HomeMy WebLinkAboutMT MCKINLEY VIEW ESTATES Letters on Plat R&M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907--279-0483 TELEX 090--35419 Civil Engineers Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E., L.S. JAMES H. WELLMAN, P.E. RALPH R. MIGLIACCIO Engineering Geologist February i1, 1974 R & 1VI No. 357761 Mr. Roil Strickland Chief Sanitarian Department of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Air. Strickland: The enclosed covenants are to be Rled upon approval and recording of the enclosed 1V[t. ]VIclKinley View ]Estates plat. We believe Item C-14 wilI satisfy the conditions noted in the June 28, 1973 letter f~orn Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to ~ou. On Page 2 of the G.A.Ao B. Assembly Minutes, you indicated concurrence with the above mentioned letter. The covenant C-14 is based on recommendations from Air. Sidney E. Clark, P.E. to Mro LeRoy A11~nger. We understand that a letter of acceptance from the GoA.A.B. Department of Environmental Quality will be required prior to ~iling of final plat and are requesting such at this time. Please do not hesitate to contact this office for any f~rther information re- garding this matter° Very truly yours, R & l~ ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Roy P atro~ RP/ram Enclosures xc: Air. Aliinger ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU OCTOBER 5, 1973 Page 2 area for a long time. Mrs. Dodson asked what effect temperature would have on this shallow leaching field. Mr. Clark said the chemical action of the system and the way the water is released doesn't encourage freezing or bui Id-up of ice. Mr. Garrigues asked how the drain lines would be constructed and what would prevent the liquid from working down to the bed- rock, where it would get into the water supply. Mr. Clark said the I'nes would be of tile sunk into sand and that he would recommend insta lation only where there is 8 feet of soil above the rock. Mrs. Dodson pointed out that Mr. Clark's letter of the 13th advised that the lots be no less than 5 acres in size and that the plat as proposed included two lots of lesser size. Mr] A linger said the plat was brought forward as originally submitted and that it could be revised to correct this deficiency if the concept is approved. Mr. Hart of the Planning staff was sworn. The PI.arming Commission as Platting Authority felt that there were a number of unanswered questions about the proposed subdivision, he said. They b~ought up questions of water ava' lability, sewage disposal, road grades, erosion con- trol and a so the q'uestion of premature development. There is no dedicated access to this properS, which is located on a ridge south of Rabbit Creek~ he said; and, a?h_o~ugh the state has approved 'the ~ew.age system desc'ribed by Mr. Clark, no such system has yet been in- stal ed and proven here. ' Mr. Parker asked if DEQ had any comment on the proposed sewage system and Mr. Hart said that Roll Strickland of DEQ had been involved and could speak to it. Mr. Strickland said he con- curred with the state's conditimnal appzoval. Mr. Parker asked.about water availability and M~.~-Hart salad ]r~at.~there h'ad been some discussion of wells drilled in the general area; but- there was no hard Uata and no experience adjacent to the subject plat area. Mr. Parker re- ferred to discussion of road grades and asked if 15% is acceptable. Mr. Hart said it's, but the plat calls for 22%'grades. Asked what erosion problems are anticipated, Mr. Hart said there would be erosio'n in road cuts and from any disturbance of ground cover where .there is very little soil over rock. Asked about the access proble'm, he said that the proposed subdivision area is reache~l from a "homesteaders road", not ~edicated, and there could be~legal problems at any time~ Mr. Al linger said that a right-of-way was dedicated in early August in alignment with the Rabbit Creek Heights Subd. road and that whenever the property between dedications is de- veloped, there wi I1 be legal access. He a so advised that the plan had been revised to pro- vide no more than 15% grades. Asked about water, he said there is a well about I00 feet from hi~ subdivision with water at I00 feet, another a little further away with water at 120 feet and more wells at about the same depths within 3 mi les or so. He said he knew of no dry wel Is. Mr. Hart pointed out that the solutions proposed now are new since the action of the Platting Authority denial and none of this information was presented then. Mrs. Dodson asked if the plat could be changed to eliminate the. two. lots of less than 5 acres Mr. Mabry of the Planning Dept. said they Oould accept the revision as a new plat and process it to probable approval. The Chair asked if the Board of Adjustment could make elimination of undersized lots a condition of granting the appeal and Mr. Hart said they could do that or they could remand the plat for revision. There was no further testimony offered. The hearing was closed. Mr. Garrigues moved, by Mrs. Dodson, seconded to remand the plat to the Platting Board for consid- eration of new material on water, sewage, road grades~ etc. and to direct that no lots be less than 5 acres. October 15, l~ ~ Re: Proposed Sewaae Disposal Facilities for Lets in the ?roDosed fl(. i.lcKintey View Subdivision, .... c:,. n'ley .,is:', S'J3division Pl,:,t was initially denied roy ,-'~ ?i,'J!:~ber' of reasoqs . ;~nr,~ of u;,e~ ~,,_/~'~" reasorls was on s~'ce sewage ~sposal fac~]'itJes wou,c not wet .... nj lis i.Je c~rea of /~ncnorage cerEainlv (toes prLsLnL unique prouie:~s for development, l~o',,.,ever, subscantiai hillside areas ).xe iJ~ private owneF'ship, A mechanism for allowing '- - -, ' · , '~ ' e~l li~ueu hillside mevelepment co~pata, ble ~tl~ vironmental LiH~ ~]CO~iOF}iC considerate'ohs is certainly necessary. Conventional septic tank-leaching pit systems i~ave a poor chance of Functioning properly wi~re the soil c~er.over bedrock is si~allow and the bedrock and soil cover have a steep slope, greater than 10 to 15%. ~ more sophisticated system is necessary under the conditions prevalent in this subdivision, t!cwever~ ti~e system must be simple Co opera~,u, relatively conventional and have a low maintenance Factor° ?ercolation tests conducted by I:ir. fLetharferd on September 19, 1973 and soils ana~r~l provided in ,~ne Hay ~0, 1973 Soil Repor~ For ~.llinger Sub(livision inmicate that a properly desianed leaci~ing system can proviae adequate (trainage capacity to assure that se;,;aue effluent will net break Lo the surface. subsurface misposal system relies heavily on natural ~e~:~ ....... processes occuring in the soil ~ys~el.~. -2- Where conditions are marginal, such as the shallow soil, high degree of slope areas of the foothills, additional'~ des~ign considerations are required. As a minimum a system that includes a multi'celled long detention septic tank with a dosing siphon~, and an intermittent sand filtiation system should 'be required 'for-proper dispesat on the lots withi, n this subdivision. The septic tank system should be .partially pu,~ped on a bi-.annual basis to assure that it continues to function.~p~operl'y.~ ~ 'r,~dre ~efficient system that includes aerationS'in ~he mul.~i.-celled syste~m certainly ~could provide a greate~r'"d"e'~re~ of-Dr~tection, and would remove the bi-annual septic. ~nk~.~um'pin~']~regra?~,-'requirement. The criti-cal factors involved in the desi.gh .of a multi'-~celled septic,tank - intermittent sand fit-~er[~system are: 1. Prcvide three or r,,~ore cells in ti~e _e~c~ ~' tank and a ~inimum of ti~ree days detention plus twenty five 'p.ercent oversizinq' for-sludge holding, The third .'cell of ti~e septic tank must be a dosing syphon set for once per 24 hours period-discharge to the leaching field ? ~ro¥ide a 10ng trench iqtermittent sand filters that ,~llows the land contour in an area when the soil demth is ~ feet or'greater,. The sand filter should be at least 100 feet long and preferabl.~ 150 feet in length. The drain line shou'ld be perforated and laid in a manner to assure that tile dosing cycle wilt carry effluent ,rom tn~-septic tank thouqilout the entire !enm~n. The sand filter n~ust nave a mini,r.~um mepti~ of 30 inches and t-/idti~ of '~ inches to assure proper treatr~,ent and in erCer to eliminate shor~ circ~.,itinq. 3. Percelation rates mreater than one inc~. drop Der 10 minutes should assure tllat ~ne effluent ~,/ill not break out as a '~sprinQ" $,F~ aerobicsystem' ~ comDininm ~he good qualities of both extended'aerotion and hioh stability of aeroted laqoons could be utilized but methods for reducin~ the water volumes-requiring, treatment would be necessary. A reduct$on in ~ater. consur,]ption can be acllieved without a loss in convenience,.but pos~itive, action including special provisions 'and requirements in the GAAB buildin~ cooes t~,,il 1 be necessary. ~. The GAA~ building code needs to address the problems of hillside development as a unique case. The problems of ~he hillside are unique, and to be solved properly the conver ional house plumbing system should be mooified. Sewage COh~ing from ~'~ater closets should be segrated and treated separately. Ti~e o~y~,~ water from showers, laundry and the kitchen would cor,}pose the flow i~to a second treatment system. By taking this approach. A system that provides long detention treatment of the sewage and shorter detention treatn}ent of the grey water can be developed. The lon~ detention sewage :~.-~ ..' .tr.e~tment pmo¥ide$ a high 1.evel of efficiency in the area =' wnere~it .is most critical, and the grey water does not ?" require .as e'x.ten~ive'treatment.-'-'An effluent from such a /";--'' " ' d /:.'~'.":. . ual~.?t.reatment system could be discharged to a t[ench ~'-; '-'] .-'-' ..... intermi'tten~;-~a-n~: filte-r,.;.and the water t.eavinq ~i]e trench L;~'~:'? ?.'".'-~-~ ~,;:B~abS;~'t-t-;;':a-n~-i':Ba~man"--~.t~e,· .a distinctive fea.~ur~ of ~he" · ;~-..:-::~':;'.' ~'~, ?.~/' '?.?-~iH.~:~'~.,~pe'rl~ :~'d'~:igned; an d .ope ra't e'~ p l a ri,t- ~t'h e e'ff 1 u'~ n't i s ~?;:,:':-':-._ '~ .::.:;:',~:'~:~.'~'.e;~a~:.~hali-o'~.-soi, l~:- o.~er lays bedrock', :.there.'.;~s da~ge.r of ~Z,;~-'::_-.: : /'~'¥~:-]~-~.~6~'~6n~C~:_ i.nt;ermittent said'filter having,a~_leneth'~0f at ' -~.~.:? -'_'"-~:(?l,~:~'s'%;~q.O0~ feet.]~asrecommended as a means ~0r substantially ~ ~:..--:-' ':.-]!:.]'::-~e.~u;~'~'n'~'vt~.i S. i~azard'.: T~e 'horizontal spr:~ad .i nc~eas-e-s- the ~;~'_~-~,~:~' -~.?',~?.~-~a',fe:],:-.distanc-e through' soil materials be, dr~ 'the e:ffquent ,'~;-~-':'<:'~--~-: ' '_:.~::~?'~:t~;~ail'~-l~'~s are -~s-t' not' compatab'le with indi~d.u~.l '~:y~tems ~,:;.2s .- ---'-~:'in s~iailow soils L'ots at least three ac.res ,.~",~ ~_..~.~ ,-~-:-' .~.~:';-l~rger s'houl d be uu]~l ized - ~,i~:,~-%-::.. -?~?'~ .::- -..~':'"" Co.nv~nt.io~al 'col-tecti'~n systems ~%~ ~:-'~->;: t':. for.. ~he. foothills area. Unconventional s~,s~ems tha'~-''~ · -t~? ~'-~' comDl:hc' '~ .... .marc a'l onsite-processinm and ~ither vacuu.m or pressure.,line te~nsmission.will DrODablv be necessary.as ..~ develo'p~;ent' pressure increases. ~,c~'~ter suD~.n!y problems ---:.--z.t-~,.:::::~:._._u ~-~,,doubtedly -exist a'nd will become more severe as more ~ment pressures are exerted. This utility probably ~.,i'ns%alled_first, utilizing circulating distribution ns-~'and-h.ous, e..connec.tions. .This approach ~is.'not_new. ~' ~:.'f:t~.b'~N',=~-,bee-n ,successfully utilized'in ~he, Fa,lr~bcnks:. area for :'~,weh'tY'.years..,,.,, .The approaches outlined in this' ~aragraph would =":.'aJ~'~d~?;h,allew line. buri,a.1 and assist in reducinq c-os,.ts, _':].~::.'In]~i~,.b_pin~o'N:,~;,onsite Sewaae handlin~ c. an-be 'succe's'~]~'ul if the ' ]o~-~-.iH"~,V~.~,~;:S'ubNiv.isi0n a~e not red'dc~6"-:t':o less th'an.5 acres :_f<ji~c~l.ddi:g-g,;.:~:'~ortion of -road and utility-r~eh-t-.of-way. - '.' . .- ': si n ce re i y -.-.:?._.:. :,-.-- .-':_..- L':'"-:~',~"%~":.::-: ~-~: :':" .- - ARcTIc ENvIR~'NMENTAL ENCINEERS ..... :' · -.:~' ..... ~' - ' · -. . · . .Sidney E Clark., P. E. - .~r J~:e 2S,'.1973. '5-'- l'/lllJ/J,l A, [5/,,% / / ~.fr,' Ro!Z Strick!~n~ Chicf ~nzt ar Lan Do2~. of ?.viror. r, en~a! Qaa!i~y Groan :: Anchorage .~-aa Zorou~h 2~chor~ge, Alas]~ 99505 ~j~j~ . Mt v~v:~ ....... '-~7 View Estates.. ~aseu on the -- F ~ coverzng ~'* ~e~o~ ~ ~.,r. DL~ODOSe~ SeWEge --~ ~.~e H~ ::C.~L~ley View Sub- ~ ~ ~ i~ . ~.~ if" cons~raLl~s followed lv~s~o~, aopears <-~ zne the reoor~ are me~ ~ ' ' - .~ne carezu! , ~o+~ ~ - ~o=~o,. is done the mmmner proposed by : ' ~ ~o~. ~, ~,,~ septic trunks and :--- ~ ,~o,x Ln -, .......~ syazc:,:s cou:.i possi'01y ,' ~'' Zhis suk:lfivision. (2) Because of uha topog%~aphy and soil co::,':.i':ions which exisz in the subdivision no fu'rzher suni:vision should be allowed t'azi! lhe area is served by public sewer or -- ~nzi! a method is :;reposed ~hat does not reeuire the ' Use of ieachLng sy~t~.s for effluent dlspos~l. (3) ~ aze noz r~,:~: .... ..... · ,,. ......:e water suoo!y sizua-;ion Ln this area to cosmenu regarding ~osslbilizy of obzainlng a sufficienz supply comeszic use. i~is shcu!d be ve~, carefully weighed Ln mn), consideration of ' will be most necessa:l that al! w=i!s in the area .... o:coer grouzmng be done ' ..... soil ' ~-.--c~ 5eLng cra:,n from the rocx ~c.~ ~d is no~ recczvzng o~ o~.a seepage. ~n s~;;7m:7 i ,'~',~-~ say ~.4~ our COnCeL~s are basically '-~.~,- -' ,,..s~e C;.s~)osz! -~d ~:or Su~iX. SyS'de;:lS bo ..... u~cC ~l 2CCO~C~Ce ~_~,~ ~20 D~OViSiO;iS -,.= s~o=avLs:on. Also all wells Ln tho area -2- June 28, 1973. $..~ ...... . C ....... ~; ~O Lp~S~re uAaL co.~u..,.1P~ac~o~ dOCS 31tO OCCUi~ ~- .... ~ '~ ......a wazer s~or~oe from -w= soil cover. .~so no ~rtker sub- division skouid "~"~ olace in <his ~articuiar projeFt ~ntil public sewer .... ~ ~ ~ ~ review is based on or ....... of ~,ns;e dis~osa! ~s T~s ....... ~ ~o zn~s office mhd we ,.~v ins su~ivisicn as thc ~;-~ wnich~- e:cis~ ~= .... - ~qose of course s~.O~=~ be weigh~ care~aily Ln ~n~ review oz th~s sub- Yours truly, Kyle~ ,~Y. C[.e~y Regional ~fviro~,entai ~gineer J l~qt. McKinley View Estates Biisc. Book Page Plat These restrictions, limitations, uses and covenants shall be construed as running with the land. Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any covenant, either to restrain violation or recover damages. Invalidation oi~ amy one of the'se convenants by judgment or Court Order shall in no wise af-~ect any of the other provisions, which shall remain in f~ll [orce and e~fect. C-1. PURPOSE: That the purpose o~ these restrictions is to insure the use of the property ~or attractive residential purpose only, to prevent nuisances, to maintain the desired tone o~ the community, and thereby to secure to each owner the full benefit and enjoyment of his home, with no greater restriction upon the i~ree and undisturbed use o~ his site than is neccessary to insure the same advantages to the other site owners. Anything tending to detract from the attractiveness and value of the property for residential purposes will not be permitted. C-2. LJIND USE AND BUILDING TYPE: That no lot shall be used except for residential purposes. Each residence shall meet the minimum Federal Housing Authority requirements in the Anchorage Area then currently in effect when the building is constructed. No part of a lot shall at any time be used ~or, or occupied as, a hospital, riding or livery Stable, junk yard, automobile service, maintenance, repair, washing, wrecking or storage yard, or station, gasoline or filling station, laundry or other industry or factory, nor shall any building of structure be used or maintained for any such purpose. No building shall be erected, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than on detached single family dwelling not to exceed two stories in height and a private garage ~or not more than three cars. However, accessory structures such as pergolas, gar- den house, conservatory, when located and constructed to harmonize with the dwe/ling house, shall be permitted. No indiscriminate land clearing, land leveling, ditching or land f~lling in such a manner as to cause flooding or soil erosion, shall be permitted. No owner shall be permitted to completely clear the lot on which standing trees o~ size and beauty exist. Space may be cleared to provide for construction and trees may be thinned so long as maximum natural beauty and aesthetic value is re- tained. C-3. DWELLING SIZE AND QUALITY: That no dwelling shall be permitted on any lot at a cost of less than $25, 000. 00, based upon the cost levels prevailing on the date these covenants are recorded, it being the intention and purpose of the covenant to assure that all dwellings shall be o~ a quality o~ worknianship and materials substantially the same or better than that which can be produced on the date these covenants are recorded, at ~he minimum cost. The ground ~oor area o~ the main structure, exclusive o~ one-story porches and garages, shall not be less than 750 square 15eet 15or a one-story dwelling, nor less than l, 000 square 15eet 15or a dwelling o15 more than one story. For the purpose o15 this covenant, a split-level dwelling shall be considered as one-story. C-4. GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS: That all buildings and structures, ~ences or hedges, which shall be erected or planted, shall con15orm on height and standard to the limitations and restrictions as Go area, dimensions, set- back lines, and in all other respects, with the minimum requirements o15 any and ail sovereignties or agencies thereo15 having jurisdiction over the use ot5 said land. C-5. OFFENSIVE USES: That no moxious or of 15ensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done there on which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the noeghborhood. C-6. ANI1VIALS: That no animals, livestock or poultry o15 any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot except that dogs, cats or other normal house- hold pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained 15or any commercial purpose, and provided that no more than one (1) dog ot5 any sled type breed may be maintained, and 'all dogs shall be restrained as necessary to prevent their becoming nuisances, For the purposes o15 these covenants, horses are considered livestock and shall not be classified as household pets. C-7. GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL: That no lot shall be used or main- rained as a dumpkng ground ~or rubbish. Trash, garbage and other waste shall not be kept on the premises except in sanitary containers and shall be disposed o15 in compliance with the ordinances set [orth by the governmental body or bodies having jurisdiction thereo15. C-8. AUTOMOTIVE STORAGE: That no lot shall be used to park inoperative vehicles, or 15or the storage o15 machinery, and no lot shall be used 15or ground storage o15 automotive vehicles, save and except as the use o15 such lot as res- idence 15or family use requires. C-9. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: That no structure o15 a temporary character, trailer, tent shack, garage or other outbuilding erected on a lot shall at any time be used as a residence, either temporary or permanent. No quonset hut, military salvage or surplus building, portable or stationary, shall be erected or placed upon any lot or subdivided portion thereo15, 15or any purpose, nor shall any house trailer or tent be parked thereon. However, the basement portion o15 a permanen% d~velling under construction may be used as a residence during construction o~ the upper level, hut not to exceed two (2) years. Any residence building shall be a new construction and all buildings shall be covered with a permanent exterior siding within two (2) years o15 con~mencement of construction, and a siding o15 tarpaper, cellotex, or similar covering shall not be deemed a permanent exterior siding. C-10. BUILDING LOCATION: That no building shall be located on any lot nearer the front lot line or nearer the side or street lot line than the minimum building set backs required by the Anchorage office of the Federal Housing Authority, but in no event shall a building be located on any lot nearer than twenty (20) feet to the front lot line, or nearer than ten (i0) feet to a side, rear or street line. No building shall be located nearer than ten (i0) feet to any side or interior lot line, except the distance to interior or side lot lines from a garage or other permitted accessory building located sixty (60) feet or more ~rom the front lot line shall be five (S) feet or the minimum distance specified by the Anchorage office o~ the Federal Housing Authority, the larger dimension ruling. For the purpose o~ this covenant, eaves, steps and open porches shall not be considered as part o~ the building provided, however, that this shall not be construed to permit any portion of a building to encroach on a lot other than the lot whereon it is situated and provided that such extensions are not in violation o~ F. Ho Ao requirements. Notwithstanding the foregoir~, a private garage or other accessory building, such as a garden house, pergolas, or conservatory architecturally in harmony with the dwelling house, may be permitted nearer than ten (i0) feet to the interior lot line, but not nearer than five (5) feet, and such a structure shall be deemed a building within the meaning of this instrument. Provided, further, and not withstanding the foregoing, a one-story garage may be located nearer to a street than above provided, but in any event not nearer than ten (10) feet to any street line. C-11. RESUBDIVISION: The area of the lots herein described shall not be re- duced in size by subdivision except that the owners of three contiguous lots shall be permitted to divide the middle lot and add the portions to the two ex- terior lots, thus creating two larger lots. Lots having a minimum of five (5) acres are specified for this subdivision. C-12. ROAD MAINTENANCE: Roads will be maintained by the owners of lots and by the developers so long as they retain a substantial interest in 'the prop- erty, until such time as said roads are maintained by the sovereignty having jurisdiction and responsibility flor that service. C-13. WATER SUPPLY: That the location and construction of the water supply shall be in accordance with the requirements, standards and recommendations of the Alaska. Department of Environmental Conservation and the corresponding local jurisdiction. C-14. SEWAGE SYSTE1V[: That the selvage system shall be constructed to comply with the regulations set forth by the Alaska Department of Environ- mental Conservation. Because of shallow soils within the subject Mt. ]Vic}finley View Subdivision, lots having a minimum of five (5) acres are specified and the sewage disposal system shall meet or exceed the following mitt{mum system and design constraints: 1) Provide three or more cells in the septic tank and a minimum of three days detention plus twenty five percent oversizing ~or sludge holding. The third cell o~ the septic tank must be a dosing syphon set for once per 24 hours period discharge to the leaching field. 2) Provide long trench intermittent sand filters that follow the land contour in areas where the soil depth is 8 feet or greater. The sand filter should be at least 100 feet long and preferably 1S0 feet in length. The drain line should be perforated and laid in a manner that assures the dosing cycle will carry effluent from the septic tank throughout the entire length. The sand filter must have a minimum depth of 30 inches and width of 60 inches to assure proper treatment and to eliminate short circuiting. 3) Percolation rates greater than one inch drop per I0 min- utes should assure that the effluent will not break out as a "spring"° C-15. SIGN: That no signs of any kind shall be displayed to the public on any lot except on professional sign o~ not more than one (1) square foot, one sign o~ not more than ~ive ($) square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or signs by a builder to advertise the property during construc~cion or sales period. C-16. FUEL TANIKS: Fuel o~/ storage tanks shall be placed underground. C-17. EASE1V~ENTS: Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities are reserved as shown on the recorded plat, and no additional easements shall be granted by the Owner. Within these easements, no structure, planting or other material shall be placed or permitted to remain which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of underground utilities. The easement area of each lot and all improvements in it shall be maintained con- tinuously by the owner o~ the lot, except for those improvements for which a public authority or utility company is responsible. C-18. TERMS: That these covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all parties claiming under them For a period of twenty (20) years ~rom the date these covenants are recorded, after which said time, said covenants shall be automatically extended ~0r successive periods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by the majority of the Owners of the lots has been re- corded agreeing to change said covenants in whOle'or in part.