HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIKE BEIRNE Tracts A, B, and C Plat 91-79 S-8973 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: November 1, 1991 TO: FROM: File ~ Susan Oswalt, On-Site Services: SUBJECT: S-8973, Mike Beirne S/D I reviewed the above case on September 4, 199 The application was forwarded from Planning with no soils information so it was assumed that the development would have public utilities. My comments were as follows: 1. Extend public sewer and water to the development. 2. Provide information on sewer and water facilities serving existing building on Tract B. Mr. Earl Barnard was in this office recently, at Jerry Weaver's insistence, attempting to get DHHS sign off on the plat. I was unable to comply with his request since our concerns had not been satisfied. Although the Summary of Action does not include a requirement for a subdivision agreement to extend public sewer and water, neither did it require any information for this department. I explained this to Mr. Barnard, who returned to Planning. Subsequently, he had a similar discussion with John Smith, who gave him the same basic information I had given. At this time it was learned that the "shack" on the property was actually a duplex with a six digit value. Mr. Barnard had also previously stated that the land was wet and not suitable for on-site wastewater disposal. Today Mr. Barnard was once again in our office for the same reason. He had a stamped as-built which delineated the location of the existing well and sewer system. Again Mr. Barnard stated that soil tests would be futile as there was much ground water. There are no soil tests available for the dwelling, and no record of ADEC approvals. We agreed that a plat note would be added which stated that no future development could occur until public sewer reaches the subdivision; and that once sewer was available, the dwelling, will be connected. I reluctantly signed this plat today. For the record it should be noted that this office will not issue any on-site wastewater permits for this property. It should also be noted that the existing dwelling on Tract B will require ADEC certificates for both well and sewer systems. /so/OSS69 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: September 4, 1990 Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting THRU: John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services j Susan Oswalt, On-site Services FROM: Department of Health and Human S~rvices SUBJECT: Request for Comments on Subdivision Cases September 21, 1990 The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-8970: S-8971: S-8972: ,S-8973: Lots 1, 2 Meadow Road Subdivision DHHS has records on file for both lots. 'No objection. Johnson-Young Subdivision, Lot lA Block 1 with Vacation No objection. - - _ --- Lot 38 Block 4 Turnagain View ~2 Vacation only No objecti'on. Tracts A, Bi 'C.Mike Beirne Subdivision This land must have public sewer and water extended to it prior to development..Provide information on sewer and water facilities serving existing building on Tract B. SO/ljm I I I hereby c~tify that I have mrve~.ed the following described property: Anchorage R~ding Di~rict. Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do rl~t o~erlep or em~oach on the moperty lying adjacent thereto, that n~ improvements on property lying adjacent thereto em:roach on the premises in question and that thee ere no ro~lways, transmission lines o~ other visible easements on ~id propert~y ~x~pt ~ indicated Dated at An~, A~, thi~ BAR.RD ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA d~y of D~7- .19 ~ / , / SURVEY TITLE Book No. _'~1--~. Revisions: