HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODHAVEN HEIGHTS Withdrawn S-11033Woodhaven Heights Withdrawn 5-11033 -� Municipality of Anchorage :• Development Services Department Building Safety Division a ° MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 2003 TO: Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM: qw.�sCross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water & Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due February 14, 2003 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-11014-2 T12N, R4W, SEC 9 / Kincaid Estates Subdivision (APPEAL). No comments. S-11029 T12N, R4W, SEC 9 / Kincaid Estates Subdivision (with vacation). No objections. S-11030 Hillcrest Park (with vacations). No objections. IS'=11033 TI IN, R3W, SEC 3 / Woodhaven Heights (with variances). Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: i? Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be onducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high -ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). t Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, eluding slope and setback requirements., Topographical slope information must be submitted. ^ supporting documentation on water availability must be provided JI bJOALiTY OF A"CAbfiAGE .• . OFFICE USE UNTTY PLAN INS AND bEVELOPNIENT P.O. x J266sg nEC'D BY: Ancgragi, Alaskilligil"650 CIMINANY PLAT OPOCATiON A �{eiii IRI in b» tnibt matiofi lequgaled below. Print one letter of number Per block. J. V"lon Cod. 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Sheol Was$ I 113 011, 1823 R- 4. Ili* ii ivlalad legal description (Ti 2W R2W SEC 2 LOT 4S OR SNORT SUB BLk 3 LOTS 34). J. kitlif ikci a66ov6ted legal doecriptlon (Tl2N n2W SEC 2 LOT As On SNORT SUB BLk 3 LOTS 34) lull legal on back Page. a©��nn���nn�r�o��n��n©©c�nnr�nn��nn�r�►�nnnnnn■ •�n�®nen®manse®®��o�c aMAW,t 7. Potitbner's Representative ©nne�nn©�n©��nnr�r�nnnnnn� Address i103A 5A M& Rt KR 1kwp ply'Fact) r R tV ttL State &L4& d phone a 19 -n719 zip 9951 ,+ A. Petition Are&Adoso 9. Proposed 1o. Exlslirp i1. GrWhumbor 12. Zone t Number We Nklmbar Lois r:z5 ff-H 33 1�, kig (d. Community Councll 1,11AW 66d)ly lhil N im) (1 hev3 65ir18 ho" to id lot) ihi 6*pit of the property described above and that 1 desire to iubdivide It In tiorridfinirioi 1v►h Chaput 21 bl ihi And tip3 MdhL-hW Codi 61 Ordlnencos. 1 understand that payment of the basic iubdMsbn la b tiohtaluiidabll find M Id faviHlri ferrite i"' *lid whh pro'aa id thiel fipplicitbn, that b does rat assure approval of the subdivision. 1 ikd WWMWid brit MMIC rill (ass M4 66 iaipiiid H the Mdnidp6kly'i oosls to prowls this application exceed IM bash lea. I lurlhet UidM" that isa)driid hiaring it ii W4len6fW ind miy hivil lob6 postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board. Planning Commission. i' 61 IMAilimbly duff Id idmin{atrelbi teasoni. tir V2. ll?.,a— � r gents must provide Written proof of authorization. Er'biddii check bi m In lhs Iollo*k;: 1 i. Eorriptebenslve lowri —Land Use olassHicilioA . - IiesldanHal ` bonimirdal ber6A)pin Space �ransponalbn Fielelod 2 b6mi p-rahinslvi b6hr :-Land Usi Inlenihy §Podai §tddy A Mirginsl Land bommerclatAndustrial 't Pubse LandsAnsinutions bwohN Unis per Akre • . • Alpin@/Slope AMeded �. tAvktirimetdsl picloii 0 "A i. IlVotlertd _ — >;. bevekipa6ii - 2. tiortservotlon �. oraairvaMort I Alpine/Sbpe Aflecled Industrial Special Study b. Avalanche C. ptoodplatn d. Selsmlc Zone (Hotding/Lawson) b. Nina Indlcali 606w Y iriy of #me ivenls hive oc&wt*J In 04Ia>! Ilvi yore on the property. Iiszoning Casi kum6et SuWivlslon Casa Ndmbit bond8bnal Use. Oise Winbel Zoning Virlancs Casa 1!um6i i 61orcetriinl Action poi buNdlrid A and Use Permit icor Army torp of kngioiiri Poinii! . r @ Ladal desrxiplloii (oF idvirM". i+bhhr.<i is A-12 j-3 3 t 11 Ek f M VI kee , btilndde plan food k6 d Coptea id wj Wepotl d ,-, 69 ; Pedestrian 11 4418ys Liintiecapktg I�09u6errlOMs 'i;:.,: o —Wa{ec _... prlvaleWelb Community Well $e✓rar. Private Septic Communhy Sys. Walvei public Ultliy Public bialty f�C poi of Pial (long Mat) � '. "-' �so r . Copies of Pial tshork plan •, r y H.ddo.d bopy 61 old td IA k i �} :,: ,.- . � Plsi `bar1lll'kualotto sp kee , btilndde plan food k6 d Coptea id wj Wepotl d ,-, 69 ; Pedestrian 11 4418ys Liintiecapktg I�09u6errlOMs 'i;:.,: o —Wa{ec _... prlvaleWelb Community Well $e✓rar. Private Septic Communhy Sys. Walvei public Ultliy Public bialty M11AIpMIl , bl Ahch6fage KA"WO bbAhbAUfHoPlIV At3PMAMN �bN VAaIANCt Applkiahl: k0e-)ALL! VC PAlrlNdsyuiV )JLOskA SNawCK» NomN J Lac f�dd@5§; X16.1 /L.l 1-►R2U11�.0 �ai...2 Sf�tF�. iOl ► ItrGNok.l-4E.. �K Ci17s-oj f bliohaNUhtbef: a 17 - Jbj Li�al bescdplioh bl ktropei{� InVoIVa3d: 5.? � s w y, },/►< y ,w rv'!, sd. W � w a ► SrL y� ,v c, r/ ► S � H NAM l No Us@ 61 fdropatly: fZ><t► b ! � i 1.1 L IdeMdt�a4lbH F1UtT,bef bid : bq,- 1 80bb thla la a fedUesl Iof a V"HbI; Irohi §gdl6H bZ ►; s Cl: .�.y -A b bl the Land Subdlvi IQrt FfegUlallohs. rY,c:' �, • �19 (i>lffatlC� IS uif. 0 ftl3/iy 1'If4 41�2Ll. e2d s/�ciierJ. A fh@ @ictstlrid l;Htdlbh 6: _ It) ' k + A d E 14 4 r4 drT AZ c tr WSJ . LIP* ))t-rtWt , tki}tU, nbt# 1S BFJty Lo c,9r40 Ar tVcArNatlr I:OAPI,t br -�N►l WL►!! AW F J'..-AiF P4 t,,j d,c h PCad x...e RdAD, f�. fibs bfahliri�J 61 IfJ3 pelHidH WoUki pi3fhrk: YU A dl it► l► U,.) o F rn ► J e R i Ai.2 r Y J tr r b bh)6 a A Varfanoa hiay be twn&d 1h;tftibk dAl hiuslW va OW bib bl the wowW four condtbns have been Wt*d. MAW Each M bt Nie b63*1oiis lA MA11, UslrV!}ddt WW l AW19 N necessary. ;.; - �.:. •, `ih@ UHdeFslgH6il Jitld�isl} lkali • x f. that lh@re ijFa tdlch �peelal dicUHislaHc@s 6f boHdiibtiS @lfeclir,� Hid pfopeNy Ihal the Slrtct appllcalioh of the provisioli@ bl Ihi3 bf�Aatica WOUId daaty li@ IHipfadi�l, Uhf@3§bhabl@, 6f Uhde?;liabli3 to the dbHeFal pUblb.These apiidal birdlHistahc@s 8t68HdiIloH@ta:. P�prcyTtd:s .OF Rotar..:.WdUL-D NO 7' sE•2vE /�✓e�+c.., . Gioye.jyn u -. C'oF,N4.tf•Zt! td �flt}f-►,vi. /1CL11it... �. if;al lf,@ biahh" 61 If;d nd � Vddahc@ Wfd tiol li@ deldHiehlal td the public Wellare bt InlUrtoUs to bthet pfopei4y Irl the NA tH Which Mid bl IAJ is &RUaled Ibf the 16116W M I@As6 R- t N 4- t3k t v A r! A t c-tt r J w r t- L b/L iN&Jt .. dytt...,ditdfi6lE�i .t.dr3 d.�J y, t—Nts i}tttlt ntd' jOjV6LVL rluy :btYizl. L-07--t 6A f'Akt-,Yt�; k S. fihil @Ubh Va M66 Wlll hol hAV@ tha Wd bl hUll9ylHd IW Ihiettl and puipW bf Ih{s btdinarxx bf Old Cohthiheh§Ive f;laH 61 lh@ I�IUWclpali(y (oF tli@ IoNaWlrrd tea oh3i .5_ LF U h r► at.J AL n i A n y g y ► 3 J S , tP ► J °..:; :;, . �Ai�d>`rt .:.rl tt� t.t _ NJd r .a�x.�.. ,.�..._r-ifs. DlVktoPrNd...t PLAN .�l.t,t�• d. fW @bbw 6166 l p@biat ridHMidm 6t diFcmidwa de H61 fWR Irbhi the kdldh bl the applicahl aHd buch bofMlotig 6f li ! 61fbUHislahoetR dd hbt fii@F@ly EbriliHUl@ tl d@cUNI@fy (ff1oH@tr3Fy) haidsh�i 6F Iticdhvehlehce W Ihak Pi b w Dok J '."Ndi ..eUAlldufL9-:_.t-P1+f 'ALaAj '.btbtt.4tipt.- 6w.. AI."W..Voituk"....i-6.i-NC jiodLIt o2 Iti.tl:A,. h" 61 AUftrized SwAturd of LAnd CKWwr ;.... � t�11.r' �. I�tAEwdAd �A.•.d , i'witt 4el rAdckess Address /intNotZ,IFirl�<t c+eJ'oj Apr 14 03 05:21p Dean Company 27770£17 405 E.1:irtwi dLane, Ste. 203 AnA6rijil, AK99503 (907) 277-7090 Fu (907) 277-7087 April id, 2003 kt: Wood Haven bevelopment I Ti i NR3WSEC3 To Whom It may concern: I=ollowing baneful review of topography and Wetlands information It is our tonlention that there Was never any intention to connect Setty toad to betty Jean toad. Cohditions are ateseht on the pFoperly that hinder connectivity, a 30°% Moo bA the Southern OcAch and Wetlands designations along the creek. PUrthOm6re, after theetirig With sevefal members the Rabbit Creek Community Couhbil, It is bvident that the iminediate Community has ho desire to see a road system connected lhroUgh this development. If you have any questioris or toncems, please do hot hesitate to contact me Immediately. Thank you. tincerely, abC OiviP t Paul Rielihd Prg6bt G6b4halot p.2 Iq 4a :..I MNt n C) n, N .�bt N I I � "W000 HAVEN" N t low pvorl "W000 HAVEN" HEICHIS s¢ w�owe eto WYY1Q n41 4YGP� , Yt�f • .... t Mar 10 03 04:58p Rick Myslrom Mayor Dean Company 2777087 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services V Street P.O. Box 1966$0 825 Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 hap:/Aw 6-anchorage.ak.us . Permit Number:#SW 020407 Dateoflssuc: ,v z7 0� Date Started: 12-16-02 Date Completed: 12-17-02 Parcel Identification Number: 020.920 6 Legal Description: T11N R3WSec 3 S2SW4NE4 tNyygSc-,t ,i permit local Yes [] Property Owner Name & Addms: Alaska Showcase Homes ® No 405 E Fireweed Lane STe. 201 w__&____ P. Borehole Data: Soil Type,7'hickness&: WaterStataDepth (ft) From To stick-up 0 gravelly silt 2 2 17 CRY cobbly gravel 17 26 gravellys,71 • 26 43 Bedrock ' 43 207 Method of Drilling ®air rot �Y ❑ caber tool Casing type: steel Wall Thiclmess:.2W inches Diameter. 6 inches Depth: 46 feet Liner Type: Diameter: inches Casing stickup above ground: 2 feet feet ta Static water level (from ground level): 41 feet Pumping level: 207 feet after 2 hours pumping 4 gpm Recovery Rate: 4 gpm Method of TPet;.,,.• e:.,:,. We"Intake Opening Type. ID Open End ® Open Hole ❑ Screened Stan feet Stopped 11 Perforations Startfeet feet Stopped feet Grout Type: entonif #8 Volume; h Depth: Start0 feet Stopped z�8 Pump: Intake Depth. feet feet Well Disinfected Upon Completion? Method of Disinf ®Yes No _ eetl°n: Chlorine /nhr-,.. Comments: --------------- Well Driller. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises PO Box 110496 Anchorage Alaska 99511 Attention: The well driller shall provide a wen log to the property owner within 30 da • .. ._.4. �.... J �..- •.. _.••..J.. _....... ys oteom le and the property ........_. .�............_.....---'•- completion _..... - ., .& .... Lot 02 Page 2 of 2 ITATE OF ALA6KA . D V ARTMON r OF NATURAL RQlOURM DMEION OF WATER WA71A WELL RECORD 6�1ON Of WELL cw.. 60rr444N� N4plVrxarf 1pT Y4eK /Epn4x LI7111 IeC m TSEN ale Mix4rAN LOCAMNIIKifCMI DA7As • t:r — RECEIVED r9I4 DBpL WILLO"m hii DIMI DATE OF CCMPLFTWR et NOM;—.�}�fth a 4611,7 � mit_ L , 7EH TD STATIC WATER UVM*H Dayw L%tpp 4f casvc C3 p,nmd INrm f 7J,+.�r1�rHco DT DFILLINOI p iir teary uDf4 foaldwrUT WAL: �orR/apo OD+IWOo^ O morytorpuyto IuoPN other6lND lT1CW h• 04x4 ku mrf'ft hoar �Y. 10 r MAKE 0mma TYPL O ope find C3 ftnx,edpedafmd t]Sipfn Nellpth) of pp4nlnir. bNepal TYPE: Clt,t• NwtletlM lbte "'�'1'nptte tt ORAYELVACKTTML•- IPthmwP: volume% - m _n DEvELOPmun ►UMP MARE DEFTHI WM DIKINFE09D UI 1. _..,.-^ �....._��ppKl: .-r»• �• I . w ys . i.,r!t,4A � ' ft�A iy ff ria• •'� '- b'""PLEABE MAI t¢�•+v;,DNi N Page F of 17191 Powered by LaserPiche WebLink v5.01: Registered to City of Anchorage tt HON4pa••6n �_ APLVON7 Ye9 Q NO r• DOPY OF L00 TOL )HOF WATER ..':'.`r''•'rh•,•t S (7111177.2116 i.•C.'cir ='i•. http://moaweb 1 /scripts/1 fwcblink.exelweblinkldefault2.htm?doc=37520&type=image&pag... 3/10/2003 Lot 04 Page 2 of 2 mlawaWalT SOS Ilimv, sr,*xt lzouPTL A 1A.rmnonAux, Ay..%jg iA OW902 BLX INCH WATER WELL ORILLED AND CAGZ0 OUT TO THF DEPTH Or— 175 102+- DRILLI5D AT THC FtATK OF 91100 PSR FOOT, PROPERTY OWNER q x 1b4^ 57.b1 LOCATION OF WELL BITB�-js.Y •'1}' i X11!+-t-''�'3� ORU.LBR _ df.:n.(s. Ct4w rrl. ^n. meal D.a,t-l,l.tnn'•.ni Vie. WELL LOD+ T-- 19? sw.-I ?Mnel. 35, cAoq Wju!rA. lfL...-4i' Cau.xet vrtf. nJ.tb e�+raef. aar1L .M•�ralo:e. dlt• ofn••. .t$—'l; i' •l3rdtat:k...l 4rtUa:ntnAn agel. ..— i:n ar.;rn. ;+aa/ncfian 41•mftn.; tuhY.LL 74S to 7,S ern!. T/3 :�' A. r+ wa:fnulr; t,^t. �.or�, :.tn� 7:':!' .lD 7;%) Mr!. 4hnva D.hPfLl 7 Y/? Ji'.': ;drJ3. 7?0 �r..!.A ;•r.t tm;t. t.ir.!iL 7hJ,e '•rJ..l. 4!•at4t.rt UAr CA4,t 4011elahat &GUh tL4A. w•rp •fn • lr r• -i fRn .�• hn•laa. ;i/4 ::n_,e^ !afhxnawLGia. 4huµl;f 4 40.7'r..lfrvf hn f,:P.e. nr' "A$ �Z•�'.•nf ,4,n M[•..•._'� P �s7i��f •w '1=Cn{i •fr. wy GG be n wd.�rl h., .tvlL .L'a w..t•n:�t r-711 .Smftln e•- •.:•'•, n: "t 1;1V4441A. ^,04' o! :1s1J.t.ffG•.; :7'+, /1!! •'Yi lnnl ;( i7i ;rr•t ". :f!.r.A kUNCIPA117Y 01 ANOM-41 :nON RECEIVED COST INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL. FOR COMPLETION OP SAIA DRILLING, WRITE V-InK PAYABLC TO RAMPART DRILLING WORKS FOR THG SUM OF Mcy. M1 THANK YOU VERY MUCH, b2RFtIR CLAUS OF RAMPART DRILLING WORKS DATE SrjA. 14t, Y983 VA SVKVICC OHARD60P IH!{ PTR U0WH WILL tlt Ass SCD OM PAST DUC ACCAUNTa. DlPage 32 of 41191 Powered by LaserFiche WcbLink v5.01: Registered to City of Anchorage http://moaweb 1/scripts/lRveblink.exe/Nveblinkldefault2.htm?doc=64316&type=image&pag... 3/10/2003 Lot 05 Page 2 of 2 • naX 1:369e .STAlt 311010 -1 -RA A4'CTZORAGrw ALA WKA 99$0$ U44-7714 SIX INCH WATER WELL DRILLED AND CASED OUT TO THE DEPTH OF $2900 Chatge- At 250 A enlq. MLLYb . AT THE RATS OF PER FOOT. 277.0551 V041 0e4t4a2 4 10CA4 DOnalda. Llet.0 {04 St. b Btu. 84.0 Cate. PROPERTY OWNER -, n - LOCATION OP WELL DRILLER Eet-te CdA" ft RMWOM nUUI WELL LOO! 0 77' S" Vag, gAawt. 25% CjQ LlndfA 97---39+ ka 4 . A ee"AW atalre.t. SeaeW, Anall bautda4A. 39--155' Rcd. aek. SrdtmeA.taa1 44a. ft aattt trtetd dhavino until. 215 to 2190 pmuu" tqw- xdtl.tlal. 03 7/2 ;m, TVA aAaaa 0,L aa"U4 Agee .tack ahavtna aria metA4 Wduet4an alt the wa4 to 255 ;.t.. 7atzZ Vtetd at 120 p 2)4n4 prt�t. haat. Aldo vat" 1!f MIN Uj .track .W U tUA 25 A a? dUAACt. 7.6 2eLLan4 pu. A lA Rlee.We. About 300 4atlan.d eF tuctw. lA dtata4s. 3/4 k0aae Su.bme,GtJrta. parva ehauld ire .tA• ♦tatted 15 A 0" baton. � IAPX rAM OF AND10lA02 orn. cv MALI a ItmazifLrYNJM /tOTCCfIO)I NOV 15 V4 Cacti et bUtttr 4r 323.00 pot fc x 250 9: 35750.00 RECEIVED COST INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR COMPLETION OF SAID DRILLING. WRITE CHECK PAYABLE TO RAMPART DRILLINO WORKS POR THE SUM OP15%50......._ 0L THANK YOU VERY A/UCH. bFRNIX CLAUS OP RAMPART DRILLING WORK6 DATE 24M Ud, 7984 Q�,('y� l\ry`l 1 iLRV1eE CHAIIOR or trst ►iR YONTN WILL ii AGiAlBLD (•ACT CUi A�..COU�v�� NPage r_- of 351 O Powered by LaserFiche WebLink v5.01: Registered to City of Anchorage http://moaweb 1lscripWIfNvebl ink.exelweblinkldefault2.htm?doc=55556&type=image&pag... 3/10/2003 Lot OG Page 2 of 2 ._: ' : IR�+�i �IIP.#JI[,,�P �DIA3IIIbIio��Cr: �►{�' •".��,: isrs.'�:m�stSli�'�T�''*""'"�� Axcuaswaa9 Atrb.dfut six mcH WATER WELL DRILLED AND CASED OUT TO THR Dd?H OF " ..a. DRILLLM�D�� A7 THE RATE OM 8.23400 PER FOOT. (A -4f.- 1" 32S 14 NL;i. FRUPCRTtr OWNER Ct• rhmm M. A 1OW71 .4Af10 &9hi"P•.•iRe LOCATION OF WELL 4ITR k' 6 1 Ywitcltga Su6.. •1 i -.WELL Lool C!'ij K that bask ACEs AK3 14"4 bedW4L f lsR llat9k pt9duet tan 1440 04UO" 4A a. 24 hWi 42— 7kilia•. r • 4X. i'i['A1t 4je "4 La Sa/k to Uithtn 3014 4 ' .fw es4i+� aiE 1.6 oaLtARs p9•t �.t. Ow9.300 yaLi�w•°f t!r,!tre:p .i4�i!gx'x� 144 +&MU om 464 tha "u 9{:AY•F" I!lnttt•4r 04, .(^ m oluu, FAA tatCbL Le Ash.. moo 236LC�+t� Iv(34,+M4 !M` j Ws u, aur. tha ti.4U Aed to tU &4"Sr and 0^4 r AAA fts• 4"'AW' 00.00 t4aLa04 sh444 d4 soon bsttas v4U4 pudue. Am $D. 00 100 so" 4A.-&% 9thK. }Y 7o tat 6a44 a{ Atcutnq at thds t "dot s13.00 p" rt X 3)<s•;e. /7471 00;`� COST INCLUDES ALL LABOR ANO MATERIAL FOR COMPL&ION OR SAID DRILLING.- WRITI• CMRCX PAYABLE TO RAMPART DRILLINO WORKS FOR THC SUM,O.P• iyti3, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. BERNIE CLAUS OF RAMPART QRILLINO DAT" 6•u 30<hx 1985 aRRV1CKCKAR690? IKs PLR MONT9'NIL%. 01C A991"ID 014 MIT NPage r— of 10D Powered by LaserFiche WcbLink v5.01: Registered to City of Anchorage http://moaweb 1lscriptsll fweblink.exehveblinkldefault2.htm?doc=37524&type=image&pag... 3/10/2003 Performed For. pea.J COM,4,01 a y 1 N G . Date Perfc r Legal Description: PR0414A L47- et WOdGNAVf., iirlTownship, Range. Section: rN xt 3 1-17 T —! � I I COMMENTS CA(.A..atC J Gn cRnv'C"Y, lsw Sjt,ry S)fNp Gw1 G4.Avt N,y� J)I.ay WAS OROUND WATER h l S I tT ENCOUNTERED? YE S � SL L O Depth to Water Ager �j r/ I p n u Monitwin9T 3 A E Da'e: 10jf0•l02. /0 /i?o1/0 i ;`/—j - Reading a/—j- d o1 Reading 4 Gross Time Net Time Municipality of Anchorage INEER'S A Development Services Department �{ts 9t Building Safety Division y,t On -Site Water and Wastmater Program 4700 South Bragaw St -; / P.O. Box 10-6650 Anchorage. AK 995136650 /� 9, ROBERT G COWAN www.d.anchoraae.ak us (907) 343-7904 1 r^P�r,q CE -8801 t 7fl Yi) Solis Log - Percolation Test Performed For. pea.J COM,4,01 a y 1 N G . Date Perfc r Legal Description: PR0414A L47- et WOdGNAVf., iirlTownship, Range. Section: rN xt 3 1-17 T —! � I I COMMENTS CA(.A..atC J Gn cRnv'C"Y, lsw Sjt,ry S)fNp Gw1 G4.Avt N,y� J)I.ay WAS OROUND WATER h l S I tT ENCOUNTERED? YE S � SL L O Depth to Water Ager �j r/ I p n u Monitwin9T 3 A E Da'e: 10jf0•l02. /0 /i?o1/0 i ;`/—j - Reading a/—j- d o1 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PRssoak- 7fl Yi) /3"�'/1` 3 0 — (o 7/Y " — 60 30 H1.r 13 '/T'' 6 740, C0 — b yy` _ C1 D 0 13 6 7/.01, PERCCLATIONRIT_ ry.#1 FERC HOLE DIAMETER Ej ,• TEST RUN BETNEEN "�. �1x FT AND -5 �fFT S i S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY' I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN1.'�t,�Y�iX15 h ft—AMICIPAC GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ';c 0- to Z. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department BNTdmg Safety Division 0 a„t On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519650 v ww.d.andxxane.ak.us PM 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test 1 ROBERT C. COWAN e0, CE -8801 C �CiESS��N� Performed For cJ-I fj lNy /A, Date Performed:_ - 1/17 AO Z Legal _De, scriptionT: PR a TiOi 14 a� to i 3 W 00 D /A—VfT.e A�downship. Range, Section: f_PFOcarrr.i.,..r 3.— a. Vice,iviwIl-ti SF - Slope �y site Plan 15- 0A&AN4C- I c Al S"r fA r4 I. GAAV4L 6. 0, ti. WAS CROIfiU WATER Yc-! ENMWI ER=O? / IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? i B I4}' L O Depth to Water After p Monitoring? C1 E Dew )a _1-%/0 2- a Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PRLS-AK q /1'9/02 30 '30 Mlr IN .r 7,/}e, D 60 70e,.r 1 -7� �a ?o H.✓ 13,,1,, PERccLATIGI RAT= I - S t—lesv-c) PERC HOLE DIA,IIETER (7 T=ST RUN BTNEEN 61/j,- FT A,`113 y FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY:S i S ENGINEERING I 17.r'�� CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Ay_ _..cam,._ i _ � � - ;PAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: / 0A3- /0 l Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division yia On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www,cl anchoraoe.ak.us (907) 343.7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test } ROBERT C. COWAN CE -8801 ��rfgPNOf E3S �N� r Performed For. D X4,j co n /aA— y /,Vr- Date Performed: q11 7 /0-2- Legal O-2- Legal Description: iRJPdlGo Lor -3 1,r000 N4401+lhJrownship,Range. Seclion:SaT�r,o. 31 r,,.� , R I ✓ • - iN S—Slope Site Plan M i s Ty', 0X(-,4Ml�j .1r 4-I.1 H 19- 20 - COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER N 0 ENCOUNTERED? Net Time Depth to Water M�Sw IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —L O Depth to Water Amer / P Monitoring? C1 E Date: / c1�07- io/aplvL 10 MIN q 9'�.r n a 11- �• a fl ,,} a. 1 y,. 12- c 30 13- =' Jia 14• . vti -: 0-O.N. 15- rp 16- 51 141 , i ,,y ,. 17- 60 19- 20 - COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER N 0 ENCOUNTERED? Net Time Depth to Water 5 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? —L O Depth to Water Amer / P Monitoring? C1 E Date: / c1�07- io/aplvL 10 MIN Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop (tESaaa q/1 8/d 1 O '7 7 " 10 10 MIN q 9'�.r n a ,. ., 7 yV„ a fl ,,} a. 1 y,. ,t -] ,. 30 ,. at 7'/y Jia rp 51 141 , i ,,y ,. 60 g/.%" 1'IV PERCOLATION RATE �1'_Imrwbssnc�) PERC HOLE DMIETER FO - TESTRUNBET'NEEN_FT AND _y�FT PERFORMED BY:5 ENGINEERING 1 ')Cx,� e1 L,_ L/=y,,,_ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACC"V3XCA*t4n lYLC M Mw!n,Nh8laAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: / o a /0 2 Eagle RlYer, Alaska 99577 Municipality of Anchorage NGINE ' Development Services Department Building Safety Division 0 Onsite Water and Wastewater Program ••• 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. AK 99519-6650 ROBERT G COWAN `! '�o� CE -8801 `V www.cl.anchoraae.ak.us j' (907) 343-7904 Soils Log—Percolation Test Performed For. liC%A•✓ Con rAN y )"C. Date Performed: / ) 7 0 �- Pc,ui�� CA AE. vm, C Legal Description: pRd rg s 4D Lor q W000 ✓ yAV(,//TjYownship, Range. Section: S4-r/o,.1 3 r. "r h'y Ra w TH- #- 6 Couv(L d SA.•�O MITI, i f& r (AYs 'Lwu t Ric,cj 4 OJy OA'=) WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED?%J0 L./ o+r>N s IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? L Depth to Water After o Monitoring? )DAY E Date: )O/a 02 /O/xc)jo s D/ty Site Plan Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop PERCOLATION RATE < I (.Wme~) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 61' TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND S FT COMMENTS INgAt-v .gor�J 4A4 Svkr AAL••L F-re—T4A M4-TN4IAL PERFORMED BY: 5 6 S ENGINEERING 11 9 �6j � CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCOFt7A fiM, 4M L ' GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Etgls River, Ala sin PLAN I ALLOCATIONS S IBD JlJ IJ I ACK Em I DON J 3 e r.k I � m - .e'.,e• w ml 1\ - I I �T D I I I n I h v J I PS' Creek Mp t Es -t 25' Creek M,k.t ESM— 1 I I 1 I 3 I I II I C T 1 I I I 2 � I I I I I I O I I I 1 I I I to. uu Esrt I ---------- I I Jd vi 9 I � 1703, Er I � EAGLE i {} 'oZ 40 if TRACT' A 5V it ,5' C �4 pev Eswt MONt — Er114 — L[TTL W I _ . M—F 100' -AIN W I U I N I / gU[ZV[VOR�tCREEK SETBACK i -r SE'PTIC 1fESERVE Z�I 1 1/lAR-EA'10.0000?�rS.F. //1 T4#5 e>s; v 11,17 �-SEPTIC RESERVE - IAREA 10.600 S.J � 1J —77-7-- 11 T%—T— � #4 -------------- -- \ LOM A EST I tl 111 / 0O_r— Dtn V1 I //�•� . .T7 vzin<vt nuc / tz z �n LOS itj C 0 tmn 1r_" C z r.t OD yrAi��-+N =m Or•70OCV,D m u! j20 >Z' 0 ZO rC'r ZDX z ;u mm2 comm ,nvm K z ;UMN O Oaf =n O D D i O0- Zz zO r 71 ZN of D :Ev0n O<2� O22 CIO z mU —1 OCA ti Sy W Z:Z7 ;uz 'C --<N rtum 0 ZNm xo� r 00M D 0 N < ~O Dmf o s o v z z H Q U nm . � : • f n y i .• ;'t m TCS S— po3j Ito A n n i N 0 E.J .A Municipality of Anchorage Development Services bepartment Building Safety Division • y� On -Site Water and Wastewaler Program 4700 South Brag;rw SL P.O. Box 1� 4519-6650 MT) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. pER,-` CO Legal Description: PiQJ/a414A LiT t WOoo NAvi..� (1)1 Township. Range, TNW 3 r—r"I I I �- CA C-AA)i c..t 4AAv2u✓y., GT"1/(to SII.Tr S)IvD C,*Av(Iyy Jil-ay WAS CROUND WATER UM h L s 1t,T ENCOUNTERE07 YE S S IF YE$. AT WHAT DEPTH? —1 L O Depth toWatn Mer a�tl p LlonitorYgt � E 0:0.If. ' Dalr. I0/401 Io /aq/o x. 1toeny C. COWAN bt CE .8801 9//7/0;)- rA yy Reading Dale Gross Time Net Time Depth W Water Net Drop P�tsSOAK 9 l4 d � o - G Vx 70 30 M,,, 13" 6 yi. — 60 30 13'/r,, 6 741 90 0MI✓ 13 a r!V" PERCOLATION RAr_ 1 " "K"a *' h) FERC HOLE MATETER b TEST RUN BETWEEN 7..!/I FT AND ;j ZL FT COMMENTS S L S ENGINEERING I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED BYi 7 PERFORMED INACCrWD CF.WAH Z CIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: cLL1 v i ,111033 MAR 5 2005 Municipality of Anchorage h GINEER' E Development Services bepartment ;[ 9; BuMng Salety Division ,,,,,...-.. • �, on -Site Water BMWastewalerProgram 4700 South Bragaw SL rte- "ft P.O. Boz 1966MAndwrage.Ak9951MSO } • ROBERT C. COWAN � x www d anchoraoe.ak.ln rpm CE • 8801 /�• f (907) 343-7904�,.✓,...,,If`//t'r�\i soils Log - Percolation Test I PerfonnedFor. 'DILA?✓ Cdw•NAHwiY /NC. DatePedomred: �'%//7 /10 L Legal Description: PRa TO s4C to r 3 WOODNAV/w. *rfownship. Range. Sectlon:fEctrl., J . T lf.✓o .eyw Depth 2- 3- 4- 6- 7- 2-3-4-6-7- 10-1, 10-1' Ta A 1 CAG.drI C- - Al S'r L -Tr jg r4 Gti fAAvtL 1 6.0,H- 15-1 .a•N. WAS GROUNDWATER ��J ENCOUNTERED? B IF YE$. ATWNAT DEPTH? J a" / L 0 DepthtoWatsr Atter r P Monitoring? C4 E Date: lb a/oz -Z Reading •Date Gross Time NetTirrte Depth to Water Net Drop PRLs411K CI 17 02 0 G `/3- _ 1 10 '30 Mn /N „ 7�/y.. 0 •. 6 0 ?O Itir✓ qu 13 PERCOLATION RATE " _ •% PERC HOLE DW.IETER 0 TESTRUNBErNEEN 5'1/�— FT AND ? 1 -FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY:S Z S ENGINEERING - I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 0 -,_ _ _ Ito IPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: L, I T n: 7g M&A 5 Orint Performed For. Legal Description: Depth c -C det 4-A *-1 -A*-1 5- . •. r -- 6- 7- 10- 12- 13- 14 0-12-13-14 15- Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Bu00Irq Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw SL P.O. Box 196650 Andwrage. AK 985146650 �rww d anchorm,ak.03 (907) 3417904 Soils Log - Percolation Test �,q Gon/�AA•Y , /•vC r 6,t Range. Section: 5W, � ROBERT G COWAN e� "nc'c 1 cif tufo !n .... Nwx 17- 18- COMMENTS COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: PERFORMED IN/ WAS GROUND WATER N 0 ENCOUNTERED? a IF YI:S. AT WHIT DEPTH? �• C Depth Water After H / 8/e 1 Monitorlrg7 • E ClMon Date: i d/ox_ AiF,lw. r >7 a /7/0-1- 3 7/0-- ' Reading - Dale Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop RLt1.40C H / 8/e 1 U '7 AiF,lw. r >7 10 /tint q'/y �, .e a If 0,7„ 30 It of 7V11 4/0 E. r, 7'/Y„ ro PERCOLATION RATE -(m.,Ae wh) PERC HOLE DIAMETER b TEST RIM BETWEEN Fir AND FT Epb River, ANISKS 77111 $110 3 3 MAR 5 2003 A �- y'y�..— CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS iaAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 110 a /o X t'pi�� Or �L7 Municipality of Anchorage NGINE Development Services Department t Building Safety DMslon -- �..e on -Site Water and Wastewater Program x_ 4700 South Bragaw St. Y CO AN P.O. Box 196650 Ancluxage, AK 99519-6650 ` RCMERT G www d anchoraoe.ak.us �c E • 880011 (907)143.7904 11 �� nCfESStOt��� Soils Log - Percolation Test Performed For. 1,1',4'.4 cohr�A.y 1^'�.' Date Performed: C'J 171 �— Pl.L:/Lv of 4'�iII r4. r, C'/M Legal Description: Cee -J -4S4,0 Lu'r N WOO�/1AVCA1 Nrpownship, Range, Section: s'ccnar✓ 3r_'TrrN, RaW Slope Site Flan F -T T -j -j 1 Gw/sW GR4tl(t sA�o A4 Sra7' Q•49 Jy. I-ditt Aotatj ,& 04,)�#)AAJI WAS GROUNDWATER a-/ OaNrN ENCOUNTMD? NOa IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? 1• L 0 bepth to Water After P Monitoring? ))'%Y E Date: /oda o2 JE. / PERCOLATION RATE < I Ia+. nA-d,) PERC HOLE DIAMETER b TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND S Fr COMMENTS ir+ra?'V to)a-J 4A.( 1werAA0L Fra-T4•t r'+A-?qR►AL PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING I .� CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCOLa+c" GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: E•9N Rlvr, AI•• • �-"'RM � PERCOLATION RATE < I Ia+. nA-d,) PERC HOLE DIAMETER b TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND S Fr COMMENTS ir+ra?'V to)a-J 4A.( 1werAA0L Fra-T4•t r'+A-?qR►AL PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING I .� CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCOLa+c" GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: E•9N Rlvr, AI•• • Municipality of Anchorage • PLATTING BOARD AUTHORITY APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Applicant: 20CHEI.1 f vy. FAIItNosyuy 4 6Wr4SK,4 SHs&-C-*J.- POM -r LLC Address: lyoS" IS HIRI�4,If.! t-0. & , IS"' r4 3v -- Ar-c'""-E� Aa 20IS03 Phone Number. 'D77 -709aLegal Description of Property Involved: S Z I Sc✓ y I/ [ y , N N y Sd 8 P� w z, S/z y� ,v u +/ S k y Present / Future Use of Property: Tax Identification Number. O30 - O �i Z — OG 01 1. 80..t o0 This is a request for a variance from Section a i,y 0. -t -i o of the Land Subdivi�n Regulations. Roolr/� Thisvarlancelsfor• PRoP454,0 PI -A7' TO DO-OIC47CA pR,vgTE Acc rsf F_A-Sti",E„/i T'0 SgilsrY TItt'.QDJ\/'L12LF•LaLNttQ s/cci 01J, A. The existing situation is: 3c P 4 A D is ofr e," A�T /It 40^0 a w IF J T P124101R r Y L-r,•l. Ar-R440y eK/S TJ, no AJ 1 S Drily LoG.¢T4D AT /yeaMY` tvLf; c0/zr/,J,t OF TNrS Pg2c4L A"O I S- 47' TNG Its ,d OF A PEA4 1,r0 ROAD, B. The granting of this petition would permit: S'.r 8 Q/yl Jr' o /✓ o F TN r J /4 r A4A. r Y r"T 0 )"002 I.oTS. Before a variance may be granted, the applicant must prove that each of the following four conditions have been fullwied Answer each of the condition in deW,, using additional sheets R necessary. The undersigned alleges that: i. That there are such special circumstances or conditions affecting said property that the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance would clearly be impractical, unreasonable, or undesirable to the general public.These special circumstances orconditlonare• r�L'DrtyT,On. OF /cc r W0"& -D NOT SE•a.vf N,'gl-IC IN?�C.STS ROW cA� NO; /arc E>oTkNd4e diEyd.4dAJ CONN*EC;-LD TJ t; 2. That the granting of the specified variance will rat be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which said property is situated for the following reasons: T W h- P R r v A T f. A c c rf r t w n v f- 13 E. Fol TH&SI FedR RROPOSE4 1 -0? -5 dr•J y, TNIJ AcctrS DOES NOT t 1V01.yk /i NY 07.04 4 I• -07'S 0Q 0.4kc.4tS 3. That such variance will rat have the effect of nullifying the Intent and purpose of this ordnance or the Comprehensive Plan o1 the Municipality for the following reasons• S/ r v A- rl v.-� At /i 4 A n Y E y I s T S, 1H I J PAIv*7,#L Acc.;.tS HAt 6f.4.� r,v 7-/t4.. DEVttoPMK..•T PLAN Srn,o� 1—JRfj�c0a.D/N(, IA, 7An/vAA-V 40 I 191-7?., 4. The above listed special conditions or diralmstances do not result from the action of the applicant and such conditions or circumstances do rat merely constitute a pecuniary (monetary) hardship or Inconvenience in that: Row D o k S rrai cvAAiirl.y F-AtsT Alc.,f; THP, FRon)4Ht OF i'NIJ /'r4R.C4L A•vo DKD#CA7'iNG_ A06.1 H.4J Nd VAcwAL Tc 'r'VC /Ic'g41L 02 M. 0. r4, are of Authorized AWt 1Sign/ wre of land Owren r.(OJ r. F(/L 1EN ,h,i �/9 N/(„ / Address Address /9. c-H0ft4(- f,, Ar 4"gs-03 avow (Pa. toel,- MU"ICiPALITI/ OF A" RAGE .. COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Pox 196650 \i3iy' Anchorage, Alaska 995196650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the Information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. J. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address 11 1111 HHE OFFICE USE RECD BY: 4. "EW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). 6. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (TI 2N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SNORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 6. Petitioners Name (Last • First) S LLC. . Address -Ao5 F- Flp(Nort FA 1_y, -s1s. 201 City_A\ScV,n.j State At - 1/A Phone f1 2-11— :109Z. Zip YR 51] 3 6. Petition Area Acreage onotm, MRSM 1111111 113. l=ee 9. Proposed Number Lots 7. Petitioners Representative 111111111 ��oene11©monoo©e11ma�c S LLC. . Address -Ao5 F- Flp(Nort FA 1_y, -s1s. 201 City_A\ScV,n.j State At - 1/A Phone f1 2-11— :109Z. Zip YR 51] 3 6. Petition Area Acreage onotm, MRSM 1111111 113. l=ee 9. Proposed Number Lots 7. Petitioners Representative Address il-0 34 5 AtAkt - R tU City IF Ar%)r 1atP v P.State AI.gSkA Phone If Log -n19- Zip 9r1 S l+ 10. Existing Number Lots M 11. Grid Number 14. Community Council 12. Zone 11 iiiiii f3. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it In conformance Whh Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision tae Is ponrefundable and Is to mverthe costs asio�:iated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be ass'Pssed If the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. 1 further Understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. bate: 12--131 Ay -2- «a' must provide written proof of authorization. 111111111 Address il-0 34 5 AtAkt - R tU City IF Ar%)r 1atP v P.State AI.gSkA Phone If Log -n19- Zip 9r1 S l+ 10. Existing Number Lots M 11. Grid Number 14. Community Council 12. Zone 11 iiiiii f3. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it In conformance Whh Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision tae Is ponrefundable and Is to mverthe costs asio�:iated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be ass'Pssed If the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. 1 further Understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. bate: 12--131 Ay -2- «a' must provide written proof of authorization. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan —Land Use Cldisification hesidentlat Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan—Land Use Intensity Special Study Marginal Land r CommerciatAndustrlal r Public Lands/Institutloni bwetling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. *attend _ 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation C. d. Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study Avalanche Floodplain Seismic Zone (Flarding/Lawson) D. Please Indicate below tl any of these events have occuired 146 Iasi five years on the property. hezoning Case Numbef Subdivision Case Number Conditional Use Case Numbel Zoning Variance Case Number Enforcement Action For Bunding Aand Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. 1'RoPci<s � -tr%� 1 � 3 �WOODiiA It' t F\jS stai>ca��t s. K checklist AZ JC Copies of Plat (Long Plat) MIA 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) x Reduced Copy of Plat (a 'A x � i> _Certificate to Olaf _Aerial Photo X_Nousing Stock Map _Zoning Map Water. Private Wells Sewer. Private Septic roam s.a m.. w»• Waiver kee b4nage Plan —� topo flap d Copies Ws beport A Cbbies ; Pedestrian Wak ways Landscaping Aequlrements I r Communty Well Public Utility Community Sys. Public Utility Platting Board Summary of Action March 5, 2003 Page 3 Postponed at the request of the petitioner; public hearing to be rescheduled. L S-11030 Hillcrest Park Subdivision with Vacations Postponed to the April 16, 2003 Platting Board meeting at the request of the petitioner. g. S-11038 South Addition to the Anchorage Townsite, Block 24, Lot 1C — with Vacation Postponed to allow the petitioner to submit a revised plat the vacation and rededication of an existing 10 -foot buffer easement. Public hearing to be rescheduled and re - advertised when revised plat is submitted. h. S-11033 Woodhaven Heights Subdivision —with Variances Return for redesign to address the following: 1. Provide a wetlands permit approved by the Corps of Engineers and reflect any conditions of the approved permit on the plat. 2. Submit the following information to On -Site Water and Wastewater Services (OSWWS) to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 for each lot of this proposed subdivision that must include, but may not necessarily be limited to the following: a. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on- site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). b. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria Platting Board Summary of Action March 5, 2003 Page 4 specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. C. Topographical slope information. d. Supporting documentation on water availability. 3. Redesign the plat to reduce the number of lots if determined that the primary and reserve septic sites for four lots cannot be provided in accordance with AMC 21.65. 4. Resolve the need to dedicate right-of-way of Betty Street extended southeasterly for connection to Bettijean Street with the Traffic Department. 5. If a private access driveway is provided, obtain the approval from the Fire and Traffic Departments and from Project Management & Engineering, Development Services Department that addresses the following: a. The width and slope of the driveway access. b. Cut, fill, drainage, sediment and erosion control and storm water runoff. C. Access for public safety response vehicles and equipment. 6. Submitting the following to Project Management & Engineering: a. Grading and drainage plan for each of the lots to demonstrate that the post development drainage patterns will not adversely impact adjacent properties. b. Sufficient erosion and sediment control measures that will be implemented on site to prevent the transport of sediment beyond property boundaries or into the stream maintenance and protection easement prior to any land clearing activities. Municipality of Anchorage e ` Development Services Department Building Safety Division " MEMORANDUM DATE: May 9, 2003 TO: Jerry Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD FROM: L4uDes Cross, PE, Program Manager, On -Site Water and Wastewater SUBJECT: Comments on Cases due May 16, 2003 The On -Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S —10763-2 Little Campbell Creek Est. aka Ros Hts. No objections. S —10919-2 Goose Lake Land Exchange & Alaska Methodist University. No objections. S-11026-1 Tuxedni Park West. Same comments as previous routing. [S--11033-2 Woodhaven Heights (with variances). 'Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April -May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. M96 Municipality P.O. 630 � Anchorage, Alaska 99519-8650 ' Telephone: (907) 343-7942 of Fax: (907) 343-7927 W **ww.ci.anchorage.ak.us Anchorage George P. Wuerch, Mayor 271!112!7- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISIONS April 16, 2003 The Municipality of Anchorage has received application relating to the following preliminary plat activify..The hearing date is Wednesday, June 04, 2003 and comments must reach our office by dday, May 15, 2003 in order to be included in the staff conditions of approval. Preliminary Plats to be heard: 510793-2 P,p New Subdivision: Little Campbell Creek Est. aka Ros Hts orig. subdii-egal:Little Campbell Creek Est. aka Ros Hts (Resubmittal as a Cluster Plat Dev) Request:To subdivide one lot Into 21 lots and one tract of land with variances from AMC 21.80.010 (Street dedication) & AMC 21.80.330 (lot frontage & access). S10919-2 oewSubdivision: Goose Lake Land Exchange & Alaska Methodist Univer N,lj, V�iirig. subdiLegai:Goose Lake Land Exchange & Alaska Methodist University . Request: To vacate an AWWU Sewer and Water easement running east to west along the northern portion of Tract 1A S11026-1 New Subdivision:Tuxedni Park West If oris. subdlLegal:Right of Way Acquisition Plat / Tuxedni Park West (REVISED) Request:To subdivide 5 tracts of land into 17 lots with the vacation of right-of-way per the Right -of -Way Aquisition Plat 86-239. 311033-2 New subdivision:Woodhaven Heights(with variances) NvoS ro-- -Lf orig. subdllegal:T11 N R3W SEC 3 Request:A resubmittal of a subdivision plat with a variance that was returned for redesign 311089-1 I New subdivision: Rogers Park (variance) (1 QST orifi. subdAwgai:Rogers Park (variance) �V Request:To subdivide two lots into one lot with a variance from AMC 21.80.300.D (Lot dimensions- width to depth) S11091-1 New subdivision: Gladys Wood Park A I 0 . Orig. subdMgai:Shady Birch Terrace Subdivision #1 9�j�C Request:To subdivide twenty one lots into one tract of land with the vacations of Altoona Drive from West 72nd to Cranberry Street, the vacation of a 10 foot walkway easement between lots 63 and 64 and the vacation of a 400' foot well easement on Block 5 S1`1094 -1 New Subdivision: East Addition A 1 O Orig. subdn.egal: East Addition Request:To vacate a 30 foot Government Pipe Line dedicated 05-08-16 S 095-1 New subdivision: South Center Subdivision 6 5 orig. subdrLegai: South Center Subdivision Request: To subdivide one lot into two lots with the removal of a restrictive plat note 311097-1 awSubdivision: Chugach Meadows 05\ rig. subdA-egal:Chugach Meadows N '� `( Request:To subdivide three lots into one lot S11098-1 Subdivision: Chugach Meadows A)A1 S rig.subdn.egai:Chugach Meadows Request:To subdivide four lots into one lot 311099.1 New subdivision: Eagle River Area High School n orig. suba1.ega1:T14N,R2W, Section 14 ' V �1\ Xo Request:To subdivide 27 lots into three tracts with the vacations of a 50 foot section line easement running parallel to the east and south boundary and a 511101-1 nn New subdivision:Tumagain View Estates Phase 7 N ' Orig. subdrLegat:Tumagain View Estates Phase 1 B Vvv Request To subdivide two tracts of land into 32 lots with vacations from a 40' buffer easement, a 20'X 35' utility easement, 10 X 15 Guy and Anchor Easement, and a �. 60'X 530' Right of Way for Mainsail Drive with variances from AMC 21.80.240, AMC Table A and 21.80.010 S11102-1 New Subdivision: Bird TLC Subdivision N ' Orig. subdMgai: BLM lots 230,230A, 242,242A, 243, & 243A, T12N R1 W SEC 33 Request:To subdivide six lots into two lots with the vacation of a 40'X 730' Right of Way Attached are copies of the proposed plats. Please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that you department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment" or "no objection". Sincerely, Jerry T. Weaver, Jr Platting Officer Enclosures SITE PLAN I I 5 m� WI I DI I I I / — I —� 4T c"04tM 2!• C,t wtit Etat CREEK I W TT C,M w t Etw �s 1 I -A-F------ u I 100' MIN SETBACK 3 i �% h I rT 'S2PTIC fFESERVP4 I I /4REA -10,000 S..� '/7 I DESIGN 1" = 100' JACK 3SUBD DON .� --------------- 11'r.,r N —L-- SURVIVOR 0 1 IR Ua Etnt I ----------I I I I I 1 i 0 PROFILE 1 -T - ISE T RES�RVEI (AREA0,000 S.FI L/ % /p.1 11/4 �Y�! T45 PROFILE 2 P r .711 TH/6 / 1 ISEPTIC SERVE I IAREA f 0,600 S.FI TRACT A o ,,o'' zip .r I m�� OCA 1 I I I C>Z zrm N � � 1 c M l' la tA -< >>a N —L-- SURVIVOR 0 1 IR Ua Etnt I ----------I I I I I 1 i 0 PROFILE 1 -T - ISE T RES�RVEI (AREA0,000 S.FI L/ % /p.1 11/4 �Y�! T45 PROFILE 2 P r .711 TH/6 / 1 ISEPTIC SERVE I IAREA f 0,600 S.FI TRACT A r zo Z o ,,o'' zip pm�o �cmZA t m�� OCA y y C>Z zrm N � 1 c ZNOmr- xOm O tA -< >>a L---T--y--• % cm�x�m ny r�Cczm Om L ` rn � ,• z � O / m; 4, w ' ?Om�OCND .P co 5 /1 T • ,' O 1 m Fr, < A p / UN -F �� jZO�y ODS_ O <m O O *Z0 3 C7 x rc� zym ? a z :u 1m n EEn O r" m m rn Z n Ct7 z Amo �O O SpA =0= CxjJ 00� ZZ ZA x -3 ZN Of 1 N 0%>:E-000 Oar" mmO to u O r zo Z pm�o �cmZA m�� OCA y y C>Z zrm N � 1 ZNOmr- xOm O tA -< >>a W rco .y ? rWm N rn o ; i c z � O m; 4, w v co 5 /1 T YV \ LOMA EST KfE S 1" = 20' DESIGN PROFILE 1,i4 r t^o �on \J1 d TNL �nVo b --1 00 00 cD cD O 00 00 cD (D O F LnOcnOLnO UlOUlOLnO 1--1 m L a L V) r.� R x ` mU ..Z1 OV n O T N N O TO n M `1 i m Y r N p O O1 O r.. W 00 00 O O Ui n N O OO O O N n gli N.