb7 / DTi000285 NO. R , Ch / / / / / / / / / ~Oo, t / / ~oo, A / / / / / EkLu, N,,* /SUBDIV~SIC:N / / / / -~; / / ./ / / · 5/8" REBAR SET THIS SURVEY ;Pliot CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP & DEDICATION NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOTARY FOR AtASKA' MY C()MMiSION EXPIRES ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE PLAT APPROVAL day DTI000288 This plat contains 16.66 ocres.=~ EKLUTNA WEST SUBDIVISION SECTION 3, T. 15N R. JW. SEWARD MER DAN ALASKA DET'~/L 'C ' · 'xx L//,/E C)~A~T CU~'VE £HA~T DTI000287 TRAcTs ,~, ~ ,2 8 TRACT C \ / i~/ ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION ,%4T ~F