HomeMy WebLinkAboutNEW GIRDWOOD TOWNSITE ALASKA Alyeska Ski Corporation (Alaska Nugget Hotel or Inn) August 2, 1973 Mr. Hark Stockslager Genural Delivery Girdwood, Ak. 99587 Dear Hr. S~ockslager: 0)] July 19, 1973 you registered a complaint at this office auainst Alyeska Lodge for dumpin!) raw sewa.qe into the creek. On July 20 I dyed tho sewer system at the ludge with an orange colored dye. On July 23, I fou~]d ~)o evide)~ce of the dye. You possibly could be seeing a lot of surface water which is common in ~,l)~ Alyeska area. If you have aay questions on the above, please con- ~cact ~his office. Sincerely, i{oburt C. EIiVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OFFICER III RCP/ko August 2, 1973 Nr. Doug Palmqutst General Delivury Gtrdwood, Ak. 99587 Dear Mr. Pal~nquist: On July 19, 1973 you registered a complaint at this office against Alyeska Lodue for dumping raw sewage into '~i~e creek. On July 20 ~ dyed the sewer system at 'Che lodge wi'~h an orange colordd dye. On July 23 I found ~o evidence of the dye, You possibly could be seeing a lot of surface water which is common tn the Alyuska area. If you have any ques%ions on the above, please con- tact this office. Siacerely, Robert C. Pratt, Fi(VIRONMENTA[. COlITROL OFFICER III I~CP/ko Complainant's Name NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Phone No//~/c~ Box No, Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made:_//~/~]~/~ Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Phone No. Location of Complaint: ~~~ ~ Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint: ~ Date: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my be- lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investi- gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. , REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Investigator:____.~_~ Date Investigated: -~//~-2~/~) ' DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Complainant's Name: Street Address: Phone Box No. Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: ,~4~-~J/~ Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Phone No. Location of Complaint:_/~._~/_~ ~~ Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint: d?. ~.'~~~~ate: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my be- lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investi- gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant,~ REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Investigator: ~ Date Investigated: --7_W~)-~ DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: 99587 x. yon Loac. h Field - August 3~ t!)70 ~'leld.) olt tho ~3.~.to~ i~Sl,cction o2~ the newly J.~ 2;tallcd draJ t ~' " nsFccl:i on: .~;ho~ve,! '['hat i'1o ;eVidence 9~5 v,:hi:ctd;~:c the as-butJ.t en~,.ineerin;,. ,~z~ -m~ku(mted in !ettcr~ Jtme 1?~ 1970 and .l~dy thi.~; new (l~n5,;~ 'I'.}.c/d }.~; j.endJ.n;: the C()IISi:Y!lcl:~f)]l o{' [IRS CC: Dickinson-Oswald ~ON$ TO DELIVERi~I-G~EMpLOY££ I ~ S.ho.w to whom, date, and i'--I DaJh'er ONLY I - .L_./address where delivered L~ to a[fdressee ~ (zlc~d/t/o~;al charges reqldredfor these services) ~; Received the ~ltlrnbered article d~scrtfied AEO STEREO 110 ~- _ ..... - rcrlbed belofe, ~ ADDRESSEE (Mini afu,~y.r .... ~ ~IQ~ATURE OF AODRESgEE,~ A , IF AHY RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED iVIAIL--20~ POSTMARK OR DATE CITY, STATE. AND Z~P CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDJTIOHAL FEES Return Rocelpt Del/vet to deltvered dellve~ed [] 50~, fee [] 10~ ice [] 35~ fee J~ly 2, ,~u.o 12, l'~O. ?,il it~,~ i~; ~ pro jo, ct :i;~ ¢o~,~plete. $. It¢l~ N4 (O~ 12, 1970) - ;o be i~l:-~pectod in thu fi. eld the rovirmd drra~ing:;; it,,~, ~5 :is aduquately stt{t~d iu Judkina letter. '{t'tia ~part~.*nt .~;ivea approval t;o thiu project subject to the J~kins' letter. CLIFFOI~D P, JUDKINS, Ad~}.~d st~ati¥o Director CC~ Chris v~t I~of Don P. Conrad gear 4r. iLr, antc!~: c.P. :li4k.,~ :,ic~)ard i,:i. 2,rttt~ saFiital,~ i!)~c!lneer ~ivi~icn oF L~vlro~;mtal iiu~lti~ June 26~ 1970 State of Alaska Depto of Health & Welfar.e Pouch Il Juneau ~ A la,,;k a 99801 Attn: Mr, Richard Britt Alyeska Sewage ?reatment Faeilitites Degree of Treatment Required Dea~ Mmo Britt: Our client, Alyeska Ski Corporation, is faced with the problem of providing sewage tr.eatment and disposal for. the existing lodge, hotel~ and condominium facilities as well as additional condominium units planned for construction in the Sewage fmom the existing buildings is being disposed of by separ.a~e septic tanks and leaching fields~ For. the most pa¢~Z these facilitie,,~ are performing adequately~ however., the leaching field at the hotel has recently become plugged, mequlr.ing that the sewage be hauled periodically. This failure, coupled with the r.equi~ement of sep~age facilities fop ~0 mor.e comdomlnium unit~ to be constr.ucted during the 1970 and 1971 construction seasons has led the developer's to consider, the possible installation of a package tz, eaiment plant of adequate size for the existing, as well as near. future (4 to 5 years) ¢onstr.uctfono A plant of approxi- mately ~0,000 gpd capacity is contemplated, The effluent fr.om the plant would be dischar.ged into a fast moving stream of sever.al cz~,C$ flow which muns throngh the area and into Glaciez, Cmeek, We have advised the developer ~hat such a system wou].d require sterilization treatment at the discharge end of the plant prior to entering the stream, Pal~e 2. June 26~ 1970 Our problem then is one of determining what desre¢ of ~reatmen'~ will be required for this type of disposal. We unsure of ~he proper int:erpretatlon of thc Administrative Code and %'~ate~ Quality Sta~dards for this situation and would preclate your assr. stance in working ou~ a practlc~[1 solution the problem, We would also appreciate word as to where we may procure a copy of the revised Ad~inistratlvo Code~ Title 7~ Division 1, Chap'tar 2, as mentioned on Page 4 of the Water Quality Standards pamphlet~ Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, DICKINSOIb~O,q;'!^LD g PARTItERS R.W. Kranlch. P,E. TO DICKINSON-OSWA' AND ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone 272-8612 or 272-0623 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~.Attached [] Under separate via cover [] Shop drawings /~Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] [] Samples the following items: [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION TFiESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: .~, For approval ,~ For your use ,~ As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit__ [] Submit [] Return_ copies for approval _copies for distribution corrected prints ____ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS. COPY TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ,hme 12, 1970 Box 326 ^~tcho:ra}{e. Al~s}¢a 99501 SU~J[~CT: ^lye,ska Nugget lan, Loach Field - Rc¥iscd Drawiag JUho 10, 1970 have b~an r~vi~ed by this office and Filter aatortal shall be. ill Coa}pli;atce ~dtit C, reator ,^nct~orago A~ea Boroagh Onli~la~c No. 28-68,, 'i'no leachini; £iold bed shall eot be located within 'lhe enliin¢:er ~'tll provide suf£.iciont sui~n-~zision a:ld of th~ constmcticm, "Interim type" approval ~ill not bo i;ra~ted, ^pproval the !9'$t¢,~ ~ill be gm,ted after thecon.,t, rta.tloa' ~-' ' ' - ~ includiit; vehicultw barricade$~ i:; ^ny use of the leachings, field area other tha~ as a leach,- ina field .tll require ti,e ~;~mission of e~ginee~'i~t~ aual- y~is ond rec~;~mlation5 to thi:~ office fer' revimv and approval prior to s~h use be~imdn~, :iincoroly, CPJ: i'n cc: t3~ris w~l~ Don E. Con,tad Clifford P. Jt~dkin,~;~ A~Mnistrative Director Roll R. Strickland, Envlronmental flealth Supervisor Greater AnchoraHe Area Borough .527 I%gle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 April 12, [)ear Mr. Strickland: Ilia have received your letter of April 9th with regard to installation of sewage disposal systems. For your information, we are presently planning to install a new leach field for the betel. Dickinson-Oswald, the enginee, rs who prepar~,~d the site plan, will submit an application to your office prior to cons-l'ruction. systems to laake not rea · r'a rm i t a p p row~ For your informa'l'ion, unless for some special reason, we dc) not plan 'ko install any sewage systems. As we are not interested in constructing sewage for home owners in the subdivision, we normally advise home owners contractural arrangements with Anchorage excaw~tors. Since we are t ly in this end ef the business, we would rather tell the owners to out to experienced operators and make their own arrangements to get I from the Borough Health Department. Otherwi prior to constructi?%~ Sj~re I y y~6T~rs, Chris van Irnhof Vice President and g~neral cc: Don E. Conrad Area Foreman se.~ we will certainly comply with your request to submil' applicatiens [,/la na!:jer CVl/rnes R~'PLY VIA ,AIR MAIL,, INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE Show to whom, dat~ ~nd 1'-~1' Deliver ONLY E']address wherede vered I Itoeddfossee (Additional charges req~dred for these services) REGISTERED CERTIFIED BO, DATE DELIVERED RECEIPT Received the numbered article d~$crtbed below. k:SIGNATURE OR/fA~IE OF ADDREOSEE (3Imtalw#y~ RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~20f~ STREET AND NO, POSTMARK OR DATE CITY, STATE. AND ZIP CODE EXTRA SERVICE~ FOR ADDITIONAL FEE~ delt~ored ¢telivered [] 50~ P0O Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PRO¥1DEO~ ~.~ee other ~ov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL, MAIL April 9, 1970 Alyoska 5klgg(~t Ho~el (~ird.we. od ~ Alimka 99597 5UP, JECf: Installatien of lit th~.,' Gird~m~d-Alyeska Area sew~ral call!~ from lvcal t~xcavators recently sayJt~i; they have contacted ~o put in so~r systems for Imr~os in yom' ar~a. ?rice ti~e local excavator quogei~ is m~h hi[;her than c~m bo (Mr fi l{m M,ow i:h:.,.t the only local ~:~xca'vati. ng .ftn~ ltctmsed in ';mrr ~rea is Ai}~osl;a 'Ski (l~rporation. Pecent checks also ~thow in feur area, ~'~e wish to rulko you awa~e that prior to ~my t.m~tall~tion o'F a sewcrai~e d~'[>i>sal application and parmit,f'rom this office. A soil test is also roqui!~d for each tm~,,lt to determine the typ¢~ and size of the disposal field. m'~d approv~ each installation b~fore j.t can be backfilled. Should an% 5y!~bcms [)a installe~l having not ibllc~ed the above pr{m~duro, both th~ excavator and h~or wi. II be cited to com't. Coatact the mulersigned i{' a~ty question should arise ~.garding this :rotter. (:I,Itq,I~RD P, JUDKINS, gd, rdntstrat!ve i)tYectot BY: !.:nviron~mtal Health Supi:rvJ. sor [:et~ru'ary 18, 1970 bit. Citris yon Inihof Vice President Alyosk-a Ski Corporation Girdwoc, d, Alaska 99587 I~ar L~'. yea Th~ tkm~p s~atien serving th~ fJi~dv, ood-Alyoska area was inspected on this date and found to ba sati. sfactory. Later be pla~2d around ~hc im~diate ~;i. to itsoif, ThJ.5 :Ls to truck used by the }!oLel was inspected and appruvad ~mtmted on i:h~ truck. L:ncloscd is your anmml permit to opor_.'~te a se~ta~.;e ptunp truck. C[,I[:FOtIt) P, JUI)EINS, Administrative DJ. rector RRS: Envt'ronmentat ltoaltlt Supervisor cc: [~d (l~ndzw,111 GAAB,.HD-5 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO TRANSPORT CESSPOOL, SEPTIC TANK, SEEPAGE PIT OR TREATMENT PLANT CONTENTS NAME OF FIRM ADDRESS OF LOCATION AREA OF OPERATION CAPACITY OF TRUCKS NO. 1 DUMPING POINTS MAILING ADDRESS OWNER NO, 2 P~S. C. NO, PHONE NO. NUMSER OF TRUCKS I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anghorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described business will be operated in compliance with the requirements of said ordinance. DATE APPLICANTS SIGNATURE HEALTH DEPARTMENT COMMENTS AND STATEMENT OF APPROVAL DATE Health Authority IE~OI~W~IY SEWAOE [~:I~,P I ~ STAT I ON CONTP~CT Thl~ con,mc1' shell b~ effective es of Fahruory bet~l f~ CI~ OF ~IRDWO~, ~ mu~lclpej corporation orgentzod opera, ting pursuant to ~he I~w~ of the State of Ala~, and ALYES~ SKI ~ATI~, ~ prlvefe ~r~ratlon organized to t~ I~w~ of ~h~ St'~t~ of ~w. to ~11 ~ho m~y be concerned herewl W I ~SSETH: Where~Js, the ALYES~ SKI CO~RATION will construct and ~lnfaln t~rary Sewage Dur~lng Station wlthln fh~ clty I lmlts g~ (:lrd~d, specifically Identified as A~D.L, Parcel ~, 39659. Wh~rea~, the ALYES~ SKI au~herlzed to construct, m~lntaln and uftllze ~he sald T.~u~p(~r. ry S~ag~ Dunpl~ StetloJ~ fo~ a period of ~lme, c~enclng ol~ February ~1, t970 and ~ndlng on Sep~ber I. 1970, undor ~he following I, The ALYESKA SKI C~R~)RA'rlON will .,'d~lda by fh~ conditions sef forth by the H~nlt'h D¢~par'h)~mt, The ALYES~ SKI COR~TION Is entirely re~ponslbt~ Th~ ALYEST~ SKI CORPC~ATI~ m~y charge th~ of property ~lthln ~ho city llmlts of ~)lrd~d and wlthln the ~undarle~. o~ Alyr~ Vl llage a maxlm~ of Flve (~llars ($5.0o) p~r ?3nk f~ad f~r ?h~ 4. ALYESKA SKI COR~RATI~:~ t, I t~ble for all Injuries and darrt~;ges to property fhnt may occur during the of fhe Du~aplng Statlon. The ALYES~ SKI COR~ATION will rover? ~h~ Station fo the Cl~ OF GIRDW~ on Sept~ber I, 19~0, Itl WI'i}4E$S WHEREOF, 'fho CITY OF GIRDWOOO ~nd -Yhe ALYESKA ,SKI STATE OF AlaSKA THIRD JUDICIAL DI,~T,qlCT ) · ~ /? ~ me, ~he u~r,ilgned, a ~ary Public In n t .~ ~u c~l~to~d and sworn as ~uch~ per~cnal ly appe~rad EDWARD GENDZWILL, k~n to me ~nd to me known ir= b~ the MAY~{ of the CITY OF ~;IRr)w{gD named in ) STATE OF ALASY, A THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ~ ~,~~ "JTJJS IS TO C[RTJP-~ that ,;n t~l~ ~ of, I~'10, before ~mlsaioned and sworn a~t auch, personal ly epp~rad C~RIS VON I~DF, ~wn ~ me and to me k~un 1'o be the VICE PR[]SIDCNT Af.,~g ~:;EIIERAL t.*ANAOER of ALYES~ SKI ~RATI~, and he ack--lodged fo me 1'hat he sl~4ned fha foregoing acknowledged to m~ that he Is duly ~utJ~rlz~d fo execut~ l'h~ same In It~ babe I f. year ~relna~ve wrltt~n, gr. l~onald Conrad Alyo.ska Ski CorForat~on Girdwom~, Alaska. 99587 qUBJE(~': Temporary ,'.;ewtkqe D~mp:[ng Station, ~;irdwoml Smdt;.qr7 kmdfitl Tats letter is to confina that approval of the previously discussed &rap station ham b~en received frtga tho City of (;irdwo~. 'Ore G~oatar imchorago Area 8orou§h Health [k:partmcnt will give intori% conditional ~pl;rova!, t,o the l{xzation and of a sewa§e du~ing ~t~ttioa at thc provtom~ly loo~tion at the {;ir{!,!o(~l landfill fkmditions of aoproval arc' as Th~ oxc~wation Mmll ~)t extomt into the :;ur.face water table. The excavation 5hall be, covered small diildron and animals. qbe excavation shall bo clearly harked at two (2) points (tho site itself ad on thc ontranc¢~ road i~¢odiato t;o tho site) with all ~voathcr si.g~s which /~ adeq4uat(,~ sui~F-Ii of disinfectant ~hall be kept lum. d for edm' prevention and to discourage~ flies. The dtmq)ing statim'~ shall be located as n}~te as possible frm~ areas frequented by tlu~ i;enc~ral pnblic and at Ioast 200' fr~ m~y ptfl~lic roadvmy, February (5~ 1970 ! a~o Two Timre shall be a £im contract b~t~oen all parr. ies involved clearly allocating all reslmrmibtl~t¥ and liability for the operation. A coW o,(! snid contract shall be on file in this olEfico prior to a~ay use of the proposed dm~ping statit~. ~mmt ~s strictly a t~porary m~s~'~r at best and is only a¢cept- abl~ aGtor constdor, kng ali o£ the '(actors ~n¥olvod. Ct,[t+ORD P. JIDKINS~ ^dminist ra~:Lve !)itu(tot ecl tk! (,en,tzw~ll RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~20¢ o/I ? ., STREET AHD NO. CITY, STATE, AND ZiP CODE EXTRA SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES dehvered delivered ~ 50~ fee [] 10¢ fee ~ 35¢ fee POD Fora13800 NO I[aSUffANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED=- See other side) lbbruary 4, 1970 ,~.lr. G-~ris yon Imhoff Vice President Alyeska Ski Coq~,oratien 6irdwood. Alaska 99587 Ooar ~r. van tmhoff~ ~ inspacti~n of tho subjec~ iacilit~ this morning ~h~d th~ 1. a local pm~pin~l fi~ had l~pod a total o~ 5700 ou~ of th~ septic Z. ~tI~ septic t~k has ~on ad~t~tely plt~god thereby it a holding t~k. 3. No discharge or d~e was noted in either o~ the ,lots, This letter shall hereby noti{y you that tho prv.~ent holding tank a~e~ent ~hall be satisfactory until &~ly 15, On or before Ally i5, t970, tho hohlinl{ ta,k t.s to be replaced by aa approved drain field in co~0u~lction ~ith thi~; tank. Plea.,~o bo notified timt prior to any reconstructio~ of the ollistinl~, drain Field or work on a ~w drail~ field, tho State of Al~ka ~dnistrati.ve C~do, (~ubch~ptor 2, Scction~ 307, :f08 ami 309, r~iuirea ~pleto engi~rin~ pi~m ~tl spocifi- cati~m si~tssion and approval. Any vari~mco :frco~ the required plan sub~nissien will be met with i~ediate legal action initiat~al by thi.~ office. ~lr, Don Conrad is presently working with this I,~par~ont and Nr. (;omlz~ill on locating a duap site [mhind tho present in (;irdweod. Approval frmt the City of (_;irth~oca{ shall bo quired prior to all(~0ing this site to be co~structed. (kmrad has been given tho directions on constrt~ction of tho d~m~p site. Upon written opproval frc~ f, ir. fkmdzwill, the construction nmy begin. This [kqmrt~ellt shall i~spact the site prior to its betn~ treed. O~ris wm Fobr~ry 4~ 1970 Pag~ T~o l~e also wish to caution you on tho nocosstty t3f keeping the present holding tank pt~nl~d. A contractual arra~kg¢:aont ~'ith a local pual:~r is pro£erablo. ~ffsh to t}xpress our apvreciation to your staf:~ and person- for tho praapt action taken to alteviato a potentially haznrdot~ situatlon. Sincere ly, CLIFFORD P, &!ainistrative RP, S ~ rn l*!nviro,~aenta! ltoalth Sul~rvisor cc~ [lmtot~ ^ttoraay 1970 Nugget Ho~ol }'u~ur ~4r. yon h,~hoff: ~:h¢: ,,ubJoct .so, or systum and fouiid the uruil( ~Old '~his condi~ic~n causes sorio~ iw~alth hazar~ in th~ raw savage ts ~xposed to ~ntact ~.~i. th l~ople and ani.~mh~ J.n the a'.~a, 'fb. is condition ia fn vi~>lation c.f tho P~oroush Code of Ordinances You are ],.or%y o££icially notified that the m.~bject egtublishment i~ c.losud to ~ until tim sewer system has b~m sa~iafactorily }Ve suggost your engineer contact this office i,~nodiately regard- lng tills mutter, Sincerely ~ Ad{r{ini,~trative Director }IRS; ra BY: Rolf R.:-'stri'ckl'~nfi, R.g.- E, virom~ental }.k~alrJ~ Supervisor Borough Attorney DATE: February 3, 1970 GRE , R ANCHORAGE AREA BO', JGtt HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET * P. O, BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Roll R. Strickland, R.S. g~wiromtental Health Supervisor TO: Sheila (;allagher '~-IRU: Clifford P. Borough Attorney ac~nistrative Director subject: Alyeska Nugget ltoteI Sewer System Mr. Roll Strickl~md and Mr. Edward ~astaugh of the Grea~cer ;a~c. horage Area Borough !tealth Depa~mont~ inspected the subject sewer system on this date. Inspection shr~ed that the drainage field was serio~tsly lnalfunctioning, lbo sewage ~,~os leec~d, ng out of the bl~J. ff below the field and catting glaciation on the two (7.) lerner parldng lets. The sewer system was dyed at 9:30 Aobl. with Pylon yellow orange dye° 21m dye had not sho~m by noon of this date° '~ree scunples of the ef't'luent were taken 1:o the laboratory for bacterial analysis° Pictures were taken o:f this area showing the three (3) ',wet spots" ;~hero the, efflt~.nt had sm'face, d~ ~mlted the snow and *.ms running throu~,.hout tho parkJ:ng lot and finally freezing. 'lhe area. of glaciation smells strongly of se~,'age ~md t~xm accidentally stopping into m~e of these areas, the strong odor of sea, age could be smelled. blr. l~layne I,amelle was contacted i~[ tile absence of Mr. yon Imhoff and ~>'ven~,~" the letter re'it~ ten to blt. yon In~mff. ~.te letter ant[ serJ. ottsness of the situatJ, on w~ks explained to him. ~e attorney for Alyeska is blro Robert McNealy, 272-853i. The beauty shop and condominium are on their o~m sewer system which is functioning satisfactorily. RRS: rn USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY ~tr. Ch~-i~ vo~ t,~hoff At)'eska :!;ki CorporatioI~ ~;irdwood, ~t.aska 99587 S~4JfiCT: Alye.~ka Ntt~.;get l totel l~ar Hr. yon Imhoff: letter i.~ to correct the previous letter 1970 con thc, s~me ~ubject. R~view of CI'~ filos i~dicatcs the cond~ui~d.~i~ a~.l be~y shop plox ~hal.." · ] not: 'o~ effected bf tho lettor of I~.,;~r~ 3~ 1970. CLIFFORD Po Admh~istrative Oirecter cc: Borou~ Atto~my Fl'om the Desk CHRIS VON IMHOF December 7, 1969 Greater Anchorage Area Borough kl ea IJ'h Departmen-I' 327 Eagle Street, P,O. Box 968 6entlemen: Enclosed you will find a diagrar~ si'lowing th~. chan~es in our septic tank fer the A'lye~ka Nuqget Inn. Very ~r'uly yours, Chris von Imhof Vice Presiden'l' and General i%nager ALYESKA SKI CORP. :-4232 you requested Mr. Roll Str%ckl~md Greater /kachorage Area Borough Health Department 327 Eagle ~chorage~ ~.aska Dear Mr. Str.ickland: Tn..s is 'to advJ_se that the septic tank, distr~_but~_ng tank and leaching f~.e.].d for 'the fO_yeska Condominiu~a has been completed. It has been installed as per plans submitted 'to Four office and 'the contractor Central Plumbi_ng and Hca'ting has guaranteed and confirmed that the recommendations your of fi_ce made were complied ~.rLth. Thank you for Four cooperation and assistsmce. O, Bruce F'J.cke C. Bruce Ficke & Associates CBF/1 b NOV [i .].969 GREA'f£~ll ANCHORAGE ARE~, IIORO UGH --I-1 E~ I,Ti{ I.le.lo to FiJ.e: A].yeska Golden" · -- ,~u?,ge~ Lodge Oct. 20, 1969 beei~ col~2ect~d . Inspection of A.].yeska Hotel septic 'bank (7000 gallcm steel) on Oct. 18~ 1969 showed r'equested modification from letter dated September 22, 1969 have Envfron~enta]_ llealth Supervisor ~.~, Chris yon Imhof Vice President & General Manager ~.yeska Ski Corporation Girdwood, ~.aska Dear Chris: October 1 , 1 969 Enclosed is a copy of letter received from the Greater Anchorage Health Bureau. The inspector looked over the tank for the Hotel at Alyeska, put in by, Alyeska mhd requested these changes to be made. If you have shy questions in regard to his requests, contact Mr. Ralph Strick!and of the Anchorage Health Bureau. Yours truly, C. Bruce Ficke C. Bruce Ficke & Associates CBF/lb Encl: 1 (:REATER ANCHOBAGE A Sept. 22~ 19159 C. l]ruce Ficke ~ Associates 7127 [;eward }liF, hway Anchora?~e, ~laska I;eap M_~. Ficke~ SUi]JEC'£: Sep~fc Tank fox- Alye~']ka Nu~;get itotol The Gpeatem Anehopage Apea Bozoough Ilealth Depap'Cment inspected 'the subject tank (luPln~, a~l ~nspect~on o:F the n~w ~w~mm~n~ pool, The st:eel tank had an inlet pipe ~,~tthout a watep tight sea! comin~ in fPom th~ 1:43n)< top, q' n . . within 1" of tho ~ank top. The mid'point o,F tho i~]let sba'Il be below the tan'k top, - 'i'h(~ mld-po.[~rt of the outlet shall bo 9" below tho ta{ik top. Tho baffle !nv,tpt shall f~o 2 !/2~ below liquid level and tho top come within 1" of the top of' tho tank. - Pl¢~as~ tn~'epm 'thl~ Depart~ent be peturn 1,Dttof ~;hetl ~u~:, h~u~ been Please illfopm ~h~::4 !)epaz~m~[lt by teleshone ~.:hen ffie new tank fez, tnsp~c't:fon, ' ~ RRM: ~m ~ar~3. t apj.~n GAAB-HD-2 GREATEK -327 Eagle St. , NCHORAGE AREA HEALTH DEPAI{TMENT Anchorage, Alaska 99501 )ROUGH 279-2511 Case No. /~Y SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPL CAN¥'~:/~,~UL'Z:.~'~¥f $,~3boc_ _ MAILING ADDRESS'~k- ?a5'~ RESIDENCE ADDRESS ~ ~<~ LOCATION OF INSTALLATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION~C~~'~' ~ APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK /,SEEPAGE PIT ,DRAIN FIELD / ,OTHER TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY ~~, ~ ~ FINANCED THROUGH TO REINSTALLED BY ~X8,~ PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS IS TO SERVE AS · SEPTIC TANK SIZE_~,~YPE ~-)/~, SEEPAGE AREA ,/ - DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ?OL') DISTANCES: 5'0 Health Authodt¥ I certify that I am familial' with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. DATE .... APPLICANTS SIGNATURE~ ~/~-'~/'~'~-'¢¢-~' X/'~ff~/ November 4, 1.988 Mr. Chris Van Imhoff Alyeska Ski Corporation Girdwood, Alaska 99587 SUBJECT~ Sewage Disposal System Serving New Alyeska Hotel D~ar Mr. Van Imhoff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department has inspected and approves the new sewer system now serving the ~ub~eot hotel. This system consists of a 7,000 gallon stell septic tank and a 5,000 square foot absorption bed. This Departn~mt does not recommend the uae of the absorption bed area for tho parking of vehicles. This practice will drive the frost into the ground and compact the filter material in this area. The absorpticm bed can be e~pected to function properly on]~ if it is left undisturbed. This area should be planted to lawn and used as a rec~atfon site° Should the absorption hsd fell and sewage discharges or, leeches onto the ground, this Department would have no recourse other than to seek legal action to have the hotel closed until the problera WaS Sincersly, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, ~4edical Director BY: Sanitarian RRS/srr ~'~TORS t~,..l!' ~"',''' L% APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL SEPTIC TANKS AND SEEPAGE PITS I certify that I am familiar with Greater Anchorage Area Bomough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that all sewage disposal systems installed by the above firm will be in compliance with the requirements of said Ordinance. Health Department comments and statement of approval, Health Authority SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION § PERMIT' Location of Installation ~eEal DescPiption._ . . ............. ~ .............. ApplicaTion to Install: Septic tank~, SeepaEe pit__, DPain field~, To Serve the Following Facility ~, ~. ~l/ .~ ~ Financed Through,.~.~ ~f~_ To be Installed by_ ~, ~' . Percolation Test Results~_ , ....... .._. .~ticipated Dar f Co~le~lon~~ BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT This is to serve as ...... ~ .... 3s desaPibed below, Size of ~tt to be sePved ' 5~D~ic tank size_ _~ype._ . Seepage ~ea Type I)IST~CES: ~: . DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I ce~tlfy that I am fam~lla~ 'with the ~equi~emen~s of G~ea~e~ ~cho~age ~ea Borough O~dln~ee No. 28-68 and that ~he ~ove described system is in accomd~ee with sald code.