HomeMy WebLinkAboutMT MCKINLEY VIEW ESTATES Soil Report for Allinger S/D SE4 of SE4 of Section 2Iii si/) SOIL REPORT FOR ALLINGER SUBDIVISION SE~ of SE¼ of Sec. 2, TllN, R3W Seward Meridian, Alaska Prepared by, Robt. M. Retherford Consulting Geologist 3319 W. 86th Anchorage, Alaska May 20, 1973 Mr. Leroy Allinger Birch Road Anchorage, Alaska RE: Soil Testing-Allinger Subdivision Dear Mr. Allinger, The following report includes a description of the soil type and its general occurrence, ~brief discussion of the bedrock geology, copies of U.S.G.S. well schedules taken from nearby localities, copies of field logs com- piled on May 5th, and a map showing soil thickness and proposed seepage field and well locations. As field logs indicate, soil type was quite uniform over the entire area ranging from medium sands to coarse gravels. For the purposes of the G.A.A.B., the soil may be classified either GW or SW depending on the predominant fraction. The most abundant single soil type was sandy gravel and this was fbund in almost every test hole. The soil is mainly derived from glacial drift with a predominance of well rounded graywacke and greenstone cobbles in the upper parts of the soil profile. In the lower portions of the profile, angular weathered bedrock fra~nents become more abundant and all fractions coarsen. Soil depths in this area probably never exceed fif- teen feet and are therefore shallow in relation to many Page 2 other developed areas within %he G.A.AoB. For this reason it was felt that a map showing soil thickness would be of value. Please refer to Map ~1. The accuracy of soil depth contours varies with the distance from known bedrock ex- posures and test borings. In general, it can be said to be accurate to ±1.5 feet, except along the north side of the ridge where accuracy may be only ±3 feet.~ From discussions with Mr. Cherry (Sanitary Engineer- State of Alaska) and others it seems feasible to construct adequate sewage disposal facilities on an individual home owner basis provided lot sizes are not too small. Conven- tional seepage pit installations, common in the Anchorage area may not be adequate on some of the lots, however it is proposed that properly designed and placed seepage fields, conforming to G.A.A.B. Dept. of Environmental Quality regulations, can be successful in disposing of effluent over a long time interval. Three favorable positions are shown for each lot on Map~l as well as compatible well site locations. No water tables were encountered in any of the test borings and there are no localities which look.poorly drain- ed or appear suitable for formation of a perched water table. The bedrock of the area is part of the McHugh Complex (se~ Clark '72, U.S.G.S. Hap ~ 350) and is primarily meta-' clastic. The weathered exposures~on this particular property indicate that much of the terrain Page 3 is probably metaarkose and metagraywacke. The bedrock is sheared along planes that dip westward at about 76 degrees(also Clark,'72). This shearing causes a ~elatively permeable bedrock unit as evidenced by a small spring issuing from a fracture in the bedrock along the southern side of the ridge. Further evidence of permeability comes from a successful 101 foot well drilled into bedrock about 500 feet west of this prop- erty (see U.S.G.S. Well Schedule ~3). Because topography rises to the east, the position of well sites should be in an easterly direction from seepage fields. This is also favorable positioning from the standpoint of bedrock shear- ing. Since shearing in bedrock tends to dip westward, wells located eastward of seepage fields should be in no danger of contamination. Respectfully submitted, Robt. M. I " .... ' C'I LOG OF TEST BORING O. te Beg.n -~7/:5--///~5 R & M ~ Hole No. / De-;'e Completed Engineering end Geological .Sheet Rig No. ~/¢ ~/~.¢ ~¢¢ Consultants Total Depth Project No. ALASKA ~ Field Party Geologist ~~J Time S~mpHng DESCRIPTION Location Notes ~Di~grem: ~f' ~;~ ~ Soil type, color, texture, ~ · ~: ~ % % estimated particle size, ~ ~ ~ ~ 0. = ~ salnpler driving nofes~ d c Q ~ ~ ~' ~ depths circulation lost, Traffic. Ditch. ~ ~l E ~ o ~ o ~ c notes 0n drilling ease, o)om ~ ~ ~ bits used, etc. o 8 L- HnJess otherwise no~ed ~ll s~mples ore ~oken w/l~ 1~ St~ndord ~ene~rohoa S~mplerdrwen w~14OIb, hommer, drop. -./ .LOG OF TEST BORING C- Date Completed ~/~,/'?_~ · Engineering and Geological Sheet Rig No.. /~/~ Consultants Total Depth ri AN.CHORAGB -- FAIRBANKS -- JUNEAU Project No, ALASKA Locotion $$~1/~,3 . Gro.~d Water Table M~fhod Used ,z¢../,-)-~._~,.~.,/ ,~,.~,)¢.,~.,-/~ ~/~ ~ Depth in Field Party _~ ~//1~ Geologist ~/~' Time Weather Date Location Notes A Diagram: Sampling DESCRIPTION . . Soil type, color, texture, ~;~b~k ~ o. ~ ~ sampler driving notes, ~ j~ ~ o depths circulation lost, Traffic. Ditch. .E ~ ~ ~ ~ notes on drilling ease, ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ bits used, etc. 2 ?', '' ~Je~ (Z-El) --~ .... oI I Un,ess otherwise noted all samples are takenw/l~"lD Standard Penetration Sampler driven w/14Olb, hammer. 30"drop. ~-=-,~ LOG OF TEST BORING · Dd'te Begun ~-/b--!'7.~ ' Fi 8~ M Hole NO. Date. Completed.. 5-,/~/'73 Engineering and Geological Sheet I of Rig No. ~ Consultants Total Depth ANCHORAGE -- FAIRBANKS-- JUNEAU Project No, ALASKA LoceUon ~ G¢ound Water Table Weather Dote Sampling DESCRIPTION Loca, Jon Notes ~ Diagram: ~/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o- ~ sampler driving o ~ ~ depths circulation Ios~, Traffic. Ditch. .~j bi~s used, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ Vegetation: 4 -- I Da~.e Began ~--7.5--/~73 (, .LOG OF TEST BORING - R&M (- Hole No. '~- ' "~l/~-/,C/~ Engineering and Geological j j Date Comple~Bd Sheet of ~ig No. ~.~ Consultants Total Depth Project No. ALASKA Project Name ~JJ~,~ ~'/~s ~o~ ~ Ground Water Table Local ion Me[hod Used ~c~ il ~.~g ~t~ M~ Depth in Ft. Field Party ~ ; ~JJ~ Geologist A~e~J Time ~ ~- Da~e Weather Sampling ' DESCRIPTION Location Notes ~ DJagram~ J ' ~ estimated particle size, J~ ~J ~ ~: ~ sampler driving holes, ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ depJhs circulation IosJ, Traffic: DiJch. o o ~ -~ g Vegetatioe: ~.o ~ ,, ', 6 ~-()/q ' JR l~~ i or- .... Un!es.~ otherwise noted all samples are taken w/l~-"lD Standard Penetration Sampler driven w/14Olb, hammer, 50" drop. j I ~' ' ' " ' :' '1 .LOG O-F TEST BORING Da'.e Begun ~../~./',~ · : R & M - Hole No. Date Completed ~./~/"7~ Engineering and Geological Sheet ~ of Rig NO. ~/~ Consultants Total Depth ~.~' .(l~.~n~, ANCHORAGE ~ FAIRBANKS JUNEAU Pr die'ct No. ALASKA Location i Ground Water Table Method Used ~/0~/~1/ ~~ 4~ ~ ~ Depth in Ft. Field Party ~ ', ~[/i~ Geologist ~e~ [Time ~ ~ Date Weather Sampling DESCRIPTION Location Nates & Diagram: Soil type, color, texture, /~~~ o~ ~ j o- ~ m sampler driving notes, ~ ~ o ~ ~ depths circulation lost, Traffic. Ditch, ~ --c~ c 0 ~ o ~ ~ notes on drilling ease, -- o ~ = ~ bits used, etc. -- ~ ~ -- ~ Vegetation: 4/~ I .~..,'...', _ _ ~""~ ~t ~T ~1. ~ ,.,.; .,,.. U- -./. -- ?.~ ;..-, 5 ~...~ ~. ' 7 0 I k- . .) Unless otherwise noted all samples are taken w/if'lO Standard Penetration Sampler driven W/14Olb, hammer, lSO"drop._1 I F-Ti' ""' .! LOG OF TEsT BORING ~ Date Begu~ ~-/"7~ R & M Hole No. Dat'e Completed ~/'5-,I/7.;~' Engineering and Geological Sheet ~ of I ,, RigNp. ~)~/~.~ ' Consultants Total Depth ~, - ANCHORAGE ~ FAIRBANKS JUNEAU ~ Proj~c~ No ALASKA Location GFound Water Table Field P,rty ~ ,,///2~ ' Geologist ~¢~/~1 Time J Weather ~ ~ ~F~ oF~ Date L,,, / , Sampling DESCRIPTION Location Notes ~ Diagram: ~¢Y~[~i I~ S°il type, c°l°r, texture, ~ estimated particle size, ~ ~ ~ :. sQmpler driving , o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ depths circulefion lost, Traffic. Ditch. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~,~ notes on drilling e0se, ~ o o o ~-- ~ ~ -~ ~ Vegetation: N~ ~ ~d~ ~ o¢~ ~ ~ , I ~aless o~herwise noted otl s~mples ore token w/t~"iD St~nd~rd ~ene~r~fion Sampler drivon w/14OIb, hommer. 30"drop. Date Completed ~?~-?'¢5 .ig No. Project No Project Name ,4-1h,,t,Jt~,- / Loch}ion · LOG OF TEST BORING R&M Engineering ond Geologicol Consultants ALASKA Method Used .AIC_~/~-~/t~ ,~'~O~-~Z~z:~/ Field Party ]~e~ '2 ~/li~,~ Weather ~ j /?A~ ~c] ~o Sampling Geologist DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, texture, estimated particle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, notes on drilling ease, bits used~ etc. Vegetation: Hole No. r7 · Sheet [ of Total Depth Depth in Time Dote Location Notes & Diagram: /F¢.-¢~ o~j' /¢,//,:~1~-~- cr.~-/..2,~- Traffic. Ditch, I Unless otherwise noted ail samples are taken w/14,'' D Standard Penetration Sampler driven w/14OIb, hammer. 50"drop.' Date Completed Rig N'o. , Dr~leTr · LOG OF TEST BORING R&M Engineerin~ and Geologica'l Consultants ANCHORA~[ -- FAIRBANKS JUNEAU Project No, Project Nome_ Location Method Used Weather_ ~ Sampling Hole No. ~ Sheet [ Total Depth of z ,.~/ ALASKA Depth Ground Water Tabl~ 6eologis, ~4 Time Dele Location Notes 8~ Diagram: /t.o,---¢-,~ C=-~/~.~__ ¢~*/~/,.--- Traffic. Ditch. DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, texture, estimated particle size, sampler driving notes, depths circulation lost, notes on drilling ease, bits used~etc. Vegetotion: I Unless o¢herwise noted all samples ere 'takenw/l~"lD Standard Penetration Sampler driven w/14OIb, hammer: 30"drop. I Date Bsgun 4~//'~;'-,/'7,.,¢ R & M % Hole NO. I 0 Date Completed~/%//~¢ Engineering and Geological Sheet ~ of I Rig No,,, ~¢~/~ Consultants ..... Total Depth ~ ¢ Project No. ALASKA Location· Ground Water Table Method Used ~a~// ~f¢~ ~;~ ~¢~ Depth in Ff. Weather ~ J Date Sampling DESCRIPTION Location Notes &Diagram: %ou~ ~'l~ ~¢~(~-~t)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o estimated p~rticlesize, d ~ ~ ~ o. ~ ~ sampler driving notes, ~ depths circulation lost, Traffic. Ditch. ° ~m g ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ bits used, etc. Unless otherwise noted all samples are taken w/I.4"lD Standard Penetration Sampler driven w/14OIb, hammer. 30" drop. I Date Bega~ ~-./~/,~75 C. '1~'~ LO6 OF TESTRAM BORING ~i Ho,eNo. Dat'e Completed .~/~/'~7'~ Engineering and Geological Sheet / of / Rig No.. ~J¢ Consultants Total Depth ~,~ Project No. ALASKA Location ' Ground Water Table Method Used A/~/]r,~// ¢~u~J A;~ ~¢~ Depth in Field Party ~ Geologist ~A¢~, Time Weather_ ~¢ ~im~ j~ Date Sampling DESCRIPTION Location Notes a Diagram:~~ Soil type, color, texture, ~ estimated particle size, ~ o. =. ~ sampler driving notes, d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ depths circulation lost, Traffic. Ditch. e g o. ._ ~ ~ ~ notes on drilling ease~ ..... m ~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ bits usedj etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ % Vegetation; 0 7 0 ~nless o~herwise no~ed oll s~mples ore token w/l~"lD Stond~rd ~encrotion Somplerdriuea wfl4Olb, h~mmer. 30'drop. I WELL SCHEDULE V/.~ L L-DESCRIP TION CARD !$:~2.!:£ AS 0,~; >5~ST~R CAR .D. epth well: Et i J repr . O4) (,~) (~) ((c)~ (J) . L , ; I ?;'"i' ° , . j fc L~o ' ~ Source of data: fi ' I Source of data: I ' GPO 557-733 %'ELL SCHFDULE Use of Air cond, Bot~ling, Co~m, Dewater, Power, Flre~.pqm~ Irt, Ymd, Ind, P S, Rec, w~er: (S) (T) (US (v) (w) (x) (¥) (~) u~;e of (x) (U) (O) (~) (~) (?) (~) (Z) (U) ~ (X) . Well data p~o Fre~. W/L meas.: ~req. sampiin~: Pumpase inventory.: no' period: WELL-DF-SCRIPTION CARD t ' ' I ~ ~e (first perf.) ft r J ' type: ~ i Diem, (0 (~) (0} 0 ) (0) /(~fN (s) (~) (w) (x) (~) .... porous grave~ w, gravez w. horiz, open ~er[.,~ screen, ~d. pc.) 8bored, open t ,.' I air, bucket, cent, jet, (cent.) (curb) none, piston, Shallow{ ~0 I diesel, el~ec~ ga~, gasoline, hand, ga~ wind; H.P. m-~ter -- above ~'P' LSD k ' ' ~: 'L ' I above ft below LSD . Alt. MP system series L' :'J I .Storage: _gpd/ft ~ gpd/ft2; Spec cap: gpm/ft; ,.Number of geologic card. s: GPO $57-7C0 ~o ~,'4 %1642 I - ~'i-~) WELL SCHEDULE WATEI~ RE~OU~GF.S DiVlSiO,'; l,~,~_i ....... ~ .... ..,., , , Use ol (A) (D) (G) Lo~ data: WTL L-DESCRIPTiON CARD 1 Io I I"/" ,'/"1~ .... ,.FI ~SA.'-IB AS ON MAS~ER CARD Depth well: ,Et I I 01 repc " ~'~'.':"' I" ' ' t~a'P''° ....... ~- ~ I ' ' (:?'pa},: air bucket, cen[, lei, (cen[.)' (cur[) none, piston, roc, submerg, turb, other Shallow /~/~ , , .. ~,, ~ ,, /~ I ' '~ I ' ' ' "i . . ,, I :'h~ U.S. Geolo§~cal Survey in cooooration ~,;?th Greater AncBoraue .:~r,~a ~;orouqh ~s u~dcrtak~U a connentra~en hydroueo]ogic ~tudy ~n your a:-c.~ to provide local governmental planners witi~ adequate technical · ~ ..... ~,-,d- f water availability and surficial drainage. This inventery~ fo:'.:: v.'ss spec~f{c-a]]~ des~qned ~o 9a{he~ ~nform~on pe=t{nent to s~fe deve]opmen~ of ~ou~ a~e~- {'}e would 9~ea~]Y app~ec{ate ~ou~ effo~s ~n ~]]i~9 ou~ ~nd =e- ~u~n~n9 ~h~s d~ form even ~f ~ou can on]~ supp]~ a f~W ~nswe~s. WATER WELL INVENTORY ORM ,. Box holders name ~~f~~2f '~-- ~f~ ' Lot :,,-~' supply ~s :from publiC system v~ _ ~'- ,~,~ter consumption i's for home~ ~tock irriga.lon 'industry ~ public supply_ ' · If you use a well at this address please ;fill in the following: I' Well depth is ~2 ~ Bedrock was~_~'~ ~was not encountered open ~,;¢,, was completed with open end s~reen ~,:an}e of wel 1 dri I 1 er ~2~-~$~ year 2ri 1 1 ed /~/~ ~. ~'-~'- level was $~ feet below surface on kgive ~a~ei ~,~ae~b supply is adequate ~/ marginal inadequate , ~,Jater quality is good ~ fair poor (describ~ You have db~ot have ~ a geologic log of well PLFAS~ ENCLOSE A COPY OF THE WELL LOG' IF POSSIBLE. Z~,iPORTANT: PLEASE DRAW A SKETCH BELOW SHOWING LOCATION OF WELL REFE~ · .;_ ENCED TO STRFETS AND ROADS AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE. F~bruary 15, lg?4 R~y Pcratrovici~, P.E. Se.qi or. Staff E~}gi neet )q S i,i Engi~iuering and Geological Consul'~ants ~;ox 60L;7 Am:norage, Ataska 99510 SUi~JI.]Ci': ~t. tlcKinley View Estates Subdivision ~r. Perakrovi ci~: h'c have receive,i and reviewed the let'~ar a~d acco~,;pa~ly}.g infor~:ation da~ed February ll, 1S74 'in regards to ~i~e proposed subdivision. Covenant C~14 adequately covers all of our reqeirel~w.~ts regardi~.~g on-siCe sm~age disposal for ~he proposed subdivision. appreciate worki~g wi~h your firm tn r~gards to this subdivision a?prupma~e methods of waste disposal. Sincerely, Strickland, Sanitarian