HomeMy WebLinkAboutRABBIT CREEK Lots 4-10 CU81-27A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEE:T L7 PLATTING BOARD ~ PLANNING & ZONING -~ASE NUMBER NAME CU-81-27A A request for final approval of a conditional -~-A~ E~Tv E ~ December 21, 1981 use to permit a commercial recreation use in COMMENT TO PLANNING BY December 30, 1981 the PLI zone. FOR MEETING OF CASE OF ~ PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA / ~21 PUBLIC SEWER NO7 AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA . 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) A ~-equesk to rezone approximateAy to A rec~uest to amend Title 21 to RETURN COblblE~,~'FS TO: Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 .Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 acres from request for concept/ -i~n~2 approval of a conditional request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for CO?.!HENTS: D!STR!3UT!O}I: S~. bl~;,D DISTRIBUTION · 'x~ . w ..- - ,~ SOUTH PARK ~ rTAIN PLACE 9 Dr FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE USE Date Rt~ce, iv. ed~ !~ - 1 '2 ~ ¢<] I Rece,ved by ~Ibt~ Verilic~tion of Ownership Assembly P.H. Dale -- Approved Denied I. The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality el Anchorage for final approval of: check one YCC{} new conditional use ( ) amendment to a conditional use II. Description: (use additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use Lots 4 through 10, Block 2, Rabbit Creek Subdivision Ill. Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area 8.37 acres Current zoning of the petition area PLI Present ownership of the petition area Private/Mrs, Kenneth E. Calhoon (Laura Lee) Application Information: (use additional paper if necessary) ~-~5, Section Section or subsection of ordinance under which conditional use is authorized ~46, Sect±on D 21.40.020 PLI/Publlc ~ds and Insti~tions District:. Explain the planning object ives to be achieved, i ncl udi ng a description of the character of the proposed development and an explanation of the factors that determined the particular scheme proposed Please see Att:acbment "A" Provide the starting and completion dates for construction {for each phase, if applicable) Core facility is complete in and of itself. Perhaps~ if ~ney pm~J_ts, a tennis court will be added one day. Provide a statement of intent as to final ownership O~vner will lease to Anchorage Creative Living Center~ a not-for-profit Alaskan corporat:ion. IV. Conditional Use Findings: (use additional paper if necessary) A resol ution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findi rigs. Explain I~ow your proposal satisfies these findings. a. lhat the proposed construction nod use of the conditional use ',viii not be detrimental to the general welfare of the community P].ease see Attactm~nt "B" II, at the conditional use meets the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning regulations Please see Attac~nt "B" tl~at there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and water supply to serve the proposed conditional use Please see Attact~nent "B" d. that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district Please see Attaclm~ent "B" that the use or uses proposed are appropriate to the character of the area in which the project will be located Please see Attachment "B" that the development will not have a substantial negative aesthetic effect on the locale of the project Plea.~e s¢~ Ai~P~r'htro_nl- "B" that the conditional use is in accordance with tl~e Comprehensive Plan __ Please see Attaot~tmnt "g" that the proposed use will not subject surrounding properties and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditions Please see Attac~rc~nt "B" At least 18 copies of a detailed site plan must be submitted with the application. The site plan must show: - vicinity map showing the proposed development in relation to surrounding development, streets and utililies - topography sbowing contours at 10' intervals (if applicable) - exact location of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) - existing and proposed vehicular access circulation and parking, storage, service, and loading areas (it applicable) - any pedestrian circulation - any fencing, landscaping, and buffering VI. Petitioner's Agreement: I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray tho costs of bandling and investigation of this applicalion and Ihe cost of the necessary hearings by Iho Planning Commission; and that payment of lbo fee(s) does not entitle me to, nor does it assure approval of this application, and that no refund of the fee(s) will be made. I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm that I am the true and legal property owner or the authorized agent thereof for the property subject herein. Laura Lee Calhoon (Mrs. Kenneth E. ) ' U TH O,WNER(S) OF THE SRA Box 20L~L, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 ADDRESS PHONE NO. If applicant is not owner o[ the properly: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT" DATE ADDRESS PHONE NO. DATE 276-1333 Office/Message 344-7463 (Hc~e) · 11 more than one owner or if more than one parcel is involved, attach all signat~Jres on separale piece o¢ paper identifyin~ which parcels are owned by which persons. 'Written aulhorization el Ihe property owner musl be submilted wilh Ihis application if the applicanl is other than the owner. Attachr~nt A Ill. Application Information Explain the Pi~q.N~ING OBJECTIVES to be achieved, including a description of l]-~ CI~%RAUfER of the PROPOSED DEV~OPY~f and an explanation of !7~ FACTORS '~LiT DE.~.~INED 'I/tE PAKTICtrLAII SCiHi?.~ PROPOSED. 1) PLANNING O?~ECTIVES: SANCTU~/IY, "a wm~n's place,"would pro~_de a year-round opportunity for won~n to participate in a retreat for womm~ who need and want to gain~mre control over their living environment, their health, a~d their work. The retreat would offer its women participants an oppor- tunity :for re-creation and informal education in a worth-defined space. SANCTUARY would serve as a "Day CaR~" for adult women of all persuasions, a "Teaching Center for All Faiths," a "Big" Girl's CI~ of Anchorage. SANCTUARY is a center dedicated to creating a more productive way of life. It has been conceived and developed on the basic pren~ise that this can best be achieved through the development and maintenance of an alert mind in a sound body'. To paraphrase the philosophy of SANCTUARY, we have adopted the theme of "Let It Begin WithMe" and have dedicated ourselves to helping indT~iduals realize their own maxinumpotential. S~igCTUARY, unprecedented both physical]_y and philosophically, integrates ... on a single site ... a beautiful, blending of: 1) an Executive Conference Center 2) a posh Health & Beauty Spa 3) a Wellness Institute/Fit-ness Center 4) an Outdoor Leadership School/Outward Botmd Program 5) the Pacific Institn~te Progra]]s("Achieving Your Potential" and New Age Thinking for Achieving Your Potential") 6) a World Class Resort/Retreat/~,~de Ranch Yne uniqueness of SANCTUARY lies in the totality of these complimentary cor~gonents v~ich share its beautiful, heavily-wooded, scenic, serene and secluded "cempus." ~is nearly 10-acre Camp I)avid-like compound abuts an 80-acre PLI "forest preserve" (Municipality of Anchorage-owned), effectively creating a'~ almost 90-acre retreat. It's country., confort wrapped in wilderness with an an~ience all its own. And all of this is within r~inutes of major metropolitan areas of Anchorage. Additionally, this wilderness educational, recreational, conference and gro~,gh center lies at the base of the fourth (4th) largest state park in the United States: The Chugach State Park,' 495,000 acres of scenic splendor set like a jewel in Alaska's necklace of magnificent mountain ranges and well-within the reach of participants of S~iqCTUARY's "Outdoor Wilderness ,Ex?eriences." S~ergistically speJ~, SANCTUARY embodies the most comprehensive concept ever developed for the improvenmnt of the quality of women's lives. In every sense, SANCTUARY is a "school" of and for the future, with a coranit- ment to teaching and learning more dynamic lifestyles. Attact~nent A (Continued) -2- SANCTUARY, then, is a "school" designed to provide programs to help individuals pursue greater potentials and achieve a better quality of life. It is the belief of the founder that the informed, involved, fit individual will be a contribution to the overall, all-encompassing Alaskan and American way of life and will strive to preserve the freedonm we now enjoy through ou~ private/free enterprise system. SANCTUARY is a place "away from it all ... a place for healing, health and happiness." (k~r philosophy has been taken from an old Bodhisattva attit-ude that translates as follows: "We shall become as magical persons to create a situation in which all beings are happy and free from suffering." A fra~md quotation that hangs on the wall of our classroom sets the tone for the many educational activities that take place on the property: "Peace be unto thee stranger, enter and be not afraid. We have left the gate open and thou are welcome to oum home. There is room in our house for all. We have swept the hearth and lighted the fire. The room is warm and cheerful and you will find comfort and rest within. The table is laid and the fruits of Life are spread before thee. The wine is her also, it sparkles in the light. We have set a chair for you where the sunbeams dance through the shade. Sit and rest and refresh your soul. Eat of the fruit and drink of the wine. Ail, all is yours, and you are welcome." ... Ernest Holmes CHARACTER of the PROPOSED DEVELOP~2~T: S~NCTUARY, "A Womgn's Place," would be, in every sense, "the nearest faraway place." It is a singularly-spectacular women's body/mind retreat/feminine fitmess farm/ center for health enhancement ... cloistered only in the sense of its seclusion. It is an educational, recreational, conference and personal growth center for today's active Alaskan women; women from all walks of life who want to "get it together," women who want to look better, feel better, function better and BE better. These things are accomplished through rest, exercise, proper diet and some of the world's most phenomenally-successful, internationally-acclaLn~d programs in esteem-building and self-image psychology ever developed. It offers the Alaskanwomen a retreat for her body, mind and spirit ... a "sane asylumTM from the hurly-burly of the all too populous world and a tranquil alternative to the giddyingly high-paced activity of the everyday Alaskan lifestyle. The developer has ~qo abiding concerns: 1) Maintaining its ~eaceful, quiet solitude and 2) preserving its unspoiled mountain refug_9_. An item worthy-Of note is this: If it is not possible to continue with plans for this educational, recreational, conference and personal gr~gth center because of oppositon from whatever camps, it will be necessary that the o~mer further develop this 8.37 acres into sh~gle and/orn~lti-family &veiling units. We would prefer that it be used for the purposes described above and belmq. However, it nmst be a financially sound endeavor and supported by the co~unity or the acreage will have to be developed for residential uses. The aim and major tlnmust is to provide a magnificent private enclave, a safe space where women are not n~rely indulged, but xdnere their awareness of themselves as they Attachment A {Continued) -3- relate to the world would be raised. %%ere are a gr~h~g n~ber of women's retreats sprinkled across the United States, some of ~nich are church sponsored, others have been developed by women who have felt an ever-grow~hng need for such women-defined space as their activity within the home, business and world col~nunity heightens. In Athol, New York there's "A Woman's Place;" in St. Augustine, Florida, there's "The Pagoda;" there's '~illow" in Napa, Califom~ia; "Sassafrass" in Fayettevill, Ar[~nsas; '~.~o Faun" in Estacade, Oregon, and the list goes on and is growh~g daily, lhq}ically, these retreats are consciousness-raising, center-of-the-cyclone kinds of places that seem to revive pleasant thoughts of a quieter, here tranquil bygone era and express a sense of order and serenity which fills a real and deep-seated need for women in the fast-paced, ever-ch,anging world in which we live. A retreat acts as a centering device to bring its participants back on track as well as to nournish the soul/spirit. 'Fnemailing of a "needs assessment questionaire" brought in excess of 500 replies ... coupons for more infornmtion, s~rt and lenthy letters, ~ld telephone calls ... from all over the State of Alaska ... some of them from as far away as Kodiak, Juneau, Tok, Talkeetna, Valdez~ Seward and Kenai. Unsolicited letters have come from Whitehorse, Y~on Territory and Niles, Michigan. (Available for viewing by A~NYON~upon request.) Ail women who replied e~}ressed the need for and have sung the praises of a"great idea whose time has come." Ail have been m est anxious to ~articipate in the many programs that could be made available to women. The individuals who have been invited (and have viewed) the property with an eye to its potential as a site for a women's retreat, have come away nearly overwhelmed not only by its positive potential for the women of Alaska~ but also because of its breathtakingly-beautiful, quiet and peaceful solitude sorely needed by so many women tod~y. In addition to the variety of the proposed on-site activities~ SANCTUARY could provide a "jumping-off place" for a broad spectrum of out-of-doors activities both on and off the property ... much as the Out-ward Bound program and The National Outdoor Leadership School. Women are becomingmore and more action-oriented. They are interest not merely in the absense of sickness or mental anguish, the9 seek high level wellness and it mmny-splendored benefits in every facet of their many-faceted, fast-paced lives. Physical activity, it has been proven, brings inner strength and peace ... something all human beings strive for but seldom find. FACTORS DETERMINEqGT~ PROPOSED SCHEME The developer has lived and worked in Anchorage for nearly 15 years and has, herself, felt a very real need for the kind of retreat she has desi~ed. Because of the sense of isolation women sometimes feel here in Alaska ~.. ~allz those women who~ because of time and/or financial constraints, can't get~'Outslde~ as often as they might l~e ... it's ling been the feeling of the developer tb~t during those long, dark, dreary days of winter when "Cabin Fever" has us by the throat, wo~en need a place like S~CTUARY to run away ~. A special space where they could go for a day ... or several days ... to--relax, reconnect, get recharged. Sometimes a simple clm~nge of pace and place is all that's necessary to get us through "the uglies," perhaps to save a child being abused, or from alcohol or drugs being abused. On those occasions, wemight refer to S~qCTUARY as "the SANE ASYLUM." Attachment A (Continued) -4- A broad spectrum of positive gr~,gh e~oerience have been planned and have gained acceptm~ce and enthusiastic support from the women with v~om we've co~xm in contact. There is a complete void on the Alaskan scene for a facility such as ST~NCTUARY. The wonm of Alastm are "starved" for the variety, scope and depth of the programs that would be made available to them at SANCTUARY. The nearest sin~lar activities are thousands of miles away and almost completely out of reach for the majority of Alaska's women. ~e women of Alaska are on the move ... constantly. ~ey are movers and sh~ers, policy shapers and money mail,ers. They are active and conce~ned citizens. ~ney control a tremendous ~nount of net spendable income. 7he "Sleeping Beauty"~,~thin them has been awakened here, just as it has throughout the world. Women are where it's happening, ~Tnere it's at. 2]~eir voraciou~ appetites for self-knowledge and self-improvement have only been whetted. ST~CTUARY would offer not only an oppor- tunity for women to begin recognizing their treme~dously-powerfml and ir~erent good qualities but mould serve to enhance those qualities for use in the home, the connmmity, the business world, the national scene and worldwide. But ... the upward spiral of all this new-found freedom and activity s~netimes leaves women feeling lost, un-grounded, depressed and sorely in need of a safe space for centering themselves and learning to cluster their activities so as not to "burn out." For these reasons, we have designed a snmll invitation to potential participants in the retreat and its should we be successf~l in our bid for approval for the Conditional Use Zoning for which we are applying. It reads: A PLACE AWAY FROM IT AIJ,. A Place for Healing, Health and Happiness Far From theM adding Crowd. If your hectic lifestyle seems to have run awaywith you, or if you find that alcohol, drugs, food or smoking threaten to become necessities for coping, you may want to consider a visit to SANCTUARY. S~NCTUARY is a unique retreat facility for womenwith inordinate stress from private, professional, social or creative conmi~nents. S~NCTUARY is set in a beautifully tranquil atmospbere of a fully- restored former horse ranch just minutes from downtown Anchorage. In addition to superior medical and counseling services as well as a broad spectrum of experiential classwork, a number of health- restorative and recreational options ... such as yoga, jogging, swinrning, hot tubbing, massage, sauna ... are integral parts of our high level wellness program. For further information, please write or call. So, then, the "Upping of Wonmn" is the name of our "game." And the game is played to an old, old Peggy Lee tune that goes "You've Got Possibilities You Don't Even Know You've Gotl" SANCTUARY will salute and proclaim the competence and dynamism of the Alaskan woman. Then, like the proverbial pebble in the pool, the ever-vgdening, far-reaching rip~les that go out from "centered women will be carried into the ms~iad of her life s activities: her home, her business, and the ~,~orld at large. Attachment to ~2NAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION "B" IV. Conditional Use Findings.: "... that the ]proposed construction and use of the conditional use will not be detrimental to the general~welfare of ~e com~aity.." Quite the contrary. This retreat for adult women will be a positive force in the community in that it will afford women the opportunity for year round pgrticipation in fitness activities of all kinds on a daily basis: Physical, psychological (mental/emotional) and spiritual. In essence, it will be as a "non-religious cloistered convent" in the sense of its almost total seclusion, quiet serenity and the nature of the physical fitness and self-actualization programs available to its participants. b. "... that the conditional use meets the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning regulations ." Lieder Section 21.40.020 PLI - Public l~nds and Institutions District, #6, category. "D", "Cc~ditional Uses," page 21-67, M~micipality of A~chorage "L~nd Use Regulations," "Recreation uses, including cormmrcial recreation uses for a period of time to be determined by the Planning Commission." As a women's retreat/feminine fit-mess farm/women's wellness center; as an educational, recreational, conference and personal growth center for adolt wonmn in the Anchorage community ... as well as attracting women from throughout the state (as attested to by a survey conducted in March/April 1980) ... this facility will not only meet but will exceed "the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning regulations." c. "... that there are adequate existing sewage capacity, trm~sportation facilities, energy supply and water supply ~ ~serve the proposed conditional use." "Adequate existing sewage capacity:" Private or~ site septic system and leech field. ~Entire area is extre~ mely grave~ based. "Adequate transportation facilities: Participants in this woman's retreat will be bused, as a group, to the property and rett~ned tQ their point of departure at the end of each day's activities. "Adequate energy, supplies:" Natural gas supplied by Anchorage Gas Co. 'Ada<tuate water np~Ry~ Supplied by~' on-site well with new pump d. "... that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district." Reference category D6, Section 21.40.020, PLI, page 21--67, "Land Use Regulations" Municipality of Anchorage, 1 January 1981: designated areas may be used for recreation purposes, inclu¢ling cowmarcial uses for a -1- Attachment to FL~%L CONDITI01%% USE APPLICATIO~.~ (Continued) -2- period of t~ne to be deteu~ined by the Planning Conmission. Please Note: Let the record reflect that the petitioner wishes to ave a ~er~od of thee to be determined by the Planning_ Co~nission" define~-~o~-~ ~pecifically. ". that the use or uses proposed are appropriate to the character of ~e area in which the project ~rill be located." All activity will take place inside the core facility or on the private property as described above ... and vzill be quiet by virtue of its natore. The activity will NOT be detr~nental to the surrounding area as the property is in a "remote site.TM The 8.37 acres included in this property abuts an 80-acre parcel zoned PLI and owned by the Municipality of Anchorage. Until recently, the ~kmicipality had planned to use that 80-acre site as well as to-be-acquired private properties along Rabbit Creek for the proposed "Rabbit Creek Green Belt." 1]hat plan, at least for the time being, seems to have been "shelved" by the Municipality Parks and Recreation Planning section. 7~at It would seem to the petitioner/developer that what was appropriate for the Mm~icipality of ~chorage could/would not be suddenly inappropriate for his proposed recreational and educational use. "... that the development will not have a substantial negative aesthetic effect on the locale of the project." It will have no negative aesthetic effect whatsoever as everything will remain virtually untouched. There will be no new constuction in the forseeable future e~xcept for a proposed tennis court and possibly a putting green ... and those only if money permits. All activity will be quiet in nature and will tske place on the property itself. Nothing will be added or removed. As otherwise noted, this property because of its value has been next to impossible to sell in the past. Its present appraised value mz~es it nearly impossible to market at this point in time as well. If this conditional use application is denied, it seems the only course open to the owner/developer is to build single or multi-fsmily residential housing on the acreage in or to accomplish its highest and best use. g. "... that the conditional use is in accordance vgth the Comprehensive Plan." As the developer understands the Cor~nprehensive Plan, this area was to have been used for the Rabbit Creek Green Belt. In in the event that one day that plan is resorrected, there is no reason that the Municipality of Anchorage could not negotiate the purchase of the property to be used as a Community Recreational Center .,. which is virtually the sa~e use for which the present owner is petitioning. "... that the proposed use ~ill not subject surrounding properties and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditions," 15/25 adult women per day (average as plamned) will be transported to the proposed facility by means of a mini-bus/v~. 1]nero would probably be one AM arrival and one PM departure. This property is at the end of a quarter- mile private road. In the nearly three (3) years the property has been o~ned by the petitioner, except for an occasional "hand" g~ven by t~o or three neighbors on the lane, the petitioner has bo~e the e~®¢~nse of road grading ~d snow clearing ... in part due to the fact that her property is at the "end" of the lane it was of vital necessity that she keep the road in co~paritively good shape in order to even get to thc property. 7he petitioner might mention here that she and her h~sband's residence, on Longhorn Drive in the Hillside area, is on the nmin road to the Chugach State Park. For nearly 12 years they and other homeowner's in the area bore the expense and the "nuisance" of having motorists use "their road" to gain access to the park. 1]~is common, t, only by way of noting that I understand the consternation of opposing neighbors. However, the traffic on ~r (~n Irene would not NEARLY reach the proportions she, her h~mband and neighbors are confronted with as motorists drive to and from the Chugach State Park. DETAIl,D) SITE PLAN --l~ Vicinity Map: Included ~z[th Conditional Use Application 2) Topo Map: To be furnished by the Municipality Planning & Zoning Dept. Exact location of all buildings & structures: No As-Built Survey exists. Owner has portrayed, as best she could, the location of buildings as they exist on the property. Proportions, of course, are not ex~ct. 4) Vehicular Access and Parking: Access will be from Our O~n L~e. Ample (acres[) parking is available on the property, off the street. Pedistrian Circulation: There is no pedistrian traffic. Z~e property being petitioned, as noted~ lies at the end of a short, private road. The onl- noticeable pedistrian traffic would be anyone out for a walk along the lane. Fencing, landscaping and buffering: Would remain as is. The only existing fencing at this time is around the barn area and is typical of a well-designed corral. There is a very large gate to the bamyard area, allowh~g for off-street parking within the ~arnyard. landscaping, except for large expanses of lawn, will remain in its natural state which is typical of the entire area along the creek and the north side of Our Own Lane. Fo 0 ~q ~J oq ~h~ _~ ~ .~.~::.!~::G~':'¥~':~ . ..~ ...........~.~.:.:.:.~-- i j --~j :,:,:,:i_~:~..N~::...:', ..... ~ .. ,~{. ,~. ~ ~ ........~.,~...:.~... ,,~ ~[~,~/,',/~ .......:,~..~,........,. .... ...... .... ~ _ ..:.:., .:...:.:.:.:.:.: _ _a_,p~,~- 7~ ::::: !:::::i:i:i:i:i: '~F - - ,:.. 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ROAD - I ' NORTH ~OUTH PA R K O_r___ ~ PARK Dr MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FNVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Divig~on-~ CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-7850 DATE RECEIVED: August 29, 1984 COMMENTS DUE BY: September 17, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots 4A, 5A, Block 2 ~nd Tract A Rabbit Creek Subdivision PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE ( ! ! ') PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: