HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOOREHAND TR 3A LT 4A4.^ ':R ANCHORAGE AREA Department of Environmental G~uality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME //~/~ ~' MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION ~t ~( ~/C< ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEPTIC TANK: FD IRSoTMA ~/CEEL L ~b. yrl/J'4~'lA N U FAC T U R E R ~'L.~ ~ ~.. INSIDE LENGTH ~ INSIDE WIDTH ~_~tfr~~ /)0¢~9..~-' NUMBER Of MATERIAL '~-/L¢-<; i- COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH ~ LIQUID CAPACITY JOC~ ~ GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS / DIAMETER ~ OR WIDTH LINING MATERIAL' l'~lA5 CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER BUILDING FOUNDATION .~:]O , NEAREST LOT LINE ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION ~ / / LENGTH lb , DEPTH '~ /'~ DEPTH N,~ DISTANCE FROM= WELL (~/?FCw¢~4,,C/*-'/, TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) c'~/C') SQ. FT. WELL: BUILDING FOUNDATION -- CESSPOOL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION NEAREST NEAREST LOT LINE SEWER LINE OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED REMARKS DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: SEPTIC SEEPAGE TANK SYSTEM DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: .~..N~'.~/~-'~ ~Y~ PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: Form No, EQ-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE ,~-/-~ %/F/~/¢// APPROVED /~'f'/~X'- /- ' ,~:tC/~/.C.f..&] ¢/ '' G.A.A.B. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT GreateR ANCHorage ARea BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4~61 PERMIT NO. PHONE FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INST LLED BY SOIL TEST RESULTS ~- / ?~//~ · //~'/~' />~ NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE , TYPE . MINIMUM DISTANC:ES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE Pit <~/ DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE Pit Wall /~Z~-- SEPTIC TANK ., SEEPAGE P~T .DRAIN FIELD DRAIN FIELD WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TA TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. SEEPAGE PIT f~ CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT Fitted WITH AIRTight REMOVABLe CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUG~ ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SA~D CODE. /~ ~ ~ DATE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE .... FORM NO, EQ-OI 6 Performed For GREAlfiR ANCHORING[ AREA BORCUGH BEPARTHENT OF ENV~RONMENT/",L O~[.ITY 3~n "C Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # Dated Performed Subdivision Legal Description: Lot~_Block -- This Form Reports Soils ~ Percolation T~est ,. - Soil Test Hust Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth Feet Soil Characteristics 9~ 11~ 12~ '13~ -I {{ ¥1~---'Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, At What Depth?__ /~ Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20 Net DropI ~ercol ation Rate Mi qu'ce Proposed Installation: Depth of Inlet__ Pqt ~9 Drain Field Seepage Depth to Bottom of--Pit or Trenc~'_-~ ..... Test Per-formed BY Dete Certified =,v l) a ',~ e: S.4459 .... MOOREHAND'SUSD., BLOCI<'3A,'~GTS 4A & 4i~ .... The Anchorage has received a petition from Melvin E Johnson ~ ~[suhdivide;~pproximateh, acre from one lot in[o two Io~s. The petJdon aea is Iocat~/'east of Golovin ~h'., sou 88tI~ Ave. ~md ,,vest of Arian St. Approved subject to: jIJ L .~-.:.~ 1977 !. Labeling ut:ility easements, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PR'~ECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER PETITION FOR SPECI~.L EXCEPTION VACAI~{ON DATE RECEIVED RE6UB~ION OF Fred t~a-l~,~tka ~, A¢~nniaf~ ~"~Pln~- nC I n~-e ~t,1 ~. ~tR~ Bl~/~~h,a. nd. Sub.d~n./_-;-s;~d~/-jf'~o; 4, Blk 3A Mo6m, gha.n.~within the SE 1/4 sec 8, T1ZN, R3W,-~;.~,. Aic;~, ....... COMMENT TO PLANNING BY~JURe 22, 1977 FOR MEETING OF July _7; 19__.77 COMMENTS: '~'~'~%%. ~ of Cases ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: ~I~BLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE PUI~,IC SEWER~AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: 71-O14 (9/76) POUCH 6-650 /~c~O f e'~'!a,/%;, ANCHORAGE, AI.ASI(A 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION {825 "L" Street) January 23, 1978 File No,: 6-20 4-2-4 Mr. E. P. Hand 8912 Golovin Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Moorehand Well - #Two Dear Mr. Hand: This Department cannot approve tile Moorehand Water System until we receive the Coertificate of Ownership and Dedication for Water Well Radii, which we discussed in this office. (Sample copy enclosed.) If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Environmental Engineering JWL: 1 mp Enclosure: Sample Copy: Certo of ~nership & Dedication for Water Well Radii 4 *D/V/C*,. ~5i L , Z:O~I /iy- 7 ., CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP 8, DEDICATION FOR WATER WELL RADII , '¢/c hereby cc~ lily fhaf we ore the owners of the property affected by the water ..,ull rcdu tis sho.,m hereon dolled and hereby dedicate fo the public oll easements for aha wafur well ro{',~* wi~h the following restrictions: No septic systems or ,,:,,mqr d~sposal systems shall be allowed within ~00', no sewer mains or services _r~a,', ',,c allowed within I00' and oil sewer mains and serviqes wHhin the I~' to 200' :odti of the proposed or existing water well shall be cast iron,(minimun}. :¢ .[ r. ~ ~ ~LE~N-G ~ r~,stee for MARY LOd BRiGGS Revocable Trust) Box 517; Ea~!e Fdyer ,Ak 99~577 ;t.',:h L 6:';;;{t"' ustee~OOLEhN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 666) l~016.49 maas 12 ....................... ]tW?l ELL LOC. 103' 11 )r~ I2,435 s f. o© o ",1 110.13 248 ~3,:~ 145 ~ql 9 ~u 20,915 s.f. "?' ,,~500 s f. ~24 .z N 8112.2,50'h,v 97' 25! CREEK January 27~ 1978 Alaska Public Utilities C0~ission 338 Denali Street Mac Kay Building Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Moorehand Water System Plans for the subject water system have been submitted and approved by this department. Mr. Hand is aware of the monthly s~%pling requirements. A second well has been drilled forty(4~) feet from the original well as a back-up auxiliary system. This department finds the Moorehand Utility in compliance at this time. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz~ R.$. Senior Environmental opecialzst I~NB/1 j h E.P. Hand 9812 Glovin Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 POUCH 6-650 2: ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950 GEORGE M, SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Street) January 23, 1978 File No.: 6-20 4,2-4 Mr. E. P. Hand 8912 Golovin Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Moorehand Well - ~Two Dear Mr. Hand: This Department cannot approve the Moorehand Water System until we receive the Coertificate of Ownership and Dedication for Water Well Radii, which we discussed in this office. (Sample copy enclosed.) If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Environmental Engineering JWL: 1 mp Enclosure: Sample Copy: Cert. of Ownership & Dedication for Water Well Radii CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP 8~ DEDICATION FOR WATER WELL RADII , ,. Wu hereby certify [i'~(]f we ore the owners of the property affected by the wafer ,.,:Il redn (is shown hereon dotted end hereby dedicate fo the public oil easements for the wt]lcr well rdd. w~lh the following restrictions: No septic systems or :,(;,,¢n(j~r (JtSposal systems shall be allowed within 200' , no sewer mains or services :,d,', :,¢ ailowed wilhin I00' Ond ell sewer mains and servic.es within the I~' lo 200' ;cdii of fha proposed or existing water well shall be cast iron,(minimun). ,¢,.I [:. _/ r~¢sle~ - MARY LOU BRIGGS Revocable Trust) - '~-; ' .. ~ for OLEN4 G RIGGS ( HOTARY'S ACKNOWLE~EMENT :;d;,:,c:?,,cd onJ sworn I0 before me thts_~ day of. ~- ,;, ~j~r°,,;U'E , 1,016.95. 'ret(P666) I? 1~016.49 meas. ................. CIRCLE 8 N~ ~a~,~ w Ci 0 ----lOC 00--- 0 o I 't.'.I ::.' ..... · o o0 248.83 14B BI .... CO s f. LOC. , 103' [ "'~. ' 97' 12,435 89°58'CO"W(R) ~ .... 110.13 N '. 10 20,915 s.f. 25' CREEK January 11~ 1978 Alaska Public Utilities Commission 1100 Mac Kay Building 338 Denalt Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: J. Lowell Jensen, Exo. Director This department opposes the continuation of temporary authority for Earl P. Hand d/b/a Alpat Utility application docket U-77~95. As.-builtsplans have been requested sine~ April 28, 1976. To date the plans have not been submitted for review. This letter, essentially, reiterates this department's position stated in our letter to Alaska Public Utilities Commission dated August 29, 1977. If there are any further questions~ please contact th~s office a~ 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz~ R. So Senior Environmental Specialist I~NB/lJh NOTICE OF UTILITY APPLICATION The ALASKA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION hereby gives notice that EARL P. HAND d/b/a ALPAT UTILITY (Applicant) has filed an application (Docket U-77-85) for a continuation of temporary authority and for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide water utility service on a permanent basis in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 8, Township 12 Dorth, Range 3 West of the Seward Meridian, more specifically described as strutz Subdivision, Tracts 1 and 2, Morehand Sub- division, Tracts 3H and 3B, and Morehand Subdivision Additions 2, 3 and 4. Included in the application are proposed regulations and rates for the water utility service· The proposed resi- dential flat rate is $30.00 per month per single family unit. The applicant requests authority also to institute, immediately, interim rates of $25 per month for residential service and $!10 per month for commercial service. Revenues collected under the interim rates would be subject to refund if the interim rates exceed the permanent rates which subsequently are approved by the Commission. The applicant commenced providing water utility service about 1972 and now serves 55 customers. More detailed information may be obtained from the applicant whose address is 8912 Golovin Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Any interested person may file with the Commission by 4:30 P.M., January 30, 1978, a statement of views and specific reasons in favor of, or in opposition to, the granting of auth- ority to the applicant to operate a water public utility and to institute interim rates, together with written confirmation that the same statement also has been mailed or delivered to the applicant. ~UNIcI~[i~y~A~D~a~ Anchorage, Alaska, this 2Bth day of December, 1977. DEPT. O~ H~AI~H ~.~ Ui:z'kj ~.) U ',ur, · Lowell Je.~sen xecutive DJ{rector August 26~ 1977 A1 Nc Cann §975 Castle Court Anchorage~ Alaska 99504 Subject ~ Moorehand Subdivision According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water s~Ap!e for the above subject well system for the month of July~ 1977. Ot~ records indicate that you are responsible for turning ~,ese mandatory seep!es in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a wa~er sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 Eas~ 4th Avenue~ as soon as l~ssible and return the sample to the s[~e address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us j~mediately to any na~e an(l/or address changes. If ~%ere are any further ~aestions, please contact this of~ce at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this l!~tter. Sincerely~ Lynn Bringte Principal Environed.entail Control Officer LD/ljh August 29, 1977 AlakBa Public Utilities Co~ission 1100 Mac Kay Bu~Idin~ 338 Denali Street Anchoraget Alaska 99501 Attention: I.W. Mitchell Subject: E.P. Hand Water System Serving Moorehand Subdivision Dear Mr. Mitchell = This dePar~m%ent has not approved the subject well. As-built plans were r~tuested for our review and approvea April 28, 1976. To date no as-builts have been received. Also, required is monthly ~amplln~ of ~%e well regarding ~cterial analysis. A ~mpling sch~ule needs to be establiSh~ ~d a res~nsible indivaaual n~ed. S~pi'ing criteria should be co-ordinated ~hru Ly~ Bringle of/the Municipal ~vironmenta! Sanitation Division~ E~gineering review should be co~'ord~uated thru Jolm L~n of the ~,~icipal ~vlr°m~ental Engineer~g Section. //if '~here ar~ ~y f~ther questions~ please contact this office Sin;er~Iy, / j h March 11~ 1977 A1 ~c Cann 4975 Castle Court Anchorage, ~a~ka 99204 SubJ~ct~ ~oorehand SUbdivision the above subject well syst~ for the month ~f Feb~/ary~ 1977. ' If yo~ h~;e not don~ so as yet, pleas~ obtain a water sampling bo%tl~ fro~v~ ~e:~tate Lab, 5~7 ~a~ 4th Avenue, ~yst~, plaas~ not ~. u~ i~di~t~ty ~o ~:y n~ and/o~ addr~s~ changes. office at 279-2511, ext~nsion ~4, or at %he abov~ address. T~mnk you for your co-o~ration in this matter. Sincerely, 9rinetpal Environr~en~al. Control Officer NMD/ljh return receipt requested · SENDER: Complete item~ 1, 2, and '~. Add your address in the "RBTURN TO" space on 1. The following service is requested (check one). [] Show to whom and date delivered ............ [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. ~ Show to whom and date delivered ............. 65.¢ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery 85¢ WMD/1 j h 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: A1 Mc Cann 4975 Castle Court Anchorage, Alaska 99504 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. CERTIFIED NO. ~ INSUREO NO. I 102072 (Alway~ obt. ln ~lgn.tur~ of ~ddr~ee ~r agent) I have received the article described above. .._.IGNATURE [] Addressee [] Authorized agent ",/DATE OF DFaLLVEII~ ~ ~r /~,,.,.~Ti~ARK%~': INITIALS I~EC[:!~PY i,'OR ~;i!I~Y[FIE~} MAIL~30{! (plus postage) SENT TO S',:REE', ~N~ N0. - P.O,, S'IA'I'E A?R ZIP CODE POSTMARK OR DATE - OP¥1dNAL SERVICES FOR ADDI'~IONAL FEES IlE'(Ult[l ~ 1, Sli~';~iO WhOhl ahd [late delivered ........... 15¢ ["% With delivery to ~ddressee only ............ PS [:on,, 3000 tI0 INSURANCE fl0vENgGE PROVIDED-- Apr. 1971 rlUi' [:0R INTERNATIONAL MAIL ANC:HOF~A~E, ALASKA 99509 Water Analysis(Facility). Date Collected: .... ANALYTICAL REPORT Alpat Comp~n.y Time Collected: .... By: Source of Sample: Water Well Sa__mple Physical Observations, Remarks: Clear water. Meets American Public Health S~ecifications Human Consumption. [] mg/1 Aluminum [~ 193 mmhos Conductivity [] mg/1 Hardness as - CaCO3 []___ 2/i Arsenic pH ~] 197 m~j_Alkalinity as __ ' CaCO~ Ammonia [] mg/1Acid~ty-T as []- mg/1. Barium Nitrogen-N CaC03 Kjedahl []. m_~q/1. Acidity Free [] m§/1 Boron Nitrogen-N as CaCO~ Organic [] /lOOml Colifor~-T [] mg/~ Cadmium Nitrogen-N DO__14 mg/l_Calcium Nitrate(N) [] /lOOml Col iform-F []_ mg/1_Copper Nitrite(N) [] /lOOml Strep-F Phosphorus [] units Color []_, mg/1 Chromium-Total [] mg/1 Chromium-Tri []~ mg/!. Chromium-Hex []_ m~/1 Iron-Total [] mg/~ Iron-Dissolved [] m~/.!_ Lead IX] § mg/l~Magnesium [] ~9/~lManganese []_ mg/1 Mercury [] m9/1- Nickel IX]_ I .. mg/~ Potassium []_ mg/1- Selenium ~ 3 mg/~ Sodium []_ . mg/1 Silver [] mg/1 Zinc (Ortho)-P Phosphorus [] (Total)-P Chloride [] Fluoride Cyanide Sulfate Phenol MBSA BOD COD .TD Solids TV Solids m9/1 Suspended Solids m9/1SV Solids JTU Turbidity [~_ 7.4 units []__ _ m9/1 [] m9/_]1 [] mg/ . []_ m9/1 []. mg/1 [] mg/1 [] ~ [~_ 5 mg/l [] mg/1. [] m9/! [~_ <1 m9/1. []_ __mg/l []_ mg/1 []_ m~/1. []_ mg/1 [~ 174 _m9T1 []_ mg/1 []_ [] [] Transported by: Received by: Transported by: Received by: FOR LAB USE ONLY Lab# 4180 Rec'd by: Th Date sample rec'd: 5-3-76 Date analysis completed:_ 5-7-76 Date results reported: 5-11-76 Date: May 11~ 1976 CHEMICAL k :GEOLOGICAL LABORA] -J IES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907) 2.79-4014 p.O. BOX 4- 1276 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 ANALYTICAL REPORT Water Analysis(Facility). Date Collected: .... Source of Sample:. Physical Observations, Remarks: Alpat Co~mpan~y_ Time Collected: .... By: -=- Water Well S_ ample Clear water, Meets ~nerican Public Health Specifications Human Consumption, []_ L/l__Aluminum []_ m__g/1 Arsenic []_ m_~]_Barium []_ mg/~ Boron []. mg/~ Cadmium Ix]__!4,._ mg/~ Calcium []_ ~g/~ Copper []_ m~/1 Chromium-Total []___ mg/~ Chromium-Tri []_ m__g/~ Chromium-Hex []. m~/1. Iron-Total []_ mg/]_l Iron-Dissolved []_ mg/1 Lead ~_ 6_ m~/~'Magnesium [] .m_~_g_/1..Manganese [].__ mg/~l Mercury []_ mg/~ Nickel ~_ 1 ~g/~ Potassium []___ mg/1. Selenium ~_ 3 _mg/~ Sodium [] . ~_g/1. Silver []. . mg/~ Zinc [~_ i93 mmhos Conductivity [] m_~g/1. Hardness as ~ _ CaCO3 [~_ 7,4 units pH ~]. 197 mg/1. Alkalinity as CaCO3 []. mg/1 Ammonia [] mg/1 Acid~ty-T as .... Nitrogen-N -- CaC03 [] ___~mg/1 Kjedahl [] _mg/l_ Acidity Free ' Nitrogen-N as 'CaCO~ []_ __~/1 Organic [] __/lOOml Colifor~-T -- -- Nitrogen-N []~ mg/1. Nitrate(N) [] /lOOml Coliform-F [] _ mg/1 Nitrite(N) [] /lOOml Strep-F [] mg/1 Phosphorus [] __units Color - - - (Ortho)~P []_ ~ Phosphorus [] __ (Total)-P [~ 5 mg/l_ Chloride []__ []_ __ m_~q/1. Fluoride []_ mg/l_ Cyanide [~_ <l mg/~ Sulfate []_ _mg/~ Phenol []_ ~_9/! MBSA []_ mg/Z BOD []_ mg/1COD 174 mg/1. TD Solids [] ___ _mg/l_TV Solids []_ mg/1 Suspended ' 'Solids []_ mg/1. SV Solids []_ JTU Turbidity Transported by: ~eceived by: Transported by: Received by: FOR LAB USE ONLY _ab# 4180 Rec'd by: Th Date sample rec'd: 5-3-76 Date analysis completed:_ 5-7-76 Date results reported: 5-11-76 Signed:~ ate:_ May ll, lq76__