HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOMECREST Miscellaneous InformationHorne Crest S/0 15C Ja~uary 23, 1978 Jim Swing, Director Department of PubIio Works F~nvironmenaal Services Manager Departme~lt Of Health and Environmental Protection Home=rest Sub~ivision Notre of Health Hazard Declaration of Public Nuisance The attached not~ce of healthhe~ard and notice of public nuisance is the result of investigation of the on-site sewer systems in this sub~ivision and the high water table as reflectea by the stud}- done by U.S.G.S. Results of the study done by t~s office and U.S.G.S. are attached. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at2B~4-4720. Joseph S. Blair, E~vironmental Services Manager JSB/lJh attachments January 17, 1978 Robert(Bert) A. Hall THRU: Director Environmental Services ~4anager Roll R. Strickland, Environmental Engineering Manager Homecrest Subdivision Sewage Disposal Review of %his area as a result of on-site inspections, neighborhood surveys ~d the report of UsS.G.S. water level data. (Observation well on east end of Peck. Avenue) reflects a ~erious health hazard potential. A propose~ L.I.D. in the fall of 1977 was unsucess~ul. This office is very concer~e~ with this area as it has a very. high water table, as demonstrated by the U.S.G.S, test wells. The continu~ use of individual on-site sewage disposal systems discharging into this water table presents a very serious possibility of the spread of water borne disease. ~t is the r~ommendation of this office that Homecrest Subdivision be declared a health hazard and all necessary effort b~ made to provide c~m%unity sewer to this subdivision. Location of public sewer is in c~se proximity to the area and could be extended. Sewer Utility Engineeri~g has already prepared a propose~ plan for extension. If there are any further questions, please contact me at 4725. Joseph S. Blair, R. So Enviro~mental Services Manager JS~/ljh January 12, 1978 Flor~ee or Brenda or Nancy ~nv~onme~tal Services Manager ~fund for Two(2) Well and On-site Sewer Permits L~t 7 Block 27 Homecrest Sub~ivision %77837 Lot 8 Block 27 ~ome=rest Sub~ivision %77838 The request~ for the attached copies of the permits was dire=te~ to obtain the permits by this department~hbut investigation, subsequent to the issuance of the permits, reflected ~onditions that were previously unknown would preclude the installation of the on-site se~ers at these locations. Reimburs~ent of the amount of the permits should be made. If there are any further questions, please contact me at ~xtension 4725. Joseph S. Blair, R.S. Environmental Services Manager 4SB/ZJh attachments: copies of both permits . t- ALASKA /'-'.,I~4UNICIPALIT~ OF AI,ICHOP. AGE LAND DEVELOPMENT SER/, £S I~N~, ~ HEatH & 4546 Business Park Blvd. EN~IRON~NT~ PROTE~ION ANCHORAGE, A~SKA 99503 SEP 0 1977 TO t ' GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ,~;~tached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings /[] Prints [] Plans [] Samples Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval .,~ For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Resubmit__ [] Submit copies for approval copies for distribution [] Returned for corrections [] [] Return corrected prints 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO. UNITED STATES ~ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY D~b Wabr level l~to Water level Dab ]1 Water level l~b Water level ~/~3 6,37 4/z3 7.70 [/,~ /o/zz gee t977 q/o 7. go · WATER RESOURCES DIVISION GROUND WATER BRANCH WATER LEVELS IN OBSERVATION WELLS ' "' ' At anti o~ Peck Avenue~ app~oximatel~ 1/3 ~le east o~ Nulfloon Aoa~. ~, Sec. 13, · 13 fl, R 3 ~. D~ille~ ~n ~eb~ua~y 1976 as USGS wate~ le~el o~se~vation well to ~eplace well ~-1137 (~est~oye~ &n 1972). D&ameLe~ 2', hole ~illeA ~o 30', sc~eene~ 27-30 ~eet; ~ ~s to~ o~ 2" ~ipe,' 1.5 ~eet a~ve ls~ (lan~ su~aee ~at~m). 272 ~eeL (g~om 2' contou~ tope maps). R~:~ av~l~lo March 1976 .Water l~ol in fe~t below land surface datm DATE I SIGNED I~edi~rorm e 4S 469 ~,Poly Pak (50 se~sl 4P469 S,END PARTS I AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACT. PART 3 WILL BE RE~URNED WITH REPLY. ® ® ® ® ~LJBDiVID~L~ ® @ ® ~ O ~J N ,O,~ ,~ Y Tax Are~ode ® @ ®