HomeMy WebLinkAboutAURORA VIEW S-114466Aurora View 511446 A.W. Mm-fiR Company_ CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TESTING 13810 Venus Way · Anchorage, Alaska 99515 · Telephone (907) 345-2737 · FAX (907) 345-3264 November 10, 2005 Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. 1401 West 34th Ave., Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99503 ATTENTION: Mr. Bill Tucker Soils Data R~port Proposed Tenny Subdivision, Lots 1-11 Soil / Percolation Tests and Road Test Pit Data Anchorage, Alaska AWM Co. Job 05-024.29 Dear Mr. Tucker: Please find attached four (4) copies of our report on the soils for the proposed Tomy Subdivision. The report includes a site Plan, Plate 1., showing test pit locations as prepared by your office, the four (4) backhoe road test pit logs, Plates 2, 3, 4, and 5 along with associated Particle Size Distribution Reports/Soil Frost Classifications, Plates 6, 7, 8, and 9, eleven (11) Soil Percolation/Soil Test Logs along w/th corresponding Soil Particle Size Distribution Reports for the soil in the percolation test strata for the eleven (11) proposed lots are also attached. We have included a copy of the Symbols and Terminology used to describe the soils, Plates 10 and 11. The test pits were excavated at, or near, the locations laid out by Mr. Tucker between October 11 and October 13, 2005. Ground water levels, as shown on the logs, were measured October 20, 2005. Soil Percolation Tests were performed between October 16 and October 20, 2005. The accepting soils were found to be adequate for septic desig~a, with no groundwater within 4' and no impermeable soils or bedrock within 6' of the Percolation Test locations. There were no slopes that exceeded 25% within 50' and no surface water/domestic water wells within 100'of the Percolation Test Holes. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or, we can be additional assistance. Sincerely, Page 2 05-024.29 November 10, 2005 Tenny Subdivision A.W. Murfitt Company Allan W. Murfitt, Registered Civil Engineer4977-E Attachments: Site Plan Plate 1; Test Boring Logs: Plates 2, 3, 4 and 5; Particle Size Distribution Reports: Plates 6, 7, 8 and 9; Symbols and Terminology: Plates 10 and 11; and Soil Percolation Test Reports with Particle Size Distribution Reports. LABORATORY Do- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; EQUIPMENT: H~tach~ ~X 150 backhoe TESTS ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ELEVATION: ~x~=9' e=ou~ DATE: [0/[3/05 ~ ~ Sandy O~ga=&c S~[~ (0~), ~a=A b~o~, ~ Silty ~ravel with Sand (GM), bro~, ~rain Size 8.6 Frost Class~ ~ 2. Frost Class II Total Depth 15'. Standpipe Installed. ~ No Groundwater with ~nitorin~ through %~ [Is°/2°/°5' A.W. Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT ~Rd. PLATE CO~SULT~G ~G~EEES ~ TEST~G JOB NO.: 0 ~c~orage, ~ 2 APPR.: A~ DATE: 11/4/2005 ! o~ _~ _ .1~, .,z, LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT# LABORATORY ~' ~ =z = ~ ~ - = I<1 I~l EQUIPMENT: Hitachi EX 150 backhoe TESTS ~: ~° ~°~ =o oo -z ~ ~ ~ >z~ ~_ ~1~] /~1 /IlJl~l I~11 sizer Sa=d with Gravel (SM), light bro~ Orain Size 17.8 5 Frost Class: F 4. Frost Class ~ ~ Silty Sa~d with ~ravel (SM), bro~, 10 Groundwater at 10' while excavating. 17.5 Total Depth 17.5'. II I / Standpipe d=aged while backfilling, so 20~1 I/ A.W. ~urfitt Cempany LO~ OF BORING / TEST PIT ~Rd. P~TE COHS~T~G ~NO~ERS ~ T~ST~G Tenny Subdivision JOB NO.: 05 - 024,29 Anchorage, = 3 APPR.: A~ DATE: 11/4/2005 ~ ~ ,, ,,z, LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT# ~d. LABORATORY ~' ~> !1 1 ~ o. co 2 ~- EQUIPMENT: Eitachi ~X 150 backhoe ~- ~ ca o c~c~ ELEVATION: =xtng. Ground DATE: 10/13/05 ;k ~J Sandy Organic Silt (eL), dark brown, ; moist. Silty Sand with Gravel (SM), light brown, Jill Silty Sand with Gravel (SM), brown, ~/moist. H/groundwatarat 4.5' while excavating. Jill groundwater at 6.3 ~ with monitoring · through 10/20/05. 10 12 14 JJ Total Depth 15t. 1~ j j Standpipe Installed. A.W. Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT #Rd. PLATE CONSULTING ENGINEERS & TEST1NG JOB NO.: 05-024.29 Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK APPR.: AWM DATE: 11/4/2005 ~ ~ ~ I ~ LOG OF BORING/TEST PIT# ~. 'r~#, LABORATORY ~, o_ ~ EQUIPMENT: ~i~ach& ~X 150 backhoe TESTS ~ ~ o Go ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q Q ~ I ELEVATION: ~x~ag. ~=o~ad DATE: [0/[2/05 ~'1~1 I Silt~ Sand with Gravel (SM), bro~, ~l Groundwater at 3.1' wieh monitoring ~rain Size 13.8 I[1/ Fro~t Class: F 2. Frost Class]~ Groundwater at 5.5~ while excavating. 10 12 ~ Total Depth ~ ~ Standpipe Installed. A.W. Murfitt Company LOG OF BORING / TEST PIT ~Rd. PLATE JOB NO.: 05 -024.29 ~e~a~ APPR.: Particle Size Distribution Report 100 10 I 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0.001 +3" 0.0 % Gravel 10.7 % Sand Coarse Fine Coarse 28.6 13.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 3 I00.0 2 83.9 1 75.7 .75 71.4 .5 68.7 .375 66.1 #4 58.0 #10 47.3 //20 42.3 fi40 38.7 #60 35.9 #100 32.6 #200 28.6 (no specification provided) Sample Number: I Depth: 5.75-6.25' Location: Road TH #1 % Fines Medium Fine Silt I Clay 8.6 10.1 28.6 Material Description Silty Gravel with Sand (GM). Frost Class: F 2. Atterbero Limits PL= NP LL= NV PI= Coefficients D85= 52.7687 D60= 5.5523 D50= 2.5773 D30= 0.1010 D15= D10= CU= Cc= Classification USCS= GM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 8.6%. Date: 10/13/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Anch, . Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure 6 Tested By: RH Particle Size Distribution Report 100 10 i 0.1 0.01 0.001 % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 0.0 4.0 GRAIN SIZE - mm. Coarse % Sand Medium Fine 5.2 11.0 40.5 % Fines Silt I Clay 39.3 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 100.0 .75 100.0 .5 99.4 .375 98.7 #4 96.0 #10 90.8 #20 85.5 #40 79.8 #60 73.7 #100 59.6 #200 39.3 (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 5-5.5' Location: Road TH #:2 Silty Sand (SM). Frost Class: F 4. Material Description Atterbera Limits PL= NP LL= NV Coefficients D85= 0.7969 D60= 0.1517 D30= 0.0402 D15= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 17.8%. PI= D50= 0.1118 D10= Date: 10/13/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure 7 Tested By: RH Particle Size Distribution Report 100 10 I 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm, 0.01 0.001 Coarse Fine 0.0 2.3 16.9 % GravelCoarse]4.7 % Sand SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 98.5 .75 97.7 .5 94.2 .375 91.2 #4 80.8 #10 66.1 #20 52.8 g40 46.8 #60 41.5 #100 33.4 #200 21.8 (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 5-5.5' Location: Road TH #3 % Fines Medium Fine Silt I Clay 19.3 25.0 21.8 Material Description Silty Sand with Gravel (SM). Frost Class: F 2. Atterberg Limits PL= NP LL= NV Coefficients D85= 6.1309 D60= 1.4023 D30= 0.1259 D15= 0.0331 Gu= 74.21 Ge= 0.60 Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 18.9%. PI= D50= 0.6337 Dj0= 0.0189 Date: 10/13/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Anchora, Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure Tested By: RH Particle Size Distribution Report 100 10 I 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0,001 % +3" Coarse Fine 0.0 10.7 18.l % GravelCoarse % Sand 16.3 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X--NO) 2 100.0 1.5 95.3 1 92.5 .75 89.3 .5 86.3 .375 82.8 #4 71.2 #10 54.9 #20 46.8 fi40 42.4 #60 38.4 #100 33.0 #200 22.8 (no specification provided) Sample Number: I Depth: 5-5~5' Location: Road TH #4 %Fines Medium Fine Silt [ Clay 12.5 19.6 22,8 Material Description Silty Sand With Gravel (SM). Frost Class: F 2. Atterberg Limits PL= NP LL= NV PI= Coefficients D85= 11.2590 D60= 2.7050 D50= 1.3117 D30= 0.1221 D15= 0.0387 D10= 0.0231 Cu= 117.27 Cc= 0.24 Classification uses= SM AASHTO= Remarks Naturai Moisture 13.8%. Date: 10/12/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Scl:vices Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure 9 Tested By: RH Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and l~stewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6(~;)O vAvw.rnunLorq/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot 1, Termy Subdivision 5- S- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 17- 20- with Sand moist. ' Sand with Gravel and Cobbles moist. ~ Silt with Gravel (ML), gray, moist. Slope COMMENTS Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, Sect. 24, TI2N, R3W Site Plan Silty Sand with Gravel moist. WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO S No Water IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water ANer Monitoring? O~e: 10/20/05 See Site?la~ ,.%,5t -5 10/11/05. Reading Date 10/16/05 10/16/05 3-1/8" 10/16/05 3-1/8" PERCOLATION RATE 3.5 TEST RUN BETW1EEN 4.75 Gross Time Net Drop 12:08 pm 12:18 pm 12:19pm 12:29 pm 12:30 pm 12:40 pm Net Time Depth to Water Dmino 10 min. )min. 0 min. min. 0 min. FT AND 5.25 FT 3-5/16" 2-7/8" 0~ 2-7/8" PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. I Allan W. Mmfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE, DATE: 10/]6/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ._~ ,=_' .=_' .; _~ ._= ._= ~ 00 i i i i i I I GRAI~ SIZ[ - mm. 0.0 14.8 15.8 14.2 13.3 30.9 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? M~erial Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) SiIw Sand wi~ ~avel (SM). 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 90.1 .75 85.2 Atterbem Limits .5 82.3 PL= ~ LL= ~ PI= .375 78.4 Coefficient~ g4 69.4 D85= 18.5807 D60= 2.2861 D50= 0.8834 gl0 58.4 D30= D15= D10= g20 49.7 Cu= Cc= ~40 44.2 g60 39.4 Classification ~100 35.4 USCS= SM gSHIO= g200 30.9 Remarks Nat~al Moisture 8.5%. ~ (no sp~ificafion provide) Sample Number: 2 Depth: 4.75-5.25' Location: Perc. TH gl Date: 10/13/05 A.W. Mu~itt Company Client: Alaska Land Development S~ices Project: T~ny Subdivisi~ Anchorage, AK -- -Anchorage, Alaska Project No: 05-024.29 Figure Lot 1 Tested By: RH Legal Description: 2- 3- 4- 5- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- t2- t5- 17- IS- '19~ 20~ COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-~qite Water and VCastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St, P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 90519-6050 vAvw.r nuni.orq/on site (907) 343-7004 Soils Log - Percolation Test Alaska Land Development Services Date P Lot2, Tenny Subdivision Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, Sect. 24, TI2N, R3W (GL), moist. Sand with Gravel and Cobbl~s moist. r Sand with Gravel (SM), moist. Slope ~tePlan ~ 10~0/05 See Site Plan ~5 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 6" 10/16/05 12:48 pm ) min. O" 1-7/8" 12:58 pm ID min. 4-1/8" 6" 10/16/05 12:59 pm 0min. 0" -- rotal D~th 17.5'. 2-1/4" 1:09 pm 10 min. 3-3/4" ~Iitachi EX 150 backhoe to 6" 10/16/05 1:10 pm 0 min. 0" ~xcavatehol¢onlO/ll/05. 2-5/16" 1:20 pm 10 min. 3-11/16" PERCOLATION RATE 2.7 minutes/inoh PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6" TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.5 ' FTAND 5 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. ] Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT TI-IlS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/16/05 100 9o Particle Size Distribution Report _~ ._~ .; ._~ ._~ .c_ ~ o o 8 ~ 8 100 10 I 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Gravel 15.9 % +3" Coarse Fine Coarse Medium 0.0 14.6 23.7 20.2 SIEVE SIZE 2 1.5 1 .75 .5 .375 #4 #10 #20 ~40 #60 #100 #200 PERCENT SPEC.* FINER PERCENT 100.0 91.3 88.1 85.4 80.5 74.7 61.7 45.8 33.9 25.6 19.8 16.1 12.8 0.01 % Sand Fine Silt 12.8 % Fines 12.8 PASS? (X=NO) Material Description Silty Sm~d with Gravel (SM). Atterberg Limits PL= NP LL= NV Coefficients D85= 18.2492 D60= 4.3222 D30= 0.6168 D15= 0.1223 Gu= Cc= Classification USGS= SM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 6.7%. PI= D50= 2.5391 D10= o.ool Clay ~ (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Location: Perc. TH #2 Depth: 4.5-5' Date: 10/15/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Anchorage, Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK Project No: 05-024.29 Figure Lot 2 Tested By: RH Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division Soils Log - Percolation Test Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot 3, Tenn¥ Subdivision 5- 6- 7- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS moist. Sand with Gravel (SM), moist. Silt (ML), gray, wet Date Performed: Oct. 16, 2005 Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, ~t. 24, T12N, R3W Site Plan See Site Plan Hitachi EX 150 l~cklme ~o Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop excavate hole on 10/11/05. 5" 10/16/05 ).:29 pm 0 min. D,, 5" 2:39 pm 10 min. 1" ~-3/8 .... )-:59 pm 30 min. 1-5/8" 5" 10/16/05 t:00 pm ~ min. )', ~-7/8" t:30 pm 30 min~ 1-1/8" 5-1/16" 10/16/05 3:31 pm D min. ),, 5" 4:01 pm 30 min. 1-1/16" TEST RUN BETV~E-'EN 2.5 FT AND 3 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. [ Allan W. Mth~tt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/]6/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ' ' \ '"l'l so I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN S~ZE - mm. % Grovel % Sand % Fines % +3" Coame Fine Coame Medium Fine SIE ~ Clay 0.0 6.5 18.6 17.2 11.5 13.9 32.3 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) ~]~ Sa~d with G~avel (S~). 2 100.0 ].5 100.0 1 95.4 .75 93,5 Atterbem Limits .5 87.5 PL= ~ LL= ~ PI= 375 83.9 Coefficients ~4 74.9 D85= 10.5051 D60= 2.2915 D50= 0.7030 ~10 57,7 ~30= D15= D10= ~20 51.1 Cu= Cc= ~40 46.2 ~60 41.8 Classification ~100 37.6 USCS= SM ~SHTO= ~200 32.3 Remarks Nat~] Moist~e 8,6%, (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 2.5-3' Location: PeTe, TH~3 Date: 10/16/05 A,W. Muffitt Company Client: AlaskaLandDevclopmentSe~ices Project: Tenny Subdivisi~ Anchorage, AK -- -Anchorage, Alaska Project No: 05-024.29 Figure ~t 3 Tested By: RH 2- 3- 4- 5- S- 7- 8- 9- 11- 13- 15- 19- 20- COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site VVater and Wastewafer Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196~oO Anchorage, AK 9g519-6{~oO vAvw.rnunLor~l/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot 4, Tenny Subdivision iCL), moist. Sand with Grovel (SM), moist. (SM), gray, Date Performed: Oct. 16, 2005 Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, S~C~. ~4, T12N, R3W Slope IFYE8, ATWHA?'DEPTH? 12.5' Mon~orir~? I 1.25' 10/20/05 Site PMn See Site ?la~ Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop fi" 10/16/05 1:40 pm 0min. 3" 10 min. 10/16/05 1:50 pm [:51 pm )Il t-5/16" J" 10/16/05 3-3/8" 2:01 pm 2:03 pm 2:13 pm 10 min. }min. {0 min. PERCOLATION RATE 3,8 minutes/inch PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEET RUN BETVVEEN 5 FT AND 5.5 FT !-11/16" 2-5/8" PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. [ Allan W. Murfltt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDEMNES IN EFFECT ON THiS DATE. DATE: 10/16/05 Particle Size Distribution Report 100 10 I 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0.001 +3" Coarse Fine 0.0 20.1 16.9 % GravelCoarse % Sand 11.8 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC,* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 2 100.0 1.5 94.9 1 86.4 .75 79.9 .5 76.0 .375 72.5 #4 63.0 #10 51.2 #20 41.4 #40 35.3 #60 30.8 #100 25.3 #200 18.4 (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 5-5.5' Location: Perc. TH #4 % Fines Medium Fine Silt I Clay 15.9 16.9 18.4 Material Description Silty Sand with Gravel (SM). Atterbero Limits PL= ~ LL= NV PI= Coefficients D85= 23.9912 D60= 3.8204 D50= 1.8159 D30= 0.2313 D15= D10= GU= Cc= Classification USGS= SM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 6.6%, Date: 10/15/05 A.W. Murfitt Company An Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tm:my Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure Lot 4 Tested By: RH Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Stie Water and V~astewafer Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 1966C30 Anchorage, AK vAvw.rnuni.ora/onstie (g07) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Pedormed For: Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot 5, Tenny Subdivision 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 15- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS , red-brown, moist. moisL -"1 ' Slope Monitoring? I 1.6' ~ 10/20/05 Date Performed: Oct. 18, 2005 Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, Sect. 24, TI2N, R3W Site Plan See Site Plan; Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 6" 10/18/05 3:02 pm ~min. 0" 3-5/8 ..... 3:12 pm 10 min. 2-3/8" 6" [0/18/05 3:14pm )min. 0" ~5'. 3-13/16" 3:24 pm 10 min. 2-3/16" ~i~achi EX tS0 backhoe to 6" 10/18/05 3:24 pm 0 min. 0" __ ~xcavate hole on 10/12/05. 3-7/8" 3:34 pm 10 min. 2-1/8" TEST RUN BET~IEN 4.5 FT AND 5 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hcpner, E.I.T. I Allan W. Mm'fiR CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ]0/18/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ~°°I' ',~T~IIII ~ III, , ,~, ,III~, ~o,' I Ill', I Illllll~,l ~' ~00 ~0 ~ 0.~ 0.0~ 0.00~ GR~I~ SIZ[ - mm. % Gravel % Sand % Fines % +3" Coame Fine Coame Medium Fine Silt ~ Clay 0.0 2.4 9.1 6.5 ]7.1 37.5 27.3 SI~E PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Si]~ S~d (SM). 2 i00.0 1.5 100.0 1 98.6 .75 97.6 Atterbera Limits .5 95.2 PL= NP LL= ~ PI= .375 93.1 Coefficients fi4 88.5 ~85= 2.8878 D~0= 0.2971 DSO= 0.1856 ~10 82.0 ~30= 0.0838 D15= D10= ~20 73.5 C~= Cc= ~40 64.9 ~60 56.9 Classification ~100 44.5 USCS= SM ~SHTO= ~200 27.3 Remarks Na~] Moisture 10.7%. (no sp~ificafion ~ovided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 4.5-5' Location: P~c. TH ~5 Date: 10/16/05 A.W. Mu~itt Company C~e.t: Alas~dDevel~m~ntSe~ces Project: Te~y Subdivision Anchorage, AK - '~ncnoraoe, Alaska .roiect No: 05-024.29 Figure Lot 5 Tested By: RH Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Depa~ment Building Safety Division Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot 6, Tenny Subdivision 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 13- 14- 17- 18- 20- COMMENTS Organic Silt (OL), moist. with Silt (~W-~M), moist. SiltwithCwavel(ML), moist. )e -,5 -V ~ 45 Monitoring? NO Water Gravel with Silt D~e: 10/20/05 moist. Date Pen~ormed: Oct. 18, Township, Range, Section: SW 1/4, Sect. 24, Tt2N, R3W SilePfen See Site ?lan Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 5" 10/18/05 1:02 pm Omin. ),, ~)" &09 pm 7 min. 5" Total Depth 16.5'. 5,, 10/18/05 4:10 pm D min. ),, ) .... 4'.21 pm 11 min. 6" Hitachi EX 150 t~¢khoo to 5" 10/18/05 4:22 pm ~) min. 0" -- ~cavate bolo on 10/12/05. i0" " 4:33 pm I l min. 6" TE~$TRUN~'~P~VEEN 5 FT AND 5.5 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. I Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/18/05 Particle Size Distribution Report 100 I I J ' I' IllI I ,,, ., ~o ~00 ~0 ~ 0.~ 0.0~ 0.00~ % Grovel % Sand % Fines % +3" Coame Fine CoarseMedium Fine Silt ~ Clay 0.0 12.6 34.9 13.9 18.7 lO.O 9.9 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Well-~aded Gravel wi~ Silt and Sand (GW-G~. 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 I 97.5 .75 87.4 Atterberg Limits .5 75.4 pL= ~ LL= ~ PI= .375 67.8 Coefficients ~4 52.5 D85= i7.7751 D60= 6.8600 DS0= 4.1463 ~0 38.6 D30= 1.0690 D15= 0.2604 D10= 0.0781 ~20 27.2 Cu= 87.82 Cc= 2.13 ~0 19.9 ~60 14.7 Classification ~100 12.0 USCS= GW-GM ~SHTO= ~200 9.9 Remarks Na~ral Moisture 5.2%. ~ (no ~ccificafion provided) Sample Number: ~ Depth: 5.5-6' Location: Perc. TH ~6 Date: 10/]8/05 A.W. Mu~itt Company Client: A]askaLandDcvcl~mentSc~iccs Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK -- ~ncnorage,Alaska Project No: 05-024.29 Figure ~t 6 Tested By: RH Legal Description: 2- 3- 4- 5- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 16- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site VVater and V~astewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 9~519--6650 vAvw.rnu nj.ora/on site (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Alaska Land Development Services Da~e Performed: Oct. [9, 2005 Lot 7, Tenny Subdivision Township. Range, Section: SW 1/4, Sect. 24, TI2N, R3W Silty Gravel with Sand iOL), red-brown, moist. (sw), moist. Slope Site Plan WAS GROUND VVATER ENCOUNTERED? NO No Water Date: 10/20/05 See Site Plan moist. ~ckhoem ~ Reading Date 5" 1 O~ 19/05 10/19/05 Gross Time Net Time 4:03 pm 0 min. 4:13 pm 10 min. 4:14 pm 0 min. 4:24 pm Depth to Water 10 min. Net Drop FT AND 5.5 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. I Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/19/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ..... ×._~ ..~ ~ ~ ~ , I I, , 7o ~ I ~ I ~ I m6o ~ ...... ~~ ,' ~ ]~ ,'~ ~¢, ~ , ,~, , , '/1~1/ , ~ ~ o I I ~oo ~o ~ oA 0.0~ o.00~ GRAI~ SlZfi - mm. % Grovel % Sand % Fines % +3" Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt ~ Clay 0.0 13.4 34.2 15.7 17.6 ~4,5 4.6 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Well-~adcd S~d wi~ ~avel (SW). 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 90.7 .75 86.6 Afferbera Limits .5 75.4 PL= NP LL= ~ pi= .375 67.9 Coefficients ~ 52.4 D85= 17.6736 D60= 6.76~5 D50= 4.2320 gl0 36.7 D30= 1.1395 D15= 0.2817 D10= 0.1698 g20 26.9 Cu= 39.82 Cc= 1.13 ~40 19.1 ~60 13.8 Classification ~I00 8.9 USCS= SW ~SHTO= ~200 4.6 Remarks Natural Moist~e 5.3%. * (no sp~ifica~onprovided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 4.5-5' Location: Perc. TH g7 Date: ]0/18/05 A.W. Muditt Company c,~,t: ~Z~s~a~w]opm~,~s~s Project: T~y Sub.vision Anchorage, AK -- -Ancnorage,Alaska Project No: 05-024.29 Figure Lot 7 Tested By: RH 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Munioipality of Anohorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Sragaw St. P.O. Box 196~50 Anchorage. AK ~9519-6050 (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For: Alaska Land Developme4tt Services Legal Description: Lot 8, temly Stlbdivision (OL), moist. 'SandwithGrav¢l(SM), moist. Sandy Silt with Gravel (ML), moist. Township, Range, Section: SV~ 1/4, Sect. 24, T12N, POW Slope / ENCOUNTERED? No Sand with Grovel Monitoring? NO Water D~te: 10/')0/05 Site Plan See Site Plan Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth te Water Net Drop ~" 10/19/05 4:39 pm ) min. 0" 4 .... 4:49 pm l0 min. 2" Fotal Depth 17'. 1-1/8 .... 5:09 pm 30 min. 4-7/8" 6" 10/19/05 5:11 pm 0min. 0" qitachiEXl50backho¢io 1" 5:41 pm 30min 5" -- ~xcavate h°io °n 10/I 2/05' ~,, 10/19/05 5:42 pm 0min. ),, 1 .... 5:12 pm 30 min 5" TEST RUN DETWEEN 5.25 FTAND 5.75 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. ] Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT'I~IS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/19/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ~ ~o ~ '1'~ " [ i i "", ~00 ~0 ~ 0.~ 0.0~ 0.00~ GRAIN SIZE - mm. % Grovel % Sand % Fines % +3" C~rse Fine Coame]~.~ Medium Fine Silt ~ Clay 0.0 2.5 18.8 18.8 17.9 25.4 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Silw Sand wi~ ~avel (SM). 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 100.0 .75 97.5 Atterbern Limits .5 94.8 PL= ~ LL= ~ PI= .375 90.9 Coefficients fi4 78.7 D85= 6.6921 D60= 1.7704 P50= 0.8715 gl0 62.1 D30= 0.1275 ~15= D10= ~20 49.7 CU= GC= g40 I 43.3 ~60 37.3 Classification gl00 31.6 USCS= SM ~SHTO= ~200 25.4 Remarks Nat~al Moisture 9.0%. (no sp~ificafion provide) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 5-5.5' Location: Perc. TH ~8 Date: 10/18/05 A.W. Muffitt Company client:AlashLandDevelopmentS~ices Project: Tenny Subdihsion Anchorage, AK -- -~c~ora~e, Alaska Project No: 05-024.29 Figure ~t 8 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X--NO) 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 100.0 .75 97.5 .5 94.8 .375 90.9 #4 78.7 #10 62.1 #20 49.7 #40 43.3 #60 37.3 #100 31.6 #200 25.4 Tested By: RH Legal Description: 2- 3- 4~ 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 15- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Buirding Safety Division On-Site V~fer and Wastewafer Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 1~650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6~o0 vAvw.rnunLora/onsite (907} 343-7904 (ENGINEER'S SEAl;) Soils Log - Percolation Test Alaska Land Development Services Date Performed: OC~ Lot 9, Tenny Subdivision Township. Range, Section: SW ]/4, SCCt. 24, T12N, R3W , red-brown, moist. Sand with Gravel (SM), moist. Slope Site PJan Silt with Gravel (ML), moist. IF YES, AT VvHAT DEPTH? Sand with Grovel Depth to Vl~ater After moist / w~. See Site Plat Date: 10/20/05 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop J" 10/20/05 10:21 am )min. 0" 2-3/16" 10:31 am 10 min. 3-13/16" 6" I10/20/05 10:32 am 0 min. 0" Fotal Depth 18'. 2-1/8 .... 10:42 am 10 min. 3-7/8" titaohi EX 150 backhoe to $" 10/20/05 10:43 am 0 min __ *gavateholeonl0/12tl)5. 2-3/16" " 10:53am 10min. 3-13/16" TEST RUN BET',NEEN 5.5 FT AND 6 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.I.T. ] Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 10/20/05 Particle Size Distribution Report 2O 100 10 1 0.1 GRAIN SIZE - mm. O.Ol o.oo~ % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fiae 0.0 22.1 24.8 Coarse % Sand Medium 12.5 13.8 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT {X=NO) 2 100.0 1.5 100.0 1 84.6 .75 77.9 .5 69.7 .375 64.0 #4 53.1 #10 40.6 #20 32.5 /~0 26.8 #60 22.3 #100 18.4 #200 14.5 (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 5.5-6' Location: Perc. TH #9 Fine 12.3 Silt % Fiaes 14.5 Clay Material Description Silty Gravel with Sand (GM). Atterbero Limits pLo NP LL= NV Coefficients D85= 25.6545 D60= 7.5273 _D30= 0.6230 _DI§= 0.0831 GU= GC= Classification USCS= GM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture 6.4%. PI= D50= 3.8672 D10= Date: 10/18/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK Project No: 05-024.29 Figure Lot 9 Tested By: RH Performed For: Legal Description: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site VVater and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 1~50 Anchorage, AK 99519-6~50 (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Alaska Land Development Services Date Performed: OCt. 20 Lot 10, Tenny Subdivision Township, Range, Section: S~V 1/4, SOCI~ ~4, TI2N, R3W IOL), moist. 3- Sand with Gravel 4- moist. 5- 8- ' Gravel with Sand (GM), 9- moist. WAS GROUND WATER 12- ~ 10/20/05 Site Plan 14- 15~ 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- See Site i Pla~ Total Depth 16'. 6" 10/20/05 11:11 am 0min. Ir' t ~t 3-15/16" 11:21 am 10 min. ~-1/16" . 5. 10/20/05 11:23 am ~ min. ),, ihachi EX 150 backho~ to 3-15/16" " 11:33 am 10 min. 2-1/16" _~excavato hole on 10/13/05.6" [0/20/05 11:34 am 0 rain 0" 4" t 1:44 am 10 min. 2" TEST RUN BETWEEN 3.75 FT AND 4.25 FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.LT. I Allan W. Murfitt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ]0/20/05 Particle Size Distribution Report ,, I I I I I ,j,, I I I ~ I ~oo ~o ~ o.~ o.o~ o.oo~ GR~I~ 81Zfi ~ mm. % Gravel % Sand % Fines % +3" Coarse Fine C~rse Medium Fine Silt ~ Clay 0.0 12.8 10.l 12.4 5.4 15.8 43.5 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? Material Description S~E FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Sil~ Sand ~th Gravel (SM). 2 100.0 1.5 94.5 l 91.2 .75 87.2 Atterbem Limits .5 83.3 PL= ~ LL= ~ PI= .375 81.1 Coefficients ~4 77.1 D85= 15.5990 D60= 0.4936 D50= 0.1374 ~10 64.7 D30= D15= DIO= ~20 61.6 Cu= Cc= ~40 59.3 ~60 55.8 Classification ~100 50.9 USCS= SM ~SHTO= ~200 43.5 Remarks Natur~ Mois~re 11.3%. (no sp~ificafion provided) Sample Number: 1 Depth: 3.75~.25' Location: Perc. TH~10 Date: 10/19/05 A.W. Muffitt Company Client: AlaskaL~dDeve]opmentSe~ces Project: Tenny Subdi~sion Anchorage, AK -- -Anchorage, Alaska Proje~ No: 05-024.29 Figure ~t ]0 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) 2 100.0 1.5 94.5 l 91.2 .75 87.2 .5 83.3 .375 81.1 #4 77.1 #10 64.7 #20 61.6 #40 59.3 #60 55.8 #100 50.9 #200 43.5 Tested By: RH Municipality of Anchorage  Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-S~ie Water and ~astewater Program 470g South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 1~66~0 Anchorage, AK vAvJ.rnuni.or~l/onsJt~ (907) 343-7904 Soils Log. Percolation Test Performed For: Alaska Land Development Services Legal Description: Lot l 1, Tenny Subdivision , moist. Sand with Gravel (SM), moist. ?. , Sand with Gravel (SM), 8- , moist. -%/ Slope WAS GROUND WATER 10~ r Gravel with Silt 11- and Cobbles Depth to Water After ~o,~ori.a? 15.6' 12- moist. o~te: 10/20/05 13- 14- 17- Date Pedormed: OCt. ~ Township. Range, Section: S~t/ 1/4, Sect. 24, T]2N, R3W Site Plan See SitePlat ! i I Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop 5" 10/20/05 12:41 pm D min. 0" r, ,iT 3_3/4 .... 12:51 pm 10 min. 2-1/4" ~ ~ otalDepth 17'. 6,, '10/20/05 12:52pm 0min. ~),, itachiEX 150 backlioe io 4" " 1:02 pm 10 min. 2" _~excavate hole on 10/13,05. 5" 10~20/05 1:03 pm 0rain I" I-1/16 .... 1:13 pm 10 min. 1-15/16" 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS TEST RUN eETWEEN $ FT AND 5.5 FT PERFORMED BY: Russell Hepner, E.LT. I Allan W. l~][tlrfltt CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Particle Size Distribution Report 80 1oo lO 1 o.I GRAIN SIZE - mm. 0.01 0.001 % +3" % Gravel Coarse Fine 0.0 11.8 17.5 SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.* PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO) Coarse Medium 13.7 14.3 2 1.5 1 .75 .5 .375 #4 #i0 #20 #40 ~60 #100 #200 100.0 100.0 94.7 88.2 83.2 79.4 70.7 57.0 49.7 42.7 37.6 33.1 28.6 % Sand % Fines Fine Silt I Clay 14.1 28.6 Material Description Silty Sand with Gravel (SM). Atterbera Limits PL= NP LL= NV PI= Coefficients D85= 15.0630 D60= 2.4688 D50= 0.8837 D30= 0.0948 D15= D10= Cu= CC= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= Remarks Natural Moisture l 1.3%. (no specification provided) Sample Number: 1 Location: Pert. TH #I 1 Depth: 5-5.5' Date: 10/19/05 A.W. Murfitt Company Anchora Alaska Client: Alaska Land Development Services Project: Tenny Subdivision Anchorage, AK 05-024.29 Figure Lot 11 Tested By: RH UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Major ~ Divisions GP I~ 'o,--,-._...; Typical Names ,.~.~, WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND CLEAN GRAVELS ew ~'_~ MIXTURES GRAVELS W~TH LmrLE OR, NO FINES ~.e.~. POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND W ~ SANDS WITH LITfLE OR _~ ML FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, OR ~ SILTS AND CLAYS CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHTPLASITICITY LU ~ gL OF LOW PLASTICITY _z ~ INORGANIO SILTS MIGAOEOUS OR ~ ~ MH DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, L9 ~ SILTS AND CLAYS ELASTIC SILTS III ~ CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT z ~ cLAYS ~_. ~ LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt. PEATAND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS KEY TO TEST DATA Consulting Engineers and Testing PLATE A. W. Murfitt Compan__y SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 13810 Venus Way Anchorage, AK. 99515 AND 1 0 (907) 345-2737 Fax: (907) 345-3264 KEY TO TEST DATA Job No. 05-024.29 Date: 11/04/05 Major Divisions GP I~'°'"''--...; Typical Names ,.~.~, WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND CLEAN GRAVELS GW ~.~ $'_~. MIXTURES GRAVELS WITH LI~LE OR NO FINES ~,e~. POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES MORE THAN HALF GM SILTY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL - 3OARSE FRACTIOb GRAVELS WITH SAND - SILT MIX I~IRES IS LARGER THAN OVER 12% FINES CLAYEY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED NO. 4 SIEVE SiZE GQ GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES CLEAN SANDS SW WELL GRADED SAND, GRAVELLY SANDS SAN DS WITH LITFLE OR NO FINES SP POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS MORE THAN HALF SANDS SM SILTY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SANg- CLAY MIXTURES COARSE FRACTION WITH OVER IS SMALLER THAN NO. 4 SEIVE SIZE 12% FINES SC CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCI _~ ML FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS, OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASITICITY SILTS AND CLAYS ~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOWTO MEDIUM ~ GL PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAY~ ~ SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS ~ LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 ~ ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS gL OF LOW PLASTICI~ ! INORGANIC SILTS MIOACEOUS OR ~ MH DIATOmCIOUS FINE SANDY OR SIL~ SOILS, ~ SILTS AND CLAYS ELASTIC SILTS .5 CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, FAT CLAYS ~ LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH =o OH PLASTtCR'Y, ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt. PEATAND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Soil Classification Chart 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Gravel (+ ~ Scroon) % My Weight Corps of ~nflin~rs Frost ~osi~n 8oil Classification and H8C8 EquNalont Groupin~ Typical soi~ typ~s un0or ~orconta~e finer than Unifiod 8oil Frost Group Kind of ~nil 0 02 mm by weight Classification System NFS* (a) Grovels 0-1.5 GW, GP Crashed S~ne Crashed Rock (b) Sands 0-3 SW, SP PFS~* (a) Gmve~ 1.5-3 GW, GP Crashed Stona Crashed Rack (b) Sands 3-10 SW, SP S1 Gravelly Soils 3~ GW, GP, GW~M, GP-GM S2 Sandy Soils 3-6 SW, SP, SW-SM, SP-SM FI Gravelly Soils 6 ~ 10 GM, GW~GM, GP~M F2 (a) Gravelly Soils 10 to 20 GM, GW~GM, GP*GM (b) Sands 6 to 15 SM, SW~SM, SP-SM F3 (a) Gravelly Soils Over 20 GM, OC (b) Sands, except for ve~ silty sands Over 15 SM, SC (c) Clays, P[>12 CL, CH F4 (a) All silts ML, MH (b) Ve~ fine siEy sands Over 15 SM (c) Clays, P1>12 CL, CL-ML (d) Va~ clays and ~her fine-grain~, CL and ML; CL, ML, and SM; banded s~iments CL, CH, and ML; CL, CH, ML end SM * Non-frost-susceptible. **Possibly fro~-sus~ptible, but requires laborato~ test to determine frost design soils clarification, Consulting Engineers and Testing PLATE A. W. Murfitt Company Textural and Frost 13810 Venus Way ~chorage, ~99515 Design Soil (907) 345-2737 Fax: (907) 345-3264 Classification dog No. 05-024.2~ Dato: ~/04/05 "Proposed Well Locations & Waste Water Disposal Areas" map is too large to scan but is located in the hard file J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC January 23, 2009 Mr. Bill Tucker, P.E. Alaska Land Development Services, Inc. 1401 West 34th Ave. Anchorage AK 99503 Re: Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska. Dear Mr. Tucker: This letter report is to provide the findings of recent aquifer testing and evaluation of aquifer conditions in the vicinity of Aurora View Subdivision in Anchorage, Alaska. Aurora View Subdivision is located along Snowberry Road approximately 0.5 mile east of Hillside Drive and immediately north of Upper Huffman Road in Anchorage's Hillside area. The purpose of the work is to support the Municipality of Anchorage's review of the adequacy of supplies of water from wells for the proposed residential use and potential impacts on water supplies at surrounding properties. Hydrogeologic Setting The general groundwater conditions in the vicinity of the site are described by Dearbom and Barnwell (1975). Aurora View Subdivision is located in the Little Campbell Creek basin, and the creek is located approximately 600 feet north of the northern boundary of the subdivision. Glacial deposits in the area are mapped by Glass (1988) as less than 150 ft thick; closest to Upper Huffman road they are less than 50 ft thick. Glacial deposits are thickest on the north side of the property closest to the creek, and several wells immediately north of the property tap sand and gravel aquifers at depths up to approximately 120 ft. Most wells in the area tap a fractured metamorphic rock aquifer consisting of argillite, greywacke, and related rock types. A review of recent aerial photography of the project area (using the Google Maps website) reveals that residential development in the vicinity of Aurora View Subdivision has a generally similar density of dwellings as is proposed. An important part of this analysis is to determine whether existing development patterns have resulted in any water level declines in aquifers. Methods and Sources of Data A review of well logs and well adequacy reports from surrounding properties was performed to evaluate the general conditions in the area. Local and state agency staff and local water well industry personnel were interviewed to determine if there is a pattern of problems related to well water usage in the vicinity. Where possible, comparisons were made between water-level measurements in the same wells at different times, typically over a period of years, to determine if there is a pattern of declining water levels. Also, Hillside area water-budget information is used to estimate potential sustainable aquifer yields using methods similar to those used by the U. S. Geological Survey report for the area. 5701 PENNy CIRCLE, ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 iamunter~arctic.net PHONE (907) 345-0165; FAX (907) 348-8592 J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC, Three test wells have been drilled on the property, and between January 13 and 22, three separate aquifer tests were conducted using these wells, alternately, as pumping and observation wells. Locations of the test wells are shown on the attached well location map. The results of the aquifer testing are described in this report and calculations of the effects of the proposed well development on surrounding properties are provided. The pumping and water-level data were collected by Aarow Pump and Well, LLC, and are attached to this report. Aquifer Recharge, Water-Supply Potential, and Existing Development The bedrock aquifer in this area is not locally exposed and receives recharge through the overlying glacial deposits. These deposits commonly have a water table perched on top of the bedrock surface that slowly leaks water into the near-surface fractures of the aquifer. As previously described, immediately north of the Aurora View, the glacial deposits are sufficiently thick to sustain a usable aquifer for water supply to wells. Within the area of Aurora View, an infiltration basin has been constructed to retain stormwater flow and snowmelt. This basin effectively aids groundwater recharge by retaining water on-site until it has sufficient time to infiltrate into the silty soils and percolate down to the water table aquifer. Regional data indicate that average annual precipitation in this part of Anchorage is approximately 20 inches/year. Assuming that approximately 20 percent of this amount recharges groundwater, then the 15-aere tract should recharge an average of approximately 4460 gallons of water per day to local aquifers. This amount equates to 406 gallons per day for each of the 11 planned homes on the parcel. Considering the effects of the infiltration basin to enhance groundwater recharge, these data suggest that on-site recharge of water alone is potentially sufficient to supply aquifers with the quantity of water needed for subdivision use. Dearborn and Bamwell (1975) studied the Anchorage Hillside hydrology in the area of this project to determine the long-term potential yield of water-supply aquifers. They concluded that the sustainable yield of groundwater aquifers in areas underlain by glacial drift aquifers was in the range of 2-4 million gallons per day for their study area. This converts to 4,000 to 8,000 gallons per day for the 15-acre tract, or 300 to 600 gpd for each of the eleven planned homes. Although they indicated that sustainable well yields might be somewhat lower for areas with bedrock aquifers, they did not provide quantitative estimates. Their study provides support that groundwater supplies in this area are potentially sufficient to provide water for residential development on a long-term basis as proposed. The proposed subdivision is centrally located in a large area tapping the bedrock aquifer that is already developed at a similar housing density. Aurora View subdivision represents only a small increase in water use in the area. As described below, a review of area well data and discussions with agencies and water resource professionals, show that there does not appear to be any area- wide lowering of water levels which would indicate that local aquifers are not capable of sustaining existing development. This is consistent with the recharge analysis and sustainable Ill Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 2 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC Interviews Ms. Kelly Westphal of the Alaska Department of Natural Resource (ADNR) and Mr. Dan Roth of the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) were contacted to determine if there were reports of declining water levels and well problems in the area. No problems or knowledge of any area- wide water-level declines were reported. Mr. Dave Harper of Alpine Drilling and Enterprises and Mr. Brian Wille of Aarow Pump and Well, LLC, who have installed and serviced numerous wells in the vicinity, report that this area is known for having a low-yield bedrock aquifer, but Review of area well logs The WELTS well log database (http://www. nawnaps.alaska.~ov/welts/) maintained by the ADNR was searched for logs of wells from adjacent and surrounding properties. The MOA's On-site database (http://www.muni.org/onsite/) was also examined for well logs and engineering reports. Tables 1 and 2 present the results of the data search. Twenty one well logs were identified including three test wells drilled for Aurora View Subdivision. The well logs are divided into two tables: 1) wells tapping sand and gravel aquifers, and 2) wells tapping the bedrock aquifer. Table 1. Sununary of well data from wells tapping sand and gravel aquifers near Aurora View Subdivision. Location Well Reported yield and Estimated Aquifer Static Water Level depth year of Transmis- Type below land surface and (fee0 measurement sivity year of measurement (gpm/year) (gpd/ft) (feet/year) L3B 203 3 1997 167 Silty sand 42 1997 Ginami and gravel Hills and bedrock L5 205 7 1990 310 Sand and 70 1990 Clearview gravel and bedrock L6 107 12 1984 730 Sand and 64 1984 Clearview gravel 5 1984 100 20 1984 L7 130 6 1992 120 Sandy gravel 35 1992 Clearview 7 1984 150 37 1994 4.3 2007 Not 38 2007 calculable 6 1992 170 25 1992 L12 B1 96 7.3 2006 Not Gravel, silty, 22 2006 Wood- calculable clayey bourne Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 3 of 11 Jalluary 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC Location Well Reported yield and Estimated Aquifer Static Water Level depth year of Transmis- Type below land surface and (feet) measurement sivity year of measurement (gpm/year) (gpd/ft) (feet/year) L14 B1 101 10 1996 190 -2 1996 Wood- Sandy gravel bourne 18 1981 820 55 1981 L13 B1 99 3.47 2000 Not Gravel, sand 23 2000 Wood- 3.1 1996 calculable 20 2006 bourne Note: Estimated transmissivity (T) in gallons/day/ft2 calculated by T= SC x 2000 where SC (specific capacity) = yield (in gpm)/drawdopm (in ft). Table 2. Summary of well data for wells tapping the bedrock aquifer in and near Aurora View Subdivision. Location Well Reported yield and Estimated Aquifer Static Water Level in depth year of Transmis- Type feet below land surface (feet) measurement sivity and year of (gpm) (gpd/ft) measurement L1 175 1.7 1971 132 Bedrock 70 1971 Clearview 2 1985 47 160 1985 L2B 245 2.2 1998 Not Bedrock 35 1998 Ginami calculable Hills L2 none 1982 Not 20 1982 Daugh- 187 Calculable Bedrock erty 1 1986 56 35.8 1986 L1 430 5 1985 Not Bedrock 38 1985 Clearview calculable 2 1981 Not Not 1981 L2 292 calculable Bedrock repor- Clearview ted 7 (pump 1988 66 69 1988 , yield?) 0.9 1991 16 175 1991 0.55 1994 4.4 47.1 1994 L4 323 2 1998 16 Bedrock 70 1998 Clearview Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 4 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC. Location Well Reported yield and Estimated Aquifer Static Water Level in depth year of Transmis- Type feet below land surface (feet) measurement sivity and year of (gpm) (gpd/ft) measurement 200 0.5 1982 7.4 Bedrock 65 1982 L2 Prescott 51 1987 44 1991 400 0.42 1987 2.6 85 1987 51 1987 wells 1.1 1987 Not 44 1991 plum- Calculable bed to- gether wells 0.93 1991 Not plum- Calculable bed to- gether 3 1978 20 25 1978 L1AB1 318 3.3 1992 Not Bedrock 20 1992 Stevahn 6.4 1994 calculable 15 1994 10 1991 800 15 1981 L2A B1 49 2.5 1993 170 Bedrock 20 1993 Stevalm L2 Vana 603 0.5 1998 1.7 Bedrock 18 1998 L5 Aurora 584 0.59 2009 2.7 Bedrock 56 2009 View L7 Aurora 424 0.8 2009 4.9 Bedrock 62 2009 View L9 Aurora 323 1.2 2009 9.8 Bedrock 48 2009 View rated transm~ssivity (T) in gallons/day/fi calculated by T= SC x 2000 where SC (specific capacity) = yield (in gpm)/drawdown (in ft). Summary of Well Log Review Wells tapping sand and graver aquifers. Seven wells in the vicinity were found to tap sand and gravel aquifers. Reported yields range from 3 to 18 gpm, and inspection of water-level data collected during different years shows that water levels in the aquifers have remained relatively stable. Because wells tapping sand and gravel aquifers are relatively productive and most or all wells in the Aurora View subdivision are expected to tap the bedrock aquifer, sand and gravel aquifers are not expected to be impacted by wells at Aurora View Subdivision and will not be further analyzed in this report. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 5 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC Wells tapping bedrock aquifers. Fourteen wells in the vicinity were found to tap the bedrock aquifer. Reported yields range from 0.42 to 10 gpm, and inspection of water-level data collected during different years shows that water levels in the aquifer have remained relatively stable. The median reported well yield is 1.7 gpm. This is approximately four times the daily demand for a four bedroom home. Static water levels range in depth from approximately 20 to 70 ft below land surface. Well depths range from 49 ft to 605 ft below land surface. There are 16 calculable estimates of transmissivity from the bedrock well data available. Calculated transmissivity ranges from 1.7 to 800 gpd/ft. The median estimate is 16 gpd/ft. This value is in the low end range of a fractured metamorphic bedrock aquifer (Freeze and Cherry, 1979, p. 29). The available well data indicate that wells in the project area are capable of supplying sufficient water to single family homes on ma on-going basis. While well yields from bedrock wells in this area are generally low, they are adequate for household use. Some wells require in-home storage or hydrofracking to increase yields. On one lot, two low-yield wells are plumbed together into one home and appear to function satisfactorily (see Table 2). Dearborn and Bamwell (1975 observe that effectivll~/ll~/[~ll~ ~leepening the well may also increase the well yield by tapping previously untapped fractures. I[ I - '~'" Ii Wells that exhibit declining yields over time should be evaluated by a well professional for plugging. Plugging can be caused by sediment accumulations, iron hydroxide bioaccumulations, or precipitated calcium carbonate, all of which can occur in wells subject to large fluctuations in water levels caused by fluctuating water usage. All of these plugging problems can be remedied by accepted physical or chemical treatment methodologies. Test-Well Drilling Three test wells were drilled at the locations shown on the attached figure. Logs of the wells are contained in Attachment A. For this report, the well drilled on lot 7 will be called Well 7, the well drilled on Lot 5 will be called Well 5, and the well drilled on Lot 9 will be called Well 9. The wells all tapped the bedrock aquifer and varied in depth from 326 to 586 ft. The wells were developed by air-lift pumping, with estimated reported yields at the time of drilling ranging from 1.5 to 5 gpm. Aquifer Testing Results Well 7 testing. Aquifer testing was performed first using Well 7 as the pumped well and Wells 5 and 9 as observation wells. A pump was set in Well 7 at a depth of 402 ft and an initial drawdown and well yield test was conducted on January 9, 2009. The well was drawn down to the pump intake as quickly as possible and the flow rate was then reduced to determiue the rate at which the well was producing water. Calculations indicated that the well was producing approximately 1 gpm during 4 hours of pumping after reaching full drawdown. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 6 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC. On January 13-14, 2009, a 25-hour aquifer test was conducted. A plot of the water level data from Well 7 is contained in Attachment B. Water levels are recorded as feet of water above the sensor, which was set at a depth of 396.31 ft below top of casing. Well 7 had an initial static water level of 64.15 ft below top of casing, which correlates to a datalogger reading of 332.16 ft above the sensor. The test was started at 10:18 am, however the generator failed and the test was restarted at 11:24 am with a partially recovered water level of 83.55 ft below toc. The rate of pumping was set at 3 gpm, which was the lowest setting the pump was capable of without overheating and damaging the pump. The attached datalogger data for Well 7 show that the water level reached maximum drawdown after approximately 6.5 hours of pumping. The pump cycled on and offfor the remainder of the test, producing water at an average rote of approximately 0.8 gpm at the end of the test. At 3 gpm, the pump cycled on and off with 2 to 3 minute pumping cycles and 6-7 minute recovery cycles. After pumping was stopped completely, the well recovery rate showed that the well bore gained 35.39 ft of water in the first 60 minutes of recovery, which averages 0.83 gpm for the 5 7/8-inch hole (using 1.408 gal ofwater/fi of borehole). This confirms the yield of the aquifer. A widely-used empirical equation used to estimate transmissivity from aquifer test data is derived from the specific capacity of the pumped well at the end of the test. This relationship (Sterrett, R. J., 2007, Appendix 6.N) is: T = 2000 x SC where: T = transmissivity (gpd/ft) SC = Specific Capacity (gpm/ft of drawdown) = yield/drawdown In this case, SC = 0.8 gpm/328 ft = 0.00244 gpm/ft of drawdown. and T = 2000 x 0.00244 gpm/f~ of drawdown = 4.9 gpd/ft The observation well data are also contained in Attachment B. Water levels in Well 5 rose slightly throughout the test and the water level in Well 9 fluctuated slightly. Neither well exhibited any apparent response to pumping. Storafivity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with the drawdown data from only the production well. Well 5 testing. Aquifer testing was next performed using Well 5 as the pumped well and Wells 7 and 9 as observation wells. A pump was set in Well 5 at a depth of 502 ft. The test was initiated on January 19, 2009. The test was planned to run for 24 hours, however the generator stopped working after at least 11 hrs of pumping and the test was prematurely Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 7 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC terminated. Also, while the pump and datalogger were being removed from the well, the datalogger unit became detached from the cable and fell to the bottom of the well. The data were not retrievable for this report. Fortunately, enough data was obtained manually to determine the well yield and drawdown and permit the calculation of aquifer transmissivity. The limitations of duration and data density below what was expected are not considered to significantly impact the results of the test. Well 5 had an initial static water level of 58.59 Ii below top of casing. The test was started at 10:10 am. The water level reached maximum drawdown after less than 6 hours of pumping. The pump cycled on and offfor the remainder of the test, producing water at an average rate of approximately 0.8 gpm after 6 hours of pumping. The flow rate of the pump was set at approximately 2.7 gpm, causing 3 minute pumping cycles and 7 minute recovery cycles. Between 6 and 11 hours of pumping 176 gallons of water were pumped, averaging 0.59 gpm. As before, using: T = 2000 x SC where: T = transmissivity (gpd/ft) SC = Specific Capacity (gprn/ft ofdrawdown) = yield/drawdown In this case, SC = 0.59 gpm/441 ft = 0.00133 gpm/ti of drawdown. mad T = 2000 x 0.00133 gpm/ii of drawdown -- 2.7 gpd/ft Again, storativity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with the drawdown data from only the production well. Well 9 testing. Aquifer testing was next performed using Well 9 as the pumped well and Wells 5 and 7 as observation wells. A pump was set in Well 9 at a depth of 302 ft. On January 21-22, 2009, a 24.75 hour aquifer test was conducted. Attachment B contains the water-level data obtained. The test was started at 11:43 am and the rate of pumping was set at 4 gpm based on the well driller's estimate ora well yield of 5 gpm at the time of well construction. The water level reached maximum drawdown after less than 8 hours of pumping. The pump cycled on and off for the remainder of the test, producing water at an average rate ranging from 1.8 to 1.2 gpm near the end of the test. After pumping was stopped completely, the well recovered at an average rate of 1.2 gpm during the first hour of recovery, confirming the yield of the aquifer. Again, as before: Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 8 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC. T = 2000 x SC where: T = transmissivity (gpd/ii) SC = Specific Capacity (gpm/fi of drawdown) = yield/dmwdown In this case, SC = 1.226 gpm/251 ft = 0.00488 gpm/It of drawdown. and T = 2000 x 0.00488 gpm/ti of drawdown = 9.8 gpd/Ii The observation well data are also contained in Attachment B. Water levels in Well 5 rose consistently as recovery from the recent flow test performed on that well. Examination of the recovery trend shows no apparent changes that would be attributable to ptmaping at Well 9. The water level in Well 7 exhibited a gradual decline of approximately 2.3 Ii during the test. This indicates a very slight hydraulic connection in the aquifer tapped by the two wells. Again, storativity of the aquifer is not possible to calculate with the drawdown data from only the production well. Drawdown Projections Well 7. A Theis (1935) analysis was performed to estimate drawdown in surrounding wells from pmnping Well 7 using the estimated value of transmissivity of 4.9 gpd/ii and an estimated stomtivity of 0.0001, which is characteristic of confined aquifers. Using atypical domestic use rote of 450 gpd, 22 fi of drawdown is calculated for the nearest well approximately 400 ft away from Well 7 after 200 days of pumping. Well 5. A Theis (1935) analysis was performed to estimate drawdown in surrounding wells from pmnping Well 5 using the estimated value of transmissivity of 2.7 gpd/ft and an estimated storativity of 0.0001, which is characteristic of confined aquifers. Using atypical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, 22 fi of drawdown is calculated for the nearest well approximately 600 ft away from Well 5 after 200 days of pumping. Well 9. A Theis analysis was performed to estimate drawdown in surrounding wells from pumping Well 9 using the estimated value of transmissivity of 9.8 gpd/ft and an estimated storativity of 0.0001, which is characteristic of confined aquifers. Using a typical domestic use rate of 450 gpd, 12 ft of dmwdown is calculated for the nearest well approximately 500 Ii away from Well 9 after 200 days of pumping. The calculations provided above assume that the aquifer is homogeneous and isotropic and no recharge occurs. These assumptions are conservative because well data from surrounding wells suggests that the estimated value oftransmissivity at the wells is lower than values estimated from surrounding wells (median value = 16 gpd/ft; see above), suggesting that the aquifer is generally more productive in the area than indicated by the tests performed. A more productive Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 9 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING, INC aquifer would show less drawdown at the distances used in the analyes, ail other factors being equal. Also, the aquifer testing data suggest that closely spaced wells may not tap the same fracture systems and therefore may not respond as readily to aquifer stress from pumping as a Theis analysis would suggest. Finaily, as opposed to the model assumption, the bedrock aquifer in this area likely receives recharge throughout the year from the overlying glacial soils. These soils commonly have a water table perched on top of the bedrock surface that slowly leaks water into the near-surface fractures of the aquifer. Thus, even with conservative calculation of 12 to 22 ft of drawdown, nearby wells are not likely to be adversely affected by the proposed pumping of Wells 5, 7, or 9. Summary of Findings All wells in the Aurora View Subdivision are likely to tap a low-yield bedrock aquifer. Some neighboring wells tap sand and gravel aquifers and these wells are unlikely to be affected by pumping at Aurora View. Separate testing of three new test wells at Aurora View shows similar low-yield bedrock aquifer characteristics. All wells tested are adequate to meet Municipaiity of Anchorage requirements for single family domestic u~sage. Monitoring of the wells showed almost no well interference between the wells, suggesting that the wells all tap hydmuiically separate fracture systems in the bedrock aquifer. Interviews with agency personnel, reviews of well data files, and area-wide hydrologic anaiyses show that water-level declines are not evident in the bedrock aquifer and that the local hydrologic regime appears to be adequate to support existing and new water demands from wells as proposed. Calculations using conservative assumptions indicate that approximately 12 to 22 ft of drawdown is possible at surrounding wells, however, the model assumptions are unlikely to be realistic and the calculations can be loosely regarded as a worst-case scenario. The calculations show that it is possible to have some amount of water level response in surrounding wells as a result of pumping at the Aurora View Subdivision, however, a review of well logs shows that most wells have more than 200 ft of available drawdown, indicating that such water-level declines would not adversely affect the performance of area wells. An important method of evaiuating whether wells are likely to be affected by the new pumping is to consider the development history of the bedrock aquifer in the neighborhood. Inspection of aerial photography shows that the surrounding area is developed with a similar housing density and review of well records shows no apparent decline of water levels in wells. Therefore, since the proposed new development represents only a small marginal increase in wells in the area, the effects of the development are not expected to result in a significant change in historically stable water-levels. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 10 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska J. A. MUNTER CONSULTING~ INC. Conclusions Three test wells drilled and pumped at Aurora View Subdivision were found to exceed MOA standards for yielding water for typical single family residential use, which requires 150 gpd/bedroom. II Lot sizes in the Aurora View subdivision are consistent with surrounding development, which is currently served successfully by on-site wells without apparent effect on local aquifer water levels. Aquifer test results, calculations of the effects of future pumping, and area-wide hydrologic analyses indicate that the effects of pumping from new wells on existing surrounding wells will be insignificant and that the increased water use will not significantly affect surrounding water users. The construction of a stormwater retention basin in Aurora View Subdivision serves to retain water on-site and enhance local groundwater recharge to the advantage of nearby wells. Should you have any questions about this report, please call me at 345-0165 or 727-6310. Sincerely, & A. Munter Consulting, Inc. ~e~s A. M~t~e~ Principal Hydrogeologist Certified Ground Water Professional No. 119481 Alaska Licensed Professional Geologist No. 568 References Cited Dearborn, L. L., and W. W. Bamwell, 1975, Hydrology for Land-use Planning, the Hillside area, Anchnmge, Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file report 75-105. Freeze R. A., and J. A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 604 p. Glass, Roy L., 1988, Map showing depth to bedrock, Anchorage, Alaska, U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 88-198, 1 sheet, scale 1:25000. Sterrett, Robert J., ed., 2007, Groundwater and wells, 3ra edition, Johnson Screens, A Weatherford Company, New Brighton, Minnesota, 812 p. plus appendices. Theis, C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 2, pp 519-524. Evaluation of aquifers in the vicinity of Page 11 of 11 January 23, 2009 Aurora View Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska AURORA VIEW SUBDIVISION WELL LOCATIONS Del Norte Surveying, Inc. SURVEY DATE: DECEMBER 29, 2008 Dr~wn g. Greet Grid 2740 Scole 1"=200' D~te dAN. 8, 2009 File No. AURORA_VIEW, DWG Attachment A Test Well Logs Aurora View Subdivision ALPINE DRILLING & ENTER : RISES Permit Number: #SW080218 Date of Issue: 10-03-08 Parcel I, lentification Number: 015-242-22 Date Started: 12-12-08 Date Completed: 12-13-08 Is well located at app~ oved permit location? [] Yes [] No Legal Description: Aurora View Lot 5 Property Owner Name & Address: Gene Tenny 7935 Upper Huffman Road Anchora~le, Alaska 99516 Borehole Data: Depth (ft) Method of Dril lng [] air rotary [] cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To Casing type: st, stick-up 0 2 Wall Thickness: .025 inches organics and silt 2 3 Diameter: _6 incl les Blepth: 47' feet silt 3 5 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: feet gravelly silt 5 22 Casing stickup above ground: _2 feet silt 22 41 Static water le~el (from ground level): 49 feet gravelly silt 41 45 Pumping level: 586 feet after bedrock 45 586 _2 hours pumpinl1.5 gpm Recovery Rate: 1,5 gpm Method of Tesl ing: airlift Well Intake OI ening Type: [] Open End [] Open Hole [] Screened Start__ feet Stopped__ feet [] Perforations Start feet Stopped __ feet Grout Type: b, ~ntonite'chips Volume: 2bgs Depth: Start _0 feet Stopped ._9 feet Pump: Intake Depth__ feet Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfeet~ d Upon Completion.9 [] Yes [] No Method of Disinfection: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller: ~lpine Drilling & Enterprises ~.0. Box 110496 lnchorage, AK 99511-0496 / Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within~0 days of completion and the property owner or the well driller shall provide a well log to the Development Services Del~artment within 60 days of completion. ALPINE DRILLING & ENTERPRISES Permit Number: #SW080219 Date of Issue: 10-03-08 Date Started: 12-15-08 Date Completed: 12-16-08 Legal Description: Aurora View Lot 7 Property Owner Name & Address: Gene Tenny Borehole Data: Sol! Type, Thickness & Water Strata Parcel ] lentification Number: 015-242-23 Is well located at apg oved pexmit location? [] Yes [] No 7935 Upper Huffman Road Anchora~le, Alaska 99516 Depth (ft) From To stick-up 0 2 organics and silt 2 3 silt 3 7 gravelly silt 7 19 silt 19 49 gravelly silt 49 71 bedrock 71 426 Method of Drill Casing type: st~ Wall Thickness: Diameter: _~ inch Liner Type: . Diameter: Casing stickup: Static water lev, Pumping level:, _2 hours pumping Recovery Rate: Method of Test/ Well Intake [] Open End [] Screened [] Perforations Grout Type: bet Depth: Pump: Intake D Pump size __ Well Disinfected Method of Disin Comments: Well Driller: Ali P, Ar Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 30 owner or the well driller shall provide a well log to the Development Services Depal ing [] air rotary [] cable tool ,el .025 inches :s Depth: 7_~3 feet __ inches Depth:__ ~bove ground: _2 feet feet (from ground level): 65 feet t26 feet after _2 gpm ' gpm ~g: air/iff :ning Type: [] Open Hole ~tart__ feet Stopped __ feet gtart __ feet Stopped __ feet tonite chips Volume;. 2bgs Start I_Q0 feet Stopped 7 feet ~pth__ feet hp Brand Name __ Upon Completion? [] Yes [] No 'ection: chlorine tablets )ine Dri/fing & Enterprises ). Box 110496 chorage, AK 99511-0496 lays of completion and the property ment within 60 days of completion. ALPINE DRILLING & ENTER aRISES Permit Number: #SW080220 Date of Issue: I0-03-08 Parcel I, lentification Number:. 075-24___2-24 Date Started: 12-17-06 Date Completed: '12-19-06 Is well located at app~ wed permit location? [] Yes [] No Legal Description: Aurora View Lot 9 Property Owner Name & Address: Gene Tenny 7935 Upper Huffman Road Anchora~le, Alaska 99516 Borehole Data: Depth (fi) Method of Drill ng [] air rotary [] cable tool Soil Type, Thickness & Water Strata From To Casing type: sh ~/ stick-up 0 3 Wall Thickness: 025 inches fill 3 5 Diameter: _6 inc? ;s Depth: 6,5 feet organics & silt 5 8 Liner Type: Diameter: inches Depth: __ feet gravelly silt 8 18 Casing stiekup ~bove ground: _2 feet silt 18 57 Static water lev d (fi.om ground level): 5`5.8 feet gravelly silt 57 63 Pumping level: 326 feet after bedrock 63 326 _2 hours pumpin~ 5 gpm Recovery Rate: _6 gpm Method of Test ng: air lift Well Intake Op ening Type: [] Open End [] Open Hole : [] Screened Start __ feet Stopped feet [] Perforations Start __ feet Stopped__ feet Grout Type: be ~tonite chips Volume: 2bgs Depth: Start _0 feet Stopped ? feet Pump: Intake I ~epth feet Pump size hp Brqnd Name Well Disinfecte, Upon Completion? [] Yes [] No Method of Disi] tfectlon: chlorine tablets Comments: Well Driller: A ~ine Drilling & Enterprises F 0. Box 110496 A wchorage, AK 99511-0496 Attention: The well driller shall provide a well log to the property owner within 3,~ days of completion and the property owner or the well driller shall provide a well log to the Development Services Dep~ rtment within 60 days of completion. Attachment B Water-Level Data Aurora View Subdivision (pumped ~o0~oo°: ~80DO00* ~0DO00~ ~oooO00! ~8o~ooo~ i40DO00: IOODOOOJ ~ODO00 0OD000 4OD000 ~0OO00 1~0:00 15:00~0 00:00:00 06:00:00 19:(]~GD 18:00:00 00:00:00 06~0:00 13:00:00 Monitor well data for aquifer test using Well 7 as pumped well. Well 5 Well 9 Water level below top of time casing (ft) 0 43.88 12:07:00PM 43.81 2:18 43.78 4:16 43.75 6:29 43.7 8:30 43.65 5:19.3AM 43.55 12:25PM 43.42 time 12:09:00PM 5:18AM 12:27PM 2:21 4:18 6:31 8:29 Lot 7 Totalizer Start 72012 end 73734.5 Last read Lot 7 recovery- 2:24pm 1-15-2009 79.50' Water level below top of casing (ft) date 0 54.53' 1/13/2009 54.37 54.06 53.9~ 53.89 54.05 55.73 1/14/2009 55.97 End test Aurora View Subdivision Aquifer Test-Well 5 (pumped well) January 19-20, 2009 Totalizer start = 74520.2 gals. Start pump time 10:10 a.m. 01-19-2009. Pump set at 502 ft. Flow rate set at 3 gpm. Starting SWL 58.59' from top of casing. Totalizer = 75354 gal @ 16:10 01-19-2009 Well cycling on/off (water level drawn down to pump intake). Well pumped 8 gallons in 10 minutes through one on/off cycle (0,8 gpm). Pump producing 2.7 gpm (bucket method) when pumping. Totalizer = 75530 gals @ 21:09 01-:[9-2009. Monitoring Wells Well 7 Well 9 01-19-09 Time SWL(ft) Time SWL(ft) 10:19 64.44 10:15 55.35 13:43 64.25 13:41 55.28 16:53 64.34 16:54 55.23 01-20-2009 Pump off when arrived on site at 04:30. Totalizer = 75674.7 gal Time SWL(ft) Time SWL(ft) 04:30 64.21 04:32 55.09 08:09 64.15 08:11 54.97 15:47 64.08 15:49 54.85 Well 5 (pumped well) Datalogger lost during retrieval from well. 01-21-09 Time SWL (ft) 11:20 123.32 12:36 117.78 14:02 112.25 14:52 109.87 15:51 107.45 19:40 100.5:1 Aurora View Subdivision Aquifer Test Data - Well 9 (pumped well) Test dates January 21-22, 2009 all measurements from top of casings initial flow rate: 4 GPM (Restrictor) Totalizer Reading = 75674.7 gal Well 9 Time SWL TLZER/Production 11:44 55.22' 11:45 57 11:46 59.11 11:47 61.25 11:48 63.13 11:49 64.94 11:50 66.9 11:51 68.57 11:52 70.12 11:53 71.99 11:58 80.01 12:18 87.29 12:23 93.89 12:28 100.56 12:33 106.65 12:38 112.4 12:43 118.71 12:48 123.53 12:58 133.49 13:28 159.39 14:05 185.8 14:28 201.65 14:58 221.09 15:28 232.44 15:58 238 19:03 100% DD 22:59 ~/22/2oo9 3:00 7:16 10:02 11:49 12:18 End Test 1/22/2009 Recovery start 12:29 292.02 12:30,5 289.9 12:45 277.71 13:15 252.74 13:30 243.15 13:45 232.31 14:02 223.6 14:15 214.3 14:29 206.14 14:45 198.83 15:00 192.46 16:03 168.11 21:25 131.1 1/23/2009 7:40 100.39 1,7 gpm 1.6 gpm 1.4 gpm 77833/1.8 gpm 1.3 gpm 78167.6 1.226 gpm 78204.3 1.266 gpm Started 11:43 AM SWL 51.14' Pump intake set at 302 fl Well 7 Time SWL 12:39 63.89 13:53 63.72 14:50 63.59 15:49 63.55 19:31 63.7 22:57 64.16 1/22/2009 3:17 64.8 7:12 65.32 10:04 65.65 11:52 65.85 14:05 66.1 15:04 66.21 16:12 66.2 Well 5 Time 12:36 14:02 14:52 15:51 19:40 22:55 3:15 7:19 9:59 11:42 14:09 15:07 16:10 SWL 117.78 112.25 109.87 107.45 100.51 97.41 93.78 90,82 89.15 88.15 86.72 86.19 85.65