HomeMy WebLinkAboutKINCAID ESTATES Expired S-108735-10873 KINCAID ESTATES EXPIRED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION OCTOBER 1, 2003 AMENDED OCTOBER 17, 2003 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Caress, Deak, Funatake, Linnell, McKay, Phelps, Shriver, Walsh Board Members Excused: Capps, Staff Present: Fison, O'Brien, Ferguson, Soule B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action a. September 3, 2003 — APPROVED b. September 17, 2003 - APPROVED 2. Minutes C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension a. 5-10845-4 Tudor Business Park Subdivision Approved 1st 18 -month time extension to 3/6/2005. b. 5-10943-2 Tula Subdivision Approved a 6 -month time extension to 7/16/2004. 2. Findings of Fact a. [.8;10873-3 Kincaid Estates Subdivision — Remand from the Board of Adjustment Approval of the Findings of Fact. 3. Commercial Tract Site Plan Review Platting Board Summary of Action September 17, 2003 Page 2 2. Submit as -built survey to Zoning Code Compliance showing all improvements on both lots in relation to the new property boundaries to verify compliance with all required setbacks. b. 5-10873-1 & S-10873-2 Kincaid Estates Subdivision — Remand from the Board of Adjustment Approval of the motion that the following items remanded from the Board of Adjustment have been deliberated and have been found to be met: 1. The matter is remanded to the Platting Board to require the submission by the developer of homeowners' association covenants and to hold a public hearing on the proposed covenants. 2. The matter is remanded to the Platting Board to: a) require the submission by the developer of additional testing of potential contaminants and mapping of aquifers and water flow; b) to require the developer to address the issue of recharging existing wells and septic systems and the potential effects of filling the pond; and c) to hold a public hearing on these hydrology and water quality issues F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings G. PERSONS TO BE HEARD H. REPORTS 1. Chair 2. Secretary 3. Community I. Board Member Comments Adjourn at 11:25 p.m. m O:kwa pa,\MSOA\Msoa2W3\.x09.17-03.dm MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION SEPTEMBER 3, 2003 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Caress, Deak, Funatake, Linnell, Phelps, Shriver, Walsh Board Members Excused: Capps, McKay Staff Present: Fison, Rauch, Weaver, O'Brien, Ferguson, Soule, Schanche B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action August 6, 2003 - APPROVED 2. Minutes August 6, 2003 - APPROVED C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension 2. Findings of Fact 3. Commercial Tract Site Plan Review 4. Others E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-10873-3 Kincaid Estates Subdivision — Remand from the Board of Adjustment Postponed to 9/17/03 Platting Board meeting. Platting Board Summary of Action July 16, 2003 Page 2 4. Others E. OLD BUSINESS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. (570873-3 Kincaid Estates Subdivision — Remand from the Board of Adjustment The Platting Board re -scheduled the case to September 3, 2003 upon the request of Mayor Begich, White Raven Development requested a postponement of case no. S10873-3 (Remand) Kincaid Estates Subdivision. b. S-10997 Carey Subdivision, Lots 1 & 2 — with Variance Postponed to the 9/3/03 Platting Board meeting at the request of the petitioner. C. S-11057 Olympus Subdivision — with Variances Approval of the variances from AMC 21.80.300.0 (corner lot width) and AMC 21.80.300.D (3:1 depth to width ratio) for Lots 5A and 6A. Approval of the plat for 18 months subject to: 1. Resolve utility easements. 2. Resolve outstanding assessment issues with AWWU prior to recording a final plat. 3. Resolve with the Watershed Management the mapping of the stream on the northern property boundary and show the stream location on the plat. 4. Submit a site grading and drainage plan to Project Management and Engineering for review 06/10/02 14:41 FAZ 907 343 4230 Community Planning + CROSS IZ002/009 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION June 5. 2002 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Capps, Caress, peak. Hooyer, McKay. Poulton, Richter, Shriver, Walsh Board Members Excused: Staff Present: Weaver, Chambers, Soule B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summaries of Action - APPROVED a. May 1. 2002 b. May 15. 2002 2. Minutes - APPROVED a. February 6, 2002 b. March 20, 2002 C. April 3, 2002 d. May 1, 2002 e. May 15, 2002 C. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS D. CONSENTAGENDA 1. Time Extension 2. Findings of Fact a. 5-10873-2 Kincaid Estates Subdivision Approved as written. 05/20/02 30:04 FAX 907 343 4220 _ ComsunitT Planalu » CROSS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE pLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION MAY 18, 2002 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Caress. Dealr, Hooyer, Poulton. Richter, Walsh Board Members Excused: Capps, McKay. Shriver Staff Present: Weaver. OBrien, Cross. Soule. Coop B. SUMMARY OF ACIION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action 2. Minutes C. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension 2. Findings of Fact 3. Commercial Tract 4. Other E. OLD BUSINESS F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-1oS73-2 Mucaid Estates Subdivision — Public Hearing Review of the Final Traffic Impact Analysis and Hydrology Report ®OOS/008 The Platting Board found that the requirement of Condition No. 30 has been met based on the review and acceptance of oVzo/92` 10:04 FAX 907 340 4220_ C4jiuunitLZJA1nin6 • CROSS ®000/000 Platllag Board Summary of Actlon May 15. 2002 Page 2 the final Traffic Impact Analysts by the Alaska. State Department of Transportation and the Municipal Traffic Department, and accepts the TTA subject to adding the following condition: 34. The requirements of the final approved Traffic Impact Analysis MN shall be incorporated into the conditions of approval for the preliminary plat and any required public improvements for traffic calming and site visibility shall be included in the subdivision agreement. The Platting Board found that Condition No. 31 has been met and accepts the Hydrology Report based on the conclusion of all the involved professionals from ADEC. OSWWS, DHHS, Shannon & Wilson "that the development plan of the proposed Kincaid Estates Subdivision will provide adequate protection of the ground water quality in this area." G. PERSONS Tb BE HEARD 11. REPORTS I. Chair 2. Secretary 3. Community Adjourn at 11:35 p.m. n,o c: �cw�a prwsa,w.�.xaa�.mos �sm.se� Platting Board summary of Action February 6, 2002 Page 9 9. Resolving drafting errors with Development Services, right-of-way section. 10. Providing the following to the Development Services Department, Building Safety Division, On Site Services Division: a. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). b. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system' site must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. C. Topographical slope information must be submitted. d. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided h. 5-10873 Kincaid Estates Subdivision Postponed to the February 20, 2002 Platting Board meeting. b. 5-10836 Third Addition — with Variance A. Approval of the variance from AMC 21.80.010.B the 35' peripheral half -street right-of-way width for East 15th Avenue along the north property boundary. B. Approval of the plat subject to: I. Resolving utility easements. -05/03/02 15^57 FAX 907 343 4220 Community Planning + CROSS ®003/020 Platting Board Summary of Action May 1. 2002 Page 2 4. Other E. OLD BUSINESS F. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearings a. S-10811 Grandview Subdivision Postponed to June 5. 2002 Platting Board meeting for review by the Geo -Technical Commission- T777--.S-10872-2 ommission. b. =-. =`.S-10872-2 Kincaid Estates Subdivision rPostponed to the May 15, 2002 Platting Board meeting due Ito an advertising error. C. 5-10890 Barrett Estates Subdivision — with Variances Returned for redesign to resolve a second access to the proposed subdivision with Alaska Department of Transportation and the Municipal Traffic and Fire Departments. The public hearing should not be rescheduled until the information is received in sufficient time to route to reviewing agencies and the Scenic Park Community Council for review and Comment. d. 5-10893 Ratcliffe Subdivision —Vacation only Approval of the request to vacate 30' x 602' BLM Road Reserve subject to filing a suitable replat within 18 months. e. 5-10899 Fire Lake Subdivision — with Variances Postponed at the request of the petitioner to resolve the need to amend the zoning special limitations. Plat to be resubmitted upon completion of the rezoning by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Assembly. 05/03/02 15:57 FAI 907 343 4220 C0=Un1t7 L1&n=z + CROSS ®002/020 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE PLATTING BOARD SUMMARY OF ACTION MAY 1, 2002 A. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Capps. Hooyer, McKay, Poulton, Richter, Shriver, Walsh Board Members Excused: Caress, Deak Staff Present: Weaver, Bartles, O'Brien. Soule, B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES 1. Summary of Action a. April 3,2002 -APPROVED 2. Minutes a. November 7, 2001 -APPROVED b. December 5, 2001—APPROVED C. January 16. 2002 -APPROVED C. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Time Extension 2. Findings of Fact a 6-10879 Sineaid Estates Subdivision - Approved as written. i b. S-10892 Glenn View Estates Subdivision Phase 2 Approved as written. 3. Commercial Tract fragment Lot Site Plan Review 03/21/02 13:42 FAX 907 343 4220 Cosmunity Planning » CROSS IZ003/012 Plaiting Board Summary of Action March 20.2002 Page 2 a. S-10873 Kincaid Estates Subdivision with Vacation and Variances A. Denial of the request to vacate the east 370 feet of West 80th Avenue. B. Approval of the request to vacate the utility easements subject to the non -objection of all affected utilities. C. Approval of the request to vacate the screening easement along the east boundary of St. John Subdivision subject to replacing the screening easement along the east boundary of the re -configured Lots 1-8 in Tract I exclusive of utility easements on the final plat for proposed Tracts I & J. D. Approval of the variance from AMC 21.85 Table A for the width of the street section for Kincaid Estates Drive. E. Approval of the variance from AMC 21.80.240 for cul- de-sac length subject to providing a 60 -foot wide access easement to Sommers Drive from Road "11". F. Approval of the phase plan. G. Approval of the plat for 60 months subject to: I. Resolving utility easements. 2. Resolving the need for drainage improvements and drainage easements with Project Management and Engineering. 3. Providing a 30 -foot pond protection buffer around the entire perimeter of the water body extended outward from the average high water levels to intercept and filter overland flow. The buffer shall be covered with natural vegetation to provide adequate bio -filtration of intercepted runoff. The 30 -foot buffer shall be vegetated immediately after grading and prior to any development. Surface drainage, except for the 03/21/02 15:43 FAI 907 343 4220 ConmunitY Planning » CROSS IZ004/012 Platting Hoard summary of Action March 20.2002 Pagc 3 five adjacent lots, shall not flow into the pond during any phases of this development. 4. Providing a 50 -foot wide flag portion of Lot 20 to ensure year-round access for maintenance of the proposed sanitary sewer lift station and water mains proposed through the area. 5. Submitting a final Traffic Impact Analysis CTIA) to ADOT and the MOA Traffic Department and obtain final approval prior to recording a final plat. 6. Resolving with Traffic Engineering the 12 -foot driveway width proposed at the intersection with the rights-of-way. 7. Submitting corrected street Cross sections submitted on January 16. 2002 to show the 8 - foot separated bike trail along the west side and a 5 -foot separated sidewalk along the east side of Kincaid Estates Drive and 5 -foot separated sidewalks along both sides of the loop and Cul- de-sac Streets to Project Management and Engineering and the Planning Department. 8. Entering into mainline extension agreements with AWWU for the provision of public water and sanitary sewer to the subdivision and resolving engineering of the lift station. AWWU notes that all parcels above an elevation of 150 feet would need to obtain water from the AWWLI "360 zone" near West Dimond Boulevard and Skyhills Drive. 9. Providing the following to Project Management and Engineering. Development Services Dept: a. A site grading and drainage plan and an erosion control plan that includes provision of a 30 -foot buffer around the pond with type of vegetation to be planted and/or seeded to provide bio -filtration of runoff. The timing for installation and 03/21/02 13:43 FAX 907 343 4220 COauunit7 Planning . CROSS 10003/012 Platting Board Summary of Action March 20.2002 Page 4 maintenance of the vegetation shall be addressed in the drainage plan. b. Submitting a final site grading and drainage plan with appropriate horizontal and vertical elevations for the development, with approved copies to be filed with Building Safety and the Planning Department. C. A drainage impact analysis. d. Preliminary drainage plan shows an unacceptable number of storm water inlets and oil and grease separators. The storm drain line must be extended so that collection can take place in each loop. e. A complete gravity drain system excluding any lift station for the transport of site runoff to the final outfall (will require the boring under W. Dimond Blvd.). f. A slope stability analysis must be performed at the eastern and southern boundaries of this development. 10. Obtaining ADEC approval of a stonnwater treatment plan for development of this site and submitting the approved plan to Project Management and Engineering. 11. Performing the following as required by DHHS and Development Services: "A minimum of six test borings shall be installed to determine the depth to the shallowest aquifer underlying this proposed subdivision. The test borings shall be a minimum of three hundred feet apart and shall be located in the general area east and south of the existing pond. The borings shall be a minimum of 15 feet deep and shall be monitored through the May - June time period. After determining the aquifer depth, the 03/21/02 15:43 FAX 907 343 4220 Community Plannins » CROSS Platting Board Summary of Action March 20. 2002 Page 5 final grading plan shall insure that a minimum of 6 feet of soil cover exists above the aquifer throughout the entire subdivision except for the proposed lots adjacent to the existing pond. The test borings shall be properly decommissioned with bentonite grout following the monitoring." 12. Resolving the need for and location of an easement for a future tunnel connection under Sand Lake Road to the undeveloped property to the east with the Planning Department. 13. Dedicating the pedestrian walkways on the plat. 0006/012 14. Resolving with Parks and Recreation the location of the proposed trails and the connection to existing trails on Kincaid Road, Sand Lake Road, and West Dimond Blvd. before the final plat is recorded. 15. Entering into a subdivision agreement with the Private Development Section for: a. Constructing Kincaid Estates Drive to a 30 -foot standard with an 8 -foot bike path along the west and a 5 -foot separated sidewalk along the east side of the street as depicted on the corrected street cross section (reference Condition 5 above). b. Constructing the interior loop and cul -de - sae streets to a 33 -foot standard with 5 - foot separated sidewalks on both sides of the streets as depicted on the corrected street cross section (reference Condition 5 above). C. Traffic control devices, street illumination, and street name signs. d. Drainage improvements. C. A gravity storm drain system with oil and grease separators. 03/21/02 15:44 FAX 907-231-=O Community Planning + CROSS Platting Board Summary of Action March 20.2002 Page 6 f. Soil sediment and erosion control including any re -vegetation of the graded contours that may be required. g. Water, sanitary sewer and lift (pump) station(s) including any backup systern(s) that may be required to ensure continued operation in the event of mechanical failure. h. Installation of telephone, electric, cable and gas. i. Landscaping. IZ O07/012 Constructing the dedicated walkway easements including the 4 -foot high fencing along the boundaries of the walkways. k. Slope stabilization including any re - vegetation that may be required. 1. Roadway, traffic control and traffic calming improvements as required by the approved Traffic Impact Analysis frlA). 16. Submitting a landscape plan to the Planning Department that conforms to the redevelopment standards established in the Sand Lake Redevelopment Plan and that also addresses for the re -vegetation of the slopes per the slope stabilization analysis and the vegetation within 30 -foot buffer area around the pond. 17. Submitting a rezone application to the Planning Department to amend the R -IA zoning district boundary to eliminate the split lot zoning resulting from the preliminary plat 18. Obtaining a conditional use permit required under AMC 21.40.030.D.3 for utility substations that governs the proposed sanitary sewer. 03/21/02"'15:44 FAX 907 343 4220 Platen$ Board Summary of ArUon March 20. 2002 Page 7 Community Pl'mnins + CROSS Q008/012 19. Forwarding the approved preliminary plat as the proposed restoration of the Sand Lake Gravel Pit area to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 20. Redesigning the plat to ensure that all lots meet the minimum lot area and lot width requirements of the R-lA and R-2 SL district regulations. 21. Redesigning the plat, where required. to ensure conformance to AMC 21.80.300.G (length of flagpole portion of lot). AMC 21.80.330.D pot depth -to -width ratio) and AMC 21.80.330.E pot width on a cul-de-sac). 22. Tracting out Tracts I and J and identifying the tract for future redevelopment by a note to the plat once the final elevation of the Lucy Pit is determined. 23. Resolving the need for a conditional use permit to fill the Lucy Pit with the Planning Department prior to redevelopment. 24. Obtaining approval from the Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for any storm drain outfall to Cook Inlet. 25. Providing a 60 -foot wide access easement from "Road H" to Sommers Place. 26. Resolving the width, alignment and need for easements and/or reserve tracts within the subdivision for the proposed Southern Extension of the Coastal Trail with Project Management and Engineering. 27. Placing the following notes on the plat and including in the homeowners documents/covenants: a. "The subject property is located within Anchorage International Airport's LDN 03/21/02 15:44 FAX 907 343 4220 ----CkaeunStr Plaanlns » CROSS 0009/012 Putting Board Summary of Action March 20.2002 Page 8 noise contours and is subject to present and future airport noise which may be bothersome to users of the property. These noise contours are based on average annual aircraft noise levels: during times when aircraft are overflying this area the actual noise exposure may exceed these levels. These noise impacts may change over time by virtue of: greater numbers of aircraft departures and arrivals; louder aircraft; seasonal and time -of -day operational variations; changes in airport, aircraft and air traffic control operating procedures: airport layout changes; and changes in the property owner's personal perceptions of the noise exposure and his/her sensitivity to aircraft noise." b. 'The keeping of dog kennels on Lots 1-5, Block 19 is prohibited." C. Identifying the final owner(s) of the open space tracts by note to the plat. Resolving ownership of the pond. d. Identifying the 30 -foot protective buffer on the pond and placing a note restricting activities, structures and uses within the buffer area. e. A note on the plat prohibiting direct vehicular access to Kincaid Estates Drive with the exception of Lots 3 and 4, Block 17. L A note prohibiting the feeding of waterfowl on and/or adjacent to the exposed aquifer, referred to as the "pond". 28. Making drafting corrections and additions for street names on the plat and vicinity map information. Naming the interior streets and resolving the re -naming of Snead Street with Development Services. 03/21/02 15:45_FAI 907343 4220 Community Planning + CROSS Platting Board Summary of Action March 20, 2002 Page 9 29. Submitting homeowners documents (covenants) to the Planning Department for review and approval that addresses but is not necessarily limited to the following: a. Final ownership of the pond and open space tracts. la 010/012 b. Responsibility for maintenance of the vegetation within the 30 -foot buffer area around the perimeter of the pond. C. The number and type of pets allowed for owners of Lots 1-5, Block 17 adjacent to the pond as recommended by the petitioners hydro -geologist consultant. d. Establishment of a maximum 12 -foot driveway width at the driveway Intersection with the interior streets e. Responsibility for snow removal from the detached sidewalks along the interior loop and cul-de-sac streets f. Limitation of fence height to 4 feet along Kincaid Estates Drive within primary and secondary front yard setbacks and establishment of a standard for fences in terms of material, construction and installation. g. Prohibition of driveway access to Kincaid Estates Drive with the exception of Lots 3 and 4. Block 17. h. Establishing an architectural and landscape review committee with the homeowners association that will review for all phases of the subdivision development: 03/21/02 15:45 FAX 907 343 4220 cooeunitr Planning + CROSS Mtung Board Summary orAction March 20. 2002 page 10 1) the location of the structure on the lot: 2) fence design, material and height: 3) location of the garage on the lot: Q)011/012 4) landscape plan(s) that include a minimum of three (3) trees per lot and seeding for ground cover within one (1) year of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 30. Submitting the final Traffic Impact Analysis to the Platting Board for public hearing review on May 1. 2002 or at the earliest subsequent meeting. 31. Submitting the Hydrology Report to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) for review. Submitting the final Report along with the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and ADEC review comments to the Platting Board for public hearing review on May 1. 2002, or at the earliest subsequent meeting. 32. Installing a fence around the Kalmbach/St. John Gravel Pit located east of Lucy Street and South of Kincaid Road. 33. Placing a note on the plat that extraction of gravel for export off-site is prohibited. G. PERSONS TO BE HEARD H. REPORTS 1. Chair 2. Secretary Susan Fyson, Planning Director assured that Platting Board members that the monthly meeting held at 4:00 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of the month. 03/21/02 15:45 FAX 907 343 4220 CowguaftT Planning » CROSS Q012/012 Plamng Board Summary of Actlon March 20. 2002 Page 11 Ms. Fison also mentioned that the neat Town Center for Abbott Loop design charette will occur April 5-11, 2002 and urged the Platting Board members attend any of the design sessions that are scheduled. 3. Community Adjourn at 11:05 p.m. .�. ��a�n�.�•�vamw�rn...anm�.o.ro-1ama�