HomeMy WebLinkAboutEKLUTNA LAKE ACRES Lots 1 & 2 S-8202L2_ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: S-8202 June 11, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1 and 2 Eklutna Lake Acres Subdivision COMMENTS DUE BY: July 5, 1985 ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Engineers - Surveyors. Planners 4546 BUSINESS PARK BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE {907) 562-2786 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON: SUBSURFACE SOILS INVESTIGATION LOTS 1 and 2 of the proposed Eklutna Lake Acres Subdivision May 31, 1985 By: Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. 4546 Business Park Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 JUL 0 8 1985 INTRODUCTION This report represents the preliminary results of an investigation of the subsurface soil conditions on lots 1 and 2 of the proposed Eklutna Lake Acres Subdivision located in the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1, T15N, PIE, Seward Meridian, Alaska. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the potential for wastewmter disposal on the two lots. Authorization for the investigation was recieved on May 25, 1985 from Dorothy M. and Theresa Marie Hendrick the land owners, through Larry Maulden an agent of the Jack White Company. FIELD WORK DESCRIPTION ~estholes 1 and 2 were drilled on Ma'y'27, 1985 using a Nodwell mounted B-61 drill owned and operated by Denalt Drilling, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska. The driller was Dave Bruke and was assisted by Brian Rose. Derek Howard of Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. was present to log the testholes and take material samples. The drill was an 8" continuous flight, hollow stem auger. Split spoon penetrations were also recorded at various levels in the two testholes. The results of the penetration tests are beyond the scope of this report. ANALYSIS The soil samples taken from the two testholes were brought to the office of Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. The samples were divided into 7 groups by visual analysis. A representive sample was taken from four of the seven groups and a sieve analysis was then performed on the sample. The. result from the sieve analysis was then used to classify the soils using the Unified Soils Classification System. Test results are presented in the Appendix. CONCLUSION The site appears suitable for wastewater disposal. The soils encountered on the site are of the granular type with no evident ground water. A more thorough investigation will be required at the time a specific septic site is Ronald L. Griffith P.E. Alaska Civil Engineer CE #6049 Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. NO SAMPLE OF PEAT TAKEN GROUP A: EKLUTNA LAKE ACRES SAMPLE GROUPING SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GW-GM BORING SAMPLE DEPTH 2 2* 3' 2 3 6' 2 4 13' GROUP B: SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GW-GM F-2) BORING SAMPLE DEPTH i 1' 2 1 2' GROUP C: SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM F-3) BORING SAMPLE 1 3* 1 4 GROUP D: SILTY SAND (SW-SM F-l) BORING 1 SAMPLE 2* GROUP E: SILTY GRAVEL (GP-GM) BORING 1 SAMPLE 5 GROUP F: CLAYEY GRAVEL (GC) BORING 1 * ME(I~ANICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE 6 DEPTH 7' 10' DEPTH 4' DEPTH 12' DEPTH 15' · ALASKA L~AND DEVELOPMEN'.~ SERVICES 4546 BUSI.NESS PARK BOULEVARD, ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 phone 19071 "' CONSULTING ENGINEERS- LAND SURVEYORS CLIENT w/o ~o?~ DATE TOP OF HOLE ELEVATION ~_(~CATION TEST HOLE /~ /7 6 12 16 18 22- 24 -ALASKA L.~,ND DEVELOPMEN'~ SERVICES 4546 BUSI.NESS PARK BOULEVARD, ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 phone 1907J "' CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LAND SURVEYORS PRO.JECT ,~')~t.J/TV'~ ,L~,. CL,E.'r D/~'~/ DATE BY TOP OF HOLE ELEVATION LOCATION _ TEST HOLE NO 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22.- 24- U $. SlcnClo~d S;~'ve Open*rog SJ~I ~I ' 8 I0 16 2030 405060 ~ '200~70 50 I0 5 1 0.5 OI 'G, 05 SIZE Iit I,(ILtlIZETER5 Q OI O. 005 S,l'mbol GRAV£L as[7-'[ r,.[ $omple Source SAteD SILT OR CLAY "goof: __Ozle~ CIo~sif;col~on PARTICLE SIZE At~ALYSIS PLATE S~",'e Op~'ning Siz'e 4 ' 8 I0 16 Z~O.30 405060 I00 '200 50-- ~0 .5 I 0.5 O I ' q O.5 GR,~Ih~ $1Z£ I1! - -- 'T'--'~ GR~vEL O. 005 SILT OR CLAY pARTICLE SIZE AI,tALYSIS PLATE 810 ~ 'Hyd,omclaf 1 o.~ o~ -qo~ GRAIIi SIZE Iii IRILLIIzETER$ -- -- I-- ' C,F~VEL coB~L~:S/--co~,~s_~_'l r.~ QOI 0005 O( SILT OR CLAY S).r~,~b ol_ PARTICLE SIZE AI'hb. LYSIS ~LATE I' U.S.Slondo,d SieYe /4umbers. J 4 ' 8 I0 15 Z'O~O 405080 t'30 '~00 'Hsd~or~let /o 5 7 0.5 a/ 'qo5 GRAIIt SIZE Iff ]dlLLII/.ETERS GRAVEL Q OI 0.005 000; SILT OR CLAY PARTICLE SIZE' ANALYSIS FLATE /~ ,/& '~\ / , ~ LOT I '~l ~' I 'OW ~/4, ~,t[ I/4, ¢,1,' Pz~r ~- DTI00028 ALASKA LAND DEVELOPMEiVT ~ERVICE$ ~ ~r~' ~. ~- ~mo NE 1411