HomeMy WebLinkAboutIRMA TR B(0(NNet S,9 CI\lat.A 6 Tom Fink, Mayor unicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 June 1, 1994 David F. Malzac 1426 Old Glenn Highway Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Tract B Irma Subdivision Permit #SW930132, PID ~051-102-73 The subject permit, issued June 1, 1993 by this office for a single family well and/or on-site wastewater system, has expired as of June 1, 1994. A new permit must be obtained from this office for a well and/or on-site wastewater system NOT installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log must be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a licensed Professional Engineer has inspected the installation of the on-site wastewater system, the original as-built inspection report must be sent to this office for review, approval and documentation. All inspection reports must be submitted within 30 days of construction completion. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $320.00 for an on-site wastewater permit; $120.00 for a well permit and $440.00 for a combined on-site wastewater and well permit. If you have any questions, please call this office at 343-4744. Rober~ W. Robinson --~ Acting Program Manager On-site Services Copy of Permit cc: Constructing Engineers, Inc. PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW930132 DESIGN ENGINEER:CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS, INC. OWNER NAME:MALZAC DAVID F OWNER ADDRESS:14926 OLD GLEN HWY. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 DATE ISSUED: 6/01/93 EXPIRATION DATE: 6/01/94 PARCEL ID:05110273 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IRMA TR B LOT SIZE: 138153 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 THIS PERMIT: 3 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: o THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4329 OR 343-4681 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: RECEIVED BY: 0L HENRY WILSON 9601 BUDDY W£RNER DR.: ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 (907) 346-2000 Constructing Engineers Engineers, Surveyors CHARLES A, LANDERS HC83 BOX 192-A, MYRTLE DR. EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 (907) 694-9098 May 20, 1993 Municipality of Anchorage On-Site Services Division PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK, 99519 Attn: John Smith, P.E. re: Submittal for Septic Permit, Tract B Irma Sub Gentlemen: Attached are plans for a new wastewater absorption system for the subject lot. The lot previously had a soils tests performed which is the basis for the design. The original soils report does not mention water monitoring; we inspected the test hole site and found a monitoring tube installed. We found no water in the monitoring tube on May 14, 1993. The soils tests do not indicate a presence Of ground water, but the owner is wishing to be most conservative, and considering the history of ground water issues in the subdivision, he wishes to install a shallow bed system. Although the normal requirements for area around the test hole require 60' diameter coverage, and since the test hole is consistent with soil characteristics observed in this area, we ask for approval as shown on Drawing 93-S1-05-5. If you have any questions, please contact me at 694-9098. Respectfully submitted, Chuck Landers Constructing Engineers T~ SITE PLAN - WASTEWATER SYSTEM INSTALLATION SITE PLAN--PROPOSED ABSORPTION SYSTEM TRACT B IRMA SUBDIVISION PREPARED FOR: DAVE MA~ZAC 696-2783 14926 OLD GLENN HWY EAGLE RIVER, AK, 99577 SCALE: 1" = 100' CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS346-2000 9601 BUDDY WERNER DR 694-9098 ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 DRAWN BY CAL 5-15-93 DRAWING # 93-S1-05-5 ABSORPTION SYSTEM DESIGN DETAILS -- ABSORPTION AREA CALCULATIONS: 3 Bedrooms x 150gpd/bedroom = 450 gpd (soils rating : 0.3 gpd/sf) 450 gpd ~ 0.3 gpd/sf = 1500 sf area Bed design: use 30'W x 50'L bed (minimum) w/ 5 ea 4" perf pipes @ 6' centers, each 44' in length. IMPACT ON ADJACENT LOTS: This lot is served by a public water system. The proposed absorption system is located such that there is no adverse impact to any adjacent lot. There are no wells, private or public, within 200' of the proposed system. DESIGN DETAILS--PROPOSED ABSORPTION SYSTEM BED ABSORPTION SYSTEM TRACT B IRMA SUBDIVISION PREPARED FOR: DAVE MA~ZAC 696-2783 14926 OLD GLENN HWY EAGLE RIVER, AK, 99577 NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY CAL CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS3&6-2000 9601 BUDDY WERNER DR 694-9098 ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 5-15-93 DRAWING # 93-S2-05-5 i., ; ' ' ? UNII. IPALITY OF ANCHORAGE '! · ,'e' ~.~. DE~AR~MENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONI~ENTAL PRO~EChON PERCOLA rlON '~ 825 g 8treel, Anchorage, Alaska 9~501 264-4720 j~ ~ SOLES 'LOG ~ ~E"COLATION TEST :~ , PERFORMED FOR: ~~ ~'~ T" " COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: WASORO...WATE. ENCOUNTERED? ! 'lr '~' L -- -- IF YES, AT WHAT E ,~,~/ :~/~ '1 I I I I I I J I_J I R~ad n Da e Gross Net ~ De th to N l lfOO ,Zo /J y PERCOLATION RATE ~ 0 (minutes/inch MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division r CASE NUMBER: $-8037 DATE RECEIVED: February 27, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 1 - 4 Irma Subdivision ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS DUE BY: March 18, 1985 ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: Maclnnis Consulting Services March 1 S, 1985 Municipality of Anchorage Health & Environmental Protection Department Environmental Health Division 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 99501 2519 Crestwood Street Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 272-9384 office (907) 276-0671 home ATTN: Susan Oswalt RE: Preliminary Plat Review - Irma Subdivision, Tract B Dear Susan: I submited a preliminary plat'for Irma Subdivision, Tract B to the Planning Department on February 25, 1985. It is my understanding that this plat will be reviewed in March and will be on the April Platting Board agenda. I have reviewed my files on the project and noticed that I neglected to include a copy of the Certificate to Construct from the State for the proposed "Class C" well with the submittal information. A copy of the Certificate to Construct for the proposed "Class C" on Tract B, Irma Subdivision is attached to this letter for your use. I indicated on the preliminary plat the potential locations of three septic drain areas for each lot. Unfortunately, when the blueline copies were made these drain areas were faded and difficult to read (and I didn't have the time to have them copied over.) If you need a better copy of the preliminary plat showing the septic drain areas, please call me at 276-1505. I will be happy to provide you with the necessary information. Sincerely, oject Manager IBLIC~WAT. ER iSYSTEM,~ (Rev. 11183) DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 February 26, 1985 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 Cooperative Building Services, Inc. P.O. Box 774369 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Class C Well, Tract B, Irma Subdivision Peters Creek, Alaska (8521-FA-139) Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. Enclosed with this letter is a "Certificate To Construct" for the drink- ing water system. The "Approval to Operate" section of the certificate must be completed by a representative of this Department prior to placing the system in operation. It should be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submission of Engineer As-Built Plans. This will consequently mandate that a private professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as-built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Any future expansion of subject project will require additional approval from this office. Si ncerely, q ~v~o~;eEn~ga; [;Egineer SWE/msm ENCLOSURE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVALS SEWER & WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS SEWER & WATER INSPECTION SYSTEM DESIGN WELL INSPECTION & FLOW TEST SITE PLANS ROAD OESIGN SOIL TEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN --'"r'~.'r~ClNI-AL PRO/ECTIO~t CIVIL ENGINEEH 694-2979 August 4, 1985t~U~ 6 1~bL. RECEIVED REFERENCE: Irma Subdivision; Tract B; Case No. ~O3~ It is our understanding that a member of the planning and zoning board had some concern for the soil test submitted with the application for the referenced subdivision. These concerns were primarily related to the time of the year that the soil test had been obtained. I also understand that you have some concern for the percolation rate obtained on Lot 1 and 2 and have also requested monitoring for water during the summer months. Attached are copies of the original soil logs anotated to reflect monitoring results during the last week in July and the first few days of August. We have also performed a percolation test on Lots 1 and 2 with the absence of frost and have found the percolation rate to be better than originally anticipated. We would also anticipate better percolations on Lots 3 and 4 and would recommend that new soil logs and percolation tests be performed for each on-site waste water disposal system at the time these lots are developed. If we may be of further service, please contact us. S i n oe~r~l y/ . cc: Jim McInnes South Fork Construction SRB 196X EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 ATTENTION: Susan Oswalt Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST TEST PERFORMED FOR: 6 ENCOUNTERED7 IF YES, AT WHAT E DEPTH? SITE PLAN 8 :9 10- 11 12 13 14~- 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79)' , I Gross' Net '" ?Depth to ReadingI Date . Net %me T!me ~, Water Drop hb~rt A. Shaft No. PERCOLATION RATE (mi~ote~/inch TEST RUN BETWEEN -- , FTAND .DATE: (ENGINEER'S SEAL) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT ~ DEFTH? p E Depth lo Water After Monitoring? Date: SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop TEST RUN SETWEEN "~ FT AND ~ FT PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~LOPE PERCOLATioN TEST 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19~ 20- ~,ber~ A, sharer DATE pERFoRMED: SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ~.~ [ O ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT Reading Date Time Time Water Drop · '- PERCOLATION RATE ~O Iminutes/inch) '"' ' Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL) PERFORMED FOR: -~'~, /~,"~-~-~ /~'/'*"/',.[ ~ DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E Depth to Water Alter Monitoring? Date: SLOPE SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop z.- t:~ , .~ ~a/~. ~ ,/, ,. No. PERCOLATION RATE Z ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND ~ FT PERFORMED BY: I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 IRev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6- 8~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG-- PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE ~ :PERCOLATION TEST DATE PER FO"ME D: '~,.+'~"Y~-- SITE PLAN '' ' WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net · Time Time Water Drop - I.~-~;~;' x'z,~- ' / ' .2__ I.' Y~ /30 ' ' ~ /~ /~ .2' ' /.' ~ ~1~ 1't ~ ' '~ ' PERCOLATION RATE . TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND (minutes/inch) '~'"~'"--' FT 72-008 (6/79) PERFORMED FOR: LEGALOESCRIPTIoN: 1 2 4- 7 0- 14 17 20 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ::: ':::~' :!:": DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION '¥i;, ~: PERC~', ~ ;-:'~ : TEST 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 : ;,.:: :i : ;~ -:~;: ' : SOLES LOG -~ PERCOLATION TEST Ne. // ? M/Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date - Time Time Water Drop {minutes7 rich ; ~ .,/ / //"