HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOOREHAND Lot 38A ' DATE: December 2, 1976 STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECO!~.~ENDATION CASE: S-4273 Lot 38A, .Moorehand Subdivision #4 SITE I ami risc: C~nercial Building ~ Soils: Public Services are availabl~/zk~ Vegcta/ion: None ~"~~ Zoning: Zi Density before: ~ ~After: SURROUNDING AREA Land Use: Zoning: North East Sou th West East 88th Avenue is currently developing with small business and industry on both the North and South sides. This lot has a trailer court of the older variety behind it and is fully developed. FINDINGS: __ ~ ~ ~estl~vision agre~nent for Elim Street with a TPIV for Traffic is requesting an as-built to allow them to determine the feasibility of ~,, direct access to 88th Avenue. Utility cc~panies have requeste~ easements. ~ ~ RECOMMENDATION: ~Postponement to allow the pe~ioner to sub,air the required as-built to traffic for ~ ~their recotm~endation for . COMMENTS: DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mu ic pall[ty A chorage 'MEMORANDUM November 15, '1976 File No.: 6-20 4-2-4 Don Alspach, Planning Department Environmental Engineer - Dept of Ileal th & Environmental Protection Subdivision Platt Reviews Cases having public water and public sewer available to service petition area. We have no objection to the 'Following cases: S-4267 S-4270 S-4271 S-4272 S-4275 S-4276 S-428i S-4282 Lot 1-A Blk 6C, Third Addition to original Anchorage Townsite Hig',:way Park Addition #1 College Gate Addition #1 Tracts Nels Klevin Homestead South Addition, Lot 37A Lotl-A Blk 27A Third Addition to Anchorage old Townsite West Turnagain Bonibrook //3 Trs A-1 & A-2 PUD Comments for other cases: S-4268 Lots lA & lB, Blk 3, Unit #1, North Addition to Alyeska Subdivision Public water available. Public sewer not available to service petition area. 1. Soils data to 16 feet required for lots. 2. Sewage system must be designed by Professional Engineer wino supervises the installation of the system. 3. Items #1 and #2 must be submitted 'for our review prior to any approval on this case. S-4269 Keno Hill Public water and public sewer not available to service petition area. Additional soil tests must be performed on lots not having tests or soils profiles from existing test holes across non-tested lots must be performed. We request that this case be postponed until the additional data is received and reviewed. S-4273 Mooretlead Subdivision Lot 38A Addtion #4 Lots 37 & 38 Public Water not available. Public sewer available to service petition area. No objections. S-4274 1st Addition to Smith Subdivision #1 Lot 9B Blk 7 Public water and public sewer available to service petition area. No objection. Double frontage parcel ,,may create aim and noise pollution problem if vehicular traffic is permitted to pass through the property from Cordova to Denali Street. 91-O10 (4/76) DA'TE: TO: FROM:' SUBJECT: M'EIN~ORANDUM November 17, ]976 Mike Bolinger, Contract Administrator Howard C. Holtan, Chief Engineer, Public Works COMMENTS ON PRELIMINARY PLATS FOR THE PLATTING BOAR[)MEETING OF DECEMBER 2, 1976 S-4267 S-4268 I.ot lA, Blk 6C, l'hird Addition, Anchorage Orig. inal ?ownsi~_e_ T~---p~'~-i-~-i~-r-I~,~--d~-e-s--~6'~ su'~}~o-~.-F-~-I~e v~i-~-~-o'~i'-~-[~,se-'-iT~b Avenue is not constructed and the alley is heavily used for access. Lots lA and lB, Block 3, Unit No. l, North Addition, Alveska Subdivision 1. Public Works supports the TPIV for Brighton Road and Crystal Road. 2. The corner rounding at t[~e intersection Of Drighton Road and Crystal Road is not needed. i~---F~]-:i~--i:/~q~--~upports the vacation of the small triangular piec'e of land adjacent to Lot 3, Blk 2. 2. A subdivision agreement is required 'for Spain Drive. 3. A temporary turnaround should be dedicated at the south end of Spain Drive. 4. Resolve drainage with Public Works. S-4270 Tract l, Hi~qhway Park Subdivision Additic,~ Ho. 1 ................... : ........................... ~ l. Plat should show creek, cree. k e.sume~lc ~ m loodplain. S-4271 College!jate Subd~ws'ton Add]:tnn Nh.1 Tr~.~..~___l_[LT1, .]~_T_~=L13B"i & 138-2 2. Resolve drainage with Public Works. S-4272 Nels Klevin ~;¢m}:-~ste,:~d l_ots 3A & 3[~, Blk 10 ~. Publ lc Works sub, pairs the IP1V roi the alley. S-4273 Lot SSA Morehand Subd'_L_v_~]_o_.[L._~;~l_(t.i_~_i?__I~]o_:__._4_ '~'[-'-A-~}]biJ-i-v-~-~zi'~i~-~.~/r. een,ent is required ',-or El ira St., to construct it to Municipal Standards for peripheral str(~ets plus a TPIV for full ';mprovenlents, S-.4274 1st Adci[ion, Smith Subdivision No.1 Lot 9D, Block 7 1. NO COIn!nent. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTI~'G,OR .PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-4273 PETITION FOR~REZONING OF Moorehead Subdivision Lot 38A - replat of Lots 37 & 38 ~P~E~C~IA~LnEXCEPTION Addi ti on #4 COMMENT TO PLANNING~OVember 17 ~ 1976FOR MEETING OF . __ . COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: ~LIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE SEWER "-- AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL GINEERING: 71-014 (9/76) unicipa yof Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (2516 East Tudor Road) September 21, 1976 Mr. Barry A. Schneider 1303 W. 43rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Schneider: It has been brought to our attention that public sewer is available to 9111 Elim Street (Lot 16, Moorehand Subdivision #3). According to the Municipal Code of Ordinances "Sewage Disposal Practices, Chapter 16, Article 16.45, Section 16.45. 050: "Septic tank-s~epage system sewage disposal facilities shall not be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sewers are available within seventy (70) feet of the nearest lot line of said premises... ". The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Public Works has checked their records and they indicate that your structure(s) is not connected to the sanitary sewer. Would you please check your records to verify that the structure (s) is or is not connected and notify us immediately if your records indicate that a connection has been made. If we do not hear from you within seven (7) days, we will assume that our records are correct. We, therefore, request you connect any and all structures located on the subject property to public sewer by the end of the 1977 construction seasoI1. You must apply for a connection permit from the permit officer for the Municipality of Anchorage, 3500 East Tudor Road..If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the permit officer at 279-8686, extension 259 or the Department of Health and Environmental Protection at 276-2221. Sincerely, Sanitarian LB/lw ~apt~mbe~* ~1, If we do no~ h~ar fror~ you ~iihi~ s~v~n (7) d~ya, we ~H a~a ~h~ ouu ~eo~{ ~r~ eorre~. ~e, th~r~ore, ~ue~t you e~neet ~ and ~ st~etu~e~ l~ated Les Bueh.hol~ . , ia~it~i~ "" CHEMICAL L - EOLOGICAL LABORATC S OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907) 279-4014 PoO. BOX 4- 1276 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVDo ANALYTICAL REPORT Water Analysis(Facility) Alpa~ ~ompany Date Collected: .... Time Collected: .... By: --- Source of Sample: Water Well Sample Physical Observations, Remarks: Clear water. Meets American Public Health Specifications for Human Consumption. [] m§/1. Aluminum [~ !93 mmhos [] m~/l~ Arsenic [~ 7.4 units [] mg/]. Barium [] m~/1 [] mg/1 Boron [] m§/1 [] mg/1 Cadmium [] mg/1 DO 14 m~/1. Calcium [] mg/1 [] mg/1 copper [] mg/1 [] mg/1 Chromium-Total [] mg/1 [] mg/1 Chromium-Tri [] mg/1 [] .mg/1. Chromium-Hex [~. 5 m§/1 [] mg/1 Iron-Total [] mg/1 [] m~/1 Iron-Dissolved [] mg/1 [] m~/1 Lead [~ <l mg/1 [X]_ 6 mg/l~~Magnesium [] mg/1 [] mg/1 Manganese [] m§/1 [] mg~] Mercury [] mg/1 [] m§/1 Nickel [] mg/1 [X] .1 . mg/1. Potassium [~ 174 mg/1 [] mg/1 Selenium [] mg/1 DO 3 mg/~ Sodium [] mg/1 [] m~/1 Silver [] mg/1 [] mg/1. Zinc [] OlD Conductivity pH Ammonia Nitrogen-N Kjedahl Nitrogen-N Organic Nitrogen-N Nitrate(N) Nitrite(N) Phosphorus (Ortho)-P Phosphorus (Total)-P Chloride Fluoride Cyanide Sulfate Phenol MBSA BOD COD TD Solids TV Solids Suspended Solids SV Solids Turbidity [] K] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 197 mg/1 Hardness as CaCO3 mg/1 Alkalinity as CaCO~ mg/1Acidity-T as CaCO3 mg/1 Acidity Free as CaCO~ /lOOml Colifor~-T /lOOml Coliform-F /lOOml Strep-F units Color [] Transported by: Received by: Transported by: Received by: FOR LAB USE ONLY Lab# 4180 Rec'd by: Th Date sample rec'd: 5-3-76 Date analysis completed: 5-7-76 Date results reported: 5-11-76 Signed: ~ c~ ~.~..~ Date: May 11, 1§76 ~92~ C~lovin ~)l.~,lb ~1' ALASKA DIVISION OPPUBLIC HEALTH BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER'ANALYSIS Lab. N~_ OFFICE REPORT RESULTS TO " NAME ADDRESS CITY ADORESS [? ~ / ~. - / Records in this office indicate this WATER SUPPLY to be of: Satisfactory [] Questionable [] Unsatisfactory Sanitary Status. Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: [] Satisfactory [] Questionable [] Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above you should fahe immed ate action as recommended below. 1. Notify consumers water is polluted. Boll or chemically treat .this water as outlined in the enclosed leaflet "Drink It Pure." 2_ Increase chlorination sufficiently fa.meet recommended residual standards. Determine source of contarnination and tahe action necessary to maintain a safe water ~supply at all limes ' 3. Check chlorinatinn and other mechanical equipment. Make~ cerlain it~is functioning properly. --4. If after cJ{~c~ng equipment a disinfecting residual is not obtalned/.plea~e wire tbis-~ffice-for emergency assistance or advisory ser~'ices. Well* [] Dug [] Driven [] Drilled [] Bored SOURCE: [] Spring [] Cistern [] Olher ~__ Dug Well or Cistern Construction: Brick or Walls - [] Woad [~ Concrete [] Metal ~ Tile [] Concrete Top - [] Wood El Concrete [] Metal [] Open Top LOCATION: [] In Basemenl ~] ~asement Offset [] Under House [] In Yard [] Olher Building Sewer Septic DISTANCE TO: or Other Drainage Pipe Feet Tanl~ F~t. Tile Seepage Cess- Field Feel. Pil Feet.Pool Feel.Privy Feel. Olher Possible Sources of Contamination Asbest~s MATERIAL: Building Sewer - [] Cast [] Wood [] Tile []F~bre [] Cemcrd Iron -- [] Plastic ~olnt Material -- Type 5. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by'man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. 6. Irnproye your ~1 spring [] dug well [] driven well [] drilled well [] cistern. 7 Relocat~ your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system. [] see enclosure __8. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be' over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable resuits~ please send new sample. [] Botlle Broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or ' I~ Alaska Division of Public Health, sanitation office for bulletins, consultation and assistance. GENERAL: Does Water Become Muddy or Discolored? [] Yes When? [] No Diameter o~ Well Depth Feet. Well Casing Length al Water Deplh Drop Pipe From Boffom Fee~ Offset In [] In Basemenl [] Room - PUMP LOCATION: [] In Well [] Basemem [] Of Weir [] Other PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? [] Yes [] No New Source of Supply? ]] Yes [] No Repairs lo Syslem? [] Yes [] No SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Signature . READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE ' ®L BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Dote Received' / .) ('£~ Time Received :S' ,:~}~P~ ) Lab. No 48 hours ' ~ .... Brilliant Green 24 hours , 48 hours EMB AGAR Lactose Broth, 24 hrs. 48 hrs.~ Gram's stain r~ Coliform Density iMost probable No. per 100cc.) Reported by Th s ana ys s nd cates Coliforn~ Qrganisms o b : :- '" Absent ' ' -'- present. V[CIN II'y MAp GERTIFI~ATE OF OWNERSHIP ~ DEDICATION NOTARY'$ ACKNOWLE~ Subscribed and sworn before me DTIOEIDg3 PLAT OF LOTS I thru 8, of TRACT 3B, MOOREHAND SUBDIVISION FRED WALATKA & ASSOCIATES ]. ] [ ~ ~ ~ut hot i-z~/J 1 LOTS PA ~'t--B ;TRACT MOOREHAND SUBDtVI SiON REPLAT OF LOT ~, TRACT 3-A. MOORD'IAND SUBDIVISION FRED W*ALATKA ~ ASSOCIATES