HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLES NEST Soil Reports/D N "O.e ~ i~ ~orth a thousand Mr. Joe Bayes 7~0 I S~reet Anchorage, Alaska Subject: E~oils Investigation Project: E~31es Nest Subdivision Dear Mr. }{ayes, ~t your r~quest, ~ soils surVey wa§ performed on the F~q~les Nes~ ~ubdivision ,hlch is located in ~E 1/~ E 1/2 SW 1 h NE t. h ~r. ~, TI~N, ~lW. ?.M., The p~pose ~f the soils s~vey '~as to determine whether or not the ew[st~n~ so~ls could be s~tisfactorily util !zed for indiv~dua] home sewer.s ~tems. ~. to the nat~e of the steep Lilly terra, in, tbs te~t pits were ~Ncavated ~ith s backhoe z:ounted on a t~acked cat. back~]oe was ~apable of excavating ]5 foot deep holes which ~as ~uate for our purposes. I::iti~ t-st pit. ]ocali~ms were located on the property by Mr. Mike Gellager of TrycE, Nymsn ~ Ha~s and this the cente~ the pr~,~rt, y~ ~e d~ta aobta~n"d from the ~l tests lndicaDed that s~face bedronk condit~ons occur on a ~rtlon of the prb~rty. In order to dete~ne to w~% extent the surf.s bedrock occ~s, ~ditlonal Lest pits were h~d excav~d as shown on the enclosed map. ~ese test pits were excavated to bedrock or at le~t h feet below ~ound s~face whichever occ~ed first. Visual ex~[nation of the geological feat- ~es was useful] ~n d~te~ining where the bedrock would ~ found. ~ bedrock is readily app~ent in the l~ge ~llies which occ~ in the West & E~t portions of the pro~rty. ~e lots situated between t~ ~llies show mo 'evidence of sh~low bedrock conditions ~ dete~ined by t~ test pits ~d visual ex~lnmtion. ~se lots c~ be utilized satisfactorily for individu~ ho~ sewer.s sys- ~ms by using eit~r see~ pits or le~hing fields, dep- ending on soil conditions. ~e ~rcolation data obtained ~ t~ deep. test pits indica~ t~t the soil conditions would require ~5 square feet of drain.s area per bed-- Fo~. The enclosed report showm the type of soil conditions found on each lot, the depth to the bedrock if encount- ered and which lots had test pits. "Bedrock near the surface" indicates that the bedrock occurs within 5 feet of the ground surface. The enclosed map shows the loca- tions of each test pit and the approximate boundaries of the surface bedrock conditions. If there are any questions, pleas~ contact our office. Very truly yours! CONSTNUCTIOP; ~]ST LAB /J~mes D. Mack ~b ~r J[l~ em encl. ~st ~ri~ ~ ~ Client Joe ~ye~ as located on ~ap ~atton ~t ~ 26 [~ta S - 19 -72 Project EAGLES NEST SUBDIVISION TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA 1- ~ ~' oRGANIC SILq~ OVERBURDEN t PERCOLATION DATA 5 - ~ SANDY ORAVE~ (GW) GW - $5 square feet of - required! · drainage surea 7 - ?.~ m~ bedroom 8 9 - 2: 10- $ GM - 225 square feet of · . Drainage ,_~ea required 11- $. SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) per bedroo~'. 12' ° _~~ 13' .~ ~i~h COBBLES 15- ~L 17' IMIT OF EXPLORATION 19-- 20-- 21-- 22-- 23' 2~- on t uet on fa ' "One t~st is worth a tkou~nd opin~ns" ~t ~rl~ ~ ~) Client Joe ~yes ~ located on map ~cation s6 Block 4 Data 8-~9-7~ Project EAGLES NEST SUBDIVISION TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA 1 --~ ORGANIC SILT OVERBURDEN 2-- h _ ~. F'ERCOLATION DATA 5 -- ~ SANDY GR~V~ (OW) OW - 85 square feet of 6 - . ~ drainage area required 7 -- ~.; per bedroom 8 10-' ~ G~ - 2~5 squ~re feet of · , Drainage area required SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (CS) per bedroo~ 11- ~. ~ with COBBLES 13~. lk- ~' 17- miT OF ~(PLCRATION~ --~O~~) ~9' 22- ~3- ~5 Client Mr. Joe Na~es Data 8-19- 72 Project EAGLES NE~T SUBDIVIS~0N TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA ORGANIC SILT OV]~RBURDEN IMIT OF EXPLORATION Teet ~ori~g # (J~ As Loca%ed o~ Map Location Block 5 Client D~ta Project R_lQ-72 FABLES NEST SUBDIVISION TEST BORi~ REPORT SOIL DESCRIFfION SAMPLE DATA 1 -~ O~LC SILT OVERBURDEN ' , 0 5 ~3 Mr. Joe Hayes 8-19-72 TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA ORGANIC SILT OVERBURDEN - .~ Boulders at hft. 1½ ft. Diameter Cobbles from 6 ft. to 1.~ ft. 6- INIT OF EXPLORATION .8- -9-- !O- .~1- .~2- -~3' -~5 PERCOLATION DATA GM - 225 square feet of Dr~lnage Area Requ per bedroor Data 8-10-7'2 Project Fa~J.~ NEST SUBDIVISION SOIL DESCRIPTION _z~ COre, SE SrnTY..S~rD:~ Om,VE~ _ OF EXPLORATION L-- 3- 5- 7' 9- 1- 2- SAMPLE DATA "One t~ ~t i~ ~:,~ r~tl a thrnl~mul rThdons" Elevation 15~0 Location TEST BORING REPOHT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA Very Coarse ,-;trios Gravel~ IJtt].e or no P.i. nes( ~U-GP ) ]xrt;e cobb]c Hole excavted to 10 feet only due to hole caving in, No bedrock found. "One ~es! is ~,mth a [$R20 TUDOR ROAD, ANGHORAGE, ALASKA 0950? · TELI~pHoNE 333-0472 ]B.evotion ] 660 Location op prcp~:se~t Client Data ~oJect q'RYCK, NY~,!,AN & }taYT:'f~ TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIFi'ION SAMPLE DATA 2 ~'/, Silty Sandy Gravel, large cobb]cs ' ,,~) Gravel !:;'~ 7 0 ]re'ge cooo].e., ~ arca rr,qt 'd) l'col',, n 10- ~ ~rock a~ 10 fee~. be 99efcrc.~ in .... 15- 19-- ~0- ~3- "011e test is worth a tholtsmld opillio.s" Test Boring E]evatton ]710 Location Block 2 lot ] 3 ~.ust TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPPION SAMPLE DATA nllic overbut'dotl Coarse oan, l~ ,pr0.vel, 1,~rge cobb]es (GW) of exploration No bedrock found Grave3 i-cat% 5ood draJn~En pi-ot~e, r t.~ cs 2 Test Boring # '-[ Client Location F,]cvat~i on 1 8]0 Data ~. I,et ~,.- Project jm.;t Es. st of Jeep 9-20-77' EAGLES TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA SiIty Sandy Gravel, ]arge cobbles Limit of Exploration No bedrock found 200 square feet of l~ain'_%e area required per bedroc, m for this l,','?: of 6fa?c] Test Boring Location F;] evation ] 000 Bloc}; 2 Iot 9 North side of lot below,A_~-', road TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA r../,' Or~:~n~ c Top.~ oil ., , 2- ~c-~ , 4 - (.oa_~'se ,:~.ndy Gravel, large cobb].e:; Thi~ gr;n,e] proper!;J e s. 6 - ~D' 85 nq,,.,..re", cat' dr~:iuo.f;c .,~c,~ ..... .~ required per t',cdrccm 8 9-~, 1~,~3 12- 14- ,~ 1~ Limit of t~ploration 17- No bedrock folmd 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24-- "One test is u, orth a thot*~a.d ot;i.lo.s" Test Boring # 'P /~ Location ~.te~ a,.lo,~ ]~00 lot 17 TRYCn, hY.,~A1. & Client Data 9-~O- Project EAGI,~f: TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE DATA 1 ~"'~/ Silty Sendy Gravel (OM) 4 ~.' o~mdy Gravel, Co,~rse (GW) ~5 s ...... 5 -:~ ~ requi>:ed per bedr,>o:n 6 _~ at minus 6 ft. 7 8- 9- 10- 11-- 12- 13- 14- 15- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21-- 22- 23~ "One test is u orth a tho~ s~ ,d ot~hdm~s ' Test Boring # ~f~ 7 Client Location }!'] cvatio~ ,] 580 Data B~ock 2 l~t tg ,.lon%. ~oJect scccss rer, d ]OOft. ih-om Test Hole TRYCK, NYMAII & ttAYES 9-2o Ff,,GLE~ TEST BORING REPORT SOIL DESCRIPPION SAMPLE DATA [~/~ Organic overburden 2 - Silty Sandy Gra+cl, Coarse ( OM ) , 5 - ~ .. Sandy Graval~ Coarse mixed with 1oo squ:~re feat draina/~e arc' ~. ,. layers of clean sand to ~inus roq~rcd per 7--~ 11 feet thm~ sandy gravel to 8 minus 14 feet. (sw a Gw ) 12- ¢~ 13- / 15- ~imit of ~ploration 17- No bedrock found 18- 19- 20- 21-- 22- O~erefor "0~ t~st is worth a thousand opinions" Sample ob~lne~ ~ ~% ~le ~ ' CI lent ~k, ~ & ~8 ~ ~6 Block ~ Project ~le8 ~t ~tviston ~-~ Pit COARSE INTERMEDIATE FINE SIEVE ANAL.¥SIS IIZ( OF TEST DATA Lot #1 I~t ~2 Lot ~3 not #~ Bedrock near the surface Bedrock near the surface Bedrock near the surface Bedrock near the surf~e Lot ~ 1 B~droc~ near the. surface I~t ,~ 2 Bedrock near t~e surface I~t ~ · B~dr0ck near the surface ~t ~ ~, ~dro~ f: ,~d in West ~ O' ]ot l~t ~' (~ N~ ~edrock foun.l Lot ? ~, 'D~droc',~ ft~un,t ~t ~ 5 No b~drock found Lot /; ~ No b~drock four, t Lot ~' 10 ~:lrc~'k near the~surface' ~t ~ ]1 }~drock n~ the surfac, lmt $ ]2 ~drock ne~ *he surface Test Hole in Cul de of Block 1 Test hole in NE corne~ q,s*. ,:!o]e In South Corne~ ',s+ qo]e in SE Corner~ qes% Hole in North half/~' Iot ~. 13 Bedrock found in West ha]f of lot. only B~K3 BLOCK LOt ~ 1 Lot #~ Lot #2 Lot #. No bedrock fo, md Bedrock f:~und in %outt. 1/3 of lot only Bedrock found in MW 1/4 of lot only No bedrock found No~kfo~ T~st Hole in NW Corne~ Test Hole in NW Corn~ TEST DATA ( cont. ) BIX)CK ~ ot.# 6 Lot ~7 Lot #8 No bedrock found Bedrock found in E. 1./3 of lot tn Gully Bedrock found in W. 1/2 of lot in fully Bedrock found lnW. 1'2 of lot in Gully Test Hole In NE 15 feet deep in Corne~ Lot ~' 0 lot :/ 10 I,ot $ 12 Lot ~ 1~ Bedrock in Center of lot in Gui ly No bedrock f,~und No bedrock Test Hole tn South Secti~ lledrock f~u;~d i_u W. ] ~o. of lot Bedr~',ck found near surface-Test Hole in East Section/3" Lot ~ 15 P, mJrock near t~- ~urface , , Lot ~/ 16 Bedrock found in W. ,al of lot LOt # 17, l'~, 19. 20, 2], 72 No bedroc~ Test Hole ~20 N. ?~ctio 'q~__~i"- LOt ~ P3 Bedrock found in NW Corner of lo? onJy Lot # 2~, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 No bedrock found Refer to map for additional information. Test Hole neaz center of indicates gravel plus 5 %~st Holes in # 24,26 &~x Lot # 26 bad 15 feet Gravel. UNSUSDIVIDED ~ N S U B D v D E D ®\ .f "'Z,,'TL~t'Q I / z_~ -/,.Z./ S'%'~' 'ii '